2018-08-24 19:51:59 +02:00

1701 lines
49 KiB

<?php namespace Backend\Widgets;
use Db;
use Html;
use Lang;
use Backend;
use DbDongle;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use October\Rain\Html\Helper as HtmlHelper;
use October\Rain\Router\Helper as RouterHelper;
use System\Helpers\DateTime as DateTimeHelper;
use System\Classes\PluginManager;
use Backend\Classes\ListColumn;
use Backend\Classes\WidgetBase;
use October\Rain\Database\Model;
use ApplicationException;
* List Widget
* Used for building back end lists, renders a list of model objects
* @package october\backend
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class Lists extends WidgetBase
// Configurable properties
* @var array List column configuration.
public $columns;
* @var Model List model object.
public $model;
* @var string Link for each record row. Replace :id with the record id.
public $recordUrl;
* @var string Click event for each record row. Replace :id with the record id.
public $recordOnClick;
* @var string Message to display when there are no records in the list.
public $noRecordsMessage = 'backend::lang.list.no_records';
* @var int Maximum rows to display for each page.
public $recordsPerPage;
* @var bool Shows the sorting options for each column.
public $showSorting = true;
* @var mixed A default sort column to look for.
public $defaultSort;
* @var bool Display a checkbox next to each record row.
public $showCheckboxes = false;
* @var bool Display the list set up used for column visibility and ordering.
public $showSetup = false;
* @var bool Display parent/child relationships in the list.
public $showTree = false;
* @var bool Expand the tree nodes by default.
public $treeExpanded = false;
* @var bool|string Display pagination when limiting records per page.
public $showPagination = 'auto';
* @var bool Display page numbers with pagination, disable to improve performance.
public $showPageNumbers = true;
* @var string Specify a custom view path to override partials used by the list.
public $customViewPath;
// Object properties
* @inheritDoc
protected $defaultAlias = 'list';
* @var array Collection of all list columns used in this list.
* @see Backend\Classes\ListColumn
protected $allColumns;
* @var array Override default columns with supplied key names.
protected $columnOverride;
* @var array Columns to display and their order.
protected $visibleColumns;
* @var array Model data collection.
protected $records;
* @var int Current page number.
protected $currentPageNumber;
* @var string Filter the records by a search term.
protected $searchTerm;
* @var string If searching the records, specifies a policy to use.
* - all: result must contain all words
* - any: result can contain any word
* - exact: result must contain the exact phrase
protected $searchMode;
* @var string Use a custom scope method for performing searches.
protected $searchScope;
* @var array Collection of functions to apply to each list query.
protected $filterCallbacks = [];
* @var array All sortable columns.
protected $sortableColumns;
* @var string Sets the list sorting column.
protected $sortColumn;
* @var string Sets the list sorting direction (asc, desc)
protected $sortDirection;
* @var array List of CSS classes to apply to the list container element
public $cssClasses = [];
* Initialize the widget, called by the constructor and free from its parameters.
public function init()
* Configure the list widget
$this->recordsPerPage = $this->getSession('per_page', $this->recordsPerPage);
if ($this->showPagination == 'auto') {
$this->showPagination = $this->recordsPerPage && $this->recordsPerPage > 0;
if ($this->customViewPath) {
* @inheritDoc
protected function loadAssets()
$this->addJs('js/october.list.js', 'core');
* Renders the widget.
public function render()
return $this->makePartial('list-container');
* Prepares the list data
public function prepareVars()
$this->vars['cssClasses'] = implode(' ', $this->cssClasses);
$this->vars['columns'] = $this->getVisibleColumns();
$this->vars['columnTotal'] = $this->getTotalColumns();
$this->vars['records'] = $this->getRecords();
$this->vars['noRecordsMessage'] = trans($this->noRecordsMessage);
$this->vars['showCheckboxes'] = $this->showCheckboxes;
$this->vars['showSetup'] = $this->showSetup;
$this->vars['showPagination'] = $this->showPagination;
$this->vars['showPageNumbers'] = $this->showPageNumbers;
$this->vars['showSorting'] = $this->showSorting;
$this->vars['sortColumn'] = $this->getSortColumn();
$this->vars['sortDirection'] = $this->sortDirection;
$this->vars['showTree'] = $this->showTree;
$this->vars['treeLevel'] = 0;
if ($this->showPagination) {
$this->vars['pageCurrent'] = $this->records->currentPage();
// Store the currently visited page number in the session so the same
// data can be displayed when the user returns to this list.
