name: Code Coverage Report on: # Verify push: branches: - trunk paths: - '.github/workflows/test-coverage.yml' - 'docker-compose.yml' - 'phpunit.xml.dist' - 'tests/phpunit/multisite.xml' pull_request: branches: - trunk paths: - '.github/workflows/test-coverage.yml' - 'docker-compose.yml' - 'phpunit.xml.dist' - 'tests/phpunit/multisite.xml' # Once daily at 00:00 UTC. schedule: - cron: '0 0 * * *' # Allow manually triggering the workflow. workflow_dispatch: env: PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD: ${{ true }} LOCAL_PHP: '7.4-fpm' LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG: true LOCAL_PHP_XDEBUG_MODE: 'coverage' LOCAL_PHP_MEMCACHED: ${{ false }} jobs: # Sets up WordPress for testing or development use. # # Performs the following steps: # - Sets environment variables. # - Checks out the repository. # - Checks out the WordPress Importer plugin (needed for the Core PHPUnit tests). # - Logs debug information about the GitHub Action runner. # - Installs NodeJS. # _ Installs NPM dependencies. # - Logs Docker debug information (about the Docker installation within the runner). # - Starts the WordPress Docker container. # - Logs debug general information. # - Logs the running Docker containers. # - Logs WordPress Docker container debug information. # - Logs debug information about what's installed within the WordPress Docker containers. # - Install WordPress within the Docker container. # - Run the PHPUnit tests as a single site. # - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted. # - Upload the single site code coverage report to # - Run the PHPUnit tests as a multisite. # - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted. # - Upload the multisite code coverage report to test-coverage-report: name: ${{ matrix.multisite && 'Multisite' || 'Single site' }} report runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 120 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: multisite: [ false, true ] steps: - name: Configure environment variables run: | echo "PHP_FPM_UID=$(id -u)" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "PHP_FPM_GID=$(id -g)" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 - name: Log debug information run: | echo "$GITHUB_REF" echo "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" npm --version node --version curl --version git --version svn --version php --version php -i locale -a - name: Install NodeJS uses: actions/setup-node@2fddd8803e2f5c9604345a0b591c3020ee971a93 # v3.4.1 with: node-version-file: '.nvmrc' cache: npm - name: Install Dependencies run: npm ci # This date is used to ensure that the Composer cache is refreshed at least once every week. # - name: "Get last Monday's date" id: get-date run: echo "::set-output name=date::$(/bin/date -u --date='last Mon' "+%F")" - name: Get Composer cache directory id: composer-cache run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(composer config cache-files-dir)" - name: Cache Composer dependencies uses: actions/cache@fd5de65bc895cf536527842281bea11763fefd77 # v3.0.8 env: cache-name: cache-composer-dependencies with: path: ${{ steps.composer-cache.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-php-${{ matrix.php }}-date-${{ }}-composer-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.json') }} - name: Install Composer dependencies run: | docker-compose run --rm php composer --version # Install using `composer update` as there is no `composer.lock` file. docker-compose run --rm php composer update - name: Docker debug information run: | docker -v docker-compose -v - name: Start Docker environment run: | npm run env:start - name: General debug information run: | npm --version node --version curl --version git --version svn --version - name: Log running Docker containers run: docker ps -a - name: WordPress Docker container debug information run: | docker-compose run --rm mysql mysql --version docker-compose run --rm php php --version docker-compose run --rm php php -m docker-compose run --rm php php -i docker-compose run --rm php locale -a - name: Install WordPress run: npm run env:install - name: Run tests as a single site if: ${{ ! matrix.multisite }} run: npm run test:php -- --verbose -c phpunit.xml.dist --coverage-clover wp-code-coverage-single-clover-${{ github.sha }}.xml - name: Ensure version-controlled files are not modified during the tests run: git diff --exit-code - name: Upload single site report to Codecov if: ${{ ! matrix.multisite && github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} uses: codecov/codecov-action@81cd2dc8148241f03f5839d295e000b8f761e378 # v3.1.0 with: file: wp-code-coverage-single-clover-${{ github.sha }}.xml flags: single,php fail_ci_if_error: true - name: Run tests as a multisite install if: ${{ matrix.multisite }} run: npm run test:php -- --verbose -c tests/phpunit/multisite.xml --coverage-clover wp-code-coverage-multisite-clover-${{ github.sha }}.xml - name: Ensure version-controlled files are not modified during the tests run: git diff --exit-code - name: Upload multisite report to Codecov if: ${{ matrix.multisite && github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} uses: codecov/codecov-action@81cd2dc8148241f03f5839d295e000b8f761e378 # v3.1.0 with: file: wp-code-coverage-multisite-clover-${{ github.sha }}.xml flags: multisite,php fail_ci_if_error: true slack-notifications: name: Slack Notifications uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml@trunk needs: [ test-coverage-report ] if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && always() }} with: calling_status: ${{ needs.test-coverage-report.result == 'success' && 'success' || needs.test-coverage-report.result == 'cancelled' && 'cancelled' || 'failure' }} secrets: SLACK_GHA_SUCCESS_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_SUCCESS_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_GHA_CANCELLED_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_CANCELLED_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_GHA_FIXED_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_FIXED_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_GHA_FAILURE_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_FAILURE_WEBHOOK }} failed-workflow: name: Failed workflow tasks runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: [ test-coverage-report, slack-notifications ] if: | always() && github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && github.run_attempt < 2 && ( needs.test-coverage-report.result == 'cancelled' || needs.test-coverage-report.result == 'failure' ) steps: - name: Dispatch workflow run uses: actions/github-script@d4560e157075e2d93aa3022b5b51a42a880f1f93 # v6.3.0 with: retries: 2 retryAfter: 10 retry-exempt-status-codes: 418 script: |{ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, workflow_id: 'failed-workflow.yml', ref: '${{ github.ref_name }}', inputs: { run_id: '${{ github.run_id }}' } });