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synced 2025-03-14 03:39:46 +01:00
Merge pull request #1224 from adrianVmariano/master
more gear fixes & rack revert
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ function _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness) =
// * [Elements of Gear Technology](https://www.sdp-si.com/resources/elements-of-metric-gear-technology/index.php)
// Subsection: Involute Spur Gears
// The simplest gear form is the involute spur gear, which is an extrusion of a two dimensional form.
// Figure(3D,Med,NoAxes,VPT=[-8.01632,15.2012,0],VPR=[0,0,0],VPD=237): Involute Spur Gear
// Figure(3D,Med,NoAxes,VPT=[4.62654,-1.10349,0.281802],VPR=[55,0,25],VPD=236.957): Involute Spur Gear
// spur_gear(mod=5,teeth=18,pressure_angle=20,thickness=25,shaft_diam=15);
// Continues:
// The term "involute" refers to the shape of the teeth: the curves of the teeth involutes of circles,
@ -227,11 +227,11 @@ function _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness) =
// Continues:
// Helical gears have the same compatibility requirements as spur gears, with the additional requirement that
// the helical angles must be opposite each other, so a gear with a helical angle of 25 must mesh with one
// that has an angle of −25. The pitch circle of a helical gear differs is larger compared to a spur gear
// that has an angle of −25. The pitch circle of a helical gear is larger compared to a spur gear
// by the cosine of the helical angle, so you cannot simply drop helical gears in to replace spur gears without
// making other adjustments. This dependence does allow you to make
// make much bigger spacing adjustments than are possible with profile shifting---without changing the tooth count.
// The {{gear_dist()}} function will also compute the appropriate gear spacing for these gears.
// The {{gear_dist()}} function will also compute the appropriate gear spacing for helical gears.
// The effective pressure angle of helical gears is larger than the nominal pressure angle. This can make it possible
// to avoid undercutting without having to use profile shifting, so smaller tooth count gears can be more effective
// using the helical form.
@ -353,14 +353,14 @@ function _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness) =
// circ_pitch=5, teeth=20, thickness=10, shaft_diam=5,
// helical=30, herringbone=true, slices=5
// );
// Example(2D,Big): Effects of Profile Shifting.
// Example(Med,VPT=[-0.0213774,2.42972,-0.2709],VPR=[36.1,0,20.1],VPD=74.3596): Effects of Profile Shifting.
// circ_pitch=5; teeth=7; thick=10; shaft=5; strokewidth=0.2;
// pr = pitch_radius(circ_pitch, teeth);
// left(10) {
// profile_shift = 0;
// d = gear_dist(circ_pitch=circ_pitch,teeth,0,profile_shift1=profile_shift);
// back(d) spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth, thick, shaft, profile_shift=profile_shift);
// rack(circ_pitch, teeth=3, thickness=thick, height=5);
// rack(circ_pitch, teeth=3, thickness=thick, height=5, orient=BACK);
// color("black") up(thick/2) linear_extrude(height=0.1) {
// back(d) dashed_stroke(circle(r=pr), width=strokewidth, closed=true);
// dashed_stroke([[-7.5,0],[7.5,0]], width=strokewidth);
@ -370,14 +370,14 @@ function _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness) =
// profile_shift = 0.59;
// d = gear_dist(circ_pitch=circ_pitch,teeth,0,profile_shift1=profile_shift);
// back(d) spur_gear(circ_pitch, teeth, thick, shaft, profile_shift=profile_shift);
// rack(circ_pitch, teeth=3, thickness=thick, height=5);
// rack(circ_pitch, teeth=3, thickness=thick, height=5, orient=BACK);
// color("black") up(thick/2) linear_extrude(height=0.1) {
// back(d)
// dashed_stroke(circle(r=pr), width=strokewidth, closed=true);
// dashed_stroke([[-7.5,0],[7.5,0]], width=strokewidth);
