Aaron Jorbin ac057e6c69
Some checks failed
Cleanup Pull Requests / Clean up pull requests (push) Waiting to run
Coding Standards / PHP coding standards (push) Waiting to run
Coding Standards / JavaScript coding standards (push) Waiting to run
Coding Standards / Slack Notifications (push) Blocked by required conditions
Coding Standards / Failed workflow tasks (push) Blocked by required conditions
End-to-end Tests / Test with SCRIPT_DEBUG disabled (push) Waiting to run
End-to-end Tests / Test with SCRIPT_DEBUG enabled (push) Waiting to run
End-to-end Tests / Slack Notifications (push) Blocked by required conditions
End-to-end Tests / Failed workflow tasks (push) Blocked by required conditions
JavaScript Tests / QUnit Tests (push) Waiting to run
JavaScript Tests / Slack Notifications (push) Blocked by required conditions
JavaScript Tests / Failed workflow tasks (push) Blocked by required conditions
Performance Tests / Determine Matrix (push) Waiting to run
Performance Tests / ${{ matrix.multisite && 'Multisite' || 'Single Site' }} ${{ matrix.memcached && 'Memcached' || 'Default' }} (push) Blocked by required conditions
Performance Tests / Compare (push) Blocked by required conditions
Performance Tests / Slack Notifications (push) Blocked by required conditions
Performance Tests / Failed workflow tasks (push) Blocked by required conditions
PHP Compatibility / Check PHP compatibility (push) Waiting to run
PHP Compatibility / Slack Notifications (push) Blocked by required conditions
PHP Compatibility / Failed workflow tasks (push) Blocked by required conditions
PHPUnit Tests / PHP 7.2 (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / PHP 7.3 (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / PHP 7.4 (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / PHP 8.0 (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / PHP 8.1 (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / PHP 8.2 (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / PHP 8.3 (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / PHP 8.4 (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / html-api-html5lib-tests (push) Waiting to run
PHPUnit Tests / Slack Notifications (push) Blocked by required conditions
PHPUnit Tests / Failed workflow tasks (push) Blocked by required conditions
Test Build Processes / Core running from build (push) Waiting to run
Test Build Processes / Core running from src (push) Waiting to run
Test Build Processes / Gutenberg running from build (push) Waiting to run
Test Build Processes / Gutenberg running from src (push) Waiting to run
Test Build Processes / Slack Notifications (push) Blocked by required conditions
Test Build Processes / Failed workflow tasks (push) Blocked by required conditions
Local Docker Environment / Build Test Matrix (push) Has been cancelled
Local Docker Environment / PHP ${{ matrix.php }} (push) Has been cancelled
Local Docker Environment / Slack Notifications (push) Has been cancelled
Local Docker Environment / Failed workflow tasks (push) Has been cancelled
Build/Test: Remove unused ink-docstrap.
jsdoc is not currently in use and this theme for it is very out of date. There are currently a small handful of minor vulnerabilities within transitive dependencies being privately reported by Dependabot that cannot be resolved due to version constraints within ink-docstrap. While this in no way affects WordPress (since this code is not used by WordPress), it does create noise which can be eliminated.

This was first added in [41351] as a part of #41682.

Props desrosj.
Fixes #62935.

git-svn-id: https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@59935 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
2025-03-04 21:35:09 +00:00

199 lines
7.0 KiB

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