2003-09-24 22:01:43 +00:00
< ? php
require_once ( '../wp-config.php' );
if ( ! $showcomments ) {
if ( $comments_per_page ) {
$showcomments = $comments_per_page ;
} else {
$showcomments = 10 ;
$comments_per_page = $showcomments ;
} else {
$comments_per_page = $showcomments ;
if (( ! empty ( $commentstart )) && ( ! empty ( $commentend )) && ( $commentstart == $commentend )) {
$p = $commentstart ;
$commentstart = 0 ;
$commentend = 0 ;
if ( ! $commentstart ) {
$commentstart = 0 ;
$commentend = $showcomments ;
$nextXstart = $commentend ;
$nextXend = $commentend + $showcomments ;
$previousXstart = ( $commentstart - $showcomments );
$previousXend = $commentstart ;
if ( $previousXstart < 0 ) {
$previousXstart = 0 ;
$previousXend = $showcomments ;
ob_start ();
< h2 id = " comments " > Comments </ h2 >
2003-10-14 00:54:09 +00:00
< p class = " anchors " > Go to : < a href = " b2edit.php#top " > Post / Edit </ a > | < a href = " b2edit.php#posts " > Posts </ a > | < a href = " b2edit.php#comments " > Comments </ a ></ p >
2003-09-24 22:01:43 +00:00
< div class = " wrap " >
< table width = " 100% " >
< tr >
< td valign = " top " width = " 200 " >
Show comments :
</ td >
< td >
< table cellpadding = " 0 " cellspacing = " 0 " border = " 0 " >
< tr >
< td colspan = " 2 " align = " center " ><!-- show next / previous X comments -->
< form name = " previousXcomments " method = " get " action = " " >
< ? php
if ( $previousXstart > 0 ) {
< input type = " hidden " name = " showcomments " value = " <?php echo $showcomments ; ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " commentstart " value = " <?php echo $previousXstart ; ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " commentend " value = " <?php echo $previousXend ; ?> " />
< input type = " submit " name = " submitprevious " class = " search " value = " < <?php echo $showcomments ?> " />
< ? php
</ form >
</ td >
< td >
< form name = " nextXcomments " method = " get " action = " " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " showcomments " value = " <?php echo $showcomments ; ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " commentstart " value = " <?php echo $nextXstart ; ?> " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " commentend " value = " <?php echo $nextXend ; ?> " />
< input type = " submit " name = " submitnext " class = " search " value = " <?php echo $showcomments ?> > " />
</ form >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td valign = " top " width = " 200 " ><!-- show X first / last comments -->
< form name = " showXfirstlastcomments " method = " get " action = " " >
< input type = " text " name = " showcomments " value = " <?php echo $showcomments ?> " style = " width:40px; " / ?>
< ? php
if ( empty ( $commentorder ))
$commentorder = " DESC " ;
$i = $commentorder ;
if ( $i == " DESC " )
$besp_selected = " selected='selected' " ;
< select name = " commentorder " >
< option value = " DESC " < ? php echo $besp_selected ?> >last comments</option>
< ? php
$besp_selected = " " ;
if ( $i == " ASC " )
$besp_selected = " selected='selected' " ;
< option value = " ASC " < ? php echo $besp_selected ?> >first comments</option>
</ select >& nbsp ;
< input type = " submit " name = " submitfirstlast " class = " search " value = " OK " />
</ form >
</ td >
< td valign = " top " ><!-- show comment X to comment X -->
< form name = " showXfirstlastcomments " method = " get " action = " " >
< input type = " text " name = " commentstart " value = " <?php echo $commentstart ?> " style = " width:40px; " / ?> to <input type="text" name="commentend" value="<?php echo $commentend ?>" style="width:40px;" /?>
< select name = " commentorder " >
< ? php
$besp_selected = " " ;
$i = $commentorder ;
if ( $i == " DESC " )
$besp_selected = " selected='selected' " ;
< option value = " DESC " " <?php echo $besp_selected ?> " > from the end </ option >
< ? php
$besp_selected = " " ;
if ( $i == " ASC " )
$besp_selected = " selected='selected' " ;
?> <option value="ASC" "<?php echo $besp_selected ?>">from the start</option>
</ select >& nbsp ;
< input type = " submit " name = " submitXtoX " class = " search " value = " OK " />
</ form >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
< ? php
$comments_nav_bar = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
echo $comments_nav_bar ;
< div class = " wrap " >
< ? php
// these lines are b2's "motor", do not alter nor remove them
// include($abspath.'blog.header.php');
$comments = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT * FROM $tablecomments "
. " ORDER BY comment_date $commentorder "
. " LIMIT $commentstart , $commentend "
// need to account for offet, etc.
if ( $comments ) {
foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
< p >
< ? php comment_date ( 'Y/m/d' ) ?> @ <?php comment_time() ?>
2003-09-25 22:43:07 +00:00
2003-09-24 22:01:43 +00:00
< ? php
if (( $user_level > $authordata -> user_level ) or ( $user_login == $authordata -> user_login )) {
2003-09-25 22:43:07 +00:00
echo " <a href= \" b2edit.php?action=editcomment&comment= " . $comment -> comment_ID . " \" >Edit</a> " ;
echo " - <a href= \" b2edit.php?action=deletecomment&p= " . $comment -> comment_post_ID . " &comment= " . $comment -> comment_ID . " \" onclick= \" return confirm('You are about to delete this comment by \ ' " . $comment -> comment_author . " \ ' \\ n \ 'Cancel \ ' to stop, \ 'OK \ ' to delete.') \" >Delete</a> - " ;
2003-09-24 22:01:43 +00:00
} // end if any comments to show
2003-09-25 22:43:07 +00:00
< a href = " b2edit.php?p=<?php echo $comment->comment_post_ID ; ?>&c=1 " > View Post </ a > ]
2003-09-24 22:01:43 +00:00
< br />
< strong >< ? php comment_author () ?> ( <?php comment_author_email_link() ?> / <?php comment_author_url_link() ?> )</strong> (IP: <?php comment_author_IP() ?>)
< ? php comment_text () ?>
</ p >
< br />
< ? php
} // end foreach
} else {
< p >
< strong > No results found .</ strong >
</ p >
< ? php
} // end if ($comments)
</ div >
< ? php
// uncomment this to show the nav bar at the bottom as well
// echo $comments_nav_bar;