From 497ddb15ae9cf08569f0614defbc0bb7c840a067 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Revar Desmera Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 21:07:04 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Tweaked examples. --- shapes.scad | 2 +- transforms.scad | 3 +++ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/shapes.scad b/shapes.scad index 71f932ed..4a25800f 100644 --- a/shapes.scad +++ b/shapes.scad @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ module pyramid(n=4, h=1, l=1, r=undef, d=undef, circum=false) // d = diameter of the prism. (optional) // circum = prism circumscribes the circle of the given radius or diam. // Example: -// prism(n=6, h=3, d=4, circum=true); +// prism(n=8, h=3, d=4, circum=true); module prism(n=3, h=1, l=1, r=undef, d=undef, circum=false, center=false) { cm = circum? 1/cos(180/n) : 1.0; diff --git a/transforms.scad b/transforms.scad index ed88a601..0c1bc1f2 100644 --- a/transforms.scad +++ b/transforms.scad @@ -514,6 +514,7 @@ module arc_of( // rot = if true, rotate each copy of children with respect to the center of the ring. // Example: // xring(n=3, r=10, sa=270) yspread(10) yrot(120) cylinder(h=10, d=1, center=false); +// xring(n=6, r=20) cylinder(d1=6, d2=0.01, h=6, center=true); module xring(n=2,r=0,sa=0,rot=true) {if (n>0) for (i=[0:n-1]) {a=i*360/n; xrot(a+sa) back(r) xrot((rot?0:-a)-sa) children();}} @@ -527,6 +528,7 @@ module xring(n=2,r=0,sa=0,rot=true) {if (n>0) for (i=[0:n-1]) {a=i*360/n; xrot(a // rot = if true, rotate each copy of children with respect to the center of the ring. // Example: // yring(n=3, r=10, sa=270) xspread(10) xrot(-120) cylinder(h=10, d=1, center=false); +// yring(n=6, r=20) cylinder(d1=6, d2=0.01, h=6, center=true); module yring(n=2,r=0,sa=0,rot=true) {if (n>0) for (i=[0:n-1]) {a=i*360/n; yrot(a-sa) right(r) yrot((rot?0:-a)+sa) children();}} @@ -540,6 +542,7 @@ module yring(n=2,r=0,sa=0,rot=true) {if (n>0) for (i=[0:n-1]) {a=i*360/n; yrot(a // rot = if true, rotate each copy of children with respect to the center of the ring. // Example: // zring(n=3, r=10, sa=90) xspread(10) xrot(30) cylinder(h=10, d=1, center=false); +// zring(n=6, r=20) xrot(-90) cylinder(d1=6, d2=0.01, h=6, center=true); module zring(n=2,r=0,sa=0,rot=true) {if (n>0) for (i=[0:n-1]) {a=i*360/n; zrot(a+sa) right(r) zrot((rot?0:-a)-sa) children();}}