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synced 2024-06-28 05:33:29 +02:00
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return [
'auth' => [
'title' => 'Administration Area'
'field' => [
'invalid_type' => 'Invalid field type used :type.',
'options_method_invalid_model' => "The attribute ':field' does not resolve to a valid model. Try specifying the options method for model class :model explicitly.",
'options_method_not_exists' => "The model class :model must define a method :method() returning options for the ':field' form field."
'widget' => [
'not_registered' => "A widget class name ':name' has not been registered",
'not_bound' => "A widget with class name ':name' has not been bound to the controller"
'page' => [
'untitled' => 'Untitled',
'access_denied' => [
'label' => 'Access denied',
'help' => "You don't have the required permissions to view this page.",
'cms_link' => 'Return to the back-end'
'no_database' => [
'label' => 'Database missing',
'help' => "A database is required to access the back-end. Check the database is configured and migrated before trying again.",
'cms_link' => 'Return to the homepage'
'invalid_token' => [
'label' => 'Invalid security token'
'partial' => [
'not_found_name' => "The partial ':name' is not found."
'account' => [
'sign_out' => 'Sign out',
'login' => 'Login',
'reset' => 'Reset',
'restore' => 'Restore',
'login_placeholder' => 'login',
'password_placeholder' => 'password',
'forgot_password' => 'Forgot your password?',
'enter_email' => 'Enter your email',
'enter_login' => 'Enter your login',
'email_placeholder' => 'email',
'enter_new_password' => 'Enter a new password',
'password_reset' => 'Password Reset',
'restore_success' => 'Message sent to your email address with instructions.',
'restore_error' => "A user could not be found with a login value of ':login'",
'reset_success' => 'Password has been reset. You may now sign in.',
'reset_error' => 'Invalid password reset data supplied. Please try again!',
'reset_fail' => 'Unable to reset your password!',
'apply' => 'Apply',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'ok' => 'OK'
'dashboard' => [
'menu_label' => 'Dashboard',
'widget_label' => 'Widget',
'widget_width' => 'Width',
'full_width' => 'full width',
'manage_widgets' => 'Manage widgets',
'add_widget' => 'Add widget',
'widget_inspector_title' => 'Widget configuration',
'widget_inspector_description' => 'Configure the report widget',
'widget_columns_label' => 'Width :columns',
'widget_columns_description' => 'The widget width, a number between 1 and 10.',
'widget_columns_error' => 'Please enter the widget width as a number between 1 and 10.',
'columns' => '{1} column|[2,Inf] columns',
'widget_new_row_label' => 'Force new row',
'widget_new_row_description' => 'Put the widget in a new row.',
'widget_title_label' => 'Widget title',
'widget_title_error' => 'The Widget Title is required.',
'reset_layout' => 'Reset layout',
'reset_layout_confirm' => 'Reset layout back to default?',
'reset_layout_success' => 'Layout has been reset',
'make_default' => 'Make default',
'make_default_confirm' => 'Set the current layout as the default?',
'make_default_success' => 'Current layout is now the default',
'status' => [
'widget_title_default' => 'System status',
'update_available' => '{0} updates available!|{1} update available!|[2,Inf] updates available!',
'updates_pending' => 'Pending software updates',
'updates_nil' => 'Software is up to date',
'updates_link' => 'Update',
'warnings_pending' => 'Some issues need attention',
'warnings_nil' => 'No warnings to display',
'warnings_link' => 'View',
'core_build' => 'System build',
'event_log' => 'Event log',
'request_log' => 'Request log',
'app_birthday' => 'Online since',
'welcome' => [
'widget_title_default' => 'Welcome',
'welcome_back_name' => 'Welcome back to :app, :name.',
'welcome_to_name' => 'Welcome to :app, :name.',
'first_sign_in' => 'This is the first time you have signed in.',
'last_sign_in' => 'Your last sign in was',
'view_access_logs' => 'View access logs',
'nice_message' => 'Have a great day!',
'user' => [
'name' => 'Administrator',
'menu_label' => 'Administrators',
'menu_description' => 'Manage back-end administrator users, groups and permissions.',
'list_title' => 'Manage Administrators',
'new' => 'New Administrator',
'login' => 'Login',
'first_name' => 'First Name',
'last_name' => 'Last Name',
