Added cp= to attachable. Added "origin" standard named anchor.

This commit is contained in:
Garth Minette 2020-07-06 17:07:20 -07:00
parent 78ecbbd9c5
commit efa76fe9f5
3 changed files with 84 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ function anchorpt(name, pos=[0,0,0], orient=UP, spin=0) = [name, pos, orient, sp
// Function: attach_geom()
// Usage:
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, size, [size2], [shift], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, r|d, [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, path, [extent], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], size, [size2], [shift], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, l, [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], r1|d1, r2|d2, l, [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf, [extent], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, size, [size2], [shift], [cp], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, r|d, [cp], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, path, [extent], [cp], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], size, [size2], [shift], [cp], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, l, [cp], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], r1|d1, r2|d2, l, [cp], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, [cp], [offset], [anchors]);
// geom = attach_geom(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf, [extent], [cp], [offset], [anchors]);
// Description:
// Given arguments that describe the geometry of an attachable object, returns the internal geometry description.
@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ function anchorpt(name, pos=[0,0,0], orient=UP, spin=0) = [name, pos, orient, sp
// vnf = The [VNF](vnf.scad) of the volume.
// path = The path to generate a polygon from.
// extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection. Default: true.
// offset = If given, offsets the center of the volume.
// cp = If given, specifies the centerpoint of the volume. Default: `[0,0,0]`
// offset = If given, offsets the perimeter of the volume around the centerpoint.
// anchors = If given as a list of anchor points, allows named anchor points.
// two_d = If true, the attachable shape is 2D. If false, 3D. Default: false (3D)
@ -177,11 +178,13 @@ function attach_geom(
r,r1,r2, d,d1,d2, l,h,
vnf, path,
) =
@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ function attach_geom(
["rect", point2d(size), size2, shift, offset, anchors]
["rect", point2d(size), size2, shift, cp, offset, anchors]
) : (
size2 = default(size2, point2d(size)),
@ -203,18 +206,18 @@ function attach_geom(
["cuboid", size, size2, shift, offset, anchors]
["cuboid", size, size2, shift, cp, offset, anchors]
) : !is_undef(vnf)? (
assert(two_d == false)
extent? ["vnf_extent", vnf, offset, anchors] :
["vnf_isect", vnf, offset, anchors]
extent? ["vnf_extent", vnf, cp, offset, anchors] :
["vnf_isect", vnf, cp, offset, anchors]
) : !is_undef(path)? (
assert(two_d == true)
extent? ["path_extent", path, offset, anchors] :
["path_isect", path, offset, anchors]
extent? ["path_extent", path, cp, offset, anchors] :
["path_isect", path, cp, offset, anchors]
) :
r1 = get_radius(r1=r1,d1=d1,r=r,d=d,dflt=undef)
@ -230,14 +233,14 @@ function attach_geom(
assert(is_num(r2) || is_vector(r2,2))
["cyl", r1, r2, l, shift, offset, anchors]
["cyl", r1, r2, l, shift, cp, offset, anchors]
) : (
two_d? (
assert(is_num(r1) || is_vector(r1,2))
["circle", r1, offset, anchors]
["circle", r1, cp, offset, anchors]
) : (
assert(is_num(r1) || is_vector(r1,3))
["spheroid", r1, offset, anchors]
["spheroid", r1, cp, offset, anchors]
) :
@ -388,18 +391,20 @@ function attach_transform(anchor=CENTER, spin=0, orient=UP, geom, p) =
// geom = The geometry description of the shape.
function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
cp = select(geom,-3),
offset = anchor==CENTER? CENTER : select(geom,-2),
anchors = select(geom,-1),
type = geom[0]
is_string(anchor)? (
anchor=="origin"? [anchor, CENTER, UP, 0] :
let(found = search([anchor], anchors, num_returns_per_match=1)[0])
assert(found!=[], str("Unknown anchor: ",anchor))
) :
let(anchor = point3d(anchor))
anchor==CENTER? [anchor, CENTER, UP, 0] :
anchor==CENTER? [anchor, cp, UP, 0] :
oang = (
approx(point2d(anchor), [0,0])? 0 :
@ -414,9 +419,9 @@ function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
axy = point2d(anchor),
bot = point3d(vmul(point2d(size)/2,axy),-h/2),
top = point3d(vmul(point2d(size2)/2,axy)+shift,h/2),
pos = lerp(bot,top,u)+offset,
pos = point3d(cp) + lerp(bot,top,u) + offset,
sidevec = unit(rot(from=UP, to=top-bot, p=point3d(axy))),
vvec = unit([0,0,anchor.z]),
vvec = anchor==CENTER? UP : unit([0,0,anchor.z]),
vec = anchor==CENTER? UP :
approx(axy,[0,0])? unit(anchor) :
approx(anchor.z,0)? sidevec :
@ -431,9 +436,9 @@ function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
axy = unit(point2d(anchor)),
bot = point3d(vmul(r1,axy), -l/2),
top = point3d(vmul(r2,axy)+shift, l/2),
pos = lerp(bot,top,u)+offset,
pos = point3d(cp) + lerp(bot,top,u) + offset,
sidevec = rot(from=UP, to=top-bot, p=point3d(axy)),
vvec = unit([0,0,anchor.z]),
vvec = anchor==CENTER? UP : unit([0,0,anchor.z]),
vec = anchor==CENTER? UP :
approx(axy,[0,0])? unit(anchor) :
approx(anchor.z,0)? sidevec :
@ -443,16 +448,20 @@ function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
rr = geom[1],
r = is_num(rr)? [rr,rr,rr] : rr,
anchor = unit(point3d(anchor))
) [anchor, vmul(r,anchor)+offset, unit(vmul(r,anchor)), oang]
anchor = unit(point3d(anchor)),
pos = point3d(cp) + vmul(r,anchor) + offset,
vec = unit(vmul(r,anchor))
) [anchor, pos, vec, oang]
) : type == "vnf_isect"? ( //vnf
eps = 1/2048,
rpts = rot(from=anchor, to=RIGHT, p=vnf[0]),
points = vnf[0],
faces = vnf[1],
rpts = rot(from=anchor, to=RIGHT, p=move(point3d(-cp), p=points)),
hits = [
for (i = idx(vnf[1])) let(
face = vnf[1][i],
for (i = idx(faces)) let(
face = faces[i],
verts = select(rpts, face)
) if (
max(subindex(verts,0)) >= -eps &&
@ -462,22 +471,22 @@ function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
min(subindex(verts,2)) <= eps
) let(
pt = polygon_line_intersection(
select(vnf[0], face),
select(points, face),
[CENTER,anchor], eps=eps
) if (!is_undef(pt)) [norm(pt),i,pt]
) if (!is_undef(pt)) [norm(pt), i, pt]
assert(len(hits)>0, "Anchor vector does not intersect with the shape. Attachment failed.")
furthest = max_index(subindex(hits,0)),
pos = hits[furthest][2],
pos = point3d(cp) + hits[furthest][2],
dist = hits[furthest][0],
nfaces = [for (hit = hits) if(approx(hit[0],dist,eps=eps)) hit[1]],
n = unit(
for (i = nfaces) let(
faceverts = select(vnf[0],vnf[1][i]),
faceverts = select(points, faces[i]),
faceplane = plane_from_points(faceverts),
nrm = plane_normal(faceplane)
) nrm
@ -488,14 +497,14 @@ function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
) : type == "vnf_extent"? ( //vnf
rpts = rot(from=anchor, to=RIGHT, p=vnf[0]),
rpts = rot(from=anchor, to=RIGHT, p=move(point3d(-cp), p=vnf[0])),
maxx = max(subindex(rpts,0)),
idxs = [for (i = idx(rpts)) if (approx(rpts[i].x, maxx)) i],
mm = pointlist_bounds(select(rpts,idxs)),
avgy = (mm[0].y+mm[1].y)/2,
avgz = (mm[0].z+mm[1].z)/2,
mpt = approx(point2d(anchor),[0,0])? [maxx,0,0] : [maxx, avgy, avgz],
pos = rot(from=RIGHT, to=anchor, p=mpt)
pos = point3d(cp) + rot(from=RIGHT, to=anchor, p=mpt)
) [anchor, pos, anchor, oang]
) : type == "rect"? ( //size, size2
@ -503,18 +512,20 @@ function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
u = (anchor.y+1)/2,
frpt = [size.x/2*anchor.x, -size.y/2],
bkpt = [size2/2*anchor.x, size.y/2],
pos = lerp(frpt, bkpt, u),
pos = point2d(cp) + lerp(frpt, bkpt, u) + offset,
vec = unit(rot(from=BACK, to=bkpt-frpt, p=anchor))
) [anchor, pos, vec, 0]
) : type == "circle"? ( //r
rr = geom[1],
r = is_num(rr)? [rr,rr] : rr,
anchor = unit(point2d(anchor))
) [anchor, vmul(r,anchor)+offset, unit(vmul([r.y,r.x],anchor)), 0]
pos = point2d(cp) + vmul(r,anchor) + offset,
anchor = unit(point2d(anchor)),
vec = unit(vmul([r.y,r.x],anchor))
) [anchor, pos, vec, 0]
) : type == "path_isect"? ( //path
path = move(-point2d(cp), p=geom[1]),
anchor = point2d(anchor),
isects = [
for (t=triplet_wrap(path)) let(
@ -530,20 +541,20 @@ function find_anchor(anchor, geom) =
maxidx = max_index(subindex(isects,0)),
isect = isects[maxidx],
pos = isect[1],
pos = point2d(cp) + isect[1],
vec = unit(isect[2])
) [anchor, pos, vec, 0]
) : type == "path_extent"? ( //path
path = geom[1],
anchor = point2d(anchor),
rpath = rot(from=anchor, to=RIGHT, p=path),
rpath = rot(from=anchor, to=RIGHT, p=move(point2d(-cp), p=path)),
maxx = max(subindex(rpath,0)),
idxs = [for (i = idx(rpath)) if (approx(rpath[i].x, maxx)) i],
miny = min([for (i=idxs) rpath[i].y]),
maxy = max([for (i=idxs) rpath[i].y]),
avgy = (miny+maxy)/2,
pos = rot(from=RIGHT, to=anchor, p=[maxx,avgy])
pos = point2d(cp) + rot(from=RIGHT, to=anchor, p=[maxx,avgy])
) [anchor, pos, anchor, 0]
) :
assert(false, "Unknown attachment geometry type.");
@ -567,14 +578,14 @@ function attachment_is_shown(tags) =
// Function: reorient()
// Usage:
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, size, [size2], [shift], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, r|d, [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, path, [extent], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], size, [size2], [shift], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, l, [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], r1|d1, r2|d2, l, [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf, [extent], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, size, [size2], [shift], [cp], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, r|d, [cp], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, path, [extent], [cp], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], size, [size2], [shift], [cp], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, l, [offset], [cp], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], r1|d1, r2|d2, l, [cp], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, [cp], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// reorient(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf, [extent], [cp], [offset], [anchors], [p]);
// Description:
// Given anchor, spin, orient, and general geometry info for a managed volume, this calculates
@ -615,7 +626,8 @@ function attachment_is_shown(tags) =
// vnf = The [VNF](vnf.scad) of the volume.
// path = The path to generate a polygon from.
// extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection. Default: false.
// offset = If given, offsets the center of the volume.
// cp = If given, specifies the centerpoint of the volume. Default: `[0,0,0]`
// offset = If given, offsets the perimeter of the volume around the centerpoint.
// anchors = If given as a list of anchor points, allows named anchor points.
// two_d = If true, the attachable shape is 2D. If false, 3D. Default: false (3D)
// p = The VNF, path, or point to transform.
