Samuel Georges d472a0b0a8 Core updates now support !!! (important)
There have been some small internal API changes that have been causing grief for some users. While all updates are technically "safe", user workarounds and custom implementations can never be predicted with certainty. This change will allow us to say with confidence, either

- Yep, no worries this is a safe update. Relax. Versus;
- Might want to watch this one, just in case.
2017-04-01 12:07:24 +11:00

999 lines
29 KiB

<?php namespace System\Controllers;
use Str;
use Lang;
use Html;
use Yaml;
use File;
use Flash;
use Config;
use Backend;
use Markdown;
use Redirect;
use Response;
use BackendMenu;
use Cms\Classes\ThemeManager;
use Backend\Classes\Controller;
use System\Models\Parameter;
use System\Models\PluginVersion;
use System\Classes\UpdateManager;
use System\Classes\PluginManager;
use System\Classes\SettingsManager;
use ApplicationException;
use Exception;
* Updates controller
* @package october\system
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class Updates extends Controller
public $implement = ['Backend.Behaviors.ListController'];
public $requiredPermissions = ['system.manage_updates'];
public $listConfig = ['list' => 'config_list.yaml', 'manage' => 'config_manage_list.yaml'];
public function __construct()
$this->addJs('/modules/system/assets/js/updates/updates.js', 'core');
$this->addCss('/modules/system/assets/css/updates/updates.css', 'core');
BackendMenu::setContext('October.System', 'system', 'updates');
SettingsManager::setContext('October.System', 'updates');
if ($this->getAjaxHandler() == 'onExecuteStep') {
$this->useSecurityToken = false;
* Index controller
public function index()
$this->vars['coreBuild'] = Parameter::get('');
$this->vars['projectId'] = Parameter::get('');
$this->vars['projectName'] = Parameter::get('');
$this->vars['projectOwner'] = Parameter::get('system::project.owner');
$this->vars['pluginsActiveCount'] = PluginVersion::applyEnabled()->count();
$this->vars['pluginsCount'] = PluginVersion::count();
return $this->asExtension('ListController')->index();
* Plugin manage controller
public function manage()
$this->pageTitle = 'system::lang.plugins.manage';
return $this->asExtension('ListController')->index();
* Install new plugins / themes
public function install($tab = null)
if (get('search')) {
return Response::make($this->onSearchProducts());
try {
$this->bodyClass = 'compact-container breadcrumb-flush';
$this->pageTitle = 'system::lang.plugins.install_products';
$this->addJs('/modules/system/assets/js/updates/install.js', 'core');
$this->addCss('/modules/system/assets/css/updates/install.css', 'core');
$this->vars['activeTab'] = $tab ?: 'plugins';
$this->vars['installedPlugins'] = $this->getInstalledPlugins();
$this->vars['installedThemes'] = $this->getInstalledThemes();
catch (Exception $ex) {
public function details($urlCode = null, $tab = null)
try {
$this->pageTitle = 'system::lang.updates.details_title';
$this->addJs('/modules/system/assets/js/updates/details.js', 'core');
$this->addCss('/modules/system/assets/css/updates/details.css', 'core');
$readmeFiles = ['', ''];
$upgradeFiles = ['', ''];
$licenceFiles = ['', '', '', ''];
$readme = $changelog = $upgrades = $licence = $name = null;
$code = str_replace('-', '.', $urlCode);
* Lookup the plugin
$manager = PluginManager::instance();
$plugin = $manager->findByIdentifier($code);
$code = $manager->getIdentifier($plugin);
$path = $manager->getPluginPath($plugin);
if ($path && $plugin) {
$details = $plugin->pluginDetails();
$readme = $this->getPluginMarkdownFile($path, $readmeFiles);
$changelog = $this->getPluginVersionFile($path, 'updates/version.yaml');
$upgrades = $this->getPluginMarkdownFile($path, $upgradeFiles);
$licence = $this->getPluginMarkdownFile($path, $licenceFiles);
$pluginVersion = PluginVersion::whereCode($code)->first();
