version: '3.7' services: ## # The web server container. ## wordpress-develop: image: nginx:alpine networks: - wpdevnet ports: - ${LOCAL_PORT-8889}:80 environment: LOCAL_DIR: ${LOCAL_DIR-src} volumes: - ./tools/local-env/default.template:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.template - ./:/var/www # Load our config file, substituting environment variables into the config. command: /bin/sh -c "envsubst '$$LOCAL_DIR' < /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.template > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf && exec nginx -g 'daemon off;'" depends_on: php: condition: service_started mysql: condition: service_healthy ## # The PHP container. ## php: image: wordpressdevelop/php:${LOCAL_PHP-latest} networks: - wpdevnet environment: - LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG=${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG-false} - XDEBUG_MODE=${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG_MODE-develop,debug} - LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED=${LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED-false} - PHP_FPM_UID=${PHP_FPM_UID-1000} - PHP_FPM_GID=${PHP_FPM_GID-1000} - GITHUB_REF=${GITHUB_REF-false} - GITHUB_EVENT_NAME=${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME-false} volumes: - ./tools/local-env/php-config.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/php-config.ini - ./:/var/www # Copy or delete the Memcached dropin plugin file as appropriate. command: /bin/sh -c "if [ $LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED = true ]; then cp -n /var/www/tests/phpunit/includes/object-cache.php /var/www/src/wp-content/object-cache.php; else rm -f /var/www/src/wp-content/object-cache.php; fi && exec php-fpm" # The init directive ensures the command runs with a PID > 1, so Ctrl+C works correctly. init: true extra_hosts: - localhost:host-gateway ## # The MySQL container. ## mysql: image: ${LOCAL_DB_TYPE-mysql}:${LOCAL_DB_VERSION-latest} networks: - wpdevnet ports: - "3306" environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password volumes: - ./tools/local-env/mysql-init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/mysql-init.sql - mysql:/var/lib/mysql # For compatibility with PHP versions that don't support the caching_sha2_password auth plugin used in MySQL 8.0. command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password healthcheck: test: [ "CMD-SHELL", "if [ \"$LOCAL_DB_TYPE\" = \"mariadb\" ]; then mariadb-admin ping -h localhost; else mysqladmin ping -h localhost; fi" ] timeout: 5s interval: 5s retries: 10 ## # The WP CLI container. ## cli: image: wordpressdevelop/cli:${LOCAL_PHP-latest} networks: - wpdevnet environment: - LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG=${LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG-false} - LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED=${LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED-false} - PHP_FPM_UID=${PHP_FPM_UID-1000} - PHP_FPM_GID=${PHP_FPM_GID-1000} volumes: - ./:/var/www # The init directive ensures the command runs with a PID > 1, so Ctrl+C works correctly. init: true extra_hosts: - localhost:host-gateway depends_on: php: condition: service_started mysql: condition: service_healthy ## # The Memcached container. ## memcached: image: memcached networks: - wpdevnet ports: - 11211:11211 depends_on: php: condition: service_started volumes: # So that sites aren't wiped every time containers are restarted, MySQL uses a persistent volume. mysql: {} networks: # Creating our own network allows us to connect between containers using their service name. wpdevnet: driver: bridge