$this->putSession('lastVisitedPage', $this->vars['pageCurrent']);
if ($this->showPageNumbers) {
$this->vars['recordTotal'] = $this->records->total();
$this->vars['pageLast'] = $this->records->lastPage();
$this->vars['pageFrom'] = $this->records->firstItem();
$this->vars['pageTo'] = $this->records->lastItem();
else {
$this->vars['hasMorePages'] = $this->records->hasMorePages();
else {
$this->vars['recordTotal'] = $this->records->count();
$this->vars['pageCurrent'] = 1;
* Event handler for refreshing the list.
public function onRefresh()
return ['#'.$this->getId() => $this->makePartial('list')];
* Event handler for switching the page number.
public function onPaginate()
$this->currentPageNumber = post('page');
return $this->onRefresh();
* Event handler for changing the filter
public function onFilter()
$this->currentPageNumber = 1;
return $this->onRefresh();
* Validate the supplied form model.
* @return void
protected function validateModel()
if (!$this->model) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
if (!$this->model instanceof Model) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
['model'=>get_class($this->model), 'class'=>get_class($this->controller)]
return $this->model;
* Replaces the @ symbol with a table name in a model
* @param string $sql
* @param string $table
* @return string
protected function parseTableName($sql, $table)
return str_replace('@', $table.'.', $sql);
* Applies any filters to the model.
public function prepareModel()
$query = $this->model->newQuery();
$primaryTable = $this->model->getTable();
$selects = [$primaryTable.'.*'];
$joins = [];
$withs = [];
* @event backend.list.extendQueryBefore
* Provides an opportunity to modify the `$query` object before the List widget applies its scopes to it.
* Example usage:
* Event::listen('backend.list.extendQueryBefore', function($listWidget, $query) {
* $query->whereNull('deleted_at');
* });
* Or
* $listWidget->bindEvent('list.extendQueryBefore', function ($query) {
* $query->whereNull('deleted_at');
* });
$this->fireSystemEvent('backend.list.extendQueryBefore', [$query]);
* Prepare searchable column names
$primarySearchable = [];
$relationSearchable = [];
$columnsToSearch = [];
if (!empty($this->searchTerm) && ($searchableColumns = $this->getSearchableColumns())) {
foreach ($searchableColumns as $column) {
* Related
if ($this->isColumnRelated($column)) {
$table = $this->model->makeRelation($column->relation)->getTable();
$columnName = isset($column->sqlSelect)
? DbDongle::raw($this->parseTableName($column->sqlSelect, $table))
: $table . '.' . $column->valueFrom;
$relationSearchable[$column->relation][] = $columnName;
* Primary
else {
$columnName = isset($column->sqlSelect)
? DbDongle::raw($this->parseTableName($column->sqlSelect, $primaryTable))
: DbDongle::cast(Db::getTablePrefix() . $primaryTable . '.' . $column->columnName, 'TEXT');
$primarySearchable[] = $columnName;
* Prepare related eager loads (withs) and custom selects (joins)
foreach ($this->getVisibleColumns() as $column) {
// If useRelationCount is enabled, eager load the count of the relation into $relation_count
if ($column->relation && @$column->config['useRelationCount']) {
if (!$this->isColumnRelated($column) || (!isset($column->sqlSelect) && !isset($column->valueFrom))) {
if (isset($column->valueFrom)) {
$withs[] = $column->relation;
$joins[] = $column->relation;
* Add eager loads to the query
if ($withs) {
* Apply search term
$query->where(function ($innerQuery) use ($primarySearchable, $relationSearchable, $joins) {
* Search primary columns
if (count($primarySearchable) > 0) {
$this->applySearchToQuery($innerQuery, $primarySearchable, 'or');
* Search relation columns
if ($joins) {
foreach (array_unique($joins) as $join) {
* Apply a supplied search term for relation columns and
* constrain the query only if there is something to search for
$columnsToSearch = array_get($relationSearchable, $join, []);
if (count($columnsToSearch) > 0) {
$innerQuery->orWhereHas($join, function ($_query) use ($columnsToSearch) {
$this->applySearchToQuery($_query, $columnsToSearch);
* Custom select queries
foreach ($this->getVisibleColumns() as $column) {
if (!isset($column->sqlSelect)) {
$alias = $query->getQuery()->getGrammar()->wrap($column->columnName);
* Relation column
if (isset($column->relation)) {
// @todo Find a way...
$relationType = $this->model->getRelationType($column->relation);
if ($relationType == 'morphTo') {
throw new ApplicationException('The relationship morphTo is not supported for list columns.');
$table = $this->model->makeRelation($column->relation)->getTable();
$sqlSelect = $this->parseTableName($column->sqlSelect, $table);
* Manipulate a count query for the sub query
$relationObj = $this->model->{$column->relation}();
$countQuery = $relationObj->getRelationExistenceQuery($relationObj->getRelated()->newQueryWithoutScopes(), $query);
$joinSql = $this->isColumnRelated($column, true)
? DbDongle::raw("group_concat(" . $sqlSelect . " separator ', ')")
: DbDongle::raw($sqlSelect);
$joinSql = $countQuery->select($joinSql)->toSql();
$selects[] = Db::raw("(".$joinSql.") as ".$alias);
* Primary column
else {
$sqlSelect = $this->parseTableName($column->sqlSelect, $primaryTable);
$selects[] = DbDongle::raw($sqlSelect . ' as '. $alias);
* Apply sorting
if (($sortColumn = $this->getSortColumn()) && !$this->showTree) {
if (($column = array_get($this->allColumns, $sortColumn)) && $column->valueFrom) {
$sortColumn = $this->isColumnPivot($column)
? 'pivot_' . $column->valueFrom
: $column->valueFrom;
// Set the sorting column to $relation_count if useRelationCount enabled
if (isset($column->relation) && @$column->config['useRelationCount']) {
$sortColumn = $column->relation . '_count';
$query->orderBy($sortColumn, $this->sortDirection);
* Apply filters
foreach ($this->filterCallbacks as $callback) {
* Add custom selects
* @event backend.list.extendQuery
* Provides an opportunity to modify and / or return the `$query` object after the List widget has applied its scopes to it and before it's used to get the records.
* Example usage:
* Event::listen('backend.list.extendQuery', function($listWidget, $query) {
* $newQuery = MyModel::newQuery();
* return $newQuery;
* });
* Or
* $listWidget->bindEvent('list.extendQuery', function ($query) {
* $query->whereNull('deleted_at');
* });
if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('backend.list.extendQuery', [$query])) {
return $event;
return $query;
* Returns all the records from the supplied model, after filtering.
* @return Collection
protected function getRecords()
$model = $this->prepareModel();
if ($this->showTree) {
$records = $model->getNested();
elseif ($this->showPagination) {
$method = $this->showPageNumbers ? 'paginate' : 'simplePaginate';
$currentPageNumber = $this->currentPageNumber;
if (!$currentPageNumber && empty($this->searchTerm)) {
// Restore the last visited page from the session if available.
$currentPageNumber = $this->getSession('lastVisitedPage');
$records = $model->{$method}($this->recordsPerPage, $currentPageNumber);
else {
$records = $model->get();
* @event backend.list.extendRecords
* Provides an opportunity to modify and / or return the `$records` Collection object before the widget uses it.
* Example usage:
* Event::listen('backend.list.extendRecords', function($listWidget, $records) {
* $model = MyModel::where('always_include', true)->first();
* $records->prepend($model);
* });
* Or
* $listWidget->bindEvent('list.extendRecords', function ($records) {
* $model = MyModel::where('always_include', true)->first();
* $records->prepend($model);
* });
if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('backend.list.extendRecords', [&$records])) {
$records = $event;
return $this->records = $records;
* Returns the record URL address for a list row.
