Samuel Georges adb303a53c Always sort plugins by key, then dependencies
This has been benchmarked and appears to have minimal impact on performance and solves unnecessary randomness and race conditions during the app's registration and boot cycle

Fixes #4826
2019-12-21 20:50:28 +11:00

1014 lines
26 KiB

<?php namespace System\Classes;
use App;
use Url;
use File;
use Lang;
use Http;
use Cache;
use Schema;
use Config;
use ApplicationException;
use Cms\Classes\ThemeManager;
use System\Models\Parameter;
use System\Models\PluginVersion;
use System\Helpers\Cache as CacheHelper;
use October\Rain\Filesystem\Zip;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Exception;
* Update manager
* Handles the CMS install and update process.
* @package october\system
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class UpdateManager
use \October\Rain\Support\Traits\Singleton;
* @var array The notes for the current operation.
protected $notes = [];
* @var \Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle
protected $notesOutput;
* @var string Application base path.
protected $baseDirectory;
* @var string A temporary working directory.
protected $tempDirectory;
* @var System\Classes\PluginManager
protected $pluginManager;
* @var Cms\Classes\ThemeManager
protected $themeManager;
* @var System\Classes\VersionManager
protected $versionManager;
* @var string Secure API Key
protected $key;
* @var string Secure API Secret
protected $secret;
* @var boolean If set to true, core updates will not be downloaded or extracted.
protected $disableCoreUpdates = false;
* @var array Cache of gateway products
protected $productCache;
* @var Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator
protected $migrator;
* @var Illuminate\Database\Migrations\DatabaseMigrationRepository
protected $repository;
* Initialize this singleton.
protected function init()
$this->pluginManager = PluginManager::instance();
$this->themeManager = class_exists(ThemeManager::class) ? ThemeManager::instance() : null;
$this->versionManager = VersionManager::instance();
$this->tempDirectory = temp_path();
$this->baseDirectory = base_path();
$this->disableCoreUpdates = Config::get('cms.disableCoreUpdates', false);
* Ensure temp directory exists
if (!File::isDirectory($this->tempDirectory)) {
File::makeDirectory($this->tempDirectory, 0777, true);
* These objects are "soft singletons" and may be lost when
* the IoC container reboots. This provides a way to rebuild
* for the purposes of unit testing.
public function bindContainerObjects()
$this->migrator = App::make('migrator');
$this->repository = App::make('migration.repository');
* Creates the migration table and updates
* @return self
public function update()
$firstUp = !Schema::hasTable($this->getMigrationTableName());
if ($firstUp) {
$this->note('Migration table created');
* Update modules
$modules = Config::get('cms.loadModules', []);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
* Update plugins
$plugins = $this->pluginManager->getPlugins();
foreach ($plugins as $code => $plugin) {
Parameter::set('system::update.count', 0);
* Seed modules
if ($firstUp) {
$modules = Config::get('cms.loadModules', []);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
return $this;
* Checks for new updates and returns the amount of unapplied updates.
* Only requests from the server at a set interval (retry timer).
* @param boolean $force Ignore the retry timer.
* @return int Number of unapplied updates.
public function check($force = false)
* Already know about updates, never retry.
$oldCount = Parameter::get('system::update.count');
if ($oldCount > 0) {
return $oldCount;
* Retry period not passed, skipping.
if (!$force
&& ($retryTimestamp = Parameter::get('system::update.retry'))
&& Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($retryTimestamp)->isFuture()
) {
return $oldCount;
try {
$result = $this->requestUpdateList();
$newCount = array_get($result, 'update', 0);
catch (Exception $ex) {
$newCount = 0;
* Remember update count, set retry date
Parameter::set('system::update.count', $newCount);
Parameter::set('system::update.retry', Carbon::now()->addHours(24)->timestamp);
return $newCount;
* Requests an update list used for checking for new updates.
* @param boolean $force Request application and plugins hash list regardless of version.
