name: PHP Compatibility on: # PHP compatibility testing was introduced in WordPress 5.5. push: branches: - trunk - '5.[5-9]' - '[6-9].[0-9]' tags: - '[0-9]+.[0-9]' - '[0-9]+.[0-9].[0-9]+' - '![34].[0-9].[0-9]+' - '!5.[0-4].[0-9]+' pull_request: branches: - trunk - '5.[5-9]' - '[6-9].[0-9]' paths: # This workflow only scans PHP files. - '**.php' # These files configure Composer. Changes could affect the outcome. - 'composer.*' # This file configures PHP compatibility scanning. Changes could affect the outcome. - 'phpcompat.xml.dist' # Changes to workflow files should always verify all workflows are successful. - '.github/workflows/*.yml' workflow_dispatch: # Cancels all previous workflow runs for pull requests that have not completed. concurrency: # The concurrency group contains the workflow name and the branch name for pull requests # or the commit hash for any other events. group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.head_ref || github.sha }} cancel-in-progress: true # Disable permissions for all available scopes by default. # Any needed permissions should be configured at the job level. permissions: {} jobs: # Runs PHP compatibility testing. # # Violations are reported inline with annotations. # # Performs the following steps: # - Checks out the repository. # - Sets up PHP. # - Logs debug information. # - Configures caching for PHP compatibility scans. # - Installs Composer dependencies. # - Make Composer packages available globally. # - Runs the PHP compatibility tests. # - Generate a report for displaying issues as pull request annotations. # - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted. php-compatibility: name: Check PHP compatibility runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: read timeout-minutes: 20 if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' || github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0 - name: Set up PHP uses: shivammathur/setup-php@d30ad8b1843ace22e6698ab99bbafaa747b6bd0d # v2.24.0 with: php-version: '7.4' coverage: none tools: cs2pr - name: Log debug information run: | composer --version # This date is used to ensure that the PHP compatibility cache is cleared at least once every week. # - name: "Get last Monday's date" id: get-date run: echo "date=$(/bin/date -u --date='last Mon' "+%F")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Cache PHP compatibility scan cache uses: actions/cache@69d9d449aced6a2ede0bc19182fadc3a0a42d2b0 # v3.2.6 with: path: .cache/phpcompat.json key: ${{ runner.os }}-date-${{ }}-phpcompat-cache-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.json', 'phpcompat.xml.dist') }} # Since Composer dependencies are installed using `composer update` and no lock file is in version control, # passing a custom cache suffix ensures that the cache is flushed at least once per week. - name: Install Composer dependencies uses: ramsey/composer-install@83af392bf5f031813d25e6fe4cd626cdba9a2df6 # v2.2.0 with: custom-cache-suffix: ${{ }} - name: Make Composer packages available globally run: echo "${PWD}/vendor/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Run PHP compatibility tests id: phpcs run: phpcs --standard=phpcompat.xml.dist --report-full --report-checkstyle=./.cache/phpcs-compat-report.xml - name: Show PHPCompatibility results in PR if: ${{ always() && steps.phpcs.outcome == 'failure' }} run: cs2pr ./.cache/phpcs-compat-report.xml - name: Ensure version-controlled files are not modified or deleted run: git diff --exit-code slack-notifications: name: Slack Notifications uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml@trunk permissions: actions: read contents: read needs: [ php-compatibility ] if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && always() }} with: calling_status: ${{ needs.php-compatibility.result == 'success' && 'success' || needs.php-compatibility.result == 'cancelled' && 'cancelled' || 'failure' }} secrets: SLACK_GHA_SUCCESS_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_SUCCESS_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_GHA_CANCELLED_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_CANCELLED_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_GHA_FIXED_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_FIXED_WEBHOOK }} SLACK_GHA_FAILURE_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_GHA_FAILURE_WEBHOOK }} failed-workflow: name: Failed workflow tasks runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: actions: write needs: [ php-compatibility, slack-notifications ] if: | always() && github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' && github.event_name != 'pull_request' && github.run_attempt < 2 && ( needs.php-compatibility.result == 'cancelled' || needs.php-compatibility.result == 'failure' ) steps: - name: Dispatch workflow run uses: actions/github-script@98814c53be79b1d30f795b907e553d8679345975 # v6.4.0 with: retries: 2 retry-exempt-status-codes: 418 script: |{ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, workflow_id: 'failed-workflow.yml', ref: 'trunk', inputs: { run_id: '${{ github.run_id }}' } });