// }
// }
// Example(Anim,Frames=8,VPT=[0,30,0],VPR=[0,0,0],VPD=300): Assembly of Gears
// Example(Anim,Med,Frames=8,VPT=[0,30,0],VPR=[0,0,0],VPD=300): Assembly of Gears
// $fn=12;
// n1 = 11; //red gear number of teeth
// n2 = 20; //green gear
@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ function _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness) =
// color("#77f") right(d13) zrot(a3) spur_gear(circ_pitch,n3,thickness,hole);
// color("#fc7") left(d14) zrot(a4) spur_gear(circ_pitch,n4,thickness,hole,hide=n4-3);
// color("#ccc") fwd(d1r) right(circ_pitch*$t)
// rack(pitch=circ_pitch,teeth=n5,thickness=thickness,height=rack_base,anchor=CENTER);
// Example: Helical gears meshing with non-parallel shafts BROKEN
// rack(pitch=circ_pitch,teeth=n5,thickness=thickness,height=rack_base,anchor=CENTER,orient=BACK);
// Example(NoAxes,VPT=[1.13489,-4.48517,1.04995],VPR=[55,0,25],VPD=139.921): Helical gears meshing with non-parallel shafts
// ang1 = 30;
// ang2 = 10;
// circ_pitch = 5;
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ function _inherit_gear_thickness(thickness) =
// shaft_diam=5, helical=ang2, slices=12,
// gear_spin=90-180/n
// );
// Example(Anim,Frames=36,VPT=[0,0,0],VPR=[55,0,25],VPD=375): Planetary Gear Assembly
// Example(Anim,Med,NoAxes,Frames=36,VPT=[0,0,0],VPR=[55,0,25],VPD=375): Planetary Gear Assembly
// rteeth=56; pteeth=16; cteeth=24;
// circ_pitch=5; thick=10; pa=20;
// gd = gear_dist(circ_pitch=circ_pitch, cteeth, pteeth);
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ module spur_gear(
// spur_gear2d(circ_pitch=5, teeth=20, pressure_angle=14);
// Example(2D): Partial Gear
// spur_gear2d(circ_pitch=5, teeth=20, hide=15, pressure_angle=20);
// Example(2D): Effects of Profile Shifting.
// Example(2D,Med,VPT=[0.151988,3.93719,1.04995],VPR=[0,0,0],VPD=74.3596): Effects of Profile Shifting.
// circ_pitch=5; teeth=7; shaft=5; strokewidth=0.2;
// module the_gear(profile_shift=0) {
// $fn=72;
@ -1073,14 +1073,17 @@ module ring_gear2d(
// vnf = rack(mod=, teeth=, thickness=, height=, [pressure_angle=], [backlash=], [clearance=], [helical=]);
// Description:
// This is used to create a 3D rack, which is a linear bar with teeth that a gear can roll along.
// A rack can mesh with any gear that has the same `pitch` and `pressure_angle`.
// A rack can mesh with any gear that has the same `pitch` and `pressure_angle`. A helical rack meshes with a gear with the opposite
// helical angle. The rack appears oriented with
// its teeth pointed UP, which makes it easy to use the `orient=` argument to point the rack in the direction you require.
// The pitch line of the rack is aligned with the x axis.
// When called as a function, returns a 3D [VNF](vnf.scad) for the rack.
// When called as a module, creates a 3D rack shape.
// Arguments:
// pitch = The pitch, or distance in mm between teeth along the rack. Matches up with circular pitch on a spur gear. Default: 5
// teeth = Total number of teeth along the rack. Default: 20
// thickness = Thickness of rack in mm (affects each tooth). Default: 5
// height = Height of rack in mm, from tooth top to back of rack. Default: 10
// height = Distance from the pitch line of the rack to the back (bottom) of the rack. Default: 10
// ---
// pressure_angle = Controls how straight or bulged the tooth sides are. In degrees. Default: 20
// backlash = Gap between two meshing teeth, in the direction along the circumference of the pitch circle. Default: 0
@ -1093,38 +1096,37 @@ module ring_gear2d(
// spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#subsection-spin). Default: `0`
// orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#subsection-orient). Default: `UP`
// Extra Anchors:
// "adendum" = At the tips of the teeth, at the center of rack.