$this->vars['pluginName'] = array_get($details, 'name', 'system::lang.plugin.unnamed');
$this->vars['pluginVersion'] = $pluginVersion ? $pluginVersion->version : '???';
$this->vars['pluginAuthor'] = array_get($details, 'author');
$this->vars['pluginIcon'] = array_get($details, 'icon', 'icon-leaf');
$this->vars['pluginHomepage'] = array_get($details, 'homepage');
else {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.updates.plugin_not_found'));
* Fetch from server
if (get('fetch')) {
$fetchedContent = UpdateManager::instance()->requestPluginContent($code);
$upgrades = array_get($fetchedContent, 'upgrade_guide_html');
$this->vars['activeTab'] = $tab ?: 'readme';
$this->vars['urlCode'] = $urlCode;
$this->vars['readme'] = $readme;
$this->vars['changelog'] = $changelog;
$this->vars['upgrades'] = $upgrades;
$this->vars['licence'] = $licence;
catch (Exception $ex) {
protected function getPluginVersionFile($path, $filename)
$contents = [];
try {
$updates = Yaml::parseFile($path.'/'.$filename);
$updates = is_array($updates) ? array_reverse($updates) : [];
foreach ($updates as $version => $details) {
$contents[$version] = is_array($details)
? array_shift($details)
: $details;
catch (Exception $ex) {}
return $contents;
protected function getPluginMarkdownFile($path, $filenames)
$contents = null;
foreach ($filenames as $file) {
if (!File::exists($path . '/'.$file)) continue;
$contents = File::get($path . '/'.$file);
* Parse markdown, clean HTML, remove first H1 tag
$contents = Markdown::parse($contents);
$contents = Html::clean($contents);
$contents = preg_replace('@<h1[^>]*?>.*?<\/h1>@si', '', $contents, 1);
return $contents;
* Override for ListController behavior.
* Modifies the CSS class for each row in the list to
* - hidden - Disabled by configuration
* - safe disabled - Orphaned or disabled
* - negative - Disabled by system
* - frozen - Frozen by the user
* - positive - Default CSS class
* @see Backend\Behaviors\ListController
* @return string
public function listInjectRowClass($record, $definition = null)
if ($record->disabledByConfig) {
return 'hidden';
if ($record->orphaned || $record->is_disabled) {
return 'safe disabled';
if ($definition != 'manage') {
if ($record->disabledBySystem) {
return 'negative';
if ($record->is_frozen) {
return 'frozen';
return 'positive';
* Runs a specific update step.
public function onExecuteStep()
* Address timeout limits
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
$stepCode = post('code');
switch ($stepCode) {
case 'downloadCore':
case 'extractCore':
$manager->extractCore(post('hash'), post('build'));
case 'downloadPlugin':
$manager->downloadPlugin(post('name'), post('hash'));
case 'downloadTheme':
$manager->downloadTheme(post('name'), post('hash'));
case 'extractPlugin':
$manager->extractPlugin(post('name'), post('hash'));
case 'extractTheme':
$manager->extractTheme(post('name'), post('hash'));
case 'completeUpdate':
return Redirect::refresh();
case 'completeInstall':
return Redirect::refresh();
// Updates
* Spawns the update checker popup.
public function onLoadUpdates()
return $this->makePartial('update_form');
* Contacts the update server for a list of necessary updates.
public function onCheckForUpdates()
try {
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
$result = $manager->requestUpdateList();
$result = $this->processUpdateLists($result);
$result = $this->processImportantUpdates($result);
$this->vars['core'] = array_get($result, 'core', false);
$this->vars['hasUpdates'] = array_get($result, 'hasUpdates', false);
$this->vars['hasImportantUpdates'] = array_get($result, 'hasImportantUpdates', false);
$this->vars['pluginList'] = array_get($result, 'plugins', []);
$this->vars['themeList'] = array_get($result, 'themes', []);
catch (Exception $ex) {
return ['#updateContainer' => $this->makePartial('update_list')];
* Loops the update list and checks for actionable updates.
