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synced 2025-01-16 13:50:23 +01:00
Reorganize math.scad
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@ -806,6 +806,38 @@ function subindex(v, idx) = [
// Function: min_index()
// Usage:
// min_index(vals,[all]);
// Description:
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of the minimum value in the given list.
// If `all` is true then returns a list of all indices where the minimum value occurs.
// Arguments:
// vals = vector of values
// all = set to true to return indices of all occurences of the minimum. Default: false
// Example:
// min_index([5,3,9,6,2,7,8,2,1]); // Returns: 4
// min_index([5,3,9,6,2,7,8,2,1],all=true); // Returns: [4,7]
function min_index(vals, all=false) =
all ? search(min(vals),vals,0) : search(min(vals), vals)[0];
// Function: max_index()
// Usage:
// max_index(vals,[all]);
// Description:
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of the maximum value in the given list.
// If `all` is true then returns a list of all indices where the maximum value occurs.
// Arguments:
// vals = vector of values
// all = set to true to return indices of all occurences of the maximum. Default: false
// Example:
// max_index([5,3,9,6,2,7,8,9,1]); // Returns: 2
// max_index([5,3,9,6,2,7,8,9,1],all=true); // Returns: [2,7]
function max_index(vals, all=false) =
all ? search(max(vals),vals,0) : search(max(vals), vals)[0];
// Function: pair()
// Usage:
// pair(v)
@ -858,6 +890,28 @@ function triplet_wrap(v) =
[for (i=[0:1:len(v)-1]) [v[i],v[(i+1)%len(v)],v[(i+2)%len(v)]]];
// Function: permute()
// Usage:
// list = permute(l, [n]);
// Description:
// Returns an ordered list of every unique permutation of `n` items out of the given list `l`.
// For the list `[1,2,3,4]`, with `n=2`, this will return `[[1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [2,3], [2,4], [3,4]]`.
// For the list `[1,2,3,4]`, with `n=3`, this will return `[[1,2,3], [1,2,4], [1,3,4], [2,3,4]]`.
// Arguments:
// l = The list to provide permutations for.
// n = The number of items in each permutation. Default: 2
// Example:
// pairs = permute([3,4,5,6]); // Returns: [[3,4],[3,5],[3,6],[4,5],[4,6],[5,6]]
// triplets = permute([3,4,5,6],n=3); // Returns: [[3,4,5],[3,4,6],[3,5,6],[4,5,6]]
// Example(2D):
// for (p=permute(regular_ngon(n=7,d=100))) stroke(p);
function permute(l,n=2,_s=0) =
assert(len(l)-_s >= n)
n==1? [for (i=[_s:1:len(l)-1]) [l[i]]] :
[for (i=[_s:1:len(l)-n], p=permute(l,n=n-1,_s=i+1)) concat([l[i]], p)];
// Function: zip()
// Usage:
// zip(v1, v2, v3, [fit], [fill]);
@ -64,6 +64,16 @@ function is_def(x) = !is_undef(x);
function is_str(x) = is_string(x);
// Function: is_int()
// Usage:
// is_int(n)
// Description:
// Returns true if the given value is an integer (it is a number and it rounds to itself).
function is_int(n) = is_num(n) && n == round(n);
function is_integer(n) = is_num(n) && n == round(n);
// Section: Handling `undef`s.
@ -184,4 +194,16 @@ function scalar_vec3(v, dflt=undef) =
!is_undef(dflt)? [v,dflt,dflt] : [v,v,v];
// Function: segs()
// Usage:
// sides = segs(r);
// Description:
// Calculate the standard number of sides OpenSCAD would give a circle based on `$fn`, `$fa`, and `$fs`.
// Arguments:
// r = Radius of circle to get the number of segments for.
function segs(r) =
$fn>0? ($fn>3? $fn : 3) :
ceil(max(5, min(360/$fa, abs(r)*2*PI/$fs)));
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap
@ -15,7 +15,138 @@ PHI = (1+sqrt(5))/2; // The golden ratio phi.
EPSILON = 1e-9; // A really small value useful in comparing FP numbers. ie: abs(a-b)<EPSILON
// Section: Simple Calculations
// Section: Simple math
// Function: sqr()
// Usage:
// sqr(x);
// Description:
// Returns the square of the given number.
// Examples:
// sqr(3); // Returns: 9
// sqr(-4); // Returns: 16
function sqr(x) = x*x;
// Function: log2()
// Usage:
// foo = log2(x);
// Description:
// Returns the logarithm base 2 of the value given.
// Examples:
// log2(0.125); // Returns: -3
// log2(16); // Returns: 4
// log2(256); // Returns: 8
function log2(x) = ln(x)/ln(2);
// Function: hypot()
// Usage:
// l = hypot(x,y,[z]);
// Description:
// Calculate hypotenuse length of a 2D or 3D triangle.
// Arguments:
// x = Length on the X axis.
// y = Length on the Y axis.
// z = Length on the Z axis. Optional.
// Example:
// l = hypot(3,4); // Returns: 5
// l = hypot(3,4,5); // Returns: ~7.0710678119
function hypot(x,y,z=0) = norm([x,y,z]);
// Function: factorial()
// Usage:
// x = factorial(n,[d]);
// Description:
// Returns the factorial of the given integer value.
// Arguments:
// n = The integer number to get the factorial of. (n!)
// d = If given, the returned value will be (n! / d!)
// Example:
// x = factorial(4); // Returns: 24
// y = factorial(6); // Returns: 720
// z = factorial(9); // Returns: 362880
function factorial(n,d=1) = product([for (i=[n:-1:d]) i]);
// Function: lerp()
// Usage:
// x = lerp(a, b, u);
// l = lerp(a, b, LIST);
// Description:
// Interpolate between two values or vectors.
// If `u` is given as a number, returns the single interpolated value.
// If `u` is 0.0, then the value of `a` is returned.
// If `u` is 1.0, then the value of `b` is returned.
// If `u` is a range, or list of numbers, returns a list of interpolated values.
// It is valid to use a `u` value outside the range 0 to 1. The result will be a predicted
// value along the slope formed by `a` and `b`, but not between those two values.
// Arguments:
// a = First value or vector.
// b = Second value or vector.
// u = The proportion from `a` to `b` to calculate. Standard range is 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive. If given as a list or range of values, returns a list of results.
// Example:
// x = lerp(0,20,0.3); // Returns: 6
// x = lerp(0,20,0.8); // Returns: 16
// x = lerp(0,20,-0.1); // Returns: -2
// x = lerp(0,20,1.1); // Returns: 22
// p = lerp([0,0],[20,10],0.25); // Returns [5,2.5]
// l = lerp(0,20,[0.4,0.6]); // Returns: [8,12]
// l = lerp(0,20,[0.25:0.25:0.75]); // Returns: [5,10,15]
// Example(2D):
// p1 = [-50,-20]; p2 = [50,30];
// stroke([p1,p2]);
// pts = lerp(p1, p2, [0:1/8:1]);
// // Points colored in ROYGBIV order.
// rainbow(pts) translate($item) circle(d=3,$fn=8);
function lerp(a,b,u) =
is_num(u)? (1-u)*a + u*b :
[for (v = u) lerp(a,b,v)];
// Section: Hyperbolic Trigonometry
// Function: sinh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the hyperbolic sine of it.
function sinh(x) =
// Function: cosh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the hyperbolic cosine of it.
function cosh(x) =
// Function: tanh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the hyperbolic tangent of it.
function tanh(x) =
// Function: asinh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of it.
function asinh(x) =
// Function: acosh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of it.
function acosh(x) =
// Function: atanh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of it.
function atanh(x) =
// Section: Quantization
// Function: quant()
// Description:
@ -104,6 +235,8 @@ function quantup(x,y) =
// Section: Constraints and Modulos
// Function: constrain()
// Usage:
// constrain(v, minval, maxval);
@ -122,55 +255,6 @@ function quantup(x,y) =
function constrain(v, minval, maxval) = min(maxval, max(minval, v));
// Function: approx()
// Usage:
// approx(a,b,[eps])
// Description:
// Compares two numbers or vectors, and returns true if they are closer than `eps` to each other.
// Arguments:
// a = First value.
// b = Second value.
// eps = The maximum allowed difference between `a` and `b` that will return true.
// Example:
// approx(-0.3333333333,-1/3); // Returns: true
// approx(0.3333333333,1/3); // Returns: true
// approx(0.3333,1/3); // Returns: false
// approx(0.3333,1/3,eps=1e-3); // Returns: true
// approx(PI,3.1415926536); // Returns: true
function approx(a,b,eps=EPSILON) = let(c=a-b) (is_num(c)? abs(c) : norm(c)) <= eps;
// Function: min_index()
// Usage:
// min_index(vals,[all]);
// Description:
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of the mainimum value in the given list.
// If `all` is true then returns a list of all indices where the minimum value occurs.
// Arguments:
// vals = vector of values
// all = set to true to return indices of all occurences of the minimum. Default: false
// Example:
// min_index([5,3,9,6,2,7,8,2,1]); // Returns: 4
// min_index([5,3,9,6,2,7,8,2,1],all=true); // Returns: [4,7]
function min_index(vals, all=false) =
all ? search(min(vals),vals,0) : search(min(vals), vals)[0];
// Function: max_index()
// Usage:
// max_index(vals,[all]);
// Description:
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of the maximum value in the given list.
// If `all` is true then returns a list of all indices where the maximum value occurs.
// Arguments:
// vals = vector of values
// all = set to true to return indices of all occurences of the maximum. Default: false
// Example:
// max_index([5,3,9,6,2,7,8,9,1]); // Returns: 2
// max_index([5,3,9,6,2,7,8,9,1],all=true); // Returns: [2,7]
function max_index(vals, all=false) =
all ? search(max(vals),vals,0) : search(max(vals), vals)[0];
// Function: posmod()
// Usage:
// posmod(x,m)
@ -229,26 +313,8 @@ function modrange(x, y, m, step=1) =
) [for (i=[a:step:c]) (i%m+m)%m];
// Function: sqr()
// Usage:
// sqr(x);
// Description: Returns the square of the given number.
// Examples:
// sqr(3); // Returns: 9
// sqr(-4); // Returns: 16
function sqr(x) = x*x;
// Function: log2()
// Usage:
// foo = log2(x);
// Description: Returns the logarith base 10 of the value given.
// Examples:
// log2(0.125); // Returns: -3
// log2(16); // Returns: 4
// log2(256); // Returns: 8
function log2(x) = ln(x)/ln(2);
// Section: Random Number Generation
// Function: rand_int()
// Usage:
@ -304,72 +370,55 @@ function log_rands(minval, maxval, factor, N=1, seed=undef) =
) [for (num=nums) -ln(1-num)/ln(factor)];
// Function: segs()
// Section: GCD/GCF, LCM
// If argument is a list return it. Otherwise return a singleton list containing the argument.
function _force_list(x) = is_list(x) ? x : [x];
// Function: gcd()
// Usage:
// gcd(a,b)
// Description:
// Calculate the standard number of sides OpenSCAD would give a circle based on `$fn`, `$fa`, and `$fs`.
// Arguments:
// r = Radius of circle to get the number of segments for.
function segs(r) =
$fn>0? ($fn>3? $fn : 3) :
ceil(max(5, min(360/$fa, abs(r)*2*PI/$fs)));
// Computes the Greatest Common Divisor/Factor of `a` and `b`.
function gcd(a,b) =
assert(is_int(a) && is_int(b),"Arguments to gcd must be integers")
b==0 ? abs(a) : gcd(b,a % b);
// Function: lerp()
// Description: Interpolate between two values or vectors.
// Arguments:
// a = First value.
// b = Second value.
// u = The proportion from `a` to `b` to calculate. Valid range is 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive. If given as a list or range of values, returns a list of results.
function lerp(a,b,u) =
is_num(u)? (1-u)*a + u*b :
[for (v = u) lerp(a,b,v)];
// Computes lcm for two scalars
function _lcm(a,b) =
assert(is_int(a), "Invalid non-integer parameters to lcm")
assert(is_int(b), "Invalid non-integer parameters to lcm")
assert(a!=0 && b!=0, "Arguments to lcm must be nonzero")
abs(a*b) / gcd(a,b);
// Function: hypot()
// Description: Calculate hypotenuse length of a 2D or 3D triangle.
// Arguments:
// x = Length on the X axis.
// y = Length on the Y axis.
