Jonathan Desrosiers cbf2a1968f Build/Test Tools: Modify the Slack notifications workflow to be a reusable one.
The ability to reuse workflow files within GitHub Action workflows was recently added and allows for less code duplication.

In the context of WordPress Core, this also eliminates the need for an additional “Slack Notifications” workflow to run for every completed workflow.

See #53363.

git-svn-id: https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@51921 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
2021-10-20 14:40:47 +00:00

177 lines
6.0 KiB

name: Code Coverage Report
# Verify
- master
- trunk
- '.github/workflows/test-coverage.yml'
- 'phpunit.xml.dist'
- 'tests/phpunit/multisite.xml'
# Once daily at 00:00 UTC.
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
# Allow manually triggering the workflow.
LOCAL_PHP: '7.4-fpm'
# Sets up WordPress for testing or development use.
# Performs the following steps:
# - Set environment variables.
# - Checks out the repository.
# - Checks out the WordPress Importer plugin (needed for the Core PHPUnit tests).
# - Logs debug information about the runner container.
# - Installs NodeJS 14.
# _ Installs NPM dependencies using install-changed to hash the `package.json` file.
# - Logs Docker debug information (about the Docker installation within the runner).
# - Starts the WordPress Docker container.
# - Logs debug general information.
# - Logs the running Docker containers.
# - Logs WordPress Docker container debug information.
# - Logs debug information about what's installed within the WordPress Docker containers.
# - Install WordPress within the Docker container.
# - Run the PHPUnit tests as a single site.
# - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted.
# - Upload the single site code coverage report to Codecov.io.
# - Run the PHPUnit tests as a multisite.
# - Ensures version-controlled files are not modified or deleted.
# - Upload the multisite code coverage report to Codecov.io.
name: ${{ matrix.multisite && 'Multisite' || 'Single site' }} report
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.repository == 'WordPress/wordpress-develop' }}
fail-fast: false
multisite: [ false, true ]
- name: Configure environment variables
run: |
echo "PHP_FPM_UID=$(id -u)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "PHP_FPM_GID=$(id -g)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@5a4ac9002d0be2fb38bd78e4b4dbde5606d7042f # v2.3.4
- name: Log debug information
run: |
echo "$GITHUB_REF"
npm --version
node --version
curl --version
git --version
svn --version
php --version
php -i
locale -a
- name: Install NodeJS
uses: actions/setup-node@38d90ce44d5275ad62cc48384b3d8a58c500bb5f # v2.2.2
node-version: 14
cache: npm
- name: Install Dependencies
run: npm ci
# This date is used to ensure that the Composer cache is refreshed at least once every week.
# http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/date.1.html
- name: "Get last Monday's date"
id: get-date
run: echo "::set-output name=date::$(/bin/date -u --date='last Mon' "+%F")"
- name: Get Composer cache directory
id: composer-cache
run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(composer config cache-files-dir)"
- name: Cache Composer dependencies
uses: actions/cache@26968a09c0ea4f3e233fdddbafd1166051a095f6 # v2.1.4
cache-name: cache-composer-dependencies
path: ${{ steps.composer-cache.outputs.dir }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-php-${{ matrix.php }}-date-${{ steps.get-date.outputs.date }}-composer-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.json') }}
- name: Install Composer dependencies
run: |
docker-compose run --rm php composer --version
# Install using `composer update` as there is no `composer.lock` file.
docker-compose run --rm php composer update
- name: Docker debug information
run: |
docker -v
docker-compose -v
- name: Start Docker environment
run: |
npm run env:start
- name: General debug information
run: |
npm --version
node --version
curl --version
git --version
svn --version
- name: Log running Docker containers
run: docker ps -a
- name: WordPress Docker container debug information
run: |
docker-compose run --rm mysql mysql --version
docker-compose run --rm php php --version
docker-compose run --rm php php -m
docker-compose run --rm php php -i
docker-compose run --rm php locale -a
- name: Install WordPress
run: npm run env:install
- name: Run tests as a single site
if: ${{ ! matrix.multisite }}
run: npm run test:php -- --verbose -c phpunit.xml.dist --coverage-clover wp-code-coverage-single-clover-${{ github.sha }}.xml
- name: Ensure version-controlled files are not modified during the tests
run: git diff --exit-code
- name: Upload single site report to Codecov
if: ${{ ! matrix.multisite }}
uses: codecov/codecov-action@e156083f13aff6830c92fc5faa23505779fbf649 # v1.2.1
file: wp-code-coverage-single-clover-${{ github.sha }}.xml
flags: single,php
- name: Run tests as a multisite install
if: ${{ matrix.multisite }}
run: npm run test:php -- --verbose -c tests/phpunit/multisite.xml --coverage-clover wp-code-coverage-multisite-clover-${{ github.sha }}.xml
- name: Ensure version-controlled files are not modified during the tests
run: git diff --exit-code
- name: Upload multisite report to Codecov
if: ${{ matrix.multisite }}
uses: codecov/codecov-action@e156083f13aff6830c92fc5faa23505779fbf649 # v1.2.1
file: wp-code-coverage-multisite-clover-${{ github.sha }}.xml
flags: multisite,php
name: Slack Notifications
uses: WordPress/wordpress-develop/.github/workflows/slack-notifications.yml@master
needs: [ test-coverage-report ]
if: ${{ always() }}