const dotenv = require( 'dotenv' ); const wait_on = require( 'wait-on' ); const { execSync } = require( 'child_process' ); const { renameSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require( 'fs' ); dotenv.config(); // Create wp-config.php. wp_cli( 'config create --dbname=wordpress_develop --dbuser=root --dbpass=password --dbhost=mysql --path=/var/www/src --force' ); // Add the debug settings to wp-config.php. // Windows requires this to be done as an additional step, rather than using the --extra-php option in the previous step. wp_cli( `config set WP_DEBUG ${process.env.LOCAL_WP_DEBUG} --raw --type=constant` ); wp_cli( `config set WP_DEBUG_LOG ${process.env.LOCAL_WP_DEBUG_LOG} --raw --type=constant` ); wp_cli( `config set WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY ${process.env.LOCAL_WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY} --raw --type=constant` ); wp_cli( `config set SCRIPT_DEBUG ${process.env.LOCAL_SCRIPT_DEBUG} --raw --type=constant` ); // Move wp-config.php to the base directory, so it doesn't get mixed up in the src or build directories. renameSync( 'src/wp-config.php', 'wp-config.php' ); // Read in wp-tests-config-sample.php, edit it to work with our config, then write it to wp-tests-config.php. const testConfig = readFileSync( 'wp-tests-config-sample.php', 'utf8' ) .replace( 'youremptytestdbnamehere', 'wordpress_develop_tests' ) .replace( 'yourusernamehere', 'root' ) .replace( 'yourpasswordhere', 'password' ) .replace( 'localhost', 'mysql' ) .concat( "\ndefine( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct' );\n" ); writeFileSync( 'wp-tests-config.php', testConfig ); // Once the site is available, install WordPress! wait_on( { resources: [ `tcp:localhost:${process.env.LOCAL_PORT}`] } ) .then( () => { wp_cli( 'db reset --yes' ); wp_cli( `core install --title="WordPress Develop" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=password --skip-email --url=http://localhost:${process.env.LOCAL_PORT}` ); } ); /** * Runs WP-CLI commands in the Docker environment. * * @param {string} cmd The WP-CLI command to run. */ function wp_cli( cmd ) { execSync( `docker-compose run --rm cli ${cmd}`, { stdio: 'inherit' } ); }