// z = Length on the Z axis.
function hypot(x,y,z=0) =
// Computes lcm for a list of values
function _lcmlist(a) =
len(a)==1 ? a[0] :
// Function: sinh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the hyperbolic sine of it.
function sinh(x) =
// Function: lcm()
// Usage:
// lcm(a,b)
// lcm(list)
// Description:
// Computes the Least Common Multiple of the two arguments or a list of arguments. Inputs should
// be non-zero integers. The output is always a positive integer. It is an error to pass zero
// as an argument.
function lcm(a,b=[]) =
!is_list(a) && !is_list(b) ? _lcm(a,b) :
arglist = concat(_force_list(a),_force_list(b))
assert(len(arglist)>0,"invalid call to lcm with empty list(s)")
// Function: cosh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the hyperbolic cosine of it.
function cosh(x) =
// Function: tanh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the hyperbolic tangent of it.
function tanh(x) =
// Function: asinh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of it.
function asinh(x) =
// Function: acosh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of it.
function acosh(x) =
// Function: atanh()
// Description: Takes a value `x`, and returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of it.
function atanh(x) =
// Section: Sums, Products, Aggregate Functions.
// Function: sum()
// Description:
@ -380,7 +429,12 @@ function atanh(x) =
// Example:
// sum([1,2,3]); // returns 6.
// sum([[1,2,3], [3,4,5], [5,6,7]]); // returns [9, 12, 15]
function sum(v, _i=0, _acc=undef) = _i>=len(v)? _acc : sum(v, _i+1, ((_acc==undef)? v[_i] : _acc+v[_i]));
function sum(v, _i=0, _acc=undef) =
_i>=len(v)? _acc :
v, _i=_i+1,
_acc=v[_i] + (is_undef(_acc)? 0 : _acc)
// Function: cumsum()
@ -473,6 +527,9 @@ function product(v, i=0, tot=undef) = i>=len(v)? tot : product(v, i+1, ((tot==un
function mean(v) = sum(v)/len(v);
// Section: Determinants
// Function: det2()
// Description:
// Optimized function that returns the determinant for the given 2x2 square matrix.
@ -526,8 +583,26 @@ function determinant(M) =
// Section: Comparisons and Logic
// Function: approx()
// Usage:
// approx(a,b,[eps])
// Description:
// Compares two numbers or vectors, and returns true if they are closer than `eps` to each other.
// Arguments:
// a = First value.
// b = Second value.
// eps = The maximum allowed difference between `a` and `b` that will return true.
// Example:
// approx(-0.3333333333,-1/3); // Returns: true
// approx(0.3333333333,1/3); // Returns: true
// approx(0.3333,1/3); // Returns: false
// approx(0.3333,1/3,eps=1e-3); // Returns: true
// approx(PI,3.1415926536); // Returns: true
function approx(a,b,eps=EPSILON) = let(c=a-b) (is_num(c)? abs(c) : norm(c)) <= eps;
function _type_num(x) =
is_undef(x)? 0 :
@ -648,50 +723,5 @@ function count_true(l, nmax=undef, i=0, cnt=0) =
// If argument is a list return it. Otherwise return a singleton list containing the argument.
function _force_list(x) = is_list(x) ? x : [x];
// Function: gcd()
// Usage:
// gcd(a,b)
// Description:
// Computes the greatest common divisor of `a` and `b`.
function gcd(a,b) =
assert(is_integer(a) && is_integer(b),"Arguments to gcd must be integers")
b==0 ? abs(a) : gcd(b,a % b);
// Computes lcm for two scalars
function _lcm(a,b) =
parmok = is_integer(a) && is_integer(b),
dummy=assert(parmok,"Invalid non-integer parameters to lcm")
assert(a!=0 && b!=0, "Arguments to lcm must be nonzero")
abs(a*b) / gcd(a,b);
// Computes lcm for a list of values
function _lcmlist(a) =
len(a)==1 ? a[0] : _lcmlist(concat(slice(a,0,len(a)-2),[lcm(a[len(a)-2],a[len(a)-1])]));
// Function: lcm()
// Usage:
// lcm(a,b)
// lcm(list)
// Description: Computes the least common multiple of the two arguments or a list of arguments. Inputs should be
// nonzero integers. The output is always a positive integer. It is an error to pass zero as an argument.
function lcm(a,b=[]) =
!is_list(a) && !is_list(b) ? _lcm(a,b) :
arglist = concat(_force_list(a),_force_list(b))
assert(len(arglist)>0,"invalid call to lcm with empty list(s)")
// Function: is_integer()
// Usage:
// is_integer(n)
// Description: returns true if the given value is an integer (it is a number and it rounds to itself).
function is_integer(n) = is_num(n) && n == round(n);
// vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,74];
BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,75];
// Section: BOSL Library Version Functions
Reference in New Issue
Block a user