Andrew Nacin db981a3b27 Switch to .min for compressed JS and CSS files.
* This moves our "development" versions from .dev.js to .js (same for css).
 * The compressed version then moves from .js to .min.js (same for css).

By switching to the standard .min convention, it sets expectations for developers,
and works nicely with existing tools such as ack.

fixes #21633.

git-svn-id: https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@21592 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
2012-08-23 00:04:18 +00:00

131 lines
5.6 KiB

* @ Original idea by by Binny V A, Original version: 2.00.A
* @ http://www.openjs.com/scripts/events/keyboard_shortcuts/
* @ Original License : BSD
* @ jQuery Plugin by Tzury Bar Yochay
mail: tzury.by@gmail.com
blog: evalinux.wordpress.com
face: facebook.com/profile.php?id=513676303
(c) Copyrights 2007
* @ jQuery Plugin version Beta (0.0.2)
* @ License: jQuery-License.
add queue support (as in gmail) e.g. 'x' then 'y', etc.
add mouse + mouse wheel events.
$.hotkeys.add('Ctrl+c', function(){ alert('copy anyone?');});
$.hotkeys.add('Ctrl+c', {target:'div#editor', type:'keyup', propagate: true},function(){ alert('copy anyone?');});>
$.hotkeys.remove('Ctrl+c', {target:'div#editor', type:'keypress'});
(function (jQuery){
this.version = '(beta)(0.0.3)';
this.all = {};
this.special_keys = {
27: 'esc', 9: 'tab', 32:'space', 13: 'return', 8:'backspace', 145: 'scroll', 20: 'capslock',
144: 'numlock', 19:'pause', 45:'insert', 36:'home', 46:'del',35:'end', 33: 'pageup',
34:'pagedown', 37:'left', 38:'up', 39:'right',40:'down', 112:'f1',113:'f2', 114:'f3',
115:'f4', 116:'f5', 117:'f6', 118:'f7', 119:'f8', 120:'f9', 121:'f10', 122:'f11', 123:'f12'};
this.shift_nums = { "`":"~", "1":"!", "2":"@", "3":"#", "4":"$", "5":"%", "6":"^", "7":"&",
"8":"*", "9":"(", "0":")", "-":"_", "=":"+", ";":":", "'":"\"", ",":"<",
".":">", "/":"?", "\\":"|" };
this.add = function(combi, options, callback) {
if (jQuery.isFunction(options)){
callback = options;
options = {};
var opt = {},
defaults = {type: 'keydown', propagate: false, disableInInput: false, target: jQuery('html')[0]},
that = this;
opt = jQuery.extend( opt , defaults, options || {} );
combi = combi.toLowerCase();
// inspect if keystroke matches
var inspector = function(event) {
// WP: not needed with newer jQuery
// event = jQuery.event.fix(event); // jQuery event normalization.
var element = event.target;
// @ TextNode -> nodeType == 3
// WP: not needed with newer jQuery
// element = (element.nodeType==3) ? element.parentNode : element;
if(opt['disableInInput']) { // Disable shortcut keys in Input, Textarea fields
var target = jQuery(element);
if( target.is("input") || target.is("textarea")){
var code = event.which,
type = event.type,
character = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase(),
special = that.special_keys[code],
shift = event.shiftKey,
ctrl = event.ctrlKey,
alt= event.altKey,
meta = event.metaKey,
propagate = true, // default behaivour
mapPoint = null;
// in opera + safari, the event.target is unpredictable.
// for example: 'keydown' might be associated with HtmlBodyElement
// or the element where you last clicked with your mouse.
// WP: needed for all browsers
// if (jQuery.browser.opera || jQuery.browser.safari){
while (!that.all[element] && element.parentNode){
element = element.parentNode;
// }
var cbMap = that.all[element].events[type].callbackMap;
if(!shift && !ctrl && !alt && !meta) { // No Modifiers
mapPoint = cbMap[special] || cbMap[character]
// deals with combinaitons (alt|ctrl|shift+anything)
var modif = '';
if(alt) modif +='alt+';
if(ctrl) modif+= 'ctrl+';
if(shift) modif += 'shift+';
if(meta) modif += 'meta+';
// modifiers + special keys or modifiers + characters or modifiers + shift characters
mapPoint = cbMap[modif+special] || cbMap[modif+character] || cbMap[modif+that.shift_nums[character]]
if (mapPoint){
if(!mapPoint.propagate) {
return false;
// first hook for this element
if (!this.all[opt.target]){
this.all[opt.target] = {events:{}};
if (!this.all[opt.target].events[opt.type]){
this.all[opt.target].events[opt.type] = {callbackMap: {}}
jQuery.event.add(opt.target, opt.type, inspector);
this.all[opt.target].events[opt.type].callbackMap[combi] = {cb: callback, propagate:opt.propagate};
return jQuery;
this.remove = function(exp, opt) {
opt = opt || {};
target = opt.target || jQuery('html')[0];
type = opt.type || 'keydown';
exp = exp.toLowerCase();
delete this.all[target].events[type].callbackMap[exp]
return jQuery;
jQuery.hotkeys = this;
return jQuery;