@ -628,6 +640,7 @@ function reorient(
vnf, path,
@ -637,7 +650,7 @@ function reorient(
r=r, r1=r1, r2=r2, h=h,
d=d, d1=d1, d2=d2, l=l,
vnf=vnf, path=path, extent=extent,
offset=offset, anchors=anchors,
cp=cp, offset=offset, anchors=anchors,
$attach_to = undef
@ -650,14 +663,14 @@ function reorient(
// Module: attachable()
// Usage:
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, size, [size2], [shift], [offset], [anchors] ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, r|d, [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, path, [extent], [offset], [anchors] ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], size, [size2], [shift], [offset], [anchors] ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, l, [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], r1|d1, r2|d2, l, [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf, [extent], [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, size, [size2], [shift], [cp], [offset], [anchors] ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, r|d, [cp], [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], two_d, path, [extent], [cp], [offset], [anchors] ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], size, [size2], [shift], [cp], [offset], [anchors] ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, l, [cp], [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], r1|d1, r2|d2, l, [cp], [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], r|d, [cp], [offset], [anchors]) ...
// attachable(anchor, spin, [orient], vnf, [extent], [cp], [offset], [anchors]) ...
// Description:
// Manages the anchoring, spin, orientation, and attachments for a 3D volume or 2D area.
@ -703,7 +716,8 @@ function reorient(
// vnf = The [VNF](vnf.scad) of the volume.
// path = The path to generate a polygon from.
// extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection. Default: false.
// offset = If given, offsets the center of the volume.
// cp = If given, specifies the centerpoint of the volume. Default: `[0,0,0]`
// offset = If given, offsets the perimeter of the volume around the centerpoint.
// anchors = If given as a list of anchor points, allows named anchor points.
// two_d = If true, the attachable shape is 2D. If false, 3D. Default: false (3D)
@ -791,6 +805,7 @@ module attachable(
r,r1,r2, d,d1,d2, l,h,
vnf, path,
@ -804,7 +819,7 @@ module attachable(
r=r, r1=r1, r2=r2, h=h,
d=d, d1=d1, d2=d2, l=l,
vnf=vnf, path=path, extent=extent,
offset=offset, anchors=anchors,
cp=cp, offset=offset, anchors=anchors,
m = attach_transform(anchor,spin,orient,geom);

View File

@ -337,15 +337,17 @@ function region_faces(region, transform, reverse=false, vnf=EMPTY_VNF) =
// mrgn = union(rgn1,rgn2);
// orgn = difference(mrgn,rgn3);
// linear_sweep(orgn,height=20,convexity=16) show_anchors();
module linear_sweep(region, height=1, center=false, twist=0, scale=1, slices, maxseg, style="default", convexity, anchor_isect=false, anchor=BOT, spin=0, orient=UP) {
anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, BOT, BOT);
module linear_sweep(region, height=1, center, twist=0, scale=1, slices, maxseg, style="default", convexity, anchor_isect=false, anchor, spin=0, orient=UP) {
region = is_path(region)? [region] : region;
cp = median(flatten(region));
anchor = get_anchor(anchor, center, "origin", "origin");
vnf = linear_sweep(
region, height=height,
twist=twist, scale=scale,
slices=slices, maxseg=maxseg,
attachable(anchor,spin,orient, vnf=vnf, extent=!anchor_isect) {
attachable(anchor,spin,orient, cp=cp, vnf=vnf, extent=!anchor_isect) {
vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=convexity);
@ -355,10 +357,10 @@ module linear_sweep(region, height=1, center=false, twist=0, scale=1, slices, ma
function linear_sweep(region, height=1, twist=0, scale=1, slices, maxseg, style="default") =
region = is_path(region)? [region] : region,
regions = split_nested_region(region),
slices = default(slices, floor(twist/5+1)),
step = twist/slices,
hstep = height/slices,
regions = split_nested_region(region),
trgns = [
for (rgn=regions) [
for (path=rgn) let(

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,383];
BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,384];
// Section: BOSL Library Version Functions