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// LibFile: debug.scad
// Helpers to make debugging OpenScad code easier.
// To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:
// ```
// include <BOSL2/std.scad>
// include <BOSL2/debug.scad>
// ```
// Section: Debugging Polyhedrons
// Module: debug_vertices()
// Description:
// Draws all the vertices in an array, at their 3D position, numbered by their
// position in the vertex array. Also draws any children of this module with
// transparency.
// Arguments:
// vertices = Array of point vertices.
// size = The size of the text used to label the vertices.
// disabled = If true, don't draw numbers, and draw children without transparency. Default = false.
// Example:
// verts = [for (z=[-10,10], y=[-10,10], x=[-10,10]) [x,y,z]];
// faces = [[0,1,2], [1,3,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,1], [1,5,7], [1,7,3], [3,7,6], [3,6,2], [2,6,4], [2,4,0], [4,6,7], [4,7,5]];
// debug_vertices(vertices=verts, size=2) {
// polyhedron(points=verts, faces=faces);
// }
module debug_vertices(vertices, size=1, disabled=false) {
if (!disabled) {
color("blue") {
for (i = [0:len(vertices)-1]) {
v = vertices[i];
translate(v) {
up(size/8) zrot($vpr[2]) xrot(90) {
linear_extrude(height=size/10, center=true, convexity=10) {
text(text=str(i), size=size, halign="center");
if ($children > 0) {
if (!disabled) {
color([0.2, 1.0, 0, 0.5]) children();
} else {
// Module: debug_faces()
// Description:
// Draws all the vertices at their 3D position, numbered in blue by their
// position in the vertex array. Each face will have their face number drawn
// in red, aligned with the center of face. All children of this module are drawn
// with transparency.
// Arguments:
// vertices = Array of point vertices.
// faces = Array of faces by vertex numbers.
// size = The size of the text used to label the faces and vertices.
// disabled = If true, don't draw numbers, and draw children without transparency. Default = false.
// Example:
// verts = [for (z=[-10,10], y=[-10,10], x=[-10,10]) [x,y,z]];
// faces = [[0,1,2], [1,3,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,1], [1,5,7], [1,7,3], [3,7,6], [3,6,2], [2,6,4], [2,4,0], [4,6,7], [4,7,5]];
// debug_faces(vertices=verts, faces=faces, size=2) {
// polyhedron(points=verts, faces=faces);
// }
module debug_faces(vertices, faces, size=1, disabled=false) {
if (!disabled) {
vlen = len(vertices);
color("red") {
for (i = [0:len(faces)-1]) {
face = faces[i];
if (face[0] < 0 || face[1] < 0 || face[2] < 0 || face[0] >= vlen || face[1] >= vlen || face[2] >= vlen) {
echo("BAD FACE: ", vlen=vlen, face=face);
} else {
v0 = vertices[face[0]];
v1 = vertices[face[1]];
v2 = vertices[face[2]];
c = (v0 + v1 + v2) / 3;
dv0 = normalize(v1 - v0);
dv1 = normalize(v2 - v0);
nrm0 = normalize(cross(dv0, dv1));
nrm1 = [0, 0, 1];
axis = normalize(cross(nrm0, nrm1));
ang = vector_angle(nrm0, nrm1);
theta = atan2(nrm0[1], nrm0[0]);
translate(c) {
rotate(a=180-ang, v=axis) {
linear_extrude(height=size/10, center=true, convexity=10) {
union() {
text(text=str(i), size=size, halign="center");
text(text=str("_"), size=size, halign="center");
debug_vertices(vertices, size=size, disabled=disabled) {
if (!disabled) {
// Module: debug_polyhedron()
// Description:
// A drop-in module to replace `polyhedron()` and help debug vertices and faces.
// Draws all the vertices at their 3D position, numbered in blue by their
// position in the vertex array. Each face will have their face number drawn
// in red, aligned with the center of face. All given faces are drawn with
// transparency. All children of this module are drawn with transparency.
// Works best with Thrown-Together preview mode, to see reversed faces.
// Arguments:
// vertices = Array of point vertices.
// faces = Array of faces by vertex numbers.
// txtsize = The size of the text used to label the faces and vertices.
// disabled = If true, act exactly like `polyhedron()`. Default = false.
// Example:
// verts = [for (z=[-10,10], a=[0:120:359.9]) [10*cos(a),10*sin(a),z]];
// faces = [[0,1,2], [5,4,3], [0,3,4], [0,4,1], [1,4,5], [1,5,2], [2,5,3], [2,3,0]];
// debug_polyhedron(points=verts, faces=faces, txtsize=1);
module debug_polyhedron(points, faces, convexity=10, txtsize=1, disabled=false) {
debug_faces(vertices=points, faces=faces, size=txtsize, disabled=disabled) {
polyhedron(points=points, faces=faces, convexity=convexity);
// Function: standard_anchors()
// Description:
// Return the vectors for all standard anchors.
function standard_anchors() = [
for (
) xv+yv+zv
// Module: anchor_arrow()
// Usage:
// anchor_arrow([s], [color], [flag]);
// Description:
// Show an anchor orientation arrow.
// Arguments:
// s = Length of the arrows.
// color = Color of the arrow.
// flag = If true, draw the orientation flag on the arrowhead.
// Example:
// anchor_arrow(s=20);
module anchor_arrow(s=10, color=[0.333,0.333,1], flag=true, $tags="anchor-arrow") {
recolor("gray") spheroid(d=s/6)
recolor(color) cyl(h=s*2/3, d=s/15, anchor=DOWN)
attach(TOP) cyl(h=s/3, d1=s/5, d2=0, anchor=DOWN) {
if(flag) {
attach(BOTTOM) recolor([1,0.5,0.5]) cuboid([s/50, s/6, s/4], anchor=FRONT+TOP);
// Module: transparent()
// Usage:
// transparent() ...
// Description:
// Makes the children transparent gray, while showing any
// anchor arrows that may exist.
// Example(FlatSpin):
// transparent() cube(50, center=true) show_anchors();
module transparent(opacity=0.2) {
show("anchor-arrow") children() show_anchors();
hide("anchor-arrow") recolor([0,0,0,opacity]) children();
// Module: show_anchors()
// Description:
// Show all standard anchors for the parent object.
// Arguments:
// s = Length of anchor arrows.
// std = If true (default), show standard anchors.
// custom = If true (default), show custom anchors.
// Example(FlatSpin):
// cube(50, center=true) show_anchors();
module show_anchors(s=10, std=true, custom=true) {
if (std) {
for (anchor=standard_anchors()) {
attach(anchor) anchor_arrow(s);
if (custom) {
for (anchor=$parent_anchors) {
attach(anchor[0]) {
anchor_arrow(s, color="cyan");
noop($tags="anchor-arrow") {
xrot(90) {
up(s/10) {
linear_extrude(height=0.01, convexity=12, center=true) {
text(text=anchor[0], size=s/4, halign="center", valign="center");
// Module: frame_ref()
// Description:
// Displays X,Y,Z axis arrows in red, green, and blue respectively.
// Arguments:
// s = Length of the arrows.
// Examples:
// frame_ref(25);
module frame_ref(s=15) {
cube(0.01, center=true) {
attach(RIGHT) anchor_arrow(s=s, color="red", flag=false);
attach(BACK) anchor_arrow(s=s, color="green", flag=false);
attach(TOP) anchor_arrow(s=s, color="blue", flag=false);
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