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synced 2025-01-16 13:50:23 +01:00
Added Extruded Path geometry to attachable() and reorient().
This commit is contained in:
@ -112,11 +112,13 @@ function anchorpt(name, pos=[0,0,0], orient=UP, spin=0) = [name, pos, orient, sp
// Usage: Cubical/Prismoidal Geometry
// geom = attach_geom(size=, [size2=], [shift=], ...);
// Usage: Cylindrical Geometry
// geom = attach_geom(r=|d=, l=, [axis=], ...);
// geom = attach_geom(r=|d=, l=|h=, [axis=], ...);
// Usage: Conical Geometry
// geom = attach_geom(r1|d1=, r2=|d2=, l=, [axis=], ...);
// Usage: Spheroid/Ovoid Geometry
// geom = attach_geom(r=|d=, ...);
// Usage: Extruded 2D Path/Polygon Geometry
// geom = attach_geom(path=, l=|h=, [extent=], ...);
// Usage: VNF Geometry
// geom = attach_geom(vnf=, [extent=], ...);
@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ function anchorpt(name, pos=[0,0,0], orient=UP, spin=0) = [name, pos, orient, sp
// r2 = Radius of the top of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, or a list of sizes per axis.
// d1 = Diameter of the bottom of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, a list of sizes per axis.
// d2 = Diameter of the top of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, a list of sizes per axis.
// l = Length of the cylindrical/conical volume along axis.
// l/h = Length of the cylindrical, conical or extruded path volume along axis.
// vnf = The [VNF](vnf.scad) of the volume.
// path = The path to generate a polygon from.
// extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection. Default: true.
@ -205,6 +207,12 @@ function anchorpt(name, pos=[0,0,0], orient=UP, spin=0) = [name, pos, orient, sp
// Example(NORENDER): Arbitrary 2D Polygon Shape, Anchored by Intersection
// geom = attach_geom(two_d=true, path=path, extent=false);
// Example(NORENDER): Extruded Polygon Shape, Anchored by Extents
// geom = attach_geom(path=path, l=height);
// Example(NORENDER): Extruded Polygon Shape, Anchored by Intersection
// geom = attach_geom(path=path, l=length, extent=false);
function attach_geom(
size, size2, shift,
r,r1,r2, d,d1,d2, l,h,
@ -249,9 +257,16 @@ function attach_geom(
["vnf_isect", vnf, cp, offset, anchors]
) : !is_undef(path)? (
assert(two_d == true)
extent? ["path_extent", path, cp, offset, anchors] :
["path_isect", path, cp, offset, anchors]
let( l = default(l, h) )
? assert(is_undef(l))
? ["path_extent", path, cp, offset, anchors]
: ["path_isect", path, cp, offset, anchors]
: assert(is_finite(l))
? ["xpath_extent", path, l, cp, offset, anchors]
: ["xpath_isect", path, l, cp, offset, anchors]
) :
r1 = get_radius(r1=r1,d1=d1,r=r,d=d,dflt=undef)
@ -337,6 +352,11 @@ function attach_geom_size(geom) =
mm = pointlist_bounds(geom[1][0]),
delt = mm[1]-mm[0]
) delt
) : type == "xpath_isect" || type == "xpath_extent"? ( //path, l
mm = pointlist_bounds(geom[1]),
delt = mm[1]-mm[0]
) [delt.x, delt.y, geom[2]]
) : type == "rect"? ( //size, size2
size=geom[1], size2=geom[2], shift=geom[3],
@ -633,6 +653,46 @@ function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
avgy = (miny+maxy)/2,
pos = point2d(cp) + rot(from=RIGHT, to=anchor, p=[maxx,avgy])
) [anchor, pos, anchor, 0]
) : type == "xpath_isect"? ( //path
path = move(-point2d(cp), p=geom[1]),
l = geom[2],
anchor = point3d(anchor),
xyanch = point2d(anchor),
isects = [
for (t=triplet(path,true)) let(
seg1 = [t[0],t[1]],
seg2 = [t[1],t[2]],
isect = ray_segment_intersection([[0,0],xyanch], seg1),
n = is_undef(isect)? [0,1] :
!approx(isect, t[1])? line_normal(seg1) :
n2 = vector_angle(xyanch,n)>90? -n : n
if(!is_undef(isect) && !approx(isect,t[0]))
[norm(isect), isect, n2]
maxidx = max_index(subindex(isects,0)),
isect = isects[maxidx],
pos = point3d(cp) + point3d(isect[1]) + unit([0,0,anchor.z],CENTER)*l/2,
xyvec = unit(isect[2],[0,1]),
vec = unit((point3d(xyvec)+UP)/2,UP),
oang = approx(xyvec, [0,0])? 0 : atan2(xyvec.y, xyvec.x) + 90
) [anchor, pos, vec, oang]
) : type == "xpath_extent"? ( //path
path = geom[1], l = geom[2],
anchor = point3d(anchor),
xyanch = point2d(anchor),
rpath = rot(from=xyanch, to=RIGHT, p=move(point2d(-cp), p=path)),
maxx = max(subindex(rpath,0)),
idxs = [for (i = idx(rpath)) if (approx(rpath[i].x, maxx)) i],
ys = [for (i=idxs) rpath[i].y],
avgy = (min(ys)+max(ys))/2,
xypos = point2d(cp) + rot(from=RIGHT, to=xyanch, p=[maxx,avgy]),
pos = point3d(xypos) + unit([0,0,anchor.z],CENTER)*l/2,
vec = unit((point3d(xyanch)+UP)/2,UP)
) [anchor, pos, vec, oang]
) :
assert(false, "Unknown attachment geometry type.");
@ -677,6 +737,9 @@ function attachment_is_shown(tags) =
// Usage: Spheroid/Ovoid Geometry
// mat = reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d=, ...);
// pts = reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d=, p=, ...);
// Usage: Extruded Path/Polygon Geometry
// mat = reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], path=, l=|h=, [extent=], ...);
// pts = reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], path=, l=|h=, [extent=], p=, ...);
// Usage: VNF Geometry
// mat = reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf, [extent], ...);
// pts = reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf, [extent], p=, ...);
@ -722,7 +785,7 @@ function attachment_is_shown(tags) =
// r2 = Radius of the top of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, or a list of sizes per axis.
// d1 = Diameter of the bottom of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, a list of sizes per axis.
// d2 = Diameter of the top of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, a list of sizes per axis.
// l = Length of the cylindrical/conical volume along axis.
// l/h = Length of the cylindrical, conical, or extruded path volume along axis.
// vnf = The [VNF](vnf.scad) of the volume.
// path = The path to generate a polygon from.
// extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection. Default: false.
@ -785,6 +848,8 @@ function reorient(
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], r1=|d1=, r2=|d2=, l=, [axis=], ...) {...}
// Usage: Spheroid/Ovoid Geometry
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], r=|d=, ...) {...}
// Usage: Extruded Path/Polygon Geometry
// attachable(anchor, spin, path=, l=|h=, [extent=], ...) {...}
// Usage: VNF Geometry
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf=, [extent=], ...) {...}
@ -834,10 +899,10 @@ function reorient(
// r2 = Radius of the top of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, or a list of sizes per axis.
// d1 = Diameter of the bottom of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, a list of sizes per axis.
// d2 = Diameter of the top of the conical volume. Can be a scalar, a list of sizes per axis.
// l = Length of the cylindrical/conical volume along axis.
// l/h = Length of the cylindrical, conical, or extruded path volume along axis.
// vnf = The [VNF](vnf.scad) of the volume.
// path = The path to generate a polygon from.
// extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection. Default: false.
// extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection, for VNFs and paths. Default: true.
// cp = If given, specifies the centerpoint of the volume. Default: `[0,0,0]`
// offset = If given, offsets the perimeter of the volume around the centerpoint.
// anchors = If given as a list of anchor points, allows named anchor points.
@ -910,14 +975,34 @@ function reorient(
// children();
// }
// Example(NORENDER): Arbitrary VNF Shape
// Example(NORENDER): Extruded Polygon Shape, by Extents
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, path=path, l=length) {
// linear_extrude(height=length, center=true)
// polygon(path);
// children();
// }
// Example(NORENDER): Extruded Polygon Shape, by Intersection
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, path=path, l=length, extent=false) {
// linear_extrude(height=length, center=true)
// polygon(path);
// children();
// }
// Example(NORENDER): Arbitrary VNF Shape, by Extents
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, vnf=vnf) {
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// children();
// }
// Example(NORENDER): Arbitrary VNF Shape, by Intersection
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, vnf=vnf, extent=false) {
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// children();
// }
// Example(NORENDER): 2D Rectangular Shape
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, size=size) {
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, two_d=true, size=size) {
// square(size, center=true);
// children();
// }
@ -925,6 +1010,7 @@ function reorient(
// Example(NORENDER): 2D Trapezoidal Shape
// attachable(
// anchor, spin, orient,
// two_d=true,
// size=[x1,y],
// size2=x2,
// shift=shift
@ -939,8 +1025,14 @@ function reorient(
// children();
// }
// Example(NORENDER): Arbitrary 2D Polygon Shape
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, path=path) {
// Example(NORENDER): Arbitrary 2D Polygon Shape, by Extents
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, two_d=true, path=path) {
// polygon(path);
// children();
// }
// Example(NORENDER): Arbitrary 2D Polygon Shape, by Intersection
// attachable(anchor, spin, orient, two_d=true, path=path, extent=false) {
// polygon(path);
// children();
// }
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