import { pressKeyTimes, trashAllPosts, visitAdminPage, } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; describe( 'Quick Draft', () => { beforeEach( async () => { await trashAllPosts(); } ); it( 'Allows draft to be created with Title and Content', async () => { await visitAdminPage( '/' ); // Wait for Quick Draft title field to appear and focus it const draftTitleField = await page.waitForSelector( '#quick-press #title' ); await draftTitleField.focus(); // Type in a title. await page.keyboard.type( 'Test Draft Title' ); // Navigate to content field and type in some content await 'Tab' ); await page.keyboard.type( 'Test Draft Content' ); // Navigate to Save Draft button and press it. await 'Tab' ); await 'Enter' ); // Check that new draft appears in Your Recent Drafts section const newDraft = await page.waitForSelector( '.drafts .draft-title' ); expect( await newDraft.evaluate( ( element ) => element.innerText ) ).toContain( 'Test Draft Title' ); // Check that new draft appears in Posts page await visitAdminPage( '/edit.php' ); const postsListDraft = await page.waitForSelector( '.type-post.status-draft .title' ); expect( await postsListDraft.evaluate( ( element ) => element.innerText ) ).toContain( 'Test Draft Title' ); } ); it( 'Allows draft to be created without Title or Content', async () => { await visitAdminPage( '/' ); // Wait for Save Draft button to appear and click it const saveDraftButton = await page.waitForSelector( '#quick-press #save-post' ); await; // Check that new draft appears in Your Recent Drafts section const newDraft = await page.waitForSelector( '.drafts .draft-title' ); expect( await newDraft.evaluate( ( element ) => element.innerText ) ).toContain( 'Untitled' ); // Check that new draft appears in Posts page await visitAdminPage( '/edit.php' ); const postsListDraft = await page.waitForSelector( '.type-post.status-draft .title' ); expect( await postsListDraft.evaluate( ( element ) => element.innerText ) ).toContain( 'Untitled' ); } ); } );