'full_name' => 'Full Name',
'email' => 'Email',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'groups_comment' => 'Specify which groups the account should belong to. Groups define user permissions, which can be overriden on the user level, on the Permissions tab.',
'avatar' => 'Avatar',
'password' => 'Password',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirm Password',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'account' => 'Account',
'superuser' => 'Super User',
'superuser_comment' => 'Grants this account unlimited access to all areas of the system. Super users can add and manage other users. ',
'send_invite' => 'Send invitation by email',
'send_invite_comment' => 'Sends a welcome message containing login and password information.',
'delete_confirm' => 'Delete this administrator?',
'return' => 'Return to admin list',
'allow' => 'Allow',
'inherit' => 'Inherit',
'deny' => 'Deny',
'activated' => 'Activated',
'last_login' => 'Last login',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'updated_at' => 'Updated at',
'group' => [
'name' => 'Group',
'name_comment' => 'The name is displayed in the group list on the Create/Edit Administrator form.',
'name_field' => 'Name',
'description_field' => 'Description',
'is_new_user_default_field_label' => 'Default group',
'is_new_user_default_field_comment' => 'Add new administrators to this group by default',
'code_field' => 'Code',
'code_comment' => 'Enter a unique code if you want to access the group object with the API.',
'menu_label' => 'Manage Groups',
'list_title' => 'Manage Groups',
'new' => 'New Group',
'delete_confirm' => 'Delete this administrator group?',
'return' => 'Return to group list',
'users_count' => 'Users'
'preferences' => [
'not_authenticated' => 'There is no an authenticated user to load or save preferences for.'
'list' => [
'default_title' => 'List',
'search_prompt' => 'Search...',
'no_records' => 'There are no records in this view.',
'missing_model' => 'List behavior used in :class does not have a model defined.',
'missing_column' => 'There are no column definitions for :columns.',
'missing_columns' => 'List used in :class has no list columns defined.',
'missing_definition' => "List behavior does not contain a column for ':field'.",
'missing_parent_definition' => "List behavior does not contain a definition for ':definition'.",
'behavior_not_ready' => 'List behavior has not been initialized, check that you have called makeLists() in your controller.',
'invalid_column_datetime' => "Column value ':column' is not a DateTime object, are you missing a \$dates reference in the Model?",
'pagination' => 'Displayed records: :from-:to of :total',
'first_page' => 'First page',
'last_page' => 'Last page',
'prev_page' => 'Previous page',
'next_page' => 'Next page',
'refresh' => 'Refresh',
'updating' => 'Updating...',
'loading' => 'Loading...',
'setup_title' => 'List setup',
'setup_help' => 'Use checkboxes to select columns you want to see in the list. You can change position of columns by dragging them up or down.',
'records_per_page' => 'Records per page',
'records_per_page_help' => 'Select the number of records per page to display. Please note that high number of records on a single page can reduce performance.',
'check' => 'Check',
'delete_selected' => 'Delete selected',
'delete_selected_empty' => 'There are no selected records to delete.',
'delete_selected_confirm' => 'Delete the selected records?',
'delete_selected_success' => 'Deleted selected records.',
'column_switch_true' => 'Yes',
'column_switch_false' => 'No'
'fileupload' => [
'attachment' => 'Attachment',
'help' => 'Add a title and description for this attachment.',
'title_label' => 'Title',
'description_label' => 'Description',
'default_prompt' => 'Click the %s or drag a file here to upload',
'attachment_url' => 'Attachment URL',
'upload_file' => 'Upload file',
'upload_error' => 'Upload error',
'remove_confirm' => 'Are you sure?',
'remove_file' => 'Remove file'
'form' => [
'create_title' => 'New :name',
'update_title' => 'Edit :name',
'preview_title' => 'Preview :name',
'create_success' => ':name created',
'update_success' => ':name updated',
'delete_success' => ':name deleted',
'reset_success' => 'Reset complete',
'missing_id' => 'Form record ID has not been specified.',
'missing_model' => 'Form behavior used in :class does not have a model defined.',
