////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: edges.scad // Routines to work with edge sets and edge set descriptors. // Includes: // include <BOSL2/std.scad> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module _edges_text3d(txt,size=3) { if (is_list(txt)) { for (i=idx(txt)) { down((i-len(txt)/2+0.5)*size*1.5) { _edges_text3d(txt[i], size=size); } } } else { xrot(90) color("#000") linear_extrude(height=0.1) { text(text=txt, size=size, halign="center", valign="center"); } } } function _edges_vec_txt(x) = is_string(x)? str("\"", x, "\"") : assert(is_string(x) || is_vector(x,3), str(x)) let( lst = concat( x.z>0? ["TOP"] : x.z<0? ["BTM"] : [], x.y>0? ["BACK"] : x.y<0? ["FWD"] : [], x.x>0? ["RIGHT"] : x.x<0? ["LEFT"] : [] ), out = [ for (i = idx(lst)) i>0? str("+",lst[i]) : lst[i] ] ) out; function _edges_text(edges) = is_string(edges) ? [str("\"",edges,"\"")] : edges==EDGES_NONE ? ["EDGES_NONE"] : edges==EDGES_ALL ? ["EDGES_ALL"] : is_edge_array(edges) ? [""] : is_vector(edges,3) ? _edges_vec_txt(edges) : is_list(edges) ? let( lst = [for (x=edges) each _edges_text(x)], out = [ for (i=idx(lst)) str( (i==0? "[" : ""), lst[i], (i<len(lst)-1? "," : ""), (i==len(lst)-1? "]" : "") ) ] ) out : [""]; // Section: Edge Constants // Constant: EDGES_NONE // Topics: Edges // See Also: EDGES_ALL, edges() // Description: // The set of no edges. // Figure(3D): // show_edges(edges="NONE"); EDGES_NONE = [[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]]; // Constant: EDGES_ALL // Topics: Edges // See Also: EDGES_NONE, edges() // Description: // The set of all edges. // Figure(3D): // show_edges(edges="ALL"); EDGES_ALL = [[1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1]]; // Constant: EDGES_OFFSETS // Topics: Edges // See Also: EDGES_NONE, EDGES_ALL, edges() // Description: // The vectors pointing to the center of each edge of a unit sized cube. // Each item in an edge array will have a corresponding vector in this array. EDGE_OFFSETS = [ [ [ 0,-1,-1], [ 0, 1,-1], [ 0,-1, 1], [ 0, 1, 1] ], [ [-1, 0,-1], [ 1, 0,-1], [-1, 0, 1], [ 1, 0, 1] ], [ [-1,-1, 0], [ 1,-1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [ 1, 1, 0] ] ]; // Section: Edge Helpers // Function: is_edge_array() // Topics: Edges, Type Checking // Usage: // bool = is_edge_array(x); // Description: // Returns true if the given value has the form of an edge array. // Arguments: // x = The item to check the type of. // See Also: edges(), EDGES_NONE, EDGES_ALL function is_edge_array(x) = is_list(x) && is_vector(x[0]) && len(x)==3 && len(x[0])==4; function _edge_set(v) = is_edge_array(v)? v : [ for (ax=[0:2]) [ for (b=[-1,1], a=[-1,1]) let( v2=[[0,a,b],[a,0,b],[a,b,0]][ax] ) ( is_string(v)? ( v=="X"? (ax==0) : // Return all X axis aligned edges. v=="Y"? (ax==1) : // Return all Y axis aligned edges. v=="Z"? (ax==2) : // Return all Z axis aligned edges. v=="ALL"? true : // Return all edges. v=="NONE"? false : // Return no edges. let(valid_values = ["X", "Y", "Z", "ALL", "NONE"]) assert( in_list(v, valid_values), str(v, " must be a vector, edge array, or one of ", valid_values) ) v ) : let(nonz = sum(v_abs(v))) nonz==2? (v==v2) : // Edge: return matching edge. let( matches = count_true([ for (i=[0:2]) v[i] && (v[i]==v2[i]) ]) ) nonz==1? (matches==1) : // Face: return surrounding edges. (matches==2) // Corner: return touching edges. )? 1 : 0 ] ]; // Function: normalize_edges() // Topics: Edges // Usage: // edges = normalize_edges(v); // Description: // Normalizes all values in an edge array to be `1`, if it was originally greater than `0`, // or `0`, if it was originally less than or equal to `0`. // See Also: is_edge_array(), edges(), EDGES_NONE, EDGES_ALL function normalize_edges(v) = [for (ax=v) [for (edge=ax) edge>0? 1 : 0]]; // Function: edges() // Topics: Edges // Usage: // edgs = edges(v); // edgs = edges(v, except); // // Description: // Takes a list of edge set descriptors, and returns a normalized edges array // that represents all those given edges. If the `except` argument is given // a list of edge set descriptors, then all those edges will be removed // from the returned edges array. If either argument only has a single edge // set descriptor, you do not have to pass it in a list. // Each edge set descriptor can be any of: // - A vector pointing towards an edge. // - A vector pointing towards a face, indicating all edges surrounding that face. // - A vector pointing towards a corner, indicating all edges touching that corner. // - The string `"X"`, indicating all X axis aligned edges. // - The string `"Y"`, indicating all Y axis aligned edges. // - The string `"Z"`, indicating all Z axis aligned edges. // - The string `"ALL"`, indicating all edges. // - The string `"NONE"`, indicating no edges at all. // - A raw edges array, where each edge is represented by a 1 or a 0. The edge ordering is: // ``` // [ // [Y-Z-, Y+Z-, Y-Z+, Y+Z+], // [X-Z-, X+Z-, X-Z+, X+Z+], // [X-Y-, X+Y-, X-Y+, X+Y+] // ] // ``` // Figure(3D,Big): Edge Vectors // ydistribute(50) { // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges=BOT+RIGHT); // show_edges(edges=BOT+BACK); // show_edges(edges=BOT+LEFT); // show_edges(edges=BOT+FRONT); // } // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges=FWD+RIGHT); // show_edges(edges=BACK+RIGHT); // show_edges(edges=BACK+LEFT); // show_edges(edges=FWD+LEFT); // } // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges=TOP+RIGHT); // show_edges(edges=TOP+BACK); // show_edges(edges=TOP+LEFT); // show_edges(edges=TOP+FRONT); // } // } // Figure(3D,Big): Corner Vector Edge Sets // ydistribute(50) { // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges=FRONT+LEFT+TOP); // show_edges(edges=FRONT+RIGHT+TOP); // show_edges(edges=FRONT+LEFT+BOT); // show_edges(edges=FRONT+RIGHT+BOT); // } // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges=TOP+LEFT+BACK); // show_edges(edges=TOP+RIGHT+BACK); // show_edges(edges=BOT+LEFT+BACK); // show_edges(edges=BOT+RIGHT+BACK); // } // } // Figure(3D,Med): Face Vector Edge Sets // ydistribute(50) { // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges=LEFT); // show_edges(edges=FRONT); // show_edges(edges=RIGHT); // } // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges=TOP); // show_edges(edges=BACK); // show_edges(edges=BOTTOM); // } // } // Figure(3D,Med): Named Edge Sets // ydistribute(50) { // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges="X"); // show_edges(edges="Y"); // show_edges(edges="Z"); // } // xdistribute(30) { // show_edges(edges="ALL"); // show_edges(edges="NONE"); // } // } // // Arguments: // v = The edge set to include. // except = The edge set to specifically exclude, even if they are in `v`. // // See Also: is_edge_array(), normalize_edges(), EDGES_NONE, EDGES_ALL // // Example(3D): Just the front-top edge // edg = edges(FRONT+TOP); // show_edges(edges=edg); // Example(3D): All edges surrounding either the front or top faces // edg = edges([FRONT,TOP]); // show_edges(edges=edg); // Example(3D): All edges around the bottom face, except any that are also on the front // edg = edges(BTM, except=FRONT); // show_edges(edges=edg); // Example(3D): All edges except those around the bottom face. // edg = edges("ALL", except=BOTTOM); // show_edges(edges=edg); // Example(3D): All Z-aligned edges except those around the back face. // edg = edges("Z", except=BACK); // show_edges(edges=edg); // Example(3D): All edges around the bottom or front faces, except the bottom-front edge. // edg = edges([BOTTOM,FRONT], except=BOTTOM+FRONT); // show_edges(edges=edg); // Example(3D): All edges, except Z-aligned edges on the front. // edg = edges("ALL", except=edges("Z", except=BACK)); // show_edges(edges=edg); function edges(v, except=[]) = (is_string(v) || is_vector(v) || is_edge_array(v))? edges([v], except=except) : (is_string(except) || is_vector(except) || is_edge_array(except))? edges(v, except=[except]) : except==[]? normalize_edges(sum([for (x=v) _edge_set(x)])) : normalize_edges( normalize_edges(sum([for (x=v) _edge_set(x)])) - sum([for (x=except) _edge_set(x)]) ); // Module: show_edges() // Topics: Edges, Debugging // Usage: // show_edges(edges, [size=], [text=], [txtsize=]); // Description: // Draws a semi-transparent cube with the given edges highlighted in red. // Arguments: // edges = The edges to highlight. // size = The scalar size of the cube. // text = The text to show on the front of the cube. // txtsize = The size of the text. // See Also: is_edge_array(), edges(), EDGES_NONE, EDGES_ALL // Example: // show_edges(size=30, edges=["X","Y"]); module show_edges(edges="ALL", size=20, text, txtsize=3) { edge_set = edges(edges); text = !is_undef(text) ? text : _edges_text(edges); color("red") { for (axis=[0:2], i=[0:3]) { if (edge_set[axis][i] > 0) { translate(EDGE_OFFSETS[axis][i]*size/2) { if (axis==0) xcyl(h=size, d=2); if (axis==1) ycyl(h=size, d=2); if (axis==2) zcyl(h=size, d=2); } } } } fwd(size/2) _edges_text3d(text, size=txtsize); color("yellow",0.7) cuboid(size=size); } // Section: Corner Constants // Constants for working with corners. // Constant: CORNERS_NONE // Topics: Corners // Description: // The set of no corners. // Figure(3D): // show_corners(corners="NONE"); // See Also: CORNERS_ALL, corners() CORNERS_NONE = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; // No corners. // Constant: CORNERS_ALL // Topics: Corners // Description: // The set of all corners. // Figure(3D): // show_corners(corners="ALL"); // See Also: CORNERS_NONE, corners() CORNERS_ALL = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]; // Constant: CORNER_OFFSETS // Topics: Corners // Description: // The vectors pointing to each corner of a unit sized cube. // Each item in a corner array will have a corresponding vector in this array. // See Also: CORNERS_NONE, CORNERS_ALL, corners() CORNER_OFFSETS = [ [-1,-1,-1], [ 1,-1,-1], [-1, 1,-1], [ 1, 1,-1], [-1,-1, 1], [ 1,-1, 1], [-1, 1, 1], [ 1, 1, 1] ]; // Section: Corner Helpers // Function: is_corner_array() // Topics: Corners, Type Checking // Usage: // bool = is_corner_array(x) // Description: // Returns true if the given value has the form of a corner array. // See Also: CORNERS_NONE, CORNERS_ALL, corners() function is_corner_array(x) = is_vector(x) && len(x)==8 && all([for (xx=x) xx==1||xx==0]); // Function: normalize_corners() // Topics: Corners // Usage: // corns = normalize_corners(v); // Description: // Normalizes all values in a corner array to be `1`, if it was originally greater than `0`, // or `0`, if it was originally less than or equal to `0`. // See Also: CORNERS_NONE, CORNERS_ALL, is_corner_array(), corners() function normalize_corners(v) = [for (x=v) x>0? 1 : 0]; function _corner_set(v) = is_corner_array(v)? v : [ for (i=[0:7]) let( v2 = CORNER_OFFSETS[i] ) ( is_string(v)? ( v=="ALL"? true : // Return all corners. v=="NONE"? false : // Return no corners. let(valid_values = ["ALL", "NONE"]) assert( in_list(v, valid_values), str(v, " must be a vector, corner array, or one of ", valid_values) ) v ) : all([for (i=[0:2]) !v[i] || (v[i]==v2[i])]) )? 1 : 0 ]; // Function: corners() // Topics: Corners // Usage: // corns = corners(v); // corns = corners(v, except); // Description: // Takes a list of corner set descriptors, and returns a normalized corners array // that represents all those given corners. If the `except` argument is given // a list of corner set descriptors, then all those corners will be removed // from the returned corners array. If either argument only has a single corner // set descriptor, you do not have to pass it in a list. // Each corner set descriptor can be any of: // - A vector pointing towards an edge indicating both corners at the ends of that edge. // - A vector pointing towards a face, indicating all the corners of that face. // - A vector pointing towards a corner, indicating just that corner. // - The string `"ALL"`, indicating all corners. // - The string `"NONE"`, indicating no corners at all. // - A raw corners array, where each corner is represented by a 1 or a 0. The corner ordering is: // ``` // [X-Y-Z-, X+Y-Z-, X-Y+Z-, X+Y+Z-, X-Y-Z+, X+Y-Z+, X-Y+Z+, X+Y+Z+] // ``` // Figure(3D,Big): Corners by Corner Vector // ydistribute(55) { // xdistribute(35) { // show_corners(corners=FRONT+LEFT+TOP); // show_corners(corners=FRONT+RIGHT+TOP); // show_corners(corners=FRONT+LEFT+BOT); // show_corners(corners=FRONT+RIGHT+BOT); // } // xdistribute(35) { // show_corners(corners=TOP+LEFT+BACK); // show_corners(corners=TOP+RIGHT+BACK); // show_corners(corners=BOT+LEFT+BACK); // show_corners(corners=BOT+RIGHT+BACK); // } // } // Figure(3D,Big): Corners by Edge Vectors // ydistribute(55) { // xdistribute(35) { // show_corners(corners=BOT+RIGHT); // show_corners(corners=BOT+BACK); // show_corners(corners=BOT+LEFT); // show_corners(corners=BOT+FRONT); // } // xdistribute(35) { // show_corners(corners=FWD+RIGHT); // show_corners(corners=BACK+RIGHT); // show_corners(corners=BACK+LEFT); // show_corners(corners=FWD+LEFT); // } // xdistribute(35) { // show_corners(corners=TOP+RIGHT); // show_corners(corners=TOP+BACK); // show_corners(corners=TOP+LEFT); // show_corners(corners=TOP+FRONT); // } // } // Figure(3D,Med): Corners by Face Vectors // ydistribute(55) { // xdistribute(35) { // show_corners(corners=LEFT); // show_corners(corners=FRONT); // show_corners(corners=RIGHT); // } // xdistribute(35) { // show_corners(corners=TOP); // show_corners(corners=BACK); // show_corners(corners=BOTTOM); // } // } // Figure(3D,Med): Corners by Name // xdistribute(35) { // show_corners(corners="ALL"); // show_corners(corners="NONE"); // } // See Also: CORNERS_NONE, CORNERS_ALL, is_corner_array(), normalize_corners() // Example(3D): Just the front-top-right corner // crn = corners(FRONT+TOP+RIGHT); // show_corners(corners=crn); // Example(3D): All corners surrounding either the front or top faces // crn = corners([FRONT,TOP]); // show_corners(corners=crn); // Example(3D): All corners around the bottom face, except any that are also on the front // crn = corners(BTM, except=FRONT); // show_corners(corners=crn); // Example(3D): All corners except those around the bottom face. // crn = corners("ALL", except=BOTTOM); // show_corners(corners=crn); // Example(3D): All corners around the bottom or front faces, except those on the bottom-front edge. // crn = corners([BOTTOM,FRONT], except=BOTTOM+FRONT); // show_corners(corners=crn); function corners(v, except=[]) = (is_string(v) || is_vector(v) || is_corner_array(v))? corners([v], except=except) : (is_string(except) || is_vector(except) || is_corner_array(except))? corners(v, except=[except]) : except==[]? normalize_corners(sum([for (x=v) _corner_set(x)])) : let( a = normalize_corners(sum([for (x=v) _corner_set(x)])), b = normalize_corners(sum([for (x=except) _corner_set(x)])) ) normalize_corners(a - b); // Function: corner_edges() // Topics: Corners // Description: // Returns [XCOUNT,YCOUNT,ZCOUNT] where each is the count of edges aligned with that // axis that are in the edge set and touch the given corner. // Arguments: // edges = Standard edges array. // v = Vector pointing to the corner to count edge intersections at. // See Also: CORNERS_NONE, CORNERS_ALL, is_corner_array(), corners(), corner_edge_count() function corner_edges(edges, v) = let(u = (v+[1,1,1])/2) [edges[0][u.y+u.z*2], edges[1][u.x+u.z*2], edges[2][u.x+u.y*2]]; // Function: corner_edge_count() // Topics: Corners // Description: // Counts how many given edges intersect at a specific corner. // Arguments: // edges = Standard edges array. // v = Vector pointing to the corner to count edge intersections at. // See Also: CORNERS_NONE, CORNERS_ALL, is_corner_array(), corners(), corner_edges() function corner_edge_count(edges, v) = let(u = (v+[1,1,1])/2) edges[0][u.y+u.z*2] + edges[1][u.x+u.z*2] + edges[2][u.x+u.y*2]; function _corners_text(corners) = is_string(corners) ? [str("\"",corners,"\"")] : corners==CORNERS_NONE ? ["CORNERS_NONE"] : corners==CORNERS_ALL ? ["CORNERS_ALL"] : is_corner_array(corners) ? [""] : is_vector(corners,3) ? _edges_vec_txt(corners) : is_list(corners) ? let( lst = [for (x=corners) each _corners_text(x)], out = [ for (i=idx(lst)) str( (i==0? "[" : ""), lst[i], (i<len(lst)-1? "," : ""), (i==len(lst)-1? "]" : "") ) ] ) out : [""]; // Module: show_corners() // Topics: Corners, Debugging // Usage: // show_corners(corners, [size=], [text=], [txtsize=]); // Description: // Draws a semi-transparent cube with the given corners highlighted in red. // Arguments: // corners = The corners to highlight. // size = The scalar size of the cube. // text = If given, overrides the text to be shown on the front of the cube. // txtsize = The size of the text. // See Also: CORNERS_NONE, CORNERS_ALL, is_corner_array(), corners() // Example: // show_corners(corners=FWD+RIGHT, size=30); module show_corners(corners="ALL", size=20, text, txtsize=3) { corner_set = corners(corners); text = !is_undef(text) ? text : _corners_text(corners); for (i=[0:7]) if (corner_set[i]>0) translate(CORNER_OFFSETS[i]*size/2) color("red") sphere(d=2, $fn=16); fwd(size/2) _edges_text3d(text, size=txtsize); color("yellow",0.7) cuboid(size=size); } // vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap