////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: version.scad // File that provides functions to manage versioning. // To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file: // ``` // include // ``` ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOSL_VERSION = [2,0,163]; // Section: BOSL Library Version Functions // Function: bosl_version() // Usage: // ver = bosl_version(); // Description: // Returns a list with three integer elements, [MAJOR,MINOR,REV], // representing the Major, Minor, and Build Revision numbers. // For example, version 2.1.43 will be returned as `[2,1,43]`. function bosl_version() = BOSL_VERSION; // Function: bosl_version_num() // Usage: // ver = bosl_version_num(); // Description: // Returns a floating point number of the version, formatted like M.mmrrrr where M is the major version number, // each m is a zero-padded digit of the minor version number, and each r is a zero-padded digit of the build // revision number. For example, version 2.1.43 will be returned as `2.010043`. function bosl_version_num() = version_to_num(BOSL_VERSION); // Function: bosl_version_str() // Usage: // ver = bosl_version_str(); // Description: // Returns a string of the version, formatted like "MAJOR.MINOR.REV". // For example, version 2.1.43 will be returned as `"2.1.43"`. function bosl_version_str() = version_to_str(BOSL_VERSION); // Module: bosl_required() // Usage: // bosl_required(x); // Description: // Given a version as a list, number, or string, asserts that the currently installed BOSL library is at least the given version. module bosl_required(target) { assert( version_cmp(bosl_version(), target) >= 0, str( "BOSL ", bosl_version_str(), " is installed, but BOSL ", version_to_str(target), " or better is required." ) ); } // Section: Generic Version Functions function _version_split_str(x, _i=0, _out=[], _num=0) = _i>=len(x)? concat(_out,[_num]) : let( cval = ord(x[_i]) - ord("0"), numend = cval<0 || cval>9, _out = numend? concat(_out, [_num]) : _out, _num = numend? 0 : (10*_num + cval) ) _version_split_str(x, _i=_i+1, _out=_out, _num=_num); // Function: version_to_list() // Usage: // ver = version_to_list(x); // Description: // Given a version string, number, or list, returns the list of version integers [MAJOR,MINOR,REVISION]. // Example: // v1 = version_to_list("2.1.43"); // Returns: [2,1,43] // v2 = version_to_list(2.120234); // Returns: [2,12,234] // v3 = version_to_list([2,3,4]); // Returns: [2,3,4] // v4 = version_to_list([2,3,4,5]); // Returns: [2,3,4] function version_to_list(x) = is_list(x)? [default(x[0],0), default(x[1],0), default(x[2],0)] : is_string(x)? _version_split_str(x) : is_num(x)? [floor(x), floor(x*100%100), floor(x*1000000%10000+0.5)] : assert(is_num(x) || is_vector(x) || is_string(x)) 0; // Function: version_to_str() // Usage: // str = version_to_str(x); // Description: // Takes a version string, number, or list, and returns the properly formatter version string for it. // Example: // v1 = version_to_str([2,1,43]); // Returns: "2.1.43" // v2 = version_to_str(2.010043); // Returns: "2.1.43" // v3 = version_to_str(2.340789); // Returns: "2.34.789" // v4 = version_to_str("2.3.89"); // Returns: "2.3.89" function version_to_str(x) = let(x = version_to_list(x)) str(x[0],".",x[1],".",x[2]); // Function: version_to_num() // Usage: // str = version_to_num(x); // Description: // Takes a version string, number, or list, and returns the properly formatter version number for it. // Example: // v1 = version_to_num([2,1,43]); // Returns: 2.010043 // v2 = version_to_num([2,34,567]); // Returns: 2.340567 // v3 = version_to_num(2.120567); // Returns: 2.120567 // v4 = version_to_num("2.6.79"); // Returns: 2.060079 function version_to_num(x) = let(x = version_to_list(x)) (x[0]*1000000 + x[1]*10000 + x[2])/1000000; // Function: version_cmp() // Usage: // cmp = version_cmp(a,b); // Description: // Given a pair of versions, in any combination of string, integer, or list, compares them, and returns the relative value of them. // Returns an integer <0 if a0 if a>b. // Example: // cmp1 = version_cmp(2.010034, "2.1.33"); // Returns: >0 // cmp2 = version_cmp(2.010034, "2.1.34"); // Returns: 0 // cmp3 = version_cmp(2.010034, "2.1.35"); // Returns: <0 function version_cmp(a,b) = let( a = version_to_list(a), b = version_to_list(b), cmps = [for (i=[0:1:2]) if(a[i]!=b[i]) a[i]-b[i]] ) cmps==[]? 0 : cmps[0]; // vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap