2006-03-29 01:51:55 +00:00
< ? php
require_once ( '../wp-config.php' );
require_once ( 'admin-functions.php' );
require_once ( 'admin-db.php' );
define ( 'DOING_AJAX' , true );
check_ajax_referer ();
if ( ! is_user_logged_in () )
die ( '-1' );
function get_out_now () { exit ; }
add_action ( 'shutdown' , 'get_out_now' , - 1 );
function wp_clean_ajax_input ( $i ) {
global $wpdb ;
$i = is_array ( $i ) ? array_map ( 'wp_clean_ajax_input' , $i ) : $wpdb -> escape ( rawurldecode ( stripslashes ( $i )) );
return $i ;
function wp_ajax_echo_meta ( $pid , $mid , $key , $value ) {
$value = wp_specialchars ( $value , true );
$key_js = addslashes ( wp_specialchars ( $key , 'double' ));
$key = wp_specialchars ( $key , true );
$r = " <meta><id> $mid </id><postid> $pid </postid><newitem><![CDATA[<table><tbody> " ;
$r .= " <tr id='meta- $mid '><td valign='top'> " ;
$r .= " <input name='meta[ $mid ][key]' tabindex='6' onkeypress='return killSubmit( \" theList.ajaxUpdater('meta','meta- $mid '); \" ,event);' type='text' size='20' value=' $key ' /> " ;
$r .= " </td><td><textarea name='meta[ $mid ][value]' tabindex='6' rows='2' cols='30'> $value </textarea></td><td align='center'> " ;
$r .= " <input name='updatemeta' type='button' class='updatemeta' tabindex='6' value='Update' onclick='return theList.ajaxUpdater('meta','meta- $mid ');' /><br /> " ;
$r .= " <input name='deletemeta[ $mid ]' type='submit' onclick= \" return deleteSomething( 'meta', $mid , ' " ;
$r .= sprintf ( __ ( " You are about to delete the "%s" custom field on this post. \\ n"OK" to delete, "Cancel" to stop. " ), $key_js );
$r .= " ' ); \" class='deletemeta' tabindex='6' value='Delete' /> " ;
$r .= " </td></tr></tbody></table>]]></newitem></meta> " ;
return $r ;
$_POST = wp_clean_ajax_input ( $_POST );
$id = ( int ) $_POST [ 'id' ];
switch ( $_POST [ 'action' ] ) :
case 'delete-comment' :
if ( ! $comment = get_comment ( $id ) )
die ( '0' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $comment -> comment_post_ID ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( wp_delete_comment ( $comment -> comment_ID ) )
die ( '1' );
else die ( '0' );
break ;
case 'delete-comment-as-spam' :
if ( ! $comment = get_comment ( $id ) )
die ( '0' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $comment -> comment_post_ID ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( wp_set_comment_status ( $comment -> comment_ID , 'spam' ) )
die ( '1' );
else die ( '0' );
break ;
case 'delete-cat' :
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'manage_categories' ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( wp_delete_category ( $id ) )
die ( '1' );
else die ( '0' );
break ;
case 'delete-link' :
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'manage_links' ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( wp_delete_link ( $id ) )
die ( '1' );
else die ( '0' );
break ;
case 'delete-meta' :
if ( ! $meta = get_post_meta_by_id ( $id ) )
die ( '0' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $meta -> post_id ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( delete_meta ( $meta -> meta_id ) )
die ( '1' );
die ( '0' );
break ;
case 'delete-post' :
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'delete_post' , $id ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( wp_delete_post ( $id ) )
die ( '1' );
else die ( '0' );
break ;
case 'delete-page' :
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'delete_page' , $id ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( wp_delete_post ( $id ) )
die ( '1' );
else die ( '0' );
break ;
case 'dim-comment' :
if ( ! $comment = get_comment ( $id ) )
die ( '0' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $comment -> comment_post_ID ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'moderate_comments' ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( 'unapproved' == wp_get_comment_status ( $comment -> comment_ID ) ) {
if ( wp_set_comment_status ( $comment -> comment_ID , 'approve' ) )
die ( '1' );
} else {
if ( wp_set_comment_status ( $comment -> comment_ID , 'hold' ) )
die ( '1' );
die ( '0' );
break ;
case 'add-category' : // On the Fly
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'manage_categories' ) )
die ( '-1' );
$names = explode ( ',' , $_POST [ 'newcat' ]);
$r = " <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><ajaxresponse> " ;
foreach ( $names as $cat_name ) {
$cat_name = trim ( $cat_name );
if ( ! $category_nicename = sanitize_title ( $cat_name ) )
die ( '0' );
if ( ! $cat_id = category_exists ( $cat_name ) )
$cat_id = wp_create_category ( $cat_name );
$cat_name = wp_specialchars ( stripslashes ( $cat_name ));
$r .= " <category><id> $cat_id </id><newitem><![CDATA[ " ;
$r .= " <li id='category- $cat_id '><label for='in-category- $cat_id ' class='selectit'> " ;
$r .= " <input value=' $cat_id ' type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='post_category[]' id='in-category- $cat_id '/> $cat_name </label></li> " ;
$r .= " ]]></newitem></category> " ;
$r .= '</ajaxresponse>' ;
header ( 'Content-type: text/xml' );
die ( $r );
break ;
case 'add-cat' : // From Manage->Categories
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'manage_categories' ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( ! $cat = wp_insert_category ( $_POST ) )
die ( '0' );
if ( ! $cat = get_category ( $cat ) )
die ( '0' );
$pad = 0 ;
$_cat = $cat ;
while ( $_cat -> category_parent ) {
$_cat = get_category ( $_cat -> category_parent );
$pad ++ ;
$pad = str_repeat ( '— ' , $pad );
$r = " <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><ajaxresponse> " ;
$r .= " <cat><id> $cat->cat_ID </id><newitem><![CDATA[<table><tbody> " ;
$r .= " <tr id='cat- $cat->cat_ID '><th scope='row'> $cat->cat_ID </th><td> $pad $cat->cat_name </td> " ;
$r .= " <td> $cat->category_description </td><td> $cat->category_count </td><td> $cat->link_count </td> " ;
$r .= " <td><a href='categories.php?action=edit&cat_ID= $cat->cat_ID ' class='edit'> " . __ ( 'Edit' ) . " </a></td> " ;
$r .= " <td><a href='categories.php?action=delete&cat_ID= $cat->cat_ID ' onclick='return deleteSomething( \" cat \" , $cat->cat_ID , \" " ;
$r .= sprintf ( __ ( 'You are about to delete the category \"%s\". All of its posts and bookmarks will go to the default categories.\\n\"OK\" to delete, \"Cancel\" to stop.' ), addslashes ( $cat -> cat_name ));
$r .= " \" );' class='delete'> " . __ ( 'Delete' ) . " </a></td></tr> " ;
$r .= " </tbody></table>]]></newitem></cat></ajaxresponse> " ;
header ( 'Content-type: text/xml' );
die ( $r );
break ;
case 'add-meta' :
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $id ) )
die ( '-1' );
if ( $id < 0 ) {
if ( $pid = write_post () )
$meta = has_meta ( $pid );
die ( '0' );
$key = $meta [ 0 ][ 'meta_key' ];
$value = $meta [ 0 ][ 'meta_value' ];
$mid = ( int ) $meta [ 0 ][ 'meta_id' ];
} else {
if ( $mid = add_meta ( $id ) )
$meta = get_post_meta_by_id ( $mid );
die ( '0' );
$key = $meta -> meta_key ;
$value = $meta -> meta_value ;
$pid = ( int ) $meta -> post_id ;
$r = " <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><ajaxresponse> " ;
$r .= wp_ajax_echo_meta ( $pid , $mid , $key , $value );
$r .= '</ajaxresponse>' ;
header ( 'Content-type: text/xml' );
die ( $r );
break ;
case 'update-meta' :
$mid = ( int ) array_pop ( array_keys ( $_POST [ 'meta' ]));
$key = $_POST [ 'meta' ][ $mid ][ 'key' ];
$value = $_POST [ 'meta' ][ $mid ][ 'value' ];
if ( ! $meta = get_post_meta_by_id ( $mid ) )
die ( '0' );
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $meta -> post_id ) )
die ( '-1' );
$r = " <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><ajaxresponse> " ;
if ( $u = update_meta ( $mid , $key , $value ) ) {
$key = stripslashes ( $key );
$value = stripslashes ( $value );
$r .= wp_ajax_echo_meta ( $meta -> post_id , $mid , $key , $value );
$r .= '</ajaxresponse>' ;
header ( 'Content-type: text/xml' );
die ( $r );
break ;
2006-04-02 00:31:26 +00:00
case 'add-user' :
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_users' ) )
die ( '-1' );
require_once ( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration-functions.php' );
$user_id = add_user ();
if ( is_wp_error ( $user_id ) ) {
2006-04-02 00:48:14 +00:00
foreach ( $user_id -> get_error_messages () as $message )
echo " $message <br /> " ;
2006-04-02 00:31:26 +00:00
exit ;
} elseif ( ! $user_id ) {
die ( '0' );
$r = " <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><ajaxresponse><user><id> $user_id </id><newitem><![CDATA[<table><tbody> " ;
$r .= user_row ( $user_id );
$r .= " </tbody></table>]]></newitem></user></ajaxresponse> " ;
header ( 'Content-type: text/xml' );
die ( $r );
break ;
2006-03-29 01:51:55 +00:00
default :
die ( '0' );
break ;
endswitch ;