
76 lines
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<?php namespace System\Twig;
use URL;
use Twig_Extension;
use Twig_TokenParser;
use Twig_SimpleFilter;
use Twig_SimpleFunction;
use System\Classes\ApplicationException;
* The System Twig extension class implements common Twig functions and filters.
* @package october\system
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class Extension extends Twig_Extension
* Creates the extension instance.
public function __construct(){}
* Returns the name of the extension.
* @return string The extension name
public function getName()
return 'System';
* Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.
* @return array An array of functions
public function getFunctions()
return [];
* Returns a list of filters this extensions provides.
* @return array An array of filters
public function getFilters()
$filters = [
new Twig_SimpleFilter('app', [$this, 'appFilter'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]),
return $filters;
* Returns a list of token parsers this extensions provides.
* @return array An array of token parsers
public function getTokenParsers()
return [];
* Converts supplied URL to one relative to the website root.
* @param mixed $url Specifies the application-relative URL
* @return string
public function appFilter($url)
return URL::to($url);