* @param array $result
* @return array
protected function processImportantUpdates($result)
$hasImportantUpdates = false;
* Core
$coreImportant = false;
foreach (array_get($result, 'core.updates', []) as $build => $description) {
if (strpos($description, '!!!') === false) continue;
$detailsUrl = '//';
$description = str_replace('!!!', '', $description);
$result['core']['updates'][$build] = [$description, $detailsUrl];
$coreImportant = $hasImportantUpdates = true;
$result['core']['isImportant'] = $coreImportant ? '1' : '0';
* Plugins
foreach (array_get($result, 'plugins', []) as $code => $plugin) {
$isImportant = false;
foreach (array_get($plugin, 'updates', []) as $version => $description) {
if (strpos($description, '!!!') === false) continue;
$isImportant = $hasImportantUpdates = true;
$detailsUrl = Backend::url('system/updates/details/'.PluginVersion::makeSlug($code).'/upgrades').'?fetch=1';
$description = str_replace('!!!', '', $description);
$result['plugins'][$code]['updates'][$version] = [$description, $detailsUrl];
$result['plugins'][$code]['isImportant'] = $isImportant ? '1' : '0';
$result['hasImportantUpdates'] = $hasImportantUpdates;
return $result;
* Reverses the update lists for the core and all plugins.
* @param array $result
* @return array
protected function processUpdateLists($result)
if ($core = array_get($result, 'core')) {
$result['core']['updates'] = array_reverse(array_get($core, 'updates', []), true);
foreach (array_get($result, 'plugins', []) as $code => $plugin) {
$result['plugins'][$code]['updates'] = array_reverse(array_get($plugin, 'updates', []), true);
return $result;
* Contacts the update server for a list of necessary updates.
public function onForceUpdate()
try {
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
$result = $manager->requestUpdateList(true);
$coreHash = array_get($result, 'core.hash', false);
$coreBuild = array_get($result, '', false);
$core = [$coreHash, $coreBuild];
$plugins = [];
$pluginList = array_get($result, 'plugins', []);
foreach ($pluginList as $code => $plugin) {
$plugins[$code] = array_get($plugin, 'hash', null);
$themes = [];
$themeList = array_get($result, 'themes', []);
foreach ($themeList as $code => $theme) {
$themes[$code] = array_get($theme, 'hash', null);
* Update steps
$updateSteps = $this->buildUpdateSteps($core, $plugins, $themes);
* Finish up
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'completeUpdate',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.updates.update_completing'),
$this->vars['updateSteps'] = $updateSteps;
catch (Exception $ex) {
return $this->makePartial('execute');
* Converts the update data to an actionable array of steps.
