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2012-03-12 01:13:07 +00:00
// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Crude representation of a bulldog clip
small_bulldog = [19, 12, 8, 0.25, 2.67, 1, 16];
function bulldog_length(type) = type[0];
function bulldog_depth(type) = type[1];
function bulldog_height(type) = type[2];
function bulldog_thickness(type) = type[3];
function bulldog_tube(type) = type[4] / 2;
function bulldog_radius(type) = type[5];
function bulldog_handle_length(type) = type[6];
module bulldog_shape(depth, height, radius, open) {
hull() {
translate([-depth / 2 + radius, height / 2 - radius]) circle(radius);
translate([-depth / 2 + radius, -height / 2 + radius]) circle(radius);
translate([ depth / 2, 0]) square([0.1, open], center = true);
module shell(length, width, height, wall) {
difference() {
linear_extrude(height = height, center = true, convexity = 5)
linear_extrude(height = height + 1, center = true, convexity = 5)
difference() {
square([length - 2 * wall, width - 2 * wall], center = true);
minkowski() {
difference() {
square([length + 1, width + 1], center = true);
square([length + 1, 2 * wall + eta], center = true);
circle(r = wall, center = true);
module bulldog(type, open = 4) {
tube = bulldog_tube(type);
thickness = bulldog_thickness(type);
depth = bulldog_depth(type);
gap = open + thickness * 2;
vitamin(str("BD00", bulldog_length(type), ": ", bulldog_length(type), "mm bulldog clip"));
2012-03-12 01:13:07 +00:00
render() translate([depth / 2 - thickness - eta, 0, 0])
union() {
difference() {
rotate([90, 0, 0])
shell(depth, bulldog_height(type), bulldog_length(type), thickness)
bulldog_shape(depth, bulldog_height(