mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 04:39:45 +01:00
bevel is always set by thread depth acme takes tpi square threads are at angle 0 added generic_threaded_{rod,nut} eliminated metric_trapezoidal_* cleaned up matrices some in generic_threaded_rod threaded_rod can produce spec-true ISO/UTS profile with a triplet input for the diameter. Added bevel1 and bevel2 to all modules. Made default uniformly false for every case instead of sometimes true, sometimes false Profiles that go over zero are not clipped, and bevels are based on actual profile top, not nominal When bevel is given to nuts it bevels the outside of the nut by thread depth higbee looks best with quincunx, but it's more expensive. Select quincunx when higbee is used, min_edge otherwise Current code uses difference to remove excess length in the rod. This gives faster renders at the cost of more complex code and green top/bottom surfaces. Changed slop to 4 * $slop. I got good results printing with $slop=0.05 with this setting. Don't generate excess threads when starts>1, and don't force threads to be even
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1153 lines
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// LibFile: vnf.scad
// VNF structures, holding Vertices 'N' Faces for use with `polyhedron().`
// Includes:
// include <BOSL2/std.scad>
include <triangulation.scad>
// Section: Creating Polyhedrons with VNF Structures
// VNF stands for "Vertices'N'Faces". VNF structures are 2-item lists, `[VERTICES,FACES]` where the
// first item is a list of vertex points, and the second is a list of face indices into the vertex
// list. Each VNF is self contained, with face indices referring only to its own vertex list.
// You can construct a `polyhedron()` in parts by describing each part in a self-contained VNF, then
// merge the various VNFs to get the completed polyhedron vertex list and faces.
EMPTY_VNF = [[],[]]; // The standard empty VNF with no vertices or faces.
// Function: is_vnf()
// Usage:
// bool = is_vnf(x);
// Description:
// Returns true if the given value looks like a VNF structure.
function is_vnf(x) =
is_list(x) &&
len(x)==2 &&
is_list(x[0]) &&
is_list(x[1]) &&
(x[0]==[] || (len(x[0])>=3 && is_vector(x[0][0]))) &&
(x[1]==[] || is_vector(x[1][0]));
// Function: is_vnf_list()
// Description: Returns true if the given value looks passingly like a list of VNF structures.
function is_vnf_list(x) = is_list(x) && all([for (v=x) is_vnf(v)]);
// Function: vnf_vertices()
// Description: Given a VNF structure, returns the list of vertex points.
function vnf_vertices(vnf) = vnf[0];
// Function: vnf_faces()
// Description: Given a VNF structure, returns the list of faces, where each face is a list of indices into the VNF vertex list.
function vnf_faces(vnf) = vnf[1];
// Function: vnf_quantize()
// Usage:
// vnf2 = vnf_quantize(vnf,[q]);
// Description:
// Quantizes the vertex coordinates of the VNF to the given quanta `q`.
// Arguments:
// vnf = The VNF to quantize.
// q = The quanta to quantize the VNF coordinates to.
function vnf_quantize(vnf,q=pow(2,-12)) =
[[for (pt = vnf[0]) quant(pt,q)], vnf[1]];
// Function: vnf_get_vertex()
// Usage:
// vvnf = vnf_get_vertex(vnf, p);
// Description:
// Finds the index number of the given vertex point `p` in the given VNF structure `vnf`.
// If said point does not already exist in the VNF vertex list, it is added to the returned VNF.
// Returns: `[INDEX, VNF]` where INDEX is the index of the point in the returned VNF's vertex list,
// and VNF is the possibly modified new VNF structure. If `p` is given as a list of points, then
// the returned INDEX will be a list of indices.
// Arguments:
// vnf = The VNF structue to get the point index from.
// p = The point, or list of points to get the index of.
// Example:
// vnf1 = vnf_get_vertex(p=[3,5,8]); // Returns: [0, [[[3,5,8]],[]]]
// vnf2 = vnf_get_vertex(vnf1, p=[3,2,1]); // Returns: [1, [[[3,5,8],[3,2,1]],[]]]
// vnf3 = vnf_get_vertex(vnf2, p=[3,5,8]); // Returns: [0, [[[3,5,8],[3,2,1]],[]]]
// vnf4 = vnf_get_vertex(vnf3, p=[[1,3,2],[3,2,1]]); // Returns: [[1,2], [[[3,5,8],[3,2,1],[1,3,2]],[]]]
function vnf_get_vertex(vnf=EMPTY_VNF, p) =
isvec = is_vector(p),
pts = isvec? [p] : p,
res = set_union(vnf[0], pts, get_indices=true)
) [
(isvec? res[0][0] : res[0]),
[ res[1], vnf[1] ]
// Function: vnf_add_face()
// Usage:
// vnf_add_face(vnf, pts);
// Description:
// Given a VNF structure and a list of face vertex points, adds the face to the VNF structure.
// Returns the modified VNF structure `[VERTICES, FACES]`. It is up to the caller to make
// sure that the points are in the correct order to make the face normal point outwards.
// Arguments:
// vnf = The VNF structure to add a face to.
// pts = The vertex points for the face.
function vnf_add_face(vnf=EMPTY_VNF, pts) =
res = set_union(vnf[0], pts, get_indices=true),
face = deduplicate(res[0], closed=true)
) [
concat(vnf[1], len(face)>2? [face] : [])
// Function: vnf_add_faces()
// Usage:
// vnf_add_faces(vnf, faces);
// Description:
// Given a VNF structure and a list of faces, where each face is given as a list of vertex points,
// adds the faces to the VNF structure. Returns the modified VNF structure `[VERTICES, FACES]`.
// It is up to the caller to make sure that the points are in the correct order to make the face
// normals point outwards.
// Arguments:
// vnf = The VNF structure to add a face to.