public function onApplyUpdates()
try {
* Process core
$coreHash = post('hash');
$coreBuild = post('build');
$core = [$coreHash, $coreBuild];
* Process plugins
$plugins = post('plugins');
if (is_array($plugins)) {
$pluginCodes = [];
foreach ($plugins as $code => $hash) {
$pluginCodes[] = $this->decodeCode($code);
$plugins = array_combine($pluginCodes, $plugins);
else {
$plugins = [];
* Process themes
$themes = post('themes');
if (is_array($themes)) {
$themeCodes = [];
foreach ($themes as $code => $hash) {
$themeCodes[] = $this->decodeCode($code);
$themes = array_combine($themeCodes, $themes);
else {
$themes = [];
* Process important update actions
$pluginActions = (array) post('plugin_actions');
foreach ($plugins as $code => $hash) {
$_code = $this->encodeCode($code);
if (!array_key_exists($_code, $pluginActions)) continue;
$pluginAction = $pluginActions[$_code];
if (!$pluginAction) {
throw new ApplicationException('Please select an action for plugin '. $code);
if ($pluginAction != 'confirm') {
if ($pluginAction == 'ignore') {
'is_frozen' => true
* Update steps
$updateSteps = $this->buildUpdateSteps($core, $plugins, $themes);
* Finish up
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'completeUpdate',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.updates.update_completing'),
$this->vars['updateSteps'] = $updateSteps;
catch (Exception $ex) {
return $this->makePartial('execute');
protected function buildUpdateSteps($core, $plugins, $themes)
if (!is_array($core)) {
$core = [null, null];
if (!is_array($themes)) {
$themes = [];
if (!is_array($plugins)) {
$plugins = [];
$updateSteps = [];
list($coreHash, $coreBuild) = $core;
* Download
if ($coreHash) {
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'downloadCore',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.updates.core_downloading'),
'hash' => $coreHash
foreach ($themes as $name => $hash) {
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'downloadTheme',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.updates.theme_downloading', compact('name')),
'name' => $name,
'hash' => $hash
foreach ($plugins as $name => $hash) {
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'downloadPlugin',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.updates.plugin_downloading', compact('name')),
'name' => $name,
'hash' => $hash
* Extract
if ($coreHash) {
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'extractCore',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.updates.core_extracting'),
'hash' => $coreHash,
'build' => $coreBuild
foreach ($themes as $name => $hash) {
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'extractTheme',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.updates.theme_extracting', compact('name')),
'name' => $name,
'hash' => $hash
foreach ($plugins as $name => $hash) {
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'extractPlugin',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.updates.plugin_extracting', compact('name')),
'name' => $name,
'hash' => $hash
return $updateSteps;
// Bind to Project
* Displays the form for entering a Project ID
public function onLoadProjectForm()
return $this->makePartial('project_form');
* Validate the project ID and execute the project installation
public function onAttachProject()
try {
if (!$projectId = trim(post('project_id'))) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(''));
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
$result = $manager->requestProjectDetails($projectId);
'' => $projectId,
'' => $result['name'],
'system::project.owner' => $result['owner'],
return $this->onForceUpdate();
catch (Exception $ex) {
return $this->makePartial('project_form');
public function onDetachProject()
'' => null,
'' => null,
'system::project.owner' => null,
return Backend::redirect('system/updates');
// Plugin management
* Validate the plugin code and execute the plugin installation
public function onInstallPlugin()
try {
if (!$code = trim(post('code'))) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.install.missing_plugin_name'));
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
$result = $manager->requestPluginDetails($code);
if (!isset($result['code']) || !isset($result['hash'])) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_invalid'));
$name = $result['code'];
$hash = $result['hash'];
$plugins = [$name => $hash];
$plugins = $this->appendRequiredPlugins($plugins, $result);
* Update steps
$updateSteps = $this->buildUpdateSteps(null, $plugins, []);
* Finish up
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'completeInstall',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.install.install_completing'),
$this->vars['updateSteps'] = $updateSteps;
return $this->makePartial('execute');
catch (Exception $ex) {
return $this->makePartial('plugin_form');
* Rollback and remove plugins from the system.
* @return void
public function onRemovePlugins()
if (($checkedIds = post('checked')) && is_array($checkedIds) && count($checkedIds)) {
foreach ($checkedIds as $objectId) {
if (!$object = PluginVersion::find($objectId)) {
return $this->listRefresh('manage');
* Rollback and remove a single plugin from the system.
* @return void
public function onRemovePlugin()
if ($pluginCode = post('code')) {
return Redirect::refresh();
* Rebuilds plugin database migrations.