* @return array
public function requestUpdateList($force = false)
$installed = PluginVersion::all();
$versions = $installed->lists('version', 'code');
$names = $installed->lists('name', 'code');
$icons = $installed->lists('icon', 'code');
$frozen = $installed->lists('is_frozen', 'code');
$updatable = $installed->lists('is_updatable', 'code');
$build = Parameter::get('');
$themes = [];
if ($this->themeManager) {
$themes = array_keys($this->themeManager->getInstalled());
$params = [
'core' => $this->getHash(),
'plugins' => serialize($versions),
'themes' => serialize($themes),
'build' => $build,
'force' => $force
$result = $this->requestServerData('core/update', $params);
$updateCount = (int) array_get($result, 'update', 0);
* Inject known core build
if ($core = array_get($result, 'core')) {
$core['old_build'] = Parameter::get('');
$result['core'] = $core;
* Inject the application's known plugin name and version
$plugins = [];
foreach (array_get($result, 'plugins', []) as $code => $info) {
$info['name'] = $names[$code] ?? $code;
$info['old_version'] = $versions[$code] ?? false;
$info['icon'] = $icons[$code] ?? false;
* If a plugin has updates frozen, or cannot be updated,
* do not add to the list and discount an update unit.
if (
(isset($frozen[$code]) && $frozen[$code]) ||
(isset($updatable[$code]) && !$updatable[$code])
) {
$updateCount = max(0, --$updateCount);
else {
$plugins[$code] = $info;
$result['plugins'] = $plugins;
* Strip out themes that have been installed before
if ($this->themeManager) {
$themes = [];
foreach (array_get($result, 'themes', []) as $code => $info) {
if (!$this->themeManager->isInstalled($code)) {
$themes[$code] = $info;
$result['themes'] = $themes;
* If there is a core update and core updates are disabled,
* remove the entry and discount an update unit.
if (array_get($result, 'core') && $this->disableCoreUpdates) {
$updateCount = max(0, --$updateCount);
* Recalculate the update counter
$updateCount += count($themes);
$result['hasUpdates'] = $updateCount > 0;
$result['update'] = $updateCount;
Parameter::set('system::update.count', $updateCount);
return $result;
* Requests details about a project based on its identifier.
* @param string $projectId
* @return array
public function requestProjectDetails($projectId)
return $this->requestServerData('project/detail', ['id' => $projectId]);
* Roll back all modules and plugins.
* @return self
public function uninstall()
* Rollback plugins
$plugins = $this->pluginManager->getPlugins();
foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) {
* Register module migration files
$paths = [];
$modules = Config::get('cms.loadModules', []);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$paths[] = $path = base_path() . '/modules/'.strtolower($module).'/database/migrations';
* Rollback modules
while (true) {
$rolledBack = $this->migrator->rollback($paths, ['pretend' => false]);
foreach ($this->migrator->getNotes() as $note) {
if (count($rolledBack) == 0) {
return $this;
* Asks the gateway for the lastest build number and stores it.
* @return void
public function setBuildNumberManually()
$postData = [];
if (Config::get('cms.edgeUpdates', false)) {
$postData['edge'] = 1;
$result = $this->requestServerData('ping', $postData);
$build = (int) array_get($result, 'pong', 420);
return $build;
// Modules
* Returns the currently installed system hash.
* @return string
public function getHash()
return Parameter::get('system::core.hash', md5('NULL'));
* Run migrations on a single module
* @param string $module Module name
* @return self
public function migrateModule($module)
$this->migrator->run(base_path() . '/modules/'.strtolower($module).'/database/migrations');
foreach ($this->migrator->getNotes() as $note) {
$this->note(' - '.$note);
return $this;
* Run seeds on a module
* @param string $module Module name
* @return self
public function seedModule($module)
$className = '\\'.$module.'\Database\Seeds\DatabaseSeeder';
if (!class_exists($className)) {
$seeder = App::make($className);
$this->note(sprintf('<info>Seeded %s</info> ', $module));
return $this;
* Downloads the core from the update server.
* @param string $hash Expected file hash.
* @return void
public function downloadCore($hash)
$this->requestServerFile('core/get', 'core', $hash, ['type' => 'update']);
* Extracts the core after it has been downloaded.
* @return void
public function extractCore()
$filePath = $this->getFilePath('core');
if (!Zip::extract($filePath, $this->baseDirectory)) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('', ['file' => $filePath]));
* Sets the build number and hash
* @param string $hash
* @param string $build
* @return void
public function setBuild($build, $hash = null)
$params = [
'' => $build
if ($hash) {
$params['system::core.hash'] = $hash;
// Plugins
* Looks up a plugin from the update server.
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @return array Details about the plugin.
public function requestPluginDetails($name)
return $this->requestServerData('plugin/detail', ['name' => $name]);
* Looks up content for a plugin from the update server.