* @param Model $record
* @return string
public function getRecordUrl($record)
if (isset($this->recordOnClick)) {
return 'javascript:;';
if (!isset($this->recordUrl)) {
return null;
$data = $record->toArray();
$data += [$record->getKeyName() => $record->getKey()];
$columns = array_keys($data);
$url = RouterHelper::parseValues($data, $columns, $this->recordUrl);
return Backend::url($url);
* Returns the onclick event for a list row.
* @param Model $record
* @return string
public function getRecordOnClick($record)
if (!isset($this->recordOnClick)) {
return null;
$columns = array_keys($record->getAttributes());
$recordOnClick = RouterHelper::parseValues($record, $columns, $this->recordOnClick);
return Html::attributes(['onclick' => $recordOnClick]);
* Get all the registered columns for the instance.
* @return array
public function getColumns()
return $this->allColumns ?: $this->defineListColumns();
* Get a specified column object
* @param string $column
* @return mixed
public function getColumn($column)
return $this->allColumns[$column];
* Returns the list columns that are visible by list settings or default
public function getVisibleColumns()
$definitions = $this->defineListColumns();
$columns = [];
* Supplied column list
if ($this->columnOverride === null) {
$this->columnOverride = $this->getSession('visible', null);
if ($this->columnOverride && is_array($this->columnOverride)) {
$invalidColumns = array_diff($this->columnOverride, array_keys($definitions));
if (!count($definitions)) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
['columns'=>implode(',', $invalidColumns)]
$availableColumns = array_intersect($this->columnOverride, array_keys($definitions));
foreach ($availableColumns as $columnName) {
$definitions[$columnName]->invisible = false;
$columns[$columnName] = $definitions[$columnName];
* Use default column list
else {
foreach ($definitions as $columnName => $column) {
if ($column->invisible) {
$columns[$columnName] = $definitions[$columnName];
return $this->visibleColumns = $columns;
* Builds an array of list columns with keys as the column name and values as a ListColumn object.
protected function defineListColumns()
if (!isset($this->columns) || !is_array($this->columns) || !count($this->columns)) {
$class = get_class($this->model instanceof Model ? $this->model : $this->controller);
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.list.missing_columns', compact('class')));
* @event backend.list.extendColumns
* Provides an opportunity to modify the columns of a List widget
* Example usage:
* Event::listen('backend.list.extendColumns', function($listWidget) {
* // Only for the User controller
* if (!$listWidget->getController() instanceof \Backend\Controllers\Users) {
* return;
* }
* // Only for the User model
* if (!$listWidget->model instanceof \Backend\Models\User) {
* return;
* }
* // Add an extra birthday column
* $listWidget->addColumns([
* 'birthday' => [
* 'label' => 'Birthday'
* ]
* ]);
* // Remove a Surname column
* $listWidget->removeColumn('surname');
* });
* Or
* $listWidget->bindEvent('list.extendColumns', function () use ($listWidget) {
* // Only for the User controller
* if (!$listWidget->getController() instanceof \Backend\Controllers\Users) {
* return;
* }
* // Only for the User model
* if (!$listWidget->model instanceof \Backend\Models\User) {
* return;
* }
* // Add an extra birthday column
* $listWidget->addColumns([
* 'birthday' => [
* 'label' => 'Birthday'
* ]
* ]);
* // Remove a Surname column
* $listWidget->removeColumn('surname');
* });
* Use a supplied column order
if ($columnOrder = $this->getSession('order', null)) {
$orderedDefinitions = [];
foreach ($columnOrder as $column) {
if (isset($this->allColumns[$column])) {
$orderedDefinitions[$column] = $this->allColumns[$column];
$this->allColumns = array_merge($orderedDefinitions, $this->allColumns);
return $this->allColumns;
* Programatically add columns, used internally and for extensibility.
* @param array $columns Column definitions
public function addColumns(array $columns)
* Build a final collection of list column objects
foreach ($columns as $columnName => $config) {
$this->allColumns[$columnName] = $this->makeListColumn($columnName, $config);
* Programatically remove a column, used for extensibility.
* @param string $column Column name
public function removeColumn($columnName)
if (isset($this->allColumns[$columnName])) {
* Creates a list column object from it's name and configuration.
protected function makeListColumn($name, $config)
if (is_string($config)) {
$label = $config;
elseif (isset($config['label'])) {
$label = $config['label'];
else {
$label = studly_case($name);
* Auto configure pivot relation
if (starts_with($name, 'pivot[') && strpos($name, ']') !== false) {
$_name = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($name);
$relationName = array_shift($_name);
$valueFrom = array_shift($_name);
if (count($_name) > 0) {
$valueFrom .= '['.implode('][', $_name).']';
$config['relation'] = $relationName;
$config['valueFrom'] = $valueFrom;
$config['searchable'] = false;
* Auto configure standard relation
elseif (strpos($name, '[') !== false && strpos($name, ']') !== false) {
$config['valueFrom'] = $name;
$config['sortable'] = false;
$config['searchable'] = false;
$columnType = $config['type'] ?? null;
$column = new ListColumn($name, $label);
$column->displayAs($columnType, $config);
return $column;
* Calculates the total columns used in the list, including checkboxes
* and other additions.
protected function getTotalColumns()
$columns = $this->visibleColumns ?: $this->getVisibleColumns();
$total = count($columns);
if ($this->showCheckboxes) {
if ($this->showSetup) {
return $total;
* Looks up the column header
public function getHeaderValue($column)
$value = Lang::get($column->label);
* @event backend.list.overrideHeaderValue
* Overrides the column header value in a list widget.
* If a value is returned from this event, it will be used as the value for the provided column.
* `$value` is passed by reference so modifying the variable in place is also supported. Example usage:
* Event::listen('backend.list.overrideHeaderValue', function($listWidget, $column, &$value) {
* $value .= '-modified';
* });
* Or
* $listWidget->bindEvent('list.overrideHeaderValue', function ($column, $value) {
* return 'Custom header value';
* });
if ($response = $this->fireSystemEvent('backend.list.overrideHeaderValue', [$column, &$value])) {
$value = $response;
return $value;
* Returns a raw column value
* @return string
public function getColumnValueRaw($record, $column)
$columnName = $column->columnName;
* Handle taking value from model relation.
if ($column->valueFrom && $column->relation) {
$columnName = $column->relation;
if (!array_key_exists($columnName, $record->getRelations())) {
$value = null;
elseif ($this->isColumnRelated($column, true)) {
$value = $record->{$columnName}->lists($column->valueFrom);
elseif ($this->isColumnRelated($column) || $this->isColumnPivot($column)) {
$value = $record->{$columnName}
? $column->getValueFromData($record->{$columnName})
: null;
else {
$value = null;
* Handle taking value from model attribute.
elseif ($column->valueFrom) {
$value = $column->getValueFromData($record);
* Otherwise, if the column is a relation, it will be a custom select,
* so prevent the Model from attempting to load the relation
* if the value is NULL.
else {
if ($record->hasRelation($columnName) && array_key_exists($columnName, $record->attributes)) {
$value = $record->attributes[$columnName];
// Load the value from the relationship counter if useRelationCount is specified
} elseif ($column->relation && @$column->config['useRelationCount']) {
$value = $record->{"{$column->relation}_count"};
} else {
$value = $record->{$columnName};
* @event backend.list.overrideColumnValueRaw
* Overrides the raw column value in a list widget.
* If a value is returned from this event, it will be used as the raw value for the provided column.
* `$value` is passed by reference so modifying the variable in place is also supported. Example usage:
* Event::listen('backend.list.overrideColumnValueRaw', function($listWidget, $record, $column, &$value) {
* $value .= '-modified';
* });
* Or
* $listWidget->bindEvent('list.overrideColumnValueRaw', function ($record, $column, $value) {
* return 'No values for you!';
* });
if ($response = $this->fireSystemEvent('backend.list.overrideColumnValueRaw', [$record, $column, &$value])) {
$value = $response;
return $value;
* Returns a column value, with filters applied
* @return string
public function getColumnValue($record, $column)
$value = $this->getColumnValueRaw($record, $column);
if (method_exists($this, 'eval'. studly_case($column->type) .'TypeValue')) {
$value = $this->{'eval'. studly_case($column->type) .'TypeValue'}($record, $column, $value);
else {
$value = $this->evalCustomListType($column->type, $record, $column, $value);
* Apply default value.
if ($value === '' || $value === null) {
$value = $column->defaults;
* @event backend.list.overrideColumnValue
* Overrides the column value in a list widget.