* @return void
public function onRefreshPlugins()
if (($checkedIds = post('checked')) && is_array($checkedIds) && count($checkedIds)) {
foreach ($checkedIds as $objectId) {
if (!$object = PluginVersion::find($objectId)) {
return $this->listRefresh('manage');
public function onLoadDisableForm()
try {
$this->vars['checked'] = post('checked');
catch (Exception $ex) {
return $this->makePartial('disable_form');
public function onDisablePlugins()
$disable = post('disable', false);
$freeze = post('freeze', false);
if (($checkedIds = post('checked')) && is_array($checkedIds) && count($checkedIds)) {
$manager = PluginManager::instance();
foreach ($checkedIds as $objectId) {
if (!$object = PluginVersion::find($objectId)) {
if ($disable) {
$manager->disablePlugin($object->code, true);
else {
$manager->enablePlugin($object->code, true);
$object->is_disabled = $disable;
$object->is_frozen = $freeze;
if ($disable) {
else {
return Backend::redirect('system/updates/manage');
// Theme management
* Validate the theme code and execute the theme installation
public function onInstallTheme()
try {
if (!$code = trim(post('code'))) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.install.missing_theme_name'));
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
$result = $manager->requestThemeDetails($code);
if (!isset($result['code']) || !isset($result['hash'])) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_invalid'));
$name = $result['code'];
$hash = $result['hash'];
$themes = [$name => $hash];
$plugins = $this->appendRequiredPlugins([], $result);
* Update steps
$updateSteps = $this->buildUpdateSteps(null, $plugins, $themes);
* Finish up
$updateSteps[] = [
'code' => 'completeInstall',
'label' => Lang::get('system::lang.install.install_completing'),
$this->vars['updateSteps'] = $updateSteps;
return $this->makePartial('execute');
catch (Exception $ex) {
return $this->makePartial('theme_form');
* Deletes a single theme from the system.
* @return void
public function onRemoveTheme()
if ($themeCode = post('code')) {
return Redirect::refresh();
// Product install
public function onSearchProducts()
$searchType = get('search', 'plugins');
$serverUri = $searchType == 'plugins' ? 'plugin/search' : 'theme/search';
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
return $manager->requestServerData($serverUri, ['query' => get('query')]);
public function onGetPopularPlugins()
$installed = $this->getInstalledPlugins();
$popular = UpdateManager::instance()->requestPopularProducts('plugin');
$popular = $this->filterPopularProducts($popular, $installed);
return ['result' => $popular];
public function onGetPopularThemes()
$installed = $this->getInstalledThemes();
$popular = UpdateManager::instance()->requestPopularProducts('theme');
$popular = $this->filterPopularProducts($popular, $installed);
return ['result' => $popular];
protected function getInstalledPlugins()
$installed = PluginVersion::lists('code');
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
return $manager->requestProductDetails($installed, 'plugin');
protected function getInstalledThemes()
$history = Parameter::get('system::theme.history', []);
$manager = UpdateManager::instance();
$installed = $manager->requestProductDetails(array_keys($history), 'theme');
* Splice in the directory names
foreach ($installed as $key => $data) {
$code = array_get($data, 'code');
$installed[$key]['dirName'] = array_get($history, $code, $code);
return $installed;
* Remove installed products from the collection
protected function filterPopularProducts($popular, $installed)
$installedArray = [];
foreach ($installed as $product) {
$installedArray[] = array_get($product, 'code', -1);
foreach ($popular as $key => $product) {
$code = array_get($product, 'code');
if (in_array($code, $installedArray)) {
return array_values($popular);
// Helpers
* Encode HTML safe product code, this is to prevent issues with array_get().
protected function encodeCode($code)
return str_replace('.', ':', $code);
* Decode HTML safe product code.
protected function decodeCode($code)
return str_replace(':', '.', $code);
* Adds require plugin codes to the collection based on a result.
* @param array $plugins
* @param array $result
* @return array
protected function appendRequiredPlugins(array $plugins, array $result)
foreach ((array) array_get($result, 'require') as $plugin) {
if (
($name = array_get($plugin, 'code')) &&
($hash = array_get($plugin, 'hash')) &&
) {
$plugins[$name] = $hash;
return $plugins;