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @return array Content for the plugin.
public function requestPluginContent($name)
return $this->requestServerData('plugin/content', ['name' => $name]);
* Runs update on a single plugin
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @return self
public function updatePlugin($name)
* Update the plugin database and version
if (!($plugin = $this->pluginManager->findByIdentifier($name))) {
$this->note('<error>Unable to find:</error> ' . $name);
if ($this->versionManager->updatePlugin($plugin) !== false) {
foreach ($this->versionManager->getNotes() as $note) {
return $this;
* Removes an existing plugin
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @return self
public function rollbackPlugin($name)
* Remove the plugin database and version
if (!($plugin = $this->pluginManager->findByIdentifier($name))
&& $this->versionManager->purgePlugin($name)
) {
$this->note('<info>Purged from database:</info> ' . $name);
return $this;
if ($this->versionManager->removePlugin($plugin)) {
$this->note('<info>Rolled back:</info> ' . $name);
return $this;
$this->note('<error>Unable to find:</error> ' . $name);
return $this;
* Downloads a plugin from the update server.
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @param string $hash Expected file hash.
* @param boolean $installation Indicates whether this is a plugin installation request.
* @return self
public function downloadPlugin($name, $hash, $installation = false)
$fileCode = $name . $hash;
$this->requestServerFile('plugin/get', $fileCode, $hash, [
'name' => $name,
'installation' => $installation ? 1 : 0
* Extracts a plugin after it has been downloaded.
public function extractPlugin($name, $hash)
$fileCode = $name . $hash;
$filePath = $this->getFilePath($fileCode);
if (!Zip::extract($filePath, $this->baseDirectory . '/plugins/')) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('', ['file' => $filePath]));
// Themes
* Looks up a theme from the update server.
* @param string $name Theme name.
* @return array Details about the theme.
public function requestThemeDetails($name)
return $this->requestServerData('theme/detail', ['name' => $name]);
* Downloads a theme from the update server.
* @param string $name Theme name.
* @param string $hash Expected file hash.
* @return self
public function downloadTheme($name, $hash)
$fileCode = $name . $hash;
$this->requestServerFile('theme/get', $fileCode, $hash, ['name' => $name]);
* Extracts a theme after it has been downloaded.
public function extractTheme($name, $hash)
$fileCode = $name . $hash;
$filePath = $this->getFilePath($fileCode);
if (!Zip::extract($filePath, $this->baseDirectory . '/themes/')) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('', ['file' => $filePath]));
if ($this->themeManager) {
// Products
public function requestProductDetails($codes, $type = null)
if ($type != 'plugin' && $type != 'theme') {
$type = 'plugin';
$codes = (array) $codes;
* New products requested
$newCodes = array_diff($codes, array_keys($this->productCache[$type]));
if (count($newCodes)) {
$dataCodes = [];
$data = $this->requestServerData($type.'/details', ['names' => $newCodes]);
foreach ($data as $product) {
$code = array_get($product, 'code', -1);
$this->cacheProductDetail($type, $code, $product);
$dataCodes[] = $code;
* Cache unknown products
$unknownCodes = array_diff($newCodes, $dataCodes);
foreach ($unknownCodes as $code) {
$this->cacheProductDetail($type, $code, -1);
* Build details from cache
$result = [];
$requestedDetails = array_intersect_key($this->productCache[$type], array_flip($codes));
foreach ($requestedDetails as $detail) {
if ($detail === -1) {
$result[] = $detail;
return $result;
* Returns popular themes found on the marketplace.
public function requestPopularProducts($type = null)
if ($type != 'plugin' && $type != 'theme') {
$type = 'plugin';
$cacheKey = 'system-updates-popular-'.$type;
if (Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
return @unserialize(@base64_decode(Cache::get($cacheKey))) ?: [];
$data = $this->requestServerData($type.'/popular');
Cache::put($cacheKey, base64_encode(serialize($data)), 60);
foreach ($data as $product) {
$code = array_get($product, 'code', -1);
$this->cacheProductDetail($type, $code, $product);
return $data;
protected function loadProductDetailCache()
$defaultCache = ['theme' => [], 'plugin' => []];
$cacheKey = 'system-updates-product-details';
if (Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
$this->productCache = @unserialize(@base64_decode(Cache::get($cacheKey))) ?: $defaultCache;
else {
$this->productCache = $defaultCache;
protected function saveProductDetailCache()
if ($this->productCache === null) {
$cacheKey = 'system-updates-product-details';
$expiresAt = Carbon::now()->addDays(2);
Cache::put($cacheKey, base64_encode(serialize($this->productCache)), $expiresAt);
protected function cacheProductDetail($type, $code, $data)
if ($this->productCache === null) {
$this->productCache[$type][$code] = $data;
// Changelog
* Returns the latest changelog information.
public function requestChangelog()
$result = Http::get('');
if ($result->code == 404) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_empty'));
if ($result->code != 200) {
throw new ApplicationException(
? $result->body
: Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_empty')
try {
$resultData = json_decode($result->body, true);
catch (Exception $ex) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_invalid'));
return $resultData;
// Notes
* Raise a note event for the migrator.