* If a value is returned from this event, it will be used as the value for the provided column.
* `$value` is passed by reference so modifying the variable in place is also supported. Example usage:
* Event::listen('backend.list.overrideColumnValue', function($listWidget, $record, $column, &$value) {
* $value .= '-modified';
* });
* Or
* $listWidget->bindEvent('list.overrideColumnValue', function ($record, $column, $value) {
* return 'No values for you!';
* });
if ($response = $this->fireSystemEvent('backend.list.overrideColumnValue', [$record, $column, &$value])) {
$value = $response;
return $value;
* Adds a custom CSS class string to a record row
* @param Model $record Populated model
* @return string
public function getRowClass($record)
$value = '';
* @event backend.list.injectRowClass
* Provides opportunity to inject a custom CSS row class
* If a value is returned from this event, it will be used as the value for the row class.
* `$value` is passed by reference so modifying the variable in place is also supported. Example usage:
* Event::listen('backend.list.injectRowClass', function($listWidget, $record, &$value) {
* $value .= '-modified';
* });
* Or
* $listWidget->bindEvent('list.injectRowClass', function ($record, $value) {
* return 'strike';
* });
if ($response = $this->fireSystemEvent('backend.list.injectRowClass', [$record, &$value])) {
$value = $response;
return $value;
// Value processing
* Process a custom list types registered by plugins.
protected function evalCustomListType($type, $record, $column, $value)
$plugins = PluginManager::instance()->getRegistrationMethodValues('registerListColumnTypes');
foreach ($plugins as $availableTypes) {
if (!isset($availableTypes[$type])) {
$callback = $availableTypes[$type];
if (is_callable($callback)) {
return call_user_func_array($callback, [$value, $column, $record]);
throw new ApplicationException(sprintf('List column type "%s" could not be found.', $type));
* Process as text, escape the value
protected function evalTextTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
if (is_array($value) && count($value) == count($value, COUNT_RECURSIVE)) {
$value = implode(', ', $value);
return htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
* Process as number, proxy to text
protected function evalNumberTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
return $this->evalTextTypeValue($record, $column, $value);
* Common mistake, relation is not a valid list column.
* @deprecated Remove if year >= 2018
protected function evalRelationTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
traceLog(sprintf('Warning: List column type "relation" for class "%s" is not valid.', get_class($record)));
return $this->evalTextTypeValue($record, $column, $value);
* Process as partial reference
protected function evalPartialTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
return $this->controller->makePartial($column->path ?: $column->columnName, [
'listColumn' => $column,
'listRecord' => $record,
'listValue' => $value,
'column' => $column,
'record' => $record,
'value' => $value
* Process as boolean switch
protected function evalSwitchTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
$contents = '';
if ($value) {
$contents = Lang::get('backend::lang.list.column_switch_true');
else {
$contents = Lang::get('backend::lang.list.column_switch_false');
return $contents;
* Process as a datetime value
protected function evalDatetimeTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
if ($value === null) {
return null;
$dateTime = $this->validateDateTimeValue($value, $column);
if ($column->format !== null) {
$value = $dateTime->format($column->format);
else {
$value = $dateTime->toDayDateTimeString();
$options = [
'defaultValue' => $value,
'format' => $column->format,
'formatAlias' => 'dateTimeLongMin'
if (!empty($column->config['ignoreTimezone'])) {
$options['ignoreTimezone'] = true;
return Backend::dateTime($dateTime, $options);
* Process as a time value
protected function evalTimeTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
if ($value === null) {
return null;
$dateTime = $this->validateDateTimeValue($value, $column);
$format = $column->format ?? 'g:i A';
$value = $dateTime->format($format);
$options = [
'defaultValue' => $value,
'format' => $column->format,
'formatAlias' => 'time'
if (!empty($column->config['ignoreTimezone'])) {
$options['ignoreTimezone'] = true;
return Backend::dateTime($dateTime, $options);
* Process as a date value
protected function evalDateTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
if ($value === null) {
return null;
$dateTime = $this->validateDateTimeValue($value, $column);
if ($column->format !== null) {
$value = $dateTime->format($column->format);
else {
$value = $dateTime->toFormattedDateString();
$options = [
'defaultValue' => $value,
'format' => $column->format,
'formatAlias' => 'dateLongMin'
if (!empty($column->config['ignoreTimezone'])) {
$options['ignoreTimezone'] = true;
return Backend::dateTime($dateTime, $options);
* Process as diff for humans (1 min ago)
protected function evalTimesinceTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
if ($value === null) {
return null;
$dateTime = $this->validateDateTimeValue($value, $column);
$value = DateTimeHelper::timeSince($dateTime);
$options = [
'defaultValue' => $value,
'timeSince' => true
if (!empty($column->config['ignoreTimezone'])) {
$options['ignoreTimezone'] = true;
return Backend::dateTime($dateTime, $options);
* Process as time as current tense (Today at 0:00)
protected function evalTimetenseTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
if ($value === null) {
return null;
$dateTime = $this->validateDateTimeValue($value, $column);
$value = DateTimeHelper::timeTense($dateTime);
$options = [
'defaultValue' => $value,
'timeTense' => true
if (!empty($column->config['ignoreTimezone'])) {
$options['ignoreTimezone'] = true;
return Backend::dateTime($dateTime, $options);
* Process as background color, to be seen at list
protected function evalColorPickerTypeValue($record, $column, $value)
return '<span style="width:30px; height:30px; display:inline-block; background:'.e($value).'; padding:10px"><span>';
* Validates a column type as a date
protected function validateDateTimeValue($value, $column)
$value = DateTimeHelper::makeCarbon($value, false);
if (!$value instanceof Carbon) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
['column' => $column->columnName]
return $value;
// Filtering
public function addFilter(callable $filter)
$this->filterCallbacks[] = $filter;
// Searching
* Applies a search term to the list results, searching will disable tree
* view if a value is supplied.
* @param string $term
public function setSearchTerm($term)
if (!empty($term)) {
$this->showTree = false;
$this->searchTerm = $term;
* Applies a search options to the list search.
* @param array $options
public function setSearchOptions($options = [])
'mode' => null,
'scope' => null
], $options));
$this->searchMode = $mode;
$this->searchScope = $scope;
* Returns a collection of columns which can be searched.
* @return array
protected function getSearchableColumns()
$columns = $this->getColumns();
$searchable = [];
foreach ($columns as $column) {
if (!$column->searchable) {
$searchable[] = $column;
return $searchable;
* Applies the search constraint to a query.
protected function applySearchToQuery($query, $columns, $boolean = 'and')
$term = $this->searchTerm;
if ($scopeMethod = $this->searchScope) {
$searchMethod = $boolean == 'and' ? 'where' : 'orWhere';
$query->$searchMethod(function ($q) use ($term, $columns, $scopeMethod) {
$q->$scopeMethod($term, $columns);
else {
$searchMethod = $boolean == 'and' ? 'searchWhere' : 'orSearchWhere';
$query->$searchMethod($term, $columns, $this->searchMode);
// Sorting
* Event handler for sorting the list.
public function onSort()
if ($column = post('sortColumn')) {
* Toggle the sort direction and set the sorting column
$sortOptions = ['column' => $this->getSortColumn(), 'direction' => $this->sortDirection];
if ($column != $sortOptions['column'] || $sortOptions['direction'] == 'asc') {
$this->sortDirection = $sortOptions['direction'] = 'desc';
else {
$this->sortDirection = $sortOptions['direction'] = 'asc';
$this->sortColumn = $sortOptions['column'] = $column;
$this->putSession('sort', $sortOptions);
* Persist the page number
$this->currentPageNumber = post('page');
return $this->onRefresh();
* Returns the current sorting column, saved in a session or cached.
protected function getSortColumn()
if (!$this->isSortable()) {
return false;
if ($this->sortColumn !== null) {
return $this->sortColumn;
* User preference
if ($this->showSorting && ($sortOptions = $this->getSession('sort'))) {
$this->sortColumn = $sortOptions['column'];
$this->sortDirection = $sortOptions['direction'];
* Supplied default
else {
if (is_string($this->defaultSort)) {
$this->sortColumn = $this->defaultSort;
$this->sortDirection = 'desc';
elseif (is_array($this->defaultSort) && isset($this->defaultSort['column'])) {
$this->sortColumn = $this->defaultSort['column'];
$this->sortDirection = $this->defaultSort['direction'] ?? 'desc';
* First available column
if ($this->sortColumn === null || !$this->isSortable($this->sortColumn)) {
$columns = $this->visibleColumns ?: $this->getVisibleColumns();
$columns = array_filter($columns, function ($column) { return $column->sortable; });
$this->sortColumn = key($columns);
$this->sortDirection = 'desc';
return $this->sortColumn;
* Returns true if the column can be sorted.
protected function isSortable($column = null)
if ($column === null) {
return (count($this->getSortableColumns()) > 0);
return array_key_exists($column, $this->getSortableColumns());
* Returns a collection of columns which are sortable.
protected function getSortableColumns()
if ($this->sortableColumns !== null) {
return $this->sortableColumns;
$columns = $this->getColumns();
$sortable = array_filter($columns, function ($column) {
return $column->sortable;
return $this->sortableColumns = $sortable;
// List Setup
* Event handler to display the list set up.
public function onLoadSetup()
$this->vars['columns'] = $this->getSetupListColumns();
$this->vars['perPageOptions'] = $this->getSetupPerPageOptions();
$this->vars['recordsPerPage'] = $this->recordsPerPage;
return $this->makePartial('setup_form');
* Event handler to apply the list set up.
public function onApplySetup()
if (($visibleColumns = post('visible_columns')) && is_array($visibleColumns)) {
$this->columnOverride = $visibleColumns;
$this->putSession('visible', $this->columnOverride);
$this->recordsPerPage = post('records_per_page', $this->recordsPerPage);
$this->putSession('order', post('column_order'));
$this->putSession('per_page', $this->recordsPerPage);
return $this->onRefresh();
* Returns an array of allowable records per page.
protected function getSetupPerPageOptions()
$perPageOptions = [20, 40, 80, 100, 120];
if (!in_array($this->recordsPerPage, $perPageOptions)) {
$perPageOptions[] = $this->recordsPerPage;
return $perPageOptions;
* Returns all the list columns used for list set up.
protected function getSetupListColumns()
* Force all columns invisible
$columns = $this->defineListColumns();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$column->invisible = true;
return array_merge($columns, $this->getVisibleColumns());
// Tree
* Validates the model and settings if showTree is used
* @return void
public function validateTree()
if (!$this->showTree) {
$this->showSorting = $this->showPagination = false;
if (!$this->model->methodExists('getChildren')) {
throw new ApplicationException(
'To display list as a tree, the specified model must have a method "getChildren"'
if (!$this->model->methodExists('getChildCount')) {
throw new ApplicationException(
'To display list as a tree, the specified model must have a method "getChildCount"'
* Checks if a node (model) is expanded in the session.
* @param Model $node
* @return boolean
public function isTreeNodeExpanded($node)
return $this->getSession('tree_node_status_' . $node->getKey(), $this->treeExpanded);
* Sets a node (model) to an expanded or collapsed state, stored in the
* session, then renders the list again.
* @return string List HTML contents.
public function onToggleTreeNode()
$this->putSession('tree_node_status_' . post('node_id'), post('status') ? 0 : 1);
return $this->onRefresh();
// Helpers
* Check if column refers to a relation of the model
* @param ListColumn $column List column object
* @param boolean $multi If set, returns true only if the relation is a "multiple relation type"
* @return boolean
protected function isColumnRelated($column, $multi = false)
if (!isset($column->relation) || $this->isColumnPivot($column)) {
return false;
if (!$this->model->hasRelation($column->relation)) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
['class'=>get_class($this->model), 'relation'=>$column->relation]
if (!$multi) {
return true;
$relationType = $this->model->getRelationType($column->relation);
return in_array($relationType, [
* Checks if a column refers to a pivot model specifically.
* @param ListColumn $column List column object
* @return boolean
protected function isColumnPivot($column)
if (!isset($column->relation) || $column->relation != 'pivot') {
return false;
return true;