// faces = The list of faces, where each face is given as a list of vertex points.
function vnf_add_faces(vnf=EMPTY_VNF, faces) =
res = set_union(vnf[0], flatten(faces), get_indices=true),
idxs = res[0],
nverts = res[1],
offs = cumsum([0, for (face=faces) len(face)]),
ifaces = [
for (i=idx(faces)) [
for (j=idx(faces[i]))
) [
// Function: vnf_merge()
// Usage:
// vnf = vnf_merge([VNF, VNF, VNF, ...], [cleanup],[eps]);
// Description:
// Given a list of VNF structures, merges them all into a single VNF structure.
// When cleanup=true, it consolidates all duplicate vertices with a tolerance `eps`,
// drops unreferenced vertices and any final face with less than 3 vertices.
// Unreferenced vertices of the input VNFs that doesn't duplicate any other vertex
// are not dropped.
// Arguments:
// vnfs - a list of the VNFs to merge in one VNF.
// cleanup - when true, consolidates the duplicate vertices of the merge. Default: false
// eps - the tolerance in finding duplicates when cleanup=true. Default: EPSILON
function vnf_merge(vnfs, cleanup=false, eps=EPSILON) =
is_vnf(vnfs) ? vnf_merge([vnfs], cleanup, eps) :
assert( is_vnf_list(vnfs) , "Improper vnf or vnf list")
let (
offs = cumsum([ 0, for (vnf = vnfs) len(vnf[0]) ]),
verts = [for (vnf=vnfs) each vnf[0]],
faces =
[ for (i = idx(vnfs))
let( faces = vnfs[i][1] )
for (face = faces)
if ( len(face) >= 3 )
[ for (j = face)
assert( j>=0 && j<len(vnfs[i][0]),
str("VNF number ", i, " has a face indexing an nonexistent vertex") )
offs[i] + j ]
! cleanup ? [verts, faces] :
dedup = vector_search(verts,eps,verts), // collect vertex duplicates
map = [for(i=idx(verts)) min(dedup[i]) ], // remap duplic vertices
offset = cumsum([for(i=idx(verts)) map[i]==i ? 0 : 1 ]), // remaping face vertex offsets
map2 = list(idx(verts))-offset, // map old vertex indices to new indices
nverts = [for(i=idx(verts)) if(map[i]==i) verts[i] ], // eliminates all unreferenced vertices
nfaces =
[ for(face=faces)
nface = [ for(vi=face) map2[map[vi]] ],
dface = [for (i=idx(nface))
if( nface[i]!=nface[(i+1)%len(nface)])
nface[i] ]
if(len(dface) >= 3) dface
[nverts, nfaces];
// Function: vnf_reverse_faces()
// Usage:
// rvnf = vnf_reverse_faces(vnf);
// Description:
// Reverses the facing of all the faces in the given VNF.
function vnf_reverse_faces(vnf) =
[vnf[0], [for (face=vnf[1]) reverse(face)]];
// Function: vnf_triangulate()
// Usage:
// vnf2 = vnf_triangulate(vnf);
// Description:
// Forces triangulation of faces in the VNF that have more than 3 vertices.
function vnf_triangulate(vnf) =
vnf = is_vnf_list(vnf)? vnf_merge(vnf) : vnf,
verts = vnf[0]
) [verts, triangulate_faces(verts, vnf[1])];
// Function: vnf_vertex_array()
// Usage:
// vnf = vnf_vertex_array(points, [caps], [cap1], [cap2], [style], [reverse], [col_wrap], [row_wrap], [vnf]);
// Description:
// Creates a VNF structure from a vertex list, by dividing the vertices into columns and rows,
// adding faces to tile the surface. You can optionally have faces added to wrap the last column
// back to the first column, or wrap the last row to the first. Endcaps can be added to either
// the first and/or last rows. The style parameter determines how the quadrilaterals are divided into
// triangles. The default style is an arbitrary, systematic subdivision in the same direction. The "alt" style
// is the uniform subdivision in the other (alternate) direction. The "min_edge" style picks the shorter edge to
// subdivide for each quadrilateral, so the division may not be uniform across the shape. The "quincunx" style
// adds a vertex in the center of each quadrilateral and creates four triangles, and the "convex" and "concave" styles
// chooses the locally convex/concave subdivision.
// Arguments:
// points = A list of vertices to divide into columns and rows.
// caps = If true, add endcap faces to the first AND last rows.
// cap1 = If true, add an endcap face to the first row.
// cap2 = If true, add an endcap face to the last row.
// col_wrap = If true, add faces to connect the last column to the first.
// row_wrap = If true, add faces to connect the last row to the first.
// reverse = If true, reverse all face normals.
// style = The style of subdividing the quads into faces. Valid options are "default", "alt", "min_edge", "quincunx","convex" and "concave".
// vnf = If given, add all the vertices and faces to this existing VNF structure.
// Example(3D):
// vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
// points=[
// for (h = [0:5:180-EPSILON]) [
// for (t = [0:5:360-EPSILON])
// cylindrical_to_xyz(100 + 12 * cos((h/2 + t)*6), t, h)
// ]
// ],
// col_wrap=true, caps=true, reverse=true, style="alt"
// );
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// Example(3D): Both `col_wrap` and `row_wrap` are true to make a torus.
// vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
// points=[
// for (a=[0:5:360-EPSILON])
// apply(
// zrot(a) * right(30) * xrot(90),
// path3d(circle(d=20))
// )
// ],
// col_wrap=true, row_wrap=true, reverse=true
// );
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// Example(3D): Möbius Strip. Note that `row_wrap` is not used, and the first and last profile copies are the same.