* @param string $message
* @return self
protected function note($message)
if ($this->notesOutput !== null) {
else {
$this->notes[] = $message;
return $this;
* Get the notes for the last operation.
* @return array
public function getNotes()
return $this->notes;
* Resets the notes store.
* @return self
public function resetNotes()
$this->notesOutput = null;
$this->notes = [];
return $this;
* Sets an output stream for writing notes.
* @param Illuminate\Console\Command $output
* @return self
public function setNotesOutput($output)
$this->notesOutput = $output;
return $this;
// Gateway access
* Contacts the update server for a response.
* @param string $uri Gateway API URI
* @param array $postData Extra post data
* @return array
public function requestServerData($uri, $postData = [])
$result = Http::post($this->createServerUrl($uri), function ($http) use ($postData) {
$this->applyHttpAttributes($http, $postData);
if ($result->code == 404) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_not_found'));
if ($result->code != 200) {
throw new ApplicationException(
? $result->body
: Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_empty')
$resultData = false;
try {
$resultData = @json_decode($result->body, true);
catch (Exception $ex) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_invalid'));
if ($resultData === false || (is_string($resultData) && !strlen($resultData))) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_invalid'));
return $resultData;
* Downloads a file from the update server.
* @param string $uri Gateway API URI
* @param string $fileCode A unique code for saving the file.
* @param string $expectedHash The expected file hash of the file.
* @param array $postData Extra post data
* @return void
public function requestServerFile($uri, $fileCode, $expectedHash, $postData = [])
$filePath = $this->getFilePath($fileCode);
$result = Http::post($this->createServerUrl($uri), function ($http) use ($postData, $filePath) {
$this->applyHttpAttributes($http, $postData);
if ($result->code != 200) {
throw new ApplicationException(File::get($filePath));
if (md5_file($filePath) != $expectedHash) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.file_corrupt'));
* Calculates a file path for a file code
* @param string $fileCode A unique file code
* @return string Full path on the disk
protected function getFilePath($fileCode)
$name = md5($fileCode) . '.arc';
return $this->tempDirectory . '/' . $name;
* Set the API security for all transmissions.
* @param string $key API Key
* @param string $secret API Secret
public function setSecurity($key, $secret)
$this->key = $key;
$this->secret = $secret;
* Create a complete gateway server URL from supplied URI
* @param string $uri URI
* @return string URL
protected function createServerUrl($uri)
$gateway = Config::get('cms.updateServer', '');
if (substr($gateway, -1) != '/') {
$gateway .= '/';
return $gateway . $uri;
* Modifies the Network HTTP object with common attributes.
* @param Http $http Network object
* @param array $postData Post data
* @return void
protected function applyHttpAttributes($http, $postData)
$postData['protocol_version'] = '1.1';
$postData['client'] = 'october';
$postData['server'] = base64_encode(serialize([
'php' => PHP_VERSION,
'url' => Url::to('/'),
'since' => PluginVersion::orderBy('created_at')->value('created_at')
if ($projectId = Parameter::get('')) {
$postData['project'] = $projectId;
if (Config::get('cms.edgeUpdates', false)) {
$postData['edge'] = 1;
if ($this->key && $this->secret) {
$postData['nonce'] = $this->createNonce();
$http->header('Rest-Key', $this->key);
$http->header('Rest-Sign', $this->createSignature($postData, $this->secret));
if ($credentials = Config::get('cms.updateAuth')) {
* Create a nonce based on millisecond time
* @return int
protected function createNonce()
$mt = explode(' ', microtime());
return $mt[1] . substr($mt[0], 2, 6);
* Create a unique signature for transmission.
* @return string
protected function createSignature($data, $secret)
return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha512', http_build_query($data, '', '&'), base64_decode($secret), true));
* @return string
public function getMigrationTableName()
return Config::get('database.migrations', 'migrations');