sudo: false language: php cache: directories: - node_modules - vendor - $HOME/.composer/cache matrix: include: - php: 7.0 env: WP_TRAVISCI=travis:js - php: 7.0 env: WP_TRAVISCI=travis:phpunit - php: 5.6 env: WP_TRAVISCI=travis:phpunit - php: 5.6 env: WP_TRAVISCI=travis:phpunit WP_TRAVIS_OBJECT_CACHE=true services: memcached - php: 5.2 env: WP_TRAVISCI=travis:phpunit before_install: - WP_CORE_DIR=/tmp/wordpress/ - git clone src/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen - | if [[ "$WP_TRAVISCI" == "travis:phpunit" ]]; then mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE wordpress_tests;" -uroot cp wp-tests-config-sample.php wp-tests-config.php sed -i "s/youremptytestdbnamehere/wordpress_tests/" wp-tests-config.php sed -i "s/yourusernamehere/travis/" wp-tests-config.php sed -i "s/yourpasswordhere//" wp-tests-config.php svn checkout tests/phpunit/data/plugins/wordpress-importer fi - | if [[ "$WP_TRAVIS_OBJECT_CACHE" == "true" ]]; then curl > src/wp-content/object-cache.php echo "extension =" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini fi before_script: - | # Remove Xdebug for a huge performance increase, but not from nightly or hhvm: stable='^[0-9\.]+$' if [[ "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" =~ $stable ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini fi - | # Export Composer's global bin dir to PATH, but not on PHP 5.2: if [[ ${TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION:0:3} != "5.2" ]]; then composer config --list --global export PATH=`composer config --list --global | grep '\[home\]' | { read a; echo "${a#* }/vendor/bin:$PATH"; }` fi - | # Install the specified version of PHPUnit depending on the PHP version: if [[ "$WP_TRAVISCI" == "travis:phpunit" ]]; then case "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" in 7.1|7.0|hhvm|nightly) echo "Using PHPUnit 5.7" composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=5.7.*" ;; 5.6|5.5|5.4|5.3) echo "Using PHPUnit 4.8" composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=4.8.*" ;; 5.2) # Do nothing, use default PHPUnit 3.6.x echo "Using default PHPUnit, hopefully 3.6" ;; *) echo "No PHPUnit version handling for PHP version $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" exit 1 ;; esac fi - npm --version - node --version - nvm install 4.7.2 - npm install -g grunt-cli - npm install - npm prune - mysql --version - phpenv versions - php --version - | # Debug PHP extensions, but not on HHVM because the command hangs indefinitely: if [[ "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" != 'hhvm' ]]; then php -m fi - npm --version - node --version - which phpunit - phpunit --version - curl --version - grunt --version - git --version - svn --version script: grunt $WP_TRAVISCI notifications: slack: rooms: secure: WuMCpfgrm0GIdPbYzsGOsakZ5x7QIbEBwD+CPHVXGKbL3ZbqQ+BVcDRnMiwzxjgf1vzg2de0taXCSMGKBxsWce23NZkOnmwPdIB8XOnwDV7T7zylgYD5S7p3gI6gV0l8Y3/gROdXFZap6viC1qRr4E79ow53RKk7E3WyOo7TWqo= on_start: never on_failure: always on_success: change