// vnf = vnf_vertex_array(
// points=[
// for (a=[0:5:360]) apply(
// zrot(a) * right(30) * xrot(90) * zrot(a/2+60),
// path3d(square([1,10], center=true))
// )
// ],
// col_wrap=true, reverse=true
// );
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// Example(3D): Assembling a Polyhedron from Multiple Parts
// wall_points = [
// for (a = [-90:2:90]) apply(
// up(a) * scale([1-0.1*cos(a*6),1-0.1*cos((a+90)*6),1]),
// path3d(circle(d=100))
// )
// ];
// cap = [
// for (a = [0:0.01:1+EPSILON]) apply(
// up(90-5*sin(a*360*2)) * scale([a,a,1]),
// wall_points[0]
// )
// ];
// cap1 = [for (p=cap) down(90, p=zscale(-1, p=p))];
// cap2 = [for (p=cap) up(90, p=p)];
// vnf1 = vnf_vertex_array(points=wall_points, col_wrap=true);
// vnf2 = vnf_vertex_array(points=cap1, col_wrap=true);
// vnf3 = vnf_vertex_array(points=cap2, col_wrap=true, reverse=true);
// vnf_polyhedron([vnf1, vnf2, vnf3]);
function vnf_vertex_array(
caps, cap1, cap2,
) =
assert(!(any([caps,cap1,cap2]) && !col_wrap), "col_wrap must be true if caps are requested")
assert(!(any([caps,cap1,cap2]) && row_wrap), "Cannot combine caps with row_wrap")
assert(in_list(style,["default","alt","quincunx", "convex","concave", "min_edge"]))
assert(is_consistent(points), "Non-rectangular or invalid point array")
pts = flatten(points),
pcnt = len(pts),
rows = len(points),
cols = len(points[0])
rows<=1 || cols<=1 ? vnf :
cap1 = first_defined([cap1,caps,false]),
cap2 = first_defined([cap2,caps,false]),
colcnt = cols - (col_wrap?0:1),
rowcnt = rows - (row_wrap?0:1),
verts = [
each pts,
if (style=="quincunx")
for (r = [0:1:rowcnt-1], c = [0:1:colcnt-1])
i1 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
i2 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
i3 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
i4 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols)
mean([pts[i1], pts[i2], pts[i3], pts[i4]])
vnf_merge(cleanup=false, [
for (r = [0:1:rowcnt-1], c=[0:1:colcnt-1])
i1 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
i2 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+0)%cols),
i3 = ((r+1)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
i4 = ((r+0)%rows)*cols + ((c+1)%cols),
faces =
let(i5 = pcnt + r*colcnt + c)
: style=="alt"?
: style=="min_edge"?
shortedge = d42<=d13 ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
: [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
: style=="convex"?
let( // Find normal for 3 of the points. Is the other point above or below?
n = (reverse?-1:1)*cross(pts[i2]-pts[i1],pts[i3]-pts[i1]),
convexfaces = n==0 ? [[i1,i4,i3]]
: n*pts[i4] > n*pts[i1] ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
: [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
: style=="concave"?
let( // Find normal for 3 of the points. Is the other point above or below?
n = (reverse?-1:1)*cross(pts[i2]-pts[i1],pts[i3]-pts[i1]),
concavefaces = n==0 ? [[i1,i4,i3]]
: n*pts[i4] <= n*pts[i1] ? [[i1,i4,i2],[i2,i4,i3]]
: [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]]
: [[i1,i3,i2],[i1,i4,i3]],
// remove degenerate faces
culled_faces= [for(face=faces)
if (norm(verts[face[0]]-verts[face[1]])>EPSILON &&
norm(verts[face[1]]-verts[face[2]])>EPSILON &&
rfaces = reverse? [for (face=culled_faces) reverse(face)] : culled_faces
if (cap1) count(cols,reverse=!reverse),
if (cap2) count(cols,(rows-1)*cols, reverse=reverse)
// Function: vnf_tri_array()
// Usage:
// vnf = vnf_tri_array(points, [row_wrap], [reverse])
// Description:
// Produces a vnf from an array of points where each row length can differ from the adjacent rows by up to 2 in length. This enables
// the construction of triangular VNF patches. The resulting VNF can be wrapped along the rows by setting `row_wrap` to true.
// Arguments:
// points = List of point lists for each row
// row_wrap = If true then add faces connecting the first row and last row. These rows must differ by at most 2 in length.
// reverse = Set this to reverse the direction of the faces
// Examples: Each row has one more point than the preceeding one.
// pts = [for(y=[1:1:10]) [for(x=[0:y-1]) [x,y,y]]];
// vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
// vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
// color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
// Examples: Each row has one more point than the preceeding one.
// pts = [for(y=[0:2:10]) [for(x=[-y/2:y/2]) [x,y,y]]];
// vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
// vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
// color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
// Example: Chaining two VNFs to construct a cone with one point length change between rows.
// pts1 = [for(z=[0:10]) path3d(arc(3+z,r=z/2+1, angle=[0,180]),10-z)];
// pts2 = [for(z=[0:10]) path3d(arc(3+z,r=z/2+1, angle=[180,360]),10-z)];
// vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts1,
// vnf=vnf_tri_array(pts2));
// color("green")vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// Example: Cone with length change two between rows
// pts1 = [for(z=[0:1:10]) path3d(arc(3+2*z,r=z/2+1, angle=[0,180]),10-z)];
// pts2 = [for(z=[0:1:10]) path3d(arc(3+2*z,r=z/2+1, angle=[180,360]),10-z)];
// vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts1,
// vnf=vnf_tri_array(pts2));
// color("green")vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// Example: Point count can change irregularly
// lens = [10,9,7,5,6,8,8,10];
// pts = [for(y=idx(lens)) lerpn([-lens[y],y,y],[lens[y],y,y],lens[y])];
// vnf = vnf_tri_array(pts);
// vnf_wireframe(vnf,d=.1);
// color("red")move_copies(flatten(pts)) sphere(r=.15,$fn=9);
function vnf_tri_array(points, row_wrap=false, reverse=false, vnf=EMPTY_VNF) =
lens = [for(row=points) len(row)],
rowstarts = [0,each cumsum(lens)],
faces =
[for(i=[0:1:len(points) - 1 - (row_wrap ? 0 : 1)]) each
rowstart = rowstarts[i],
nextrow = select(rowstarts,i+1),
delta = select(lens,i+1)-lens[i]
delta == 0 ?
[for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow],
for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow]] :
delta == 1 ?
[for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1],
for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-1]) reverse ? [j+rowstart, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow]] :
delta == -1 ?
[for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-3]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1]: [j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow],
for(j=[0:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow]] :
let(count = floor((lens[i]-1)/2))
delta == 2 ?
for(j=[0:1:count-1]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1], // top triangles left
for(j=[count:1:lens[i]-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart, j+nextrow+2] : [j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+2], // top triangles right
for(j=[0:1:count]) reverse ? [j+rowstart, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow], // bot triangles left
for(j=[count+1:1:select(lens,i+1)-2]) reverse ? [j+rowstart-1, j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1] : [j+rowstart-1, j+nextrow+1, j+nextrow], // bot triangles right
] :
delta == -2 ?
for(j=[0:1:count-2]) reverse ? [j+nextrow, j+nextrow+1, j+rowstart+1] : [j+nextrow, j+rowstart+1, j+nextrow+1],
for(j=[count-1:1:lens[i]-4]) reverse ? [j+nextrow,j+nextrow+1,j+rowstart+2] : [j+nextrow,j+rowstart+2, j+nextrow+1],
for(j=[0:1:count-1]) reverse ? [j+nextrow, j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart] : [j+nextrow, j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1],
for(j=[count:1:select(lens,i+1)]) reverse ? [ j+nextrow-1, j+rowstart+1, j+rowstart]: [ j+nextrow-1, j+rowstart, j+rowstart+1],
] :
assert(false,str("Unsupported row length difference of ",delta, " between row ",i," and ",(i+1)%len(points)))
vnf_merge(cleanup=true, [vnf, [flatten(points), faces]]);
// Module: vnf_polyhedron()
// Usage:
// vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// vnf_polyhedron([VNF, VNF, VNF, ...]);
// Description:
// Given a VNF structure, or a list of VNF structures, creates a polyhedron from them.
// Arguments:
// vnf = A VNF structure, or list of VNF structures.
// convexity = Max number of times a line could intersect a wall of the shape.
// extent = If true, calculate anchors by extents, rather than intersection. Default: true.
// cp = Centerpoint of VNF to use for anchoring when `extent` is false. Default: `[0, 0, 0]`
// anchor = Translate so anchor point is at origin (0,0,0). See [anchor](attachments.scad#anchor). Default: `"origin"`
// spin = Rotate this many degrees around the Z axis after anchor. See [spin](attachments.scad#spin). Default: `0`
// orient = Vector to rotate top towards, after spin. See [orient](attachments.scad#orient). Default: `UP`
module vnf_polyhedron(vnf, convexity=2, extent=true, cp=[0,0,0], anchor="origin", spin=0, orient=UP) {
vnf = is_vnf_list(vnf)? vnf_merge(vnf) : vnf;
cp = is_def(cp) ? cp : vnf_centroid(vnf);
attachable(anchor,spin,orient, vnf=vnf, extent=extent, cp=cp) {
polyhedron(vnf[0], vnf[1], convexity=convexity);
// Module: vnf_wireframe()
// Usage:
// vnf_wireframe(vnf, <r|d>);
// Description:
// Given a VNF, creates a wire frame ball-and-stick model of the polyhedron with a cylinder for each edge and a sphere at each vertex.
// Arguments:
// vnf = A vnf structure
// r|d = radius or diameter of the cylinders forming the wire frame. Default: r=1
// Example:
// $fn=32;
// ball = sphere(r=20, $fn=6);
// vnf_wireframe(ball,d=1);
// Example:
// include<BOSL2/polyhedra.scad>
// $fn=32;
// cube_oct = regular_polyhedron_info("vnf", name="cuboctahedron", or=20);
// vnf_wireframe(cube_oct);
// Example: The spheres at the vertex are imperfect at aligning with the cylinders, so especially at low $fn things look prety ugly. This is normal.
// include<BOSL2/polyhedra.scad>
// $fn=8;
// octahedron = regular_polyhedron_info("vnf", name="octahedron", or=20);
// vnf_wireframe(octahedron,r=5);
module vnf_wireframe(vnf, r, d)
r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=1);
vertex = vnf[0];
edges = unique([for (face=vnf[1], i=idx(face))
sort([face[i], select(face,i+1)])
for (e=edges) extrude_from_to(vertex[e[0]],vertex[e[1]]) circle(r=r);
move_copies(vertex) sphere(r=r);
// Function: vnf_volume()
// Usage:
// vol = vnf_volume(vnf);
// Description:
// Returns the volume enclosed by the given manifold VNF. The VNF must describe a valid polyhedron with consistent face direction and
// no holes; otherwise the results are undefined. Returns a positive volume if face direction is clockwise and a negative volume
// if face direction is counter-clockwise.
// Divide the polyhedron into tetrahedra with the origin as one vertex and sum up the signed volume.
function vnf_volume(vnf) =
let(verts = vnf[0])
for(face=vnf[1], j=[1:1:len(face)-2])
cross(verts[face[j+1]], verts[face[j]]) * verts[face[0]]
// Function: vnf_centroid()
// Usage:
// vol = vnf_centroid(vnf);
// Description:
// Returns the centroid of the given manifold VNF. The VNF must describe a valid polyhedron with consistent face direction and
// no holes; otherwise the results are undefined.
// Divide the solid up into tetrahedra with the origin as one vertex.
// The centroid of a tetrahedron is the average of its vertices.
// The centroid of the total is the volume weighted average.
function vnf_centroid(vnf) =
assert(is_vnf(vnf) && len(vnf[0])!=0 )
verts = vnf[0],
pos = sum([
for(face=vnf[1], j=[1:1:len(face)-2]) let(
v0 = verts[face[0]],
v1 = verts[face[j]],
v2 = verts[face[j+1]],
vol = cross(v2,v1)*v0
[ vol, (v0+v1+v2)*vol ]
assert(!approx(pos[0],0, EPSILON), "The vnf has self-intersections.")
function _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(polys) =
polys==[]? [] :
tris = [for (poly=polys) if (len(poly)==3) poly],
bigs = [for (poly=polys) if (len(poly)>3) poly],
newtris = [for (poly=bigs) select(poly,-2,0)],
newbigs = [for (poly=bigs) select(poly,0,-2)],
newtris2 = _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(newbigs),
outtris = concat(tris, newtris, newtris2)
) outtris;
// this function may produce degenerate triangles:
// _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons([ [for(i=[0:1]) [i,i],
// [1,-1], [-1,-1],
// for(i=[-1:0]) [i,i] ] ] )
// == [[[-1, -1], [ 0, 0], [0, 0]]
// [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [0, 0]]
// [[ 1, -1], [-1, -1], [0, 0]]
// [[ 0, 0], [ 1, 1], [1, -1]] ]
// Function: vnf_bend()
// Usage:
// bentvnf = vnf_bend(vnf,r,d,[axis]);
// Description:
// Given a VNF that is entirely above, or entirely below the Z=0 plane, bends the VNF around the
// Y axis, splitting up faces as necessary. Returns the bent VNF. Will error out if the VNF
// straddles the Z=0 plane, or if the bent VNF would wrap more than completely around. The 1:1
// radius is where the curved length of the bent VNF matches the length of the original VNF. If the
// `r` or `d` arguments are given, then they will specify the 1:1 radius or diameter. If they are
// not given, then the 1:1 radius will be defined by the distance of the furthest vertex in the
// original VNF from the Z=0 plane. You can adjust the granularity of the bend using the standard
// `$fa`, `$fs`, and `$fn` variables.
// Arguments:
// vnf = The original VNF to bend.
// r = If given, the radius where the size of the original shape is the same as in the original.
// d = If given, the diameter where the size of the original shape is the same as in the original.
// axis = The axis to wrap around. "X", "Y", or "Z". Default: "Z"
// Example(3D):
// vnf0 = cube([100,40,10], center=true);
// vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
// vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
// bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
// bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
// vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
// Example(3D):
// vnf0 = linear_sweep(star(n=5,step=2,d=100), height=10);
// vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
// vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
// bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
// bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
// vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
// Example(3D):
// rgn = union(rect([100,20],center=true), rect([20,100],center=true));
// vnf0 = linear_sweep(zrot(45,p=rgn), height=10);
// vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
// vnf2 = down(50, p=vnf0);
// bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
// bent2 = vnf_bend(vnf2, axis="Y");
// vnf_polyhedron([bent1,bent2]);
// Example(3D): Bending Around X Axis.
// rgnr = union(
// rect([20,100],center=true),
// back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
// );
// vnf0 = xrot(00,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
// vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
// #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
// bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="X");
// vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
// Example(3D): Bending Around Y Axis.
// rgn = union(
// rect([20,100],center=true),
// back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
// );
// rgnr = zrot(-90, p=rgn);
// vnf0 = xrot(00,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
// vnf1 = up(50, p=vnf0);
// #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
// bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Y");
// vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
// Example(3D): Bending Around Z Axis.
// rgn = union(
// rect([20,100],center=true),
// back(50, p=trapezoid(w1=40, w2=0, h=20, anchor=FRONT))
// );
// rgnr = zrot(90, p=rgn);
// vnf0 = xrot(90,p=linear_sweep(rgnr, height=10));
// vnf1 = fwd(50, p=vnf0);
// #vnf_polyhedron(vnf1);
// bent1 = vnf_bend(vnf1, axis="Z");
// vnf_polyhedron([bent1]);
function vnf_bend(vnf,r,d,axis="Z") =
chk_axis = assert(in_list(axis,["X","Y","Z"])),
vnf = vnf_triangulate(vnf),
verts = vnf[0],
bounds = pointlist_bounds(verts),
bmin = bounds[0],
bmax = bounds[1],
dflt = axis=="Z"?
max(abs(bmax.y), abs(bmin.y)) :
max(abs(bmax.z), abs(bmin.z)),
r = get_radius(r=r,d=d,dflt=dflt),
width = axis=="X"? (bmax.y-bmin.y) : (bmax.x - bmin.x)
assert(width <= 2*PI*r, "Shape would wrap more than completely around the cylinder.")
span_chk = axis=="Z"?
assert(bmin.y > 0 || bmax.y < 0, "Entire shape MUST be completely in front of or behind y=0.") :
assert(bmin.z > 0 || bmax.z < 0, "Entire shape MUST be completely above or below z=0."),
min_ang = 180 * bmin.x / (PI * r),
max_ang = 180 * bmax.x / (PI * r),
ang_span = max_ang-min_ang,
steps = ceil(segs(r) * ang_span/360),
step = width / steps,
bend_at = axis=="X"? [for(i = [1:1:steps-1]) i*step+bmin.y] :
[for(i = [1:1:steps-1]) i*step+bmin.x],
facepolys = [for (face=vnf[1]) select(verts,face)],
splits = axis=="X"?
split_polygons_at_each_y(facepolys, bend_at) :
split_polygons_at_each_x(facepolys, bend_at),
newtris = _triangulate_planar_convex_polygons(splits),
bent_faces = [
for (tri = newtris) [
for (p = tri) let(
a = axis=="X"? 180*p.y/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.z) :
axis=="Y"? 180*p.x/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.z) :
180*p.x/(r*PI) * sign(bmax.y)
axis=="X"? [p.x, p.z*sin(a), p.z*cos(a)] :
axis=="Y"? [p.z*sin(a), p.y, p.z*cos(a)] :
[p.y*sin(a), p.y*cos(a), p.z]
) vnf_add_faces(faces=bent_faces);
// Function&Module: vnf_validate()
// Usage: As Function
// fails = vnf_validate(vnf);
// Usage: As Module
// vnf_validate(vnf, [size]);
// Description:
// When called as a function, returns a list of non-manifold errors with the given VNF.
// Each error has the format `[ERR_OR_WARN,CODE,MESG,POINTS,COLOR]`.
// When called as a module, echoes the non-manifold errors to the console, and color hilites the
// bad edges and vertices, overlaid on a transparent gray polyhedron of the VNF.
// .
// Currently checks for these problems:
// Type | Color | Code | Message
// ------- | -------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------
// WARNING | Yellow | BIG_FACE | Face has more than 3 vertices, and may confuse CGAL.
// WARNING | Brown | NULL_FACE | Face has zero area.
// ERROR | Cyan | NONPLANAR | Face vertices are not coplanar.
// ERROR | Brown | DUP_FACE | Multiple instances of the same face.
// ERROR | Orange | MULTCONN | Multiply Connected Geometry. Too many faces attached at Edge.
// ERROR | Violet | REVERSAL | Faces reverse across edge.
// ERROR | Red | T_JUNCTION | Vertex is mid-edge on another Face.
// ERROR | Blue | FACE_ISECT | Faces intersect.
// ERROR | Magenta | HOLE_EDGE | Edge bounds Hole.
// .
// Still to implement:
// - Overlapping coplanar faces.
// Arguments:
// vnf = The VNF to validate.
// size = The width of the lines and diameter of points used to highlight edges and vertices. Module only. Default: 1
// check_isects = If true, performs slow checks for intersecting faces. Default: false
// Example: BIG_FACE Warnings; Faces with More Than 3 Vertices. CGAL often will fail to accept that a face is planar after a rotation, if it has more than 3 vertices.
// vnf = skin([
// path3d(regular_ngon(n=3, d=100),0),
// path3d(regular_ngon(n=5, d=100),100)
// ], slices=0, caps=true, method="tangent");
// vnf_validate(vnf);
// Example: NONPLANAR Errors; Face Vertices are Not Coplanar
// a = [ 0, 0,-50];
// b = [-50,-50, 50];
// c = [-50, 50, 50];
// d = [ 50, 50, 60];
// e = [ 50,-50, 50];
// vnf = vnf_add_faces(faces=[
// [a, b, e], [a, c, b], [a, d, c], [a, e, d], [b, c, d, e]
// ]);
// vnf_validate(vnf);
// Example: MULTCONN Errors; More Than Two Faces Attached to the Same Edge. This confuses CGAL, and can lead to failed renders.
// vnf = vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(union(square(50), square(50,anchor=BACK+RIGHT)), height=50));
// vnf_validate(vnf);
// Example: REVERSAL Errors; Faces Reversed Across Edge
// vnf1 = skin([
// path3d(square(100,center=true),0),
// path3d(square(100,center=true),100),
// ], slices=0, caps=false);
// vnf = vnf_add_faces(vnf=vnf1, faces=[
// [[-50,-50, 0], [ 50, 50, 0], [-50, 50, 0]],
// [[-50,-50, 0], [ 50,-50, 0], [ 50, 50, 0]],
// [[-50,-50,100], [-50, 50,100], [ 50, 50,100]],
// [[-50,-50,100], [ 50,-50,100], [ 50, 50,100]],
// ]);
// vnf_validate(vnf);
// Example: T_JUNCTION Errors; Vertex is Mid-Edge on Another Face.
// vnf1 = skin([
// path3d(square(100,center=true),0),
// path3d(square(100,center=true),100),
// ], slices=0, caps=false);
// vnf = vnf_add_faces(vnf=vnf1, faces=[
// [[-50,-50,0], [50,50,0], [-50,50,0]],
// [[-50,-50,0], [50,-50,0], [50,50,0]],
// [[-50,-50,100], [-50,50,100], [0,50,100]],
// [[-50,-50,100], [0,50,100], [0,-50,100]],
// [[0,-50,100], [0,50,100], [50,50,100]],
// [[0,-50,100], [50,50,100], [50,-50,100]],
// ]);
// vnf_validate(vnf);
// Example: FACE_ISECT Errors; Faces Intersect
// vnf = vnf_merge([
// vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(square(100,center=true), height=100)),
// move([75,35,30],p=vnf_triangulate(linear_sweep(square(100,center=true), height=100)))
// ]);
// vnf_validate(vnf,size=2,check_isects=true);
// Example: HOLE_EDGE Errors; Edges Adjacent to Holes.
// vnf = skin([
// path3d(regular_ngon(n=4, d=100),0),
// path3d(regular_ngon(n=5, d=100),100)
// ], slices=0, caps=false);
// vnf_validate(vnf,size=2);
function vnf_validate(vnf, show_warns=true, check_isects=false) =
vnf = vnf_merge(vnf, cleanup=true),
varr = vnf[0],
faces = vnf[1],
lvarr = len(varr),
edges = sort([
for (face=faces, edge=pair(face,true))
edge[0]<edge[1]? edge : [edge[1],edge[0]]
dfaces = [
for (face=faces) let(
) if(len(face)>=3)
face_areas = [
for (face = faces)
len(face) < 3? 0 :
polygon_area([for (k=face) varr[k]])
edgecnts = unique_count(edges),
uniq_edges = edgecnts[0],
issues = []
big_faces = !show_warns? [] : [
for (face = faces)
if (len(face) > 3)
_vnf_validate_err("BIG_FACE", [for (i=face) varr[i]])
null_faces = !show_warns? [] : [
for (i = idx(faces)) let(
face = faces[i],
area = face_areas[i],
faceverts = [for (k=face) varr[k]]
if (is_num(area) && abs(area) < EPSILON)
_vnf_validate_err("NULL_FACE", faceverts)
issues = concat(big_faces, null_faces)
bad_indices = [
for (face = faces, idx = face)
if (idx < 0 || idx >= lvarr)
_vnf_validate_err("BAD_INDEX", [idx])
issues = concat(issues, bad_indices)
) bad_indices? issues :
repeated_faces = [
for (i=idx(dfaces), j=idx(dfaces))
if (i!=j) let(
face1 = dfaces[i],
face2 = dfaces[j]
) if (min(face1) == min(face2)) let(
min1 = min_index(face1),
min2 = min_index(face2)
) if (min1 == min2) let(
sface1 = list_rotate(face1,min1),
sface2 = list_rotate(face2,min2)
) if (sface1 == sface2)
_vnf_validate_err("DUP_FACE", [for (i=sface1) varr[i]])
issues = concat(issues, repeated_faces)
) repeated_faces? issues :
multconn_edges = unique([
for (i = idx(uniq_edges))
if (edgecnts[1][i]>2)
_vnf_validate_err("MULTCONN", [for (i=uniq_edges[i]) varr[i]])
issues = concat(issues, multconn_edges)
) multconn_edges? issues :
reversals = unique([
for(i = idx(dfaces), j = idx(dfaces)) if(i != j)
for(edge1 = pair(faces[i],true))
for(edge2 = pair(faces[j],true))
if(edge1 == edge2) // Valid adjacent faces will never have the same vertex ordering.
if(_edge_not_reported(edge1, varr, multconn_edges))
_vnf_validate_err("REVERSAL", [for (i=edge1) varr[i]])
issues = concat(issues, reversals)
) reversals? issues :
t_juncts = unique([
for (v=idx(varr), edge=uniq_edges) let(
ia = edge[0],
ib = v,
ic = edge[1]
if (ia!=ib && ib!=ic && ia!=ic) let(
a = varr[ia],
b = varr[ib],
c = varr[ic]
if (!approx(a,b) && !approx(b,c) && !approx(a,c)) let(
pt = segment_closest_point([a,c],b)
if (approx(pt,b))
_vnf_validate_err("T_JUNCTION", [b])
issues = concat(issues, t_juncts)
) t_juncts? issues :
isect_faces = !check_isects? [] : unique([
for (i = [0:1:len(faces)-2]) let(
f1 = faces[i],
poly1 = select(varr, faces[i]),
plane1 = plane3pt(poly1[0], poly1[1], poly1[2]),
normal1 = [plane1[0], plane1[1], plane1[2]]
for (j = [i+1:1:len(faces)-1]) let(
f2 = faces[j],
poly2 = select(varr, f2),
val = poly2 * normal1
if( min(val)<=plane1[3] && max(val)>=plane1[3] ) let(
plane2 = plane_from_polygon(poly2),
normal2 = [plane2[0], plane2[1], plane2[2]],
val = poly1 * normal2
if( min(val)<=plane2[3] && max(val)>=plane2[3] ) let(
shared_edges = [
for (edge1 = pair(f1, true), edge2 = pair(f2, true))
if (edge1 == [edge2[1], edge2[0]]) 1
if (!shared_edges) let(
line = plane_intersection(plane1, plane2)
if (!is_undef(line)) let(
isects = polygon_line_intersection(poly1, line)
if (!is_undef(isects))
for (isect = isects)
if (len(isect) > 1) let(
isects2 = polygon_line_intersection(poly2, isect, bounded=true)
if (!is_undef(isects2))
for (seg = isects2)
if (seg[0] != seg[1])
_vnf_validate_err("FACE_ISECT", seg)
issues = concat(issues, isect_faces)
) isect_faces? issues :
hole_edges = unique([
for (i=idx(uniq_edges))
if (edgecnts[1][i]<2)
if (_pts_not_reported(uniq_edges[i], varr, t_juncts))
if (_pts_not_reported(uniq_edges[i], varr, isect_faces))
_vnf_validate_err("HOLE_EDGE", [for (i=uniq_edges[i]) varr[i]])
issues = concat(issues, hole_edges)
) hole_edges? issues :
nonplanars = unique([
for (i = idx(faces)) let(
face = faces[i],
area = face_areas[i],
faceverts = [for (k=face) varr[k]]
if (is_num(area) && abs(area) > EPSILON)
if (!coplanar(faceverts))
_vnf_validate_err("NONPLANAR", faceverts)
issues = concat(issues, nonplanars)
) issues;
_vnf_validate_errs = [
["BIG_FACE", "WARNING", "cyan", "Face has more than 3 vertices, and may confuse CGAL"],
["NULL_FACE", "WARNING", "blue", "Face has zero area."],
["BAD_INDEX", "ERROR", "cyan", "Invalid face vertex index."],
["NONPLANAR", "ERROR", "yellow", "Face vertices are not coplanar"],
["DUP_FACE", "ERROR", "brown", "Multiple instances of the same face."],
["MULTCONN", "ERROR", "orange", "Multiply Connected Geometry. Too many faces attached at Edge"],
["REVERSAL", "ERROR", "violet", "Faces Reverse Across Edge"],
["T_JUNCTION", "ERROR", "magenta", "Vertex is mid-edge on another Face"],
["FACE_ISECT", "ERROR", "brown", "Faces intersect"],
["HOLE_EDGE", "ERROR", "red", "Edge bounds Hole"]
function _vnf_validate_err(name, extra) =
info = [for (x = _vnf_validate_errs) if (x[0] == name) x][0]
) concat(info, [extra]);
function _pts_not_reported(pts, varr, reports) =
for (i = pts, report = reports, pt = report[3])
if (varr[i] == pt) 1
] == [];
function _edge_not_reported(edge, varr, reports) =
edge = sort([for (i=edge) varr[i]])
) [
for (report = reports) let(
pts = sort(report[3])
) if (len(pts)==2 && edge == pts) 1
] == [];
module vnf_validate(vnf, size=1, show_warns=true, check_isects=false) {
faults = vnf_validate(
vnf, show_warns=show_warns,
for (fault = faults) {
err = fault[0];
typ = fault[1];
clr = fault[2];
msg = fault[3];
pts = fault[4];
echo(str(typ, " ", err, " (", clr ,"): ", msg, " at ", pts));
color(clr) {
if (is_vector(pts[0])) {
if (len(pts)==2) {
stroke(pts, width=size, closed=true, endcaps="butt", hull=false, $fn=8);
} else if (len(pts)>2) {
stroke(pts, width=size, closed=true, hull=false, $fn=8);
polyhedron(pts,[[for (i=idx(pts)) i]]);
} else {
move_copies(pts) sphere(d=size*3, $fn=18);
color([0.5,0.5,0.5,0.67]) vnf_polyhedron(vnf);
// Section: VNF Transformations
// Function: vnf_halfspace()
// Usage:
// newvnf = vnf_halfspace(plane, vnf, [closed]);
// Description:
// Returns the intersection of the vnf with a half space. The half space is defined by
// plane = [A,B,C,D], taking the side where the normal [A,B,C] points: Ax+By+Cz≥D.
// If closed is set to false then the cut face is not included in the vnf. This could
// allow further extension of the vnf by merging with other vnfs.
// Arguments:
// plane = plane defining the boundary of the half space
// vnf = vnf to cut
// closed = if false do not return include cut face(s). Default: true
// Example:
// vnf = cube(10,center=true);
// cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([-1,1,-1,0], vnf);
// vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
// Example: Cut face has 2 components
// vnf = path_sweep(circle(r=4, $fn=16),
// circle(r=20, $fn=64),closed=true);
// cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([-1,1,-4,0], vnf);
// vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
// Example: Cut face is not simply connected
// vnf = path_sweep(circle(r=4, $fn=16),
// circle(r=20, $fn=64),closed=true);
// cutvnf = vnf_halfspace([0,0.7,-4,0], vnf);
// vnf_polyhedron(cutvnf);
// Example: Cut object has multiple components
// function knot(a,b,t) = // rolling knot
// [ a * cos (3 * t) / (1 - b* sin (2 *t)),
// a * sin( 3 * t) / (1 - b* sin (2 *t)),
// 1.8 * b * cos (2 * t) /(1 - b* sin (2 *t))];
// a = 0.8; b = sqrt (1 - a * a);
// ksteps = 400;
// knot_path = [for (i=[0:ksteps-1]) 50 * knot(a,b,(i/ksteps)*360)];
// ushape = [[-10, 0],[-10, 10],[ -7, 10],[ -7, 2],[ 7, 2],[ 7, 7],[ 10, 7],[ 10, 0]];
// knot=path_sweep(ushape, knot_path, closed=true, method="incremental");
// cut_knot = vnf_halfspace([1,0,0,0], knot);
// vnf_polyhedron(cut_knot);
function vnf_halfspace(plane, vnf, closed=true) =
inside = [for(x=vnf[0]) plane*[each x,-1] >= 0 ? 1 : 0],
vertexmap = [0,each cumsum(inside)],
faces_edges_vertices = _vnfcut(plane, vnf[0],vertexmap,inside, vnf[1], last(vertexmap)),
newvert = concat(bselect(vnf[0],inside), faces_edges_vertices[2])
closed==false ? [newvert, faces_edges_vertices[0]] :
allpaths = _assemble_paths(newvert, faces_edges_vertices[1]),
newpaths = [for(p=allpaths) if (len(p)>=3) p
else assert(approx(p[0],p[1]),"Orphan edge found when assembling cut edges.")
len(newpaths)<=1 ? [newvert, concat(faces_edges_vertices[0], newpaths)]
faceregion = project_plane(plane, newpaths),
facevnf = region_faces(faceregion,reverse=true)
vnf_merge([[newvert, faces_edges_vertices[0]], lift_plane(plane, facevnf)]);
function _assemble_paths(vertices, edges, paths=[],i=0) =
i==len(edges) ? paths :
norm(vertices[edges[i][0]]-vertices[edges[i][1]])<EPSILON ? echo(degen=i)_assemble_paths(vertices,edges,paths,i+1) :
let( // Find paths that connects on left side and right side of the edges (if one exists)
left = [for(j=idx(paths)) if (approx(vertices[last(paths[j])],vertices[edges[i][0]])) j],
right = [for(j=idx(paths)) if (approx(vertices[edges[i][1]],vertices[paths[j][0]])) j]
assert(len(left)<=1 && len(right)<=1)
keep_path = list_remove(paths,concat(left,right)),
update_path = left==[] && right==[] ? edges[i]
: left==[] ? concat([edges[i][0]],paths[right[0]])
: right==[] ? concat(paths[left[0]],[edges[i][1]])
: left != right ? concat(paths[left[0]], paths[right[0]])
: paths[left[0]]
_assemble_paths(vertices, edges, concat(keep_path, [update_path]), i+1);
function _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount, newfaces=[], newedges=[], newvertices=[], i=0) =
i==len(faces) ? [newfaces, newedges, newvertices] :
pts_inside = select(inside,faces[i])
all(pts_inside) ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount,
concat(newfaces, [select(vertexmap,faces[i])]), newedges, newvertices, i+1):
!any(pts_inside) ? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap,inside, faces, vertcount, newfaces, newedges, newvertices, i+1):
first = search([[1,0]],pair(pts_inside,wrap=true),0)[0],
second = search([[0,1]],pair(pts_inside,wrap=true),0)[0]
assert(len(first)==1 && len(second)==1, "Found concave face in VNF. Run vnf_triangulate first to ensure convex faces.")
newface = [each select(vertexmap,select(faces[i],second[0]+1,first[0])),vertcount, vertcount+1],
newvert = [plane_line_intersection(plane, select(vertices,select(faces[i],first[0],first[0]+1)),eps=0),
plane_line_intersection(plane, select(vertices,select(faces[i],second[0],second[0]+1)),eps=0)]
true //!approx(newvert[0],newvert[1])
? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount+2,
concat(newfaces, [newface]), concat(newedges,[[vertcount+1,vertcount]]),concat(newvertices,newvert),i+1)
? _vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount+1,
concat(newfaces, [list_head(newface)]), newedges,concat(newvertices,[newvert[0]]),i+1)
_vnfcut(plane, vertices, vertexmap, inside, faces, vertcount,newfaces, newedges, newvert, i+1);
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