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synced 2024-06-28 05:33:29 +02:00
Form fields are already constrained by their fields.yaml definition (values not defined in the yaml will not be saved) so we don't need to double dip by enforcing fillable too.
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<?php namespace Backend\Widgets;
use App;
use Lang;
use Input;
use Event;
use Form as FormHelper;
use Backend\Classes\FormTabs;
use Backend\Classes\FormField;
use Backend\Classes\WidgetBase;
use Backend\Classes\WidgetManager;
use ApplicationException;
use Backend\Classes\FormWidgetBase;
use October\Rain\Database\Model;
use October\Rain\Html\Helper as HtmlHelper;
* Form Widget
* Used for building back end forms and renders a form.
* @package october\backend
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class Form extends WidgetBase
// Configurable properties
* @var array Form field configuration.
public $fields;
* @var array Primary tab configuration.
public $tabs;
* @var array Secondary tab configuration.
public $secondaryTabs;
* @var Model Form model object.
public $model;
* @var array Dataset containing field values, if none supplied, model is used.
public $data;
* @var string The context of this form, fields that do not belong
* to this context will not be shown.
public $context = null;
* @var string If the field element names should be contained in an array.
* Eg: <input name="nameArray[fieldName]" />
public $arrayName;
// Object properties
* {@inheritDoc}
protected $defaultAlias = 'form';
* @var boolean Determines if field definitions have been created.
protected $fieldsDefined = false;
* @var array Collection of all fields used in this form.
* @see Backend\Classes\FormField
protected $allFields = [];
* @var object Collection of tab sections used in this form.
* @see Backend\Classes\FormTabs
protected $allTabs = [
'outside' => null,
'primary' => null,
'secondary' => null,
* @var array Collection of all form widgets used in this form.
protected $formWidgets = [];
* @var string Active session key, used for editing forms and deferred bindings.
public $sessionKey;
* @var bool Render this form with uneditable preview data.
public $previewMode = false;
* @var Backend\Classes\WidgetManager
protected $widgetManager;
* Initialize the widget, called by the constructor and free from its parameters.
public function init()
$this->widgetManager = WidgetManager::instance();
$this->allTabs = (object) $this->allTabs;
* Ensure fields are defined and form widgets are registered so they can
* also be bound to the controller this allows their AJAX features to
* operate.
* @return void
public function bindToController()
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function loadAssets()
$this->addJs('js/october.form.js', 'core');
* Renders the widget.
* Options:
* - preview: Render this form as an uneditable preview. Default: false
* - useContainer: Wrap the result in a container, used by AJAX. Default: true
* - section: Which form section to render. Default: null
* - outside: Renders the Outside Fields section.
* - primary: Renders the Primary Tabs section.
* - secondary: Renders the Secondary Tabs section.
* - null: Renders all sections
public function render($options = [])
if (isset($options['preview'])) {
$this->previewMode = $options['preview'];
if (!isset($options['useContainer'])) {
$options['useContainer'] = true;
if (!isset($options['section'])) {
$options['section'] = null;
$extraVars = [];
$targetPartial = 'form';
* Determine the partial to use based on the supplied section option
if ($section = $options['section']) {
$section = strtolower($section);
if (isset($this->allTabs->{$section})) {
$extraVars['tabs'] = $this->allTabs->{$section};
$targetPartial = 'section';
$extraVars['renderSection'] = $section;
* Apply a container to the element
if ($useContainer = $options['useContainer']) {
$targetPartial = ($section) ? 'section-container' : 'form-container';
* Apply preview mode to widgets
foreach ($this->formWidgets as $widget) {
$widget->previewMode = $this->previewMode;
return $this->makePartial($targetPartial, $extraVars);
* Renders a single form field
public function renderField($field, $options = [])
if (is_string($field)) {
if (!isset($this->allFields[$field])) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
$field = $this->allFields[$field];
if (!isset($options['useContainer'])) {
$options['useContainer'] = true;
$targetPartial = $options['useContainer'] ? 'field-container' : 'field';
return $this->makePartial($targetPartial, ['field' => $field]);
* Renders the HTML element for a field
public function renderFieldElement($field)
return $this->makePartial('field_'.$field->type, ['field' => $field, 'formModel' => $this->model]);
* Validate the supplied form model.
* @return void
protected function validateModel()
if (!$this->model) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
$this->data = isset($this->data)
? (object) $this->data
: $this->model;
return $this->model;
* Prepares the form data
protected function prepareVars()
$this->vars['sessionKey'] = $this->getSessionKey();
$this->vars['outsideTabs'] = $this->allTabs->outside;
$this->vars['primaryTabs'] = $this->allTabs->primary;
$this->vars['secondaryTabs'] = $this->allTabs->secondary;
* Sets or resets form field values.
* @param array $data
* @return array
public function setFormValues($data = null)
if ($data === null) {
$data = $this->getSaveData();
$this->data = (object) array_merge((array) $this->data, (array) $data);
foreach ($this->allFields as $field) {
$field->value = $this->getFieldValue($field);
return $data;
* Event handler for refreshing the form.
public function onRefresh()
$result = [];
$saveData = $this->getSaveData();
* Extensibility
$dataHolder = (object) ['data' => $saveData];
$this->fireEvent('form.beforeRefresh', [$dataHolder]);
Event::fire('backend.form.beforeRefresh', [$this, $dataHolder]);
$saveData = $dataHolder->data;
* Set the form variables and prepare the widget
* Extensibility
$this->fireEvent('form.refreshFields', [$this->allFields]);
Event::fire('backend.form.refreshFields', [$this, $this->allFields]);
* If an array of fields is supplied, update specified fields individually.
if (($updateFields = post('fields')) && is_array($updateFields)) {
foreach ($updateFields as $field) {
if (!isset($this->allFields[$field])) {
$fieldObject = $this->allFields[$field];
$result['#' . $fieldObject->getId('group')] = $this->makePartial('field', ['field' => $fieldObject]);
* Update the whole form
if (empty($result)) {
$result = ['#'.$this->getId() => $this->makePartial('form')];
* Extensibility
$eventResults = array_merge(
$this->fireEvent('form.refresh', [$result]),
Event::fire('backend.form.refresh', [$this, $result])
foreach ($eventResults as $eventResult) {
$result = $eventResult + $result;
return $result;
* Creates a flat array of form fields from the configuration.
* Also slots fields in to their respective tabs.
protected function defineFormFields()
if ($this->fieldsDefined) {
* Extensibility
Event::fire('backend.form.extendFieldsBefore', [$this]);
* Outside fields
if (!isset($this->fields) || !is_array($this->fields)) {
$this->fields = [];
$this->allTabs->outside = new FormTabs(FormTabs::SECTION_OUTSIDE, $this->config);
* Primary Tabs + Fields
if (!isset($this->tabs['fields']) || !is_array($this->tabs['fields'])) {
$this->tabs['fields'] = [];
$this->allTabs->primary = new FormTabs(FormTabs::SECTION_PRIMARY, $this->tabs);
$this->addFields($this->tabs['fields'], FormTabs::SECTION_PRIMARY);
* Secondary Tabs + Fields
if (!isset($this->secondaryTabs['fields']) || !is_array($this->secondaryTabs['fields'])) {
$this->secondaryTabs['fields'] = [];
$this->allTabs->secondary = new FormTabs(FormTabs::SECTION_SECONDARY, $this->secondaryTabs);
$this->addFields($this->secondaryTabs['fields'], FormTabs::SECTION_SECONDARY);
* Extensibility
$this->fireEvent('form.extendFields', [$this->allFields]);
Event::fire('backend.form.extendFields', [$this, $this->allFields]);
* Convert automatic spanned fields
foreach ($this->allTabs->outside->getTabs() as $fields) {
foreach ($this->allTabs->primary->getTabs() as $fields) {
foreach ($this->allTabs->secondary->getTabs() as $fields) {
* At least one tab section should stretch
if (
$this->allTabs->secondary->stretch === null
&& $this->allTabs->primary->stretch === null
&& $this->allTabs->outside->stretch === null
) {
if ($this->allTabs->secondary->hasFields()) {
$this->allTabs->secondary->stretch = true;
elseif ($this->allTabs->primary->hasFields()) {
$this->allTabs->primary->stretch = true;
else {
$this->allTabs->outside->stretch = true;
* Bind all form widgets to controller
foreach ($this->allFields as $field) {
if ($field->type != 'widget') {
$widget = $this->makeFormFieldWidget($field);
$this->fieldsDefined = true;
* Converts fields with a span set to 'auto' as either
* 'left' or 'right' depending on the previous field.
protected function processAutoSpan($fields)
$prevSpan = null;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (strtolower($field->span) == 'auto') {
if ($prevSpan == 'left') {
$field->span = 'right';
else {
$field->span = 'left';
$prevSpan = $field->span;
* Programatically add fields, used internally and for extensibility.
public function addFields(array $fields, $addToArea = null)
foreach ($fields as $name => $config) {
$fieldObj = $this->makeFormField($name, $config);
$fieldTab = is_array($config) ? array_get($config, 'tab') : null;
* Check that the form field matches the active context
if ($fieldObj->context !== null) {
$context = (is_array($fieldObj->context)) ? $fieldObj->context : [$fieldObj->context];
if (!in_array($this->getContext(), $context)) {
$this->allFields[$name] = $fieldObj;
switch (strtolower($addToArea)) {
$this->allTabs->primary->addField($name, $fieldObj, $fieldTab);
$this->allTabs->secondary->addField($name, $fieldObj, $fieldTab);
$this->allTabs->outside->addField($name, $fieldObj);
public function addTabFields(array $fields)
return $this->addFields($fields, 'primary');
public function addSecondaryTabFields(array $fields)
return $this->addFields($fields, 'secondary');
* Programatically remove a field.
* @return boolean
public function removeField($name)
if (!isset($this->allFields[$name])) {
return false;
* Remove from tabs
* Remove from main collection
return true;
* Creates a form field object from name and configuration.
protected function makeFormField($name, $config)
$label = (isset($config['label'])) ? $config['label'] : null;
list($fieldName, $fieldContext) = $this->getFieldName($name);
$field = new FormField($fieldName, $label);
if ($fieldContext) {
$field->context = $fieldContext;
$field->arrayName = $this->arrayName;
$field->idPrefix = $this->getId();
* Simple field type
if (is_string($config)) {
if ($this->isFormWidget($config) !== false) {
$field->displayAs('widget', ['widget' => $config]);
else {
* Defined field type
else {
$fieldType = isset($config['type']) ? $config['type'] : null;
if (!is_string($fieldType) && !is_null($fieldType)) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
* Widget with configuration
if ($this->isFormWidget($fieldType) !== false) {
$config['widget'] = $fieldType;
$fieldType = 'widget';
$field->displayAs($fieldType, $config);
* Set field value
$field->value = $this->getFieldValue($field);
* Check model if field is required
if (!$field->required && $this->model && method_exists($this->model, 'isAttributeRequired')) {
$field->required = $this->model->isAttributeRequired($field->fieldName);
* Get field options from model
$optionModelTypes = ['dropdown', 'radio', 'checkboxlist', 'balloon-selector'];
if (in_array($field->type, $optionModelTypes)) {
* Defer the execution of option data collection
$field->options(function () use ($field, $config) {
$fieldOptions = (isset($config['options'])) ? $config['options'] : null;
$fieldOptions = $this->getOptionsFromModel($field, $fieldOptions);
return $fieldOptions;
return $field;
* Check if a field type is a widget or not
* @param string $fieldType
* @return boolean
protected function isFormWidget($fieldType)
if ($fieldType === null) {
return false;
if (strpos($fieldType, '\\')) {
return true;
$widgetClass = $this->widgetManager->resolveFormWidget($fieldType);
if (!class_exists($widgetClass)) {
return false;
if (is_subclass_of($widgetClass, 'Backend\Classes\FormWidgetBase')) {
return true;
return false;
* Makes a widget object from a form field object.
protected function makeFormFieldWidget($field)
if ($field->type != 'widget') {
return null;
if (isset($this->formWidgets[$field->fieldName])) {
return $this->formWidgets[$field->fieldName];
$widgetConfig = $this->makeConfig($field->config);
$widgetConfig->alias = $this->alias . studly_case(HtmlHelper::nameToId($field->fieldName));
$widgetConfig->sessionKey = $this->getSessionKey();
$widgetConfig->previewMode = $this->previewMode;
$widgetConfig->model = $this->model;
$widgetConfig->data = $this->data;
$widgetName = $widgetConfig->widget;
$widgetClass = $this->widgetManager->resolveFormWidget($widgetName);
if (!class_exists($widgetClass)) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
['name' => $widgetClass]
$widget = $this->makeFormWidget($widgetClass, $field, $widgetConfig);
return $this->formWidgets[$field->fieldName] = $widget;
* Get all the loaded form widgets for the instance.
* @return array
public function getFormWidgets()
return $this->formWidgets;
* Get a specified form widget
* @param string $fieldName
* @return mixed
public function getFormWidget($field)
return $this->formWidgets[$field];
* Get all the registered fields for the instance.
* @return array
public function getFields()
return $this->allFields;
* Get a specified field object
* @param string $fieldName
* @return mixed
public function getField($field)
return $this->allFields[$field];
* Parses a field's name
* @param string $field Field name
* @return array [columnName, context]
protected function getFieldName($field)
if (strpos($field, '@') === false) {
return [$field, null];
return explode('@', $field);
* Looks up the field value.
* @param use Backend\Classes\FormField $field
* @return string
protected function getFieldValue($field)
if (is_string($field)) {
if (!isset($this->allFields[$field])) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
$field = $this->allFields[$field];
$defaultValue = !$this->model->exists
? $field->getDefaultFromData($this->data)
: null;
return $field->getValueFromData($this->data, $defaultValue);
* Returns a HTML encoded value containing the other fields this
* field depends on
* @param use Backend\Classes\FormField $field
* @return string
protected function getFieldDepends($field)
if (!$field->dependsOn) {
$dependsOn = is_array($field->dependsOn) ? $field->dependsOn : [$field->dependsOn];
$dependsOn = htmlspecialchars(json_encode($dependsOn), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return $dependsOn;
* Helper method to determine if field should be rendered
* with label and comments.
* @param use Backend\Classes\FormField $field
* @return boolean
protected function showFieldLabels($field)
if (in_array($field->type, ['checkbox', 'switch', 'section'])) {
return false;
if ($field->type == 'widget') {
$widget = $this->makeFormFieldWidget($field);
return $widget->showLabels;
return true;
* Returns postback data from a submitted form.
public function getSaveData()
$result = [];
* Source data
$data = $this->arrayName ? post($this->arrayName) : post();
if (!$data) {
$data = [];
* Spin over each field and extract the postback value
foreach ($this->allFields as $field) {
* Handle HTML array, eg: item[key][another]
$parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field->fieldName);
if (($value = $this->dataArrayGet($data, $parts)) !== null) {
* Number fields should be converted to integers
if ($field->type == 'number') {
$value = !strlen(trim($value)) ? null : (float) $value;
$this->dataArraySet($result, $parts, $value);
* Give widgets an opportunity to process the data.
foreach ($this->formWidgets as $field => $widget) {
$parts = HtmlHelper::nameToArray($field);
$widgetValue = $widget->getSaveValue($this->dataArrayGet($result, $parts));
$this->dataArraySet($result, $parts, $widgetValue);
return $result;
* Allow the model to filter fields.
protected function applyFiltersFromModel()
if (method_exists($this->model, 'filterFields')) {
$this->model->filterFields((object) $this->allFields, $this->getContext());
* Looks at the model for defined options.
protected function getOptionsFromModel($field, $fieldOptions)
* Advanced usage, supplied options are callable
if (is_array($fieldOptions) && is_callable($fieldOptions)) {
$fieldOptions = call_user_func($fieldOptions, $this, $field);
* Refer to the model method or any of its behaviors
if (!is_array($fieldOptions) && !$fieldOptions) {
list($model, $attribute) = $field->resolveModelAttribute($this->model, $field->fieldName);
$methodName = 'get'.studly_case($attribute).'Options';
if (
!$this->methodExists($model, $methodName) &&
!$this->methodExists($model, 'getDropdownOptions')
) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
['model'=>get_class($model), 'method'=>$methodName, 'field'=>$field->fieldName]
if ($this->methodExists($model, $methodName)) {
$fieldOptions = $model->$methodName($field->value);
else {
$fieldOptions = $model->getDropdownOptions($attribute, $field->value);
* Field options are an explicit method reference
elseif (is_string($fieldOptions)) {
if (!$this->methodExists($this->model, $fieldOptions)) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
['model'=>get_class($this->model), 'method'=>$fieldOptions, 'field'=>$field->fieldName]
$fieldOptions = $this->model->$fieldOptions($field->value, $field->fieldName);
return $fieldOptions;
* Returns the active session key.
public function getSessionKey()
if ($this->sessionKey) {
return $this->sessionKey;
if (post('_session_key')) {
return $this->sessionKey = post('_session_key');
return $this->sessionKey = FormHelper::getSessionKey();
* Returns the active context for displaying the form.
public function getContext()
return $this->context;
* Internal helper for method existence checks
* @param object $object
* @param string $method
* @return boolean
protected function methodExists($object, $method)
if (method_exists($object, 'methodExists')) {
return $object->methodExists($method);
return method_exists($object, $method);
* Variant to array_get() but preserves dots in key names.
protected function dataArrayGet(array $array, array $parts, $default = null)
if (is_null($parts)) {
return $array;
if (count($parts) === 1) {
$key = array_shift($parts);
if (isset($array[$key])) {
return $array[$key];
else {
return $default;
foreach ($parts as $segment) {
if (!is_array($array) || !array_key_exists($segment, $array)) {
return $default;
$array = $array[$segment];
return $array;
* Variant to array_set() but preserves dots in key names.
protected function dataArraySet(array &$array, array $parts, $value)
if (is_null($parts)) {
return $array = $value;
while (count($parts) > 1) {
$key = array_shift($parts);
if (!isset($array[$key]) || !is_array($array[$key])) {
$array[$key] = [];
$array =& $array[$key];
$array[array_shift($parts)] = $value;
return $array;