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synced 2025-03-23 21:39:50 +01:00
Formatting: Make terms in wpautop()
and shortcode_unautop()
more welcoming and inclusive.
The developer facing humor in these functions were from a different era of WordPress. Tolerance for in-jokes and other developer facing humor has decreased over the years. Terms like "pee" and "tinkle" may make some folks chuckle while for others it makes them uncomfortable. Terminology of the past is being (or has been) re-evaluated to transform words into a language that are inclusive and welcome for all. This commit is part of that effort as it replaces. Follow-up [13], [9255]. Props ricomoorman, tzipporahwitty, ironprogrammer, peterwilsoncc, jeremyfelt, Viper007Bond, rmccue, SergeyBiryukov, hellofromTonya. Fixes #25615. git-svn-id: https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@52789 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
This commit is contained in:
@ -433,171 +433,171 @@ function _wptexturize_pushpop_element( $text, &$stack, $disabled_elements ) {
* @since 0.71
* @param string $pee The text which has to be formatted.
* @param bool $br Optional. If set, this will convert all remaining line breaks
* after paragraphing. Line breaks within `<script>`, `<style>`,
* and `<svg>` tags are not affected. Default true.
* @param string $text The text which has to be formatted.
* @param bool $br Optional. If set, this will convert all remaining line breaks
* after paragraphing. Line breaks within `<script>`, `<style>`,
* and `<svg>` tags are not affected. Default true.
* @return string Text which has been converted into correct paragraph tags.
function wpautop( $pee, $br = true ) {
function wpautop( $text, $br = true ) {
$pre_tags = array();
if ( trim( $pee ) === '' ) {
if ( trim( $text ) === '' ) {
return '';
// Just to make things a little easier, pad the end.
$pee = $pee . "\n";
$text = $text . "\n";
* Pre tags shouldn't be touched by autop.
* Replace pre tags with placeholders and bring them back after autop.
if ( strpos( $pee, '<pre' ) !== false ) {
$pee_parts = explode( '</pre>', $pee );
$last_pee = array_pop( $pee_parts );
$pee = '';
$i = 0;
if ( strpos( $text, '<pre' ) !== false ) {
$text_parts = explode( '</pre>', $text );
$last_part = array_pop( $text_parts );
$text = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ( $pee_parts as $pee_part ) {
$start = strpos( $pee_part, '<pre' );
foreach ( $text_parts as $text_part ) {
$start = strpos( $text_part, '<pre' );
// Malformed HTML?
if ( false === $start ) {
$pee .= $pee_part;
$text .= $text_part;
$name = "<pre wp-pre-tag-$i></pre>";
$pre_tags[ $name ] = substr( $pee_part, $start ) . '</pre>';
$pre_tags[ $name ] = substr( $text_part, $start ) . '</pre>';
$pee .= substr( $pee_part, 0, $start ) . $name;
$text .= substr( $text_part, 0, $start ) . $name;
$pee .= $last_pee;
$text .= $last_part;
// Change multiple <br>'s into two line breaks, which will turn into paragraphs.
$pee = preg_replace( '|<br\s*/?>\s*<br\s*/?>|', "\n\n", $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '|<br\s*/?>\s*<br\s*/?>|', "\n\n", $text );
$allblocks = '(?:table|thead|tfoot|caption|col|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre|form|map|area|blockquote|address|math|style|p|h[1-6]|hr|fieldset|legend|section|article|aside|hgroup|header|footer|nav|figure|figcaption|details|menu|summary)';
// Add a double line break above block-level opening tags.
$pee = preg_replace( '!(<' . $allblocks . '[\s/>])!', "\n\n$1", $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!(<' . $allblocks . '[\s/>])!', "\n\n$1", $text );
// Add a double line break below block-level closing tags.
$pee = preg_replace( '!(</' . $allblocks . '>)!', "$1\n\n", $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!(</' . $allblocks . '>)!', "$1\n\n", $text );
// Add a double line break after hr tags, which are self closing.
$pee = preg_replace( '!(<hr\s*?/?>)!', "$1\n\n", $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!(<hr\s*?/?>)!', "$1\n\n", $text );
// Standardize newline characters to "\n".
$pee = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r" ), "\n", $pee );
$text = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r" ), "\n", $text );
// Find newlines in all elements and add placeholders.
$pee = wp_replace_in_html_tags( $pee, array( "\n" => ' <!-- wpnl --> ' ) );
$text = wp_replace_in_html_tags( $text, array( "\n" => ' <!-- wpnl --> ' ) );
// Collapse line breaks before and after <option> elements so they don't get autop'd.
if ( strpos( $pee, '<option' ) !== false ) {
$pee = preg_replace( '|\s*<option|', '<option', $pee );
$pee = preg_replace( '|</option>\s*|', '</option>', $pee );
if ( strpos( $text, '<option' ) !== false ) {
$text = preg_replace( '|\s*<option|', '<option', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '|</option>\s*|', '</option>', $text );
* Collapse line breaks inside <object> elements, before <param> and <embed> elements
* so they don't get autop'd.
if ( strpos( $pee, '</object>' ) !== false ) {
$pee = preg_replace( '|(<object[^>]*>)\s*|', '$1', $pee );
$pee = preg_replace( '|\s*</object>|', '</object>', $pee );
$pee = preg_replace( '%\s*(</?(?:param|embed)[^>]*>)\s*%', '$1', $pee );
if ( strpos( $text, '</object>' ) !== false ) {
$text = preg_replace( '|(<object[^>]*>)\s*|', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '|\s*</object>|', '</object>', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '%\s*(</?(?:param|embed)[^>]*>)\s*%', '$1', $text );
* Collapse line breaks inside <audio> and <video> elements,
* before and after <source> and <track> elements.
if ( strpos( $pee, '<source' ) !== false || strpos( $pee, '<track' ) !== false ) {
$pee = preg_replace( '%([<\[](?:audio|video)[^>\]]*[>\]])\s*%', '$1', $pee );
$pee = preg_replace( '%\s*([<\[]/(?:audio|video)[>\]])%', '$1', $pee );
$pee = preg_replace( '%\s*(<(?:source|track)[^>]*>)\s*%', '$1', $pee );
if ( strpos( $text, '<source' ) !== false || strpos( $text, '<track' ) !== false ) {
$text = preg_replace( '%([<\[](?:audio|video)[^>\]]*[>\]])\s*%', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '%\s*([<\[]/(?:audio|video)[>\]])%', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '%\s*(<(?:source|track)[^>]*>)\s*%', '$1', $text );
// Collapse line breaks before and after <figcaption> elements.
if ( strpos( $pee, '<figcaption' ) !== false ) {
$pee = preg_replace( '|\s*(<figcaption[^>]*>)|', '$1', $pee );
$pee = preg_replace( '|</figcaption>\s*|', '</figcaption>', $pee );
if ( strpos( $text, '<figcaption' ) !== false ) {
$text = preg_replace( '|\s*(<figcaption[^>]*>)|', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '|</figcaption>\s*|', '</figcaption>', $text );
// Remove more than two contiguous line breaks.
$pee = preg_replace( "/\n\n+/", "\n\n", $pee );
$text = preg_replace( "/\n\n+/", "\n\n", $text );
// Split up the contents into an array of strings, separated by double line breaks.
$pees = preg_split( '/\n\s*\n/', $pee, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$paragraphs = preg_split( '/\n\s*\n/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
// Reset $pee prior to rebuilding.
$pee = '';
// Reset $text prior to rebuilding.
$text = '';
// Rebuild the content as a string, wrapping every bit with a <p>.
foreach ( $pees as $tinkle ) {
$pee .= '<p>' . trim( $tinkle, "\n" ) . "</p>\n";
foreach ( $paragraphs as $paragraph ) {
$text .= '<p>' . trim( $paragraph, "\n" ) . "</p>\n";
// Under certain strange conditions it could create a P of entirely whitespace.
$pee = preg_replace( '|<p>\s*</p>|', '', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '|<p>\s*</p>|', '', $text );
// Add a closing <p> inside <div>, <address>, or <form> tag if missing.
$pee = preg_replace( '!<p>([^<]+)</(div|address|form)>!', '<p>$1</p></$2>', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!<p>([^<]+)</(div|address|form)>!', '<p>$1</p></$2>', $text );
// If an opening or closing block element tag is wrapped in a <p>, unwrap it.
$pee = preg_replace( '!<p>\s*(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*</p>!', '$1', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!<p>\s*(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*</p>!', '$1', $text );
// In some cases <li> may get wrapped in <p>, fix them.
$pee = preg_replace( '|<p>(<li.+?)</p>|', '$1', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '|<p>(<li.+?)</p>|', '$1', $text );
// If a <blockquote> is wrapped with a <p>, move it inside the <blockquote>.
$pee = preg_replace( '|<p><blockquote([^>]*)>|i', '<blockquote$1><p>', $pee );
$pee = str_replace( '</blockquote></p>', '</p></blockquote>', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '|<p><blockquote([^>]*)>|i', '<blockquote$1><p>', $text );
$text = str_replace( '</blockquote></p>', '</p></blockquote>', $text );
// If an opening or closing block element tag is preceded by an opening <p> tag, remove it.
$pee = preg_replace( '!<p>\s*(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)!', '$1', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!<p>\s*(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)!', '$1', $text );
// If an opening or closing block element tag is followed by a closing <p> tag, remove it.
$pee = preg_replace( '!(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*</p>!', '$1', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*</p>!', '$1', $text );
// Optionally insert line breaks.
if ( $br ) {
// Replace newlines that shouldn't be touched with a placeholder.
$pee = preg_replace_callback( '/<(script|style|svg).*?<\/\\1>/s', '_autop_newline_preservation_helper', $pee );
$text = preg_replace_callback( '/<(script|style|svg).*?<\/\\1>/s', '_autop_newline_preservation_helper', $text );
// Normalize <br>
$pee = str_replace( array( '<br>', '<br/>' ), '<br />', $pee );
$text = str_replace( array( '<br>', '<br/>' ), '<br />', $text );
// Replace any new line characters that aren't preceded by a <br /> with a <br />.
$pee = preg_replace( '|(?<!<br />)\s*\n|', "<br />\n", $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '|(?<!<br />)\s*\n|', "<br />\n", $text );
// Replace newline placeholders with newlines.
$pee = str_replace( '<WPPreserveNewline />', "\n", $pee );
$text = str_replace( '<WPPreserveNewline />', "\n", $text );
// If a <br /> tag is after an opening or closing block tag, remove it.
$pee = preg_replace( '!(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*<br />!', '$1', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*<br />!', '$1', $text );
// If a <br /> tag is before a subset of opening or closing block tags, remove it.
$pee = preg_replace( '!<br />(\s*</?(?:p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)[^>]*>)!', '$1', $pee );
$pee = preg_replace( "|\n</p>$|", '</p>', $pee );
$text = preg_replace( '!<br />(\s*</?(?:p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)[^>]*>)!', '$1', $text );
$text = preg_replace( "|\n</p>$|", '</p>', $text );
// Replace placeholder <pre> tags with their original content.
if ( ! empty( $pre_tags ) ) {
$pee = str_replace( array_keys( $pre_tags ), array_values( $pre_tags ), $pee );
$text = str_replace( array_keys( $pre_tags ), array_values( $pre_tags ), $text );
// Restore newlines in all elements.
if ( false !== strpos( $pee, '<!-- wpnl -->' ) ) {
$pee = str_replace( array( ' <!-- wpnl --> ', '<!-- wpnl -->' ), "\n", $pee );
if ( false !== strpos( $text, '<!-- wpnl -->' ) ) {
$text = str_replace( array( ' <!-- wpnl --> ', '<!-- wpnl -->' ), "\n", $text );
return $pee;
return $text;
@ -814,14 +814,14 @@ function _autop_newline_preservation_helper( $matches ) {
* @global array $shortcode_tags
* @param string $pee The content.
* @param string $text The content.
* @return string The filtered content.
function shortcode_unautop( $pee ) {
function shortcode_unautop( $text ) {
global $shortcode_tags;
if ( empty( $shortcode_tags ) || ! is_array( $shortcode_tags ) ) {
return $pee;
return $text;
$tagregexp = implode( '|', array_map( 'preg_quote', array_keys( $shortcode_tags ) ) );
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ function shortcode_unautop( $pee ) {
. '/';
// phpcs:enable
return preg_replace( $pattern, '$1', $pee );
return preg_replace( $pattern, '$1', $text );
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ line 2<br/>
* @ticket 4857
public function test_that_text_before_blocks_is_peed() {
public function test_that_text_before_blocks_is_wrapped_in_a_paragraph() {
$content = 'a<div>b</div>';
$expected = "<p>a</p>\n<div>b</div>";
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ line 2<br/>
* @ticket 14674
public function test_the_hr_is_not_peed() {
public function test_the_hr_is_not_wrapped_in_a_paragraph() {
$content = 'paragraph1<hr>paragraph2';
$expected = "<p>paragraph1</p>\n<hr>\n<p>paragraph2</p>";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user