////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LibFile: masks.scad // Masking shapes. // To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file: // ``` // include <BOSL2/std.scad> // ``` ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section: General Masks // Module: angle_pie_mask() // Usage: // angle_pie_mask(r|d, l, ang, [orient], [anchor]); // angle_pie_mask(r1|d1, r2|d2, l, ang, [orient], [anchor]); // Description: // Creates a pie wedge shape that can be used to mask other shapes. // Arguments: // ang = angle of wedge in degrees. // l = height of wedge. // r = Radius of circle wedge is created from. (optional) // r1 = Bottom radius of cone that wedge is created from. (optional) // r2 = Upper radius of cone that wedge is created from. (optional) // d = Diameter of circle wedge is created from. (optional) // d1 = Bottom diameter of cone that wedge is created from. (optional) // d2 = Upper diameter of cone that wedge is created from. (optional) // orient = Orientation of the pie slice. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.h. Default: ORIENT_Z. // anchor = Alignment of the pie slice. Use the constants from constants.h. Default: CENTER. // Example(FR): // angle_pie_mask(ang=30, d=100, l=20); module angle_pie_mask( ang=45, l=undef, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=CENTER, h=undef ) { l = first_defined([l, h, 1]); r1 = get_radius(r1, r, d1, d, 10); r2 = get_radius(r2, r, d2, d, 10); orient_and_anchor([2*r1, 2*r1, l], orient, anchor, chain=true) { pie_slice(ang=ang, l=l+0.1, r1=r1, r2=r2, anchor=CENTER); children(); } } // Module: cylinder_mask() // Usage: Mask objects // cylinder_mask(l, r|d, chamfer, [chamfang], [from_end], [circum], [overage], [ends_only], [orient], [anchor]); // cylinder_mask(l, r|d, rounding, [circum], [overage], [ends_only], [orient], [anchor]); // cylinder_mask(l, r|d, [chamfer1|rounding1], [chamfer2|rounding2], [chamfang1], [chamfang2], [from_end], [circum], [overage], [ends_only], [orient], [anchor]); // Usage: Masking operators // cylinder_mask(l, r|d, chamfer, [chamfang], [from_end], [circum], [overage], [ends_only], [orient], [anchor]) ... // cylinder_mask(l, r|d, rounding, [circum], [overage], [ends_only], [orient], [anchor]) ... // cylinder_mask(l, r|d, [chamfer1|rounding1], [chamfer2|rounding2], [chamfang1], [chamfang2], [from_end], [circum], [overage], [ends_only], [orient], [anchor]) ... // Description: // If passed children, bevels/chamfers and/or rounds one or both // ends of the origin-centered cylindrical region specified. If // passed no children, creates a mask to bevel/chamfer and/or round // one or both ends of the cylindrical region. Difference the mask // from the region, making sure the center of the mask object is // anchored exactly with the center of the cylindrical region to // be chamferred. // Arguments: // l = Length of the cylindrical/conical region. // r = Radius of cylindrical region to chamfer. // r1 = Radius of axis-negative end of the region to chamfer. // r2 = Radius of axis-positive end of the region to chamfer. // d = Diameter of cylindrical region to chamfer. // d1 = Diameter of axis-negative end of the region to chamfer. // d1 = Diameter of axis-positive end of the region to chamfer. // chamfer = Size of the chamfers/bevels. (Default: 0.25) // chamfer1 = Size of the chamfers/bevels for the axis-negative end of the region. // chamfer2 = Size of the chamfers/bevels for the axis-positive end of the region. // chamfang = Angle of chamfers/bevels in degrees from the length axis of the region. (Default: 45) // chamfang1 = Angle of chamfer/bevel of the axis-negative end of the region, in degrees from the length axis. // chamfang2 = Angle of chamfer/bevel of the axis-positive end of the region, in degrees from the length axis. // rounding = The radius of the rounding on the ends of the region. Default: none. // rounding1 = The radius of the rounding on the axis-negative end of the region. // rounding2 = The radius of the rounding on the axis-positive end of the region. // circum = If true, region will circumscribe the circle of the given radius/diameter. // from_end = If true, chamfer/bevel size is measured from end of region. If false, chamfer/bevel is measured outset from the radius of the region. (Default: false) // overage = The extra thickness of the mask. Default: `10`. // ends_only = If true, only mask the ends and not around the middle of the cylinder. // orient = Orientation. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`. // anchor = Alignment of the region. Use the constants from `constants.scad`. Default: `CENTER`. // Example: // difference() { // cylinder(h=100, r1=60, r2=30, center=true); // cylinder_mask(l=100, r1=60, r2=30, chamfer=10, from_end=true); // } // Example: // cylinder_mask(l=100, r=50, chamfer1=10, rounding2=10) { // cube([100,50,100], center=true); // } module cylinder_mask( l, r=undef, r1=undef, r2=undef, d=undef, d1=undef, d2=undef, chamfer=undef, chamfer1=undef, chamfer2=undef, chamfang=undef, chamfang1=undef, chamfang2=undef, rounding=undef, rounding1=undef, rounding2=undef, circum=false, from_end=false, overage=10, ends_only=false, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=CENTER ) { r1 = get_radius(r=r, d=d, r1=r1, d1=d1, dflt=1); r2 = get_radius(r=r, d=d, r1=r2, d1=d2, dflt=1); sides = segs(max(r1,r2)); sc = circum? 1/cos(180/sides) : 1; vang = atan2(l, r1-r2)/2; ang1 = first_defined([chamfang1, chamfang, vang]); ang2 = first_defined([chamfang2, chamfang, 90-vang]); cham1 = first_defined([chamfer1, chamfer, 0]); cham2 = first_defined([chamfer2, chamfer, 0]); fil1 = first_defined([rounding1, rounding, 0]); fil2 = first_defined([rounding2, rounding, 0]); maxd = max(r1,r2); if ($children > 0) { difference() { children(); cylinder_mask(l=l, r1=sc*r1, r2=sc*r2, chamfer1=cham1, chamfer2=cham2, chamfang1=ang1, chamfang2=ang2, rounding1=fil1, rounding2=fil2, orient=orient, from_end=from_end); } } else { orient_and_anchor([2*r1, 2*r1, l], orient, anchor, chain=true) { difference() { union() { chlen1 = cham1 / (from_end? 1 : tan(ang1)); chlen2 = cham2 / (from_end? 1 : tan(ang2)); if (!ends_only) { cylinder(r=maxd+overage, h=l+2*overage, center=true); } else { if (cham2>0) up(l/2-chlen2) cylinder(r=maxd+overage, h=chlen2+overage, center=false); if (cham1>0) down(l/2+overage) cylinder(r=maxd+overage, h=chlen1+overage, center=false); if (fil2>0) up(l/2-fil2) cylinder(r=maxd+overage, h=fil2+overage, center=false); if (fil1>0) down(l/2+overage) cylinder(r=maxd+overage, h=fil1+overage, center=false); } } cyl(r1=sc*r1, r2=sc*r2, l=l, chamfer1=cham1, chamfer2=cham2, chamfang1=ang1, chamfang2=ang2, from_end=from_end, rounding1=fil1, rounding2=fil2); } children(); } } } // Section: Chamfers // Module: chamfer_mask() // Usage: // chamfer_mask(l, chamfer, [orient], [anchor]); // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to chamfer a 90 degree edge. // Difference it from the object to be chamfered. The center of // the mask object should align exactly with the edge to be chamfered. // Arguments: // l = Length of mask. // chamfer = Size of chamfer // orient = Orientation of the mask. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.h`. Default: vertical. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: centered. // Example: // difference() { // cube(50); // #chamfer_mask(l=50, chamfer=10, orient=ORIENT_X, anchor=RIGHT); // } module chamfer_mask(l=1, chamfer=1, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=CENTER) { orient_and_anchor([chamfer, chamfer, l], orient, anchor, chain=true) { cylinder(d=chamfer*2, h=l+0.1, center=true, $fn=4); children(); } } // Module: chamfer_mask_x() // Usage: // chamfer_mask_x(l, chamfer, [anchor]); // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to chamfer a 90 degree edge along the X axis. // Difference it from the object to be chamfered. The center of the mask // object should align exactly with the edge to be chamfered. // Arguments: // l = Height of mask // chamfer = size of chamfer // anchor = Alignment of the cylinder. Use the constants from constants.h. Default: centered. // Example: // difference() { // left(40) cube(80); // #chamfer_mask_x(l=80, chamfer=20); // } module chamfer_mask_x(l=1.0, chamfer=1.0, anchor=CENTER) { chamfer_mask(l=l, chamfer=chamfer, orient=ORIENT_X, anchor=anchor) children(); } // Module: chamfer_mask_y() // Usage: // chamfer_mask_y(l, chamfer, [anchor]); // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to chamfer a 90 degree edge along the Y axis. // Difference it from the object to be chamfered. The center of the mask // object should align exactly with the edge to be chamfered. // Arguments: // l = Height of mask // chamfer = size of chamfer // anchor = Alignment of the cylinder. Use the constants from constants.h. Default: centered. // Example: // difference() { // fwd(40) cube(80); // right(80) #chamfer_mask_y(l=80, chamfer=20); // } module chamfer_mask_y(l=1.0, chamfer=1.0, anchor=CENTER) { chamfer_mask(l=l, chamfer=chamfer, orient=ORIENT_Y, anchor=anchor) children(); } // Module: chamfer_mask_z() // Usage: // chamfer_mask_z(l, chamfer, [anchor]); // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to chamfer a 90 degree edge along the Z axis. // Difference it from the object to be chamfered. The center of the mask // object should align exactly with the edge to be chamfered. // Arguments: // l = Height of mask // chamfer = size of chamfer // anchor = Alignment of the cylinder. Use the constants from constants.h. Default: centered. // Example: // difference() { // down(40) cube(80); // #chamfer_mask_z(l=80, chamfer=20); // } module chamfer_mask_z(l=1.0, chamfer=1.0, anchor=CENTER) { chamfer_mask(l=l, chamfer=chamfer, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=anchor) children(); } // Module: chamfer() // Usage: // chamfer(chamfer, size, [edges]) ... // Description: // Chamfers the edges of a cuboid region containing childrem, centered on the origin. // Arguments: // chamfer = Inset of the chamfer from the edge. (Default: 1) // size = The size of the rectangular cuboid we want to chamfer. // edges = Which edges to chamfer. Use of [`edges()`](edges.scad#edges) from [`edges.scad`](edges.scad) is recommend. // Description: // You should use [`edges()`](edges.scad#edges) from [`edges.scad`](edges.scad) with the `edge` argument. // However, if you must handle it raw, the edge ordering is this: // [ // [Y-Z-, Y+Z-, Y-Z+, Y+Z+], // [X-Z-, X+Z-, X-Z+, X+Z+], // [X-Y-, X+Y-, X-Y+, X+Y+] // ] // Example(FR): // chamfer(chamfer=2, size=[20,40,30]) { // cube(size=[20,40,30], center=true); // } // Example(FR): // chamfer(chamfer=2, size=[20,40,30], edges=edges([TOP,FRONT+RIGHT], except=TOP+LEFT)) { // cube(size=[20,40,30], center=true); // } module chamfer(chamfer=1, size=[1,1,1], edges=EDGES_ALL) { difference() { children(); difference() { cube(size, center=true); cuboid(size+[1,1,1]*0.02, chamfer=chamfer+0.01, edges=edges, trimcorners=true); } } } // Module: chamfer_cylinder_mask() // Usage: // chamfer_cylinder_mask(r|d, chamfer, [ang], [from_end], [orient]) // Description: // Create a mask that can be used to bevel/chamfer the end of a cylindrical region. // Difference it from the end of the region to be chamferred. The center of the mask // object should align exactly with the center of the end of the cylindrical region // to be chamferred. // Arguments: // r = Radius of cylinder to chamfer. // d = Diameter of cylinder to chamfer. Use instead of r. // chamfer = Size of the edge chamferred, inset from edge. (Default: 0.25) // ang = Angle of chamfer in degrees from vertical. (Default: 45) // from_end = If true, chamfer size is measured from end of cylinder. If false, chamfer is measured outset from the radius of the cylinder. (Default: false) // orient = Orientation of the mask. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.h`. Default: ORIENT_Z. // Example: // difference() { // cylinder(r=50, h=100, center=true); // up(50) #chamfer_cylinder_mask(r=50, chamfer=10); // } module chamfer_cylinder_mask(r=1.0, d=undef, chamfer=0.25, ang=45, from_end=false, orient=ORIENT_Z) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); rot(orient) cylinder_mask(l=chamfer*3, r=r, chamfer2=chamfer, chamfang2=ang, from_end=from_end, ends_only=true, anchor=DOWN) children(); } // Module: chamfer_hole_mask() // Usage: // chamfer_hole_mask(r|d, chamfer, [ang], [from_end]); // Description: // Create a mask that can be used to bevel/chamfer the end of a cylindrical hole. // Difference it from the hole to be chamferred. The center of the mask object // should align exactly with the center of the end of the hole to be chamferred. // Arguments: // r = Radius of hole to chamfer. // d = Diameter of hole to chamfer. Use instead of r. // chamfer = Size of the chamfer. (Default: 0.25) // ang = Angle of chamfer in degrees from vertical. (Default: 45) // from_end = If true, chamfer size is measured from end of hole. If false, chamfer is measured outset from the radius of the hole. (Default: false) // overage = The extra thickness of the mask. Default: `0.1`. // orient = Orientation of the mask. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.h`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: `CENTER`. // Example: // difference() { // cube(100, center=true); // cylinder(d=50, h=100.1, center=true); // up(50) #chamfer_hole_mask(d=50, chamfer=10); // } // Example: // chamfer_hole_mask(d=100, chamfer=25, ang=30, overage=10); module chamfer_hole_mask(r=undef, d=undef, chamfer=0.25, ang=45, from_end=false, overage=0.1, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=CENTER) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); h = chamfer * (from_end? 1 : tan(90-ang)); r2 = r + chamfer * (from_end? tan(ang) : 1); $fn = segs(r); orient_and_anchor([2*r, 2*r, h*2], orient, anchor, size2=[2*r2, 2*r2], chain=true) { union() { cylinder(r=r2, h=overage, center=false); down(h) cylinder(r1=r, r2=r2, h=h, center=false); } children(); } } // Section: Rounding // Module: rounding_mask() // Usage: // rounding_mask(l|h, r, [orient], [anchor]) // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to round a vertical 90 degree edge. // Difference it from the object to be rounded. The center of the mask // object should align exactly with the edge to be rounded. // Arguments: // l = Length of mask. // r = Radius of the rounding. // orient = Orientation of the mask. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.h`. Default: vertical. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: centered. // Example: // difference() { // cube(size=100, center=false); // #rounding_mask(l=100, r=25, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=UP); // } module rounding_mask(l=undef, r=1.0, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=CENTER, h=undef) { l = first_defined([l, h, 1]); sides = quantup(segs(r),4); orient_and_anchor([2*r, 2*r, l], orient, anchor, chain=true) { linear_extrude(height=l+0.1, convexity=4, center=true) { difference() { square(2*r, center=true); xspread(2*r) yspread(2*r) circle(r=r, $fn=sides); } } children(); } } // Module: rounding_mask_x() // Usage: // rounding_mask_x(l, r, [anchor]) // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to round a 90 degree edge oriented // along the X axis. Difference it from the object to be rounded. // The center of the mask object should align exactly with the edge to // be rounded. // Arguments: // l = Length of mask. // r = Radius of the rounding. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: centered. // Example: // difference() { // cube(size=100, center=false); // #rounding_mask_x(l=100, r=25, anchor=RIGHT); // } module rounding_mask_x(l=1.0, r=1.0, anchor=CENTER) rounding_mask(l=l, r=r, orient=ORIENT_X, anchor=anchor) children(); // Module: rounding_mask_y() // Usage: // rounding_mask_y(l, r, [anchor]) // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to round a 90 degree edge oriented // along the Y axis. Difference it from the object to be rounded. // The center of the mask object should align exactly with the edge to // be rounded. // Arguments: // l = Length of mask. // r = Radius of the rounding. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: centered. // Example: // difference() { // cube(size=100, center=false); // right(100) #rounding_mask_y(l=100, r=25, anchor=BACK); // } module rounding_mask_y(l=1.0, r=1.0, anchor=CENTER) rounding_mask(l=l, r=r, orient=ORIENT_Y, anchor=anchor) children(); // Module: rounding_mask_z() // Usage: // rounding_mask_z(l, r, [anchor]) // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to round a 90 degree edge oriented // along the Z axis. Difference it from the object to be rounded. // The center of the mask object should align exactly with the edge to // be rounded. // Arguments: // l = Length of mask. // r = Radius of the rounding. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: centered. // Example: // difference() { // cube(size=100, center=false); // #rounding_mask_z(l=100, r=25, anchor=UP); // } module rounding_mask_z(l=1.0, r=1.0, anchor=CENTER) rounding_mask(l=l, r=r, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=anchor) children(); // Module: rounding() // Usage: // rounding(r, size, [edges]) ... // Description: // Rounds the edges of a cuboid region containing the given children. // Arguments: // r = Radius of the rounding. (Default: 1) // size = The size of the rectangular cuboid we want to chamfer. // edges = Which edges to chamfer. Use of [`edges()`](edges.scad#edges) from [`edges.scad`](edges.scad) is recommend. // Description: // You should use [`edges()`](edges.scad#edges) from [`edges.scad`](edges.scad) to generate the edge array for the `edge` argument. // However, if you must handle it raw, the edge ordering is this: // [ // [Y-Z-, Y+Z-, Y-Z+, Y+Z+], // [X-Z-, X+Z-, X-Z+, X+Z+], // [X-Y-, X+Y-, X-Y+, X+Y+] // ] // Example(FR): // rounding(r=10, size=[50,100,150], $fn=24) { // cube(size=[50,100,150], center=true); // } // Example(FR,FlatSpin): // rounding(r=10, size=[50,50,75], edges=edges([TOP,FRONT+RIGHT], except=TOP+LEFT), $fn=24) { // cube(size=[50,50,75], center=true); // } module rounding(r=1, size=[1,1,1], edges=EDGES_ALL) { difference() { children(); difference() { cube(size, center=true); cuboid(size+[1,1,1]*0.01, rounding=r, edges=edges, trimcorners=true); } } } // Module: rounding_angled_edge_mask() // Usage: // rounding_angled_edge_mask(h, r, [ang], [orient], [anchor]); // Description: // Creates a vertical mask that can be used to round the edge where two // face meet, at any arbitrary angle. Difference it from the object to // be rounded. The center of the mask should align exactly with the // edge to be rounded. // Arguments: // h = height of vertical mask. // r = radius of the rounding. // ang = angle that the planes meet at. // orient = Orientation of the mask. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.h`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: `CENTER`. // Example: // difference() { // angle_pie_mask(ang=70, h=50, d=100); // #rounding_angled_edge_mask(h=51, r=20.0, ang=70, $fn=32); // } module rounding_angled_edge_mask(h=1.0, r=1.0, ang=90, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=CENTER) { sweep = 180-ang; n = ceil(segs(r)*sweep/360); x = r*sin(90-(ang/2))/sin(ang/2); orient_and_anchor([2*x,2*r,h], orient, anchor, chain=true) { linear_extrude(height=h, convexity=4, center=true) { polygon( points=concat( [for (i = [0:n]) let (a=90+ang+i*sweep/n) [r*cos(a)+x, r*sin(a)+r]], [for (i = [0:n]) let (a=90+i*sweep/n) [r*cos(a)+x, r*sin(a)-r]], [ [min(-1, r*cos(270-ang)+x-1), r*sin(270-ang)-r], [min(-1, r*cos(90+ang)+x-1), r*sin(90+ang)+r], ] ) ); } children(); } } // Module: rounding_angled_corner_mask() // Usage: // rounding_angled_corner_mask(r, ang, [orient], [anchor]); // Description: // Creates a shape that can be used to round the corner of an angle. // Difference it from the object to be rounded. The center of the mask // object should align exactly with the point of the corner to be rounded. // Arguments: // r = Radius of the rounding. // ang = Angle between planes that you need to round the corner of. // orient = Orientation of the mask. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.h`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: `CENTER`. // Example: // ang=60; // difference() { // angle_pie_mask(ang=ang, h=50, r=200); // up(50/2) { // #rounding_angled_corner_mask(r=20, ang=ang); // zrot_copies([0, ang]) right(200/2) rounding_mask_x(l=200, r=20); // } // rounding_angled_edge_mask(h=51, r=20, ang=ang); // } module rounding_angled_corner_mask(r=1.0, ang=90, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=CENTER) { dx = r / tan(ang/2); dx2 = dx / cos(ang/2) + 1; fn = quantup(segs(r), 4); orient_and_anchor([2*dx2, 2*dx2, r*2], orient, anchor, chain=true) { difference() { down(r) cylinder(r=dx2, h=r+1, center=false); yflip_copy() { translate([dx, r, -r]) { hull() { sphere(r=r, $fn=fn); down(r*3) sphere(r=r, $fn=fn); zrot_copies([0,ang]) { right(r*3) sphere(r=r, $fn=fn); } } } } } children(); } } // Module: rounding_corner_mask() // Usage: // rounding_corner_mask(r, [anchor]); // Description: // Creates a shape that you can use to round 90 degree corners. // Difference it from the object to be rounded. The center of the mask // object should align exactly with the corner to be rounded. // Arguments: // r = Radius of corner rounding. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: `CENTER`. // Example: // rounding_corner_mask(r=20.0); // Example: // difference() { // cube(size=[30, 50, 80], center=true); // translate([0, 25, 40]) rounding_mask_x(l=31, r=15); // translate([15, 0, 40]) rounding_mask_y(l=51, r=15); // translate([15, 25, 0]) rounding_mask_z(l=81, r=15); // translate([15, 25, 40]) #rounding_corner_mask(r=15); // } module rounding_corner_mask(r=1.0, anchor=CENTER) { orient_and_anchor([2*r, 2*r, 2*r], ORIENT_Z, anchor, chain=true) { difference() { cube(size=r*2, center=true); grid3d(n=[2,2,2], spacing=r*2-0.05) { sphere(r=r); } } children(); } } // Module: rounding_cylinder_mask() // Usage: // rounding_cylinder_mask(r, rounding); // Description: // Create a mask that can be used to round the end of a cylinder. // Difference it from the cylinder to be rounded. The center of the // mask object should align exactly with the center of the end of the // cylinder to be rounded. // Arguments: // r = Radius of cylinder. (Default: 1.0) // rounding = Radius of the edge rounding. (Default: 0.25) // Example: // difference() { // cylinder(r=50, h=50, center=false); // up(50) #rounding_cylinder_mask(r=50, rounding=10); // } // Example: // difference() { // cylinder(r=50, h=100, center=false); // up(75) rounding_cylinder_mask(r=50, rounding=10); // } module rounding_cylinder_mask(r=1.0, rounding=0.25) { cylinder_mask(l=rounding*3, r=r, rounding2=rounding, overage=rounding, ends_only=true, anchor=DOWN) children(); } // Module: rounding_hole_mask() // Usage: // rounding_hole_mask(r|d, rounding); // Description: // Create a mask that can be used to round the edge of a circular hole. // Difference it from the hole to be rounded. The center of the // mask object should align exactly with the center of the end of the // hole to be rounded. // Arguments: // r = Radius of hole. // d = Diameter of hole to rounding. // rounding = Radius of the rounding. (Default: 0.25) // overage = The extra thickness of the mask. Default: `0.1`. // orient = Orientation of the mask. Use the `ORIENT_` constants from `constants.h`. Default: `ORIENT_Z`. // anchor = Alignment of the mask. Use the constants from `constants.h`. Default: `CENTER`. // Example: // difference() { // cube([150,150,100], center=true); // cylinder(r=50, h=100.1, center=true); // up(50) #rounding_hole_mask(r=50, rounding=10); // } // Example: // rounding_hole_mask(r=40, rounding=20, $fa=2, $fs=2); module rounding_hole_mask(r=undef, d=undef, rounding=0.25, overage=0.1, orient=ORIENT_Z, anchor=CENTER) { r = get_radius(r=r, d=d, dflt=1); orient_and_anchor([2*(r+rounding), 2*(r+rounding), rounding*2], orient, anchor, chain=true) { rotate_extrude(convexity=4) { difference() { right(r-overage) fwd(rounding) square(rounding+overage, center=false); right(r+rounding) fwd(rounding) circle(r=rounding); } } children(); } } // vim: noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 nowrap