'missing_definition' => "Form behavior does not contain a field for ':field'.",
'not_found' => 'Form record with an ID of :id could not be found.',
'action_confirm' => 'Are you sure?',
'create' => 'Create',
'create_and_close' => 'Create and close',
'creating' => 'Creating...',
'creating_name' => 'Creating :name...',
'save' => 'Save',
'save_and_close' => 'Save and close',
'saving' => 'Saving...',
'saving_name' => 'Saving :name...',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'deleting' => 'Deleting...',
'confirm_delete' => 'Delete record?',
'confirm_delete_multiple' => 'Delete selected records?',
'deleting_name' => 'Deleting :name...',
'reset_default' => 'Reset to default',
'resetting' => 'Resetting',
'resetting_name' => 'Resetting :name',
'undefined_tab' => 'Misc',
'field_off' => 'Off',
'field_on' => 'On',
'add' => 'Add',
'apply' => 'Apply',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'close' => 'Close',
'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'reload' => 'Reload',
'complete' => 'Complete',
'ok' => 'OK',
'or' => 'or',
'confirm_tab_close' => 'Close the tab? Unsaved changes will be lost.',
'behavior_not_ready' => 'Form behavior has not been initialized, check that you have called initForm() in your controller.',
'preview_no_files_message' => 'There are no files uploaded.',
'preview_no_record_message' => 'There is no record selected.',
'select' => 'Select',
'select_all' => 'all',
'select_none' => 'none',
'select_placeholder' => 'please select',
'insert_row' => 'Insert Row',
'insert_row_below' => 'Insert Row Below',
'delete_row' => 'Delete Row',
'concurrency_file_changed_title' => 'File was changed',
'concurrency_file_changed_description' => "The file you're editing has been changed on disk by another user. You can either reload the file and lose your changes or override the file on the disk.",
'return_to_list' => 'Return to the list'
'recordfinder' => [
'find_record' => 'Find Record'
'pagelist' => [
'page_link' => 'Page link',
'select_page' => 'Select a page...'
'relation' => [
'missing_config' => "Relation behavior does not have any configuration for ':config'.",
'missing_definition' => "Relation behavior does not contain a definition for ':field'.",
'missing_model' => 'Relation behavior used in :class does not have a model defined.',
'invalid_action_single' => 'This action cannot be performed on a singular relationship.',
'invalid_action_multi' => 'This action cannot be performed on a multiple relationship.',
'help' => 'Click on an item to add',
'related_data' => 'Related :name data',
'add' => 'Add',
'add_selected' => 'Add selected',
'add_a_new' => 'Add a new :name',
'link_selected' => 'Link selected',
'link_a_new' => 'Link a new :name',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'close' => 'Close',
'add_name' => 'Add :name',
'create' => 'Create',
'create_name' => 'Create :name',
'update' => 'Update',
'update_name' => 'Update :name',
'preview' => 'Preview',
'preview_name' => 'Preview :name',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'remove_name' => 'Remove :name',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'delete_name' => 'Delete :name',
'delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure?',
'link' => 'Link',
'link_name' => 'Link :name',
'unlink' => 'Unlink',
'unlink_name' => 'Unlink :name',
'unlink_confirm' => 'Are you sure?'
'reorder' => [
'default_title' => 'Reorder records',
'no_records' => 'There are no records available to sort.'
'model' => [
'name' => 'Model',
'not_found' => "Model ':class' with an ID of :id could not be found",
'missing_id' => 'There is no ID specified for looking up the model record.',
'missing_relation' => "Model ':class' does not contain a definition for ':relation'.",
'missing_method' => "Model ':class' does not contain a method ':method'.",
'invalid_class' => "Model :model used in :class is not valid, it must inherit the \Model class.",
'mass_assignment_failed' => "Mass assignment failed for Model attribute ':attribute'."
'warnings' => [
'tips' => 'System configuration tips',
'tips_description' => 'There are issues you need to pay attention to in order to configure the system properly.',
'permissions' => 'Directory :name or its subdirectories is not writable for PHP. Please set corresponding permissions for the webserver on this directory.',
'extension' => 'The PHP extension :name is not installed. Please install this library and activate the extension.'
'editor' => [
'menu_label' => 'Editor settings',
'menu_description' => 'Customize the global editor preferences, such as font size and color scheme.',
'font_size' => 'Font size',
'tab_size' => 'Tab size',
'use_hard_tabs' => 'Indent using tabs',
'code_folding' => 'Code folding',
'code_folding_begin' => 'Mark begin',
'code_folding_begin_end' => 'Mark begin and end',
'autocompletion' => 'Autocompletion',
'word_wrap' => 'Word wrap',
'highlight_active_line' => 'Highlight active line',
'auto_closing' => 'Automatically close tags',
'show_invisibles' => 'Show invisible characters',
'show_gutter' => 'Show gutter',
'basic_autocompletion'=> 'Basic Autocompletion (Ctrl + Space)',
'live_autocompletion'=> 'Live Autocompletion',
'enable_snippets'=> 'Enable code snippets (Tab)',
'display_indent_guides'=> 'Show indent guides',
'show_print_margin'=> 'Show print margin',
'mode_off' => 'Off',
'mode_fluid' => 'Fluid',
'40_characters' => '40 Characters',
'80_characters' => '80 Characters',
'theme' => 'Color scheme',
'markup_styles' => 'Markup Styles',
'custom_styles' => 'Custom stylesheet',
'custom styles_comment' => 'Custom styles to include in the HTML editor.',
'markup_classes' => 'Markup Classes',
'paragraph' => 'Paragraph',
'link' => 'Link',
'table' => 'Table',
'table_cell' => 'Table Cell',
'image' => 'Image',
'label' => 'Label',
'class_name' => 'Class name',
'markup_tags' => 'Markup Tags',
'allowed_empty_tags' => 'Allowed empty tags',
'allowed_empty_tags_comment' => 'The list of tags that are not removed when they have no content inside.',
'allowed_tags' => 'Allowed tags',
'allowed_tags_comment' => 'The list of allowed tags.',
'no_wrap' => 'Do not wrap tags',
'no_wrap_comment' => 'The list of tags that should not be wrapped inside block tags.',
'remove_tags' => 'Remove tags',
'remove_tags_comment' => 'The list of tags that are removed together with their content.'
'tooltips' => [
'preview_website' => 'Preview the website'
'mysettings' => [
'menu_label' => 'My Settings',
'menu_description' => 'Settings related to your administration account'
'myaccount' => [
'menu_label' => 'My account',
'menu_description' => 'Update your account details such as name, email address and password.',
'menu_keywords' => 'security login'
'branding' => [
'menu_label' => 'Customize back-end',
'menu_description' => 'Customize the administration area such as name, colors and logo.',
'brand' => 'Brand',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'logo_description' => 'Upload a custom logo to use in the back-end.',
'app_name' => 'App Name',
'app_name_description' => 'This name is shown in the title area of the back-end.',
'app_tagline' => 'App Tagline',
'app_tagline_description' => 'This name is shown on the sign in screen for the back-end.',
'colors' => 'Colors',
'primary_color' => 'Primary color',
'secondary_color' => 'Secondary color',
'accent_color' => 'Accent color',
'styles' => 'Styles',
'custom_stylesheet' => 'Custom stylesheet',
'navigation' => 'Navigation',
'menu_mode' => 'Menu style',
'menu_mode_inline' => 'Inline',
'menu_mode_tile' => 'Tiles',
'menu_mode_collapsed' => 'Collapsed'
'backend_preferences' => [
'menu_label' => 'Back-end preferences',
'menu_description' => 'Manage your account preferences such as desired language.',
'region' => 'Region',
'code_editor' => 'Code editor',
'timezone' => 'Timezone',
'timezone_comment' => 'Adjust displayed dates to this timezone.',
'locale' => 'Locale',
'locale_comment' => 'Select your desired locale for language use.'
'access_log' => [
'hint' => 'This log displays a list of successful sign in attempts by administrators. Records are kept for a total of :days days.',
'menu_label' => 'Access log',
'menu_description' => 'View a list of successful back-end user sign ins.',
'created_at' => 'Date & Time',
'login' => 'Login',
'ip_address' => 'IP address',
'first_name' => 'First name',
'last_name' => 'Last name',
'email' => 'Email'
'filter' => [
'all' => 'all',
'options_method_not_exists' => "The model class :model must define a method :method() returning options for the ':filter' filter.",
'date_all' => 'all period'
'import_export' => [
'upload_csv_file' => '1. Upload a CSV file',
'import_file' => 'Import file',
'first_row_contains_titles' => 'First row contains column titles',
'first_row_contains_titles_desc' => 'Leave this checked if the first row in the CSV is used as the column titles.',
'match_columns' => '2. Match the file columns to database fields',
'file_columns' => 'File columns',
'database_fields' => 'Database fields',
'set_import_options' => '3. Set import options',
'export_output_format' => '1. Export output format',
'file_format' => 'File format',
'standard_format' => 'Standard format',
'custom_format' => 'Custom format',
'delimiter_char' => 'Delimiter character',
'enclosure_char' => 'Enclosure character',
'escape_char' => 'Escape character',
'select_columns' => '2. Select columns to export',
'column' => 'Column',
'columns' => 'Columns',
'set_export_options' => '3. Set export options',
'show_ignored_columns' => 'Show ignored columns',
'auto_match_columns' => 'Auto match columns',
'created' => 'Created',
'updated' => 'Updated',
'skipped' => 'Skipped',
'warnings' => 'Warnings',
'errors' => 'Errors',
'skipped_rows' => 'Skipped Rows',
'import_progress' => 'Import progress',
'processing' => 'Processing',
'import_error' => 'Import error',
'upload_valid_csv' => 'Please upload a valid CSV file.',
'drop_column_here' => 'Drop column here...',
'ignore_this_column' => 'Ignore this column',
'processing_successful_line1' => 'File export process completed!',
'processing_successful_line2' => 'The browser will now redirect to the file download.',
'export_progress' => 'Export progress',
'export_error' => 'Export error',
'column_preview' => 'Column preview',
'file_not_found_error' => 'File not found',
'empty_error' => 'There was no data supplied to export',
'empty_import_columns_error' => 'Please specify some columns to import.',
'match_some_column_error' => 'Please match some columns first.',
'required_match_column_error' => 'Please specify a match for the required field :label.',
'empty_export_columns_error' => 'Please specify some columns to export.',
'behavior_missing_uselist_error' => 'You must implement the controller behavior ListController with the export "useList" option enabled.',
'missing_model_class_error' => 'Please specify the modelClass property for :type',
'missing_column_id_error' => 'Missing column identifier',
'unknown_column_error' => 'Unknown column',
'encoding_not_supported_error' => 'Source file encoding is not recognized. Please select the custom file format option with the proper encoding to import your file.',
'encoding_format' => 'File encoding',
'encodings' => [
'utf_8' => 'UTF-8',
'us_ascii' => 'US-ASCII',
'iso_8859_1' => 'ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1, Western European)',
'iso_8859_2' => 'ISO-8859-2 (Latin-2, Central European)',
'iso_8859_3' => 'ISO-8859-3 (Latin-3, South European)',
'iso_8859_4' => 'ISO-8859-4 (Latin-4, North European)',
'iso_8859_5' => 'ISO-8859-5 (Latin, Cyrillic)',
'iso_8859_6' => 'ISO-8859-6 (Latin, Arabic)',
'iso_8859_7' => 'ISO-8859-7 (Latin, Greek)',
'iso_8859_8' => 'ISO-8859-8 (Latin, Hebrew)',
'iso_8859_0' => 'ISO-8859-9 (Latin-5, Turkish)',
'iso_8859_10' => 'ISO-8859-10 (Latin-6, Nordic)',
'iso_8859_11' => 'ISO-8859-11 (Latin, Thai)',
'iso_8859_13' => 'ISO-8859-13 (Latin-7, Baltic Rim)',
'iso_8859_14' => 'ISO-8859-14 (Latin-8, Celtic)',
'iso_8859_15' => 'ISO-8859-15 (Latin-9, Western European revision with euro sign)',
'windows_1251' => 'Windows-1251 (CP1251)',
'windows_1252' => 'Windows-1252 (CP1252)'