// "adendum-left" = At the tips of the teeth, at the left end of the rack.
// "adendum-right" = At the tips of the teeth, at the right end of the rack.
// "adendum-back" = At the tips of the teeth, at the back of the rack.
// "adendum-front" = At the tips of the teeth, at the front of the rack.
// "dedendum" = At the base of the teeth, at the center of rack.
// "dedendum-left" = At the base of the teeth, at the left end of the rack.
// "dedendum-right" = At the base of the teeth, at the right end of the rack.
// "dedendum-back" = At the base of the teeth, at the back of the rack.
// "dedendum-front" = At the base of the teeth, at the front of the rack.
// Example(VPR=[60,0,325],VPD=130):
// "tip" = At the tips of the teeth, at the center of rack.
// "tip-left" = At the tips of the teeth, at the left end of the rack.
// "tip-right" = At the tips of the teeth, at the right end of the rack.
// "tip-back" = At the tips of the teeth, at the back of the rack.
// "tip-front" = At the tips of the teeth, at the front of the rack.
// "root" = At the base of the teeth, at the center of rack.
// "root-left" = At the base of the teeth, at the left end of the rack.
// "root-right" = At the base of the teeth, at the right end of the rack.
// "root-back" = At the base of the teeth, at the back of the rack.
// "root-front" = At the base of the teeth, at the front of the rack.
// Example(NoScale,VPR=[60,0,325],VPD=130):
// rack(pitch=5, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, pressure_angle=20);
// Example: Rack for Helical Gear
// rack(pitch=5, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, pressure_angle=20, helical=30);
// Example: Alternate Helical Gear
// rack(pitch=5, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, pressure_angle=20, helical=-30);
// Example: Metric Rack
// rack(mod=2, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, pressure_angle=20);
// Example(Anim,VPT=[0,0,12],VPD=100,Frames=6): Rack and Pinion
// Example(NoScale,VPT=[0.317577,3.42688,7.83665],VPR=[27.7,0,359.8],VPD=139.921): Rack for Helical Gear
// rack(pitch=5, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, helical=30);
// Example(NoScale): Metric Rack, oriented BACK to align with a gear in default orientation
// rack(mod=2, teeth=10, thickness=5, height=5, pressure_angle=14.5,orient=BACK);
// Example(NoScale,Anim,VPT=[0,0,12],VPD=100,Frames=18): Rack and Pinion
// teeth1 = 16; teeth2 = 16;
// pitch = 5; thick = 5; helical = 30;
// pr = pitch_radius(pitch, teeth2, helical=helical);
// right(pr*2*PI/teeth2*$t)
// pos = 3*(1-2*abs($t-1/2))-1.5;
// right(pr*2*PI/teeth2*pos)
// rack(pitch, teeth1, thickness=thick, height=5, helical=helical);
// up(pr)
// spur_gear(
// pitch, teeth2,
// thickness=thick,
// helical=helical,
// helical=-helical,
// shaft_diam=5,
// orient=BACK,
// gear_spin=180-$t*360/teeth2);
// gear_spin=180-pos*360/teeth2);
module rack(
@ -1164,21 +1166,21 @@ module rack(
d = _dedendum(pitch, clearance, profile_shift);
l = teeth * trans_pitch;
anchors = [
named_anchor("adendum", [0,a,0], UP),
named_anchor("adendum-left", [-l/2,a,0], LEFT),
named_anchor("adendum-right", [ l/2,a,0], RIGHT),
named_anchor("adendum-front", [0,a,-thickness/2], BACK),
named_anchor("adendum-back", [0, a, thickness/2], FRONT),
named_anchor("dedendum", [0,-d,0], UP),
named_anchor("dedendum-left", [-l/2,-d,0], LEFT),
named_anchor("dedendum-right", [ l/2,-d,0], RIGHT),
named_anchor("dedendum-front", [0,-d,-thickness/2], BACK),
named_anchor("dedendum-back", [0,-d, thickness/2,], FRONT),
named_anchor("tip", [0,0,a], BACK),
named_anchor("tip-left", [-l/2,0,a], LEFT),
named_anchor("tip-right", [ l/2,0,a], RIGHT),
named_anchor("tip-front", [0,-thickness/2,a], DOWN),
named_anchor("tip-back", [0, thickness/2,a], UP),
named_anchor("root", [0,0,-d], BACK),
named_anchor("root-left", [-l/2,0,-d], LEFT),
named_anchor("root-right", [ l/2,0,-d], RIGHT),
named_anchor("root-front", [0,-thickness/2,-d], DOWN),
named_anchor("root-back", [0, thickness/2,-d], UP),
size = [l, 2*height, thickness];
size = [l, thickness, 2*height];
attachable(anchor,spin,orient, size=size, anchors=anchors) {
skew(sxz=tan(helical)) {
skew(sxy=-tan(helical)) xrot(90) {
linear_extrude(height=thickness, center=true, convexity=teeth*2) {
pitch = pitch,
@ -1249,21 +1251,21 @@ function rack(
vnf = linear_sweep(path, height=thickness, anchor="origin", orient=FWD),
m = product([
if (helical) skew(sxz=tan(helical)),
if (helical) skew(sxy=-tan(helical))
out = apply(m, vnf),
size = [l, 2*height, thickness],
size = [l, thickness, 2*height],
anchors = [
named_anchor("adendum", [0,a,0], UP),
named_anchor("adendum-left", [-l/2,a,0], LEFT),
named_anchor("adendum-right", [ l/2,a,0], RIGHT),
named_anchor("adendum-front", [0,a,-thickness/2], BACK),
named_anchor("adendum-back", [0, a, thickness/2], FRONT),
named_anchor("dedendum", [0,-d,0], UP),
named_anchor("dedendum-left", [-l/2,-d,0], LEFT),
named_anchor("dedendum-right", [ l/2,-d,0], RIGHT),
named_anchor("dedendum-front", [0,-d,-thickness/2], BACK),
named_anchor("dedendum-back", [0,-d, thickness/2,], FRONT),
named_anchor("tip", [0,0,a], BACK),
named_anchor("tip-left", [-l/2,0,a], LEFT),
named_anchor("tip-right", [ l/2,0,a], RIGHT),
named_anchor("tip-front", [0,-thickness/2,a], DOWN),
named_anchor("tip-back", [0, thickness/2,a], UP),
named_anchor("root", [0,0,-d], BACK),
named_anchor("root-left", [-l/2,0,-d], LEFT),
named_anchor("root-right", [ l/2,0,-d], RIGHT),
named_anchor("root-front", [0,-thickness/2,-d], DOWN),
named_anchor("root-back", [0, thickness/2,-d], UP),
) reorient(anchor,spin,orient, size=size, anchors=anchors, p=out);
@ -2843,11 +2845,11 @@ function worm_gear_thickness(circ_pitch, teeth, worm_diam, worm_arc=60, crowning
// d = gear_dist(mod=mod, teeth, 0);
// rack2d(mod=mod, teeth=5, height=9);
// back(d) spur_gear2d(mod=mod, teeth=teeth, gear_spin=180/teeth);
// Example(VPT=[-3.47556,6.39564,2.5111],VPR=[64.8,0,214.7],VPD=113.336): Profile shifted helical gear and rack
// Example(VPT=[-0.0608489,1.3772,-3.68839],VPR=[63.4,0,29.7],VPD=113.336): Profile shifted helical gear and rack
// mod=3; teeth=8; helical=29;
// d = gear_dist(mod=mod, teeth, 0, helical);
// rack(mod=mod, teeth=5, height=9, helical=helical);
// back(d) spur_gear(mod=mod, teeth=teeth, helical=-helical, gear_spin=180/teeth);
// rack(mod=mod, teeth=5, height=9, helical=helical, orient=FWD);
// fwd(d) spur_gear(mod=mod, teeth=teeth, helical=-helical, gear_spin=180/teeth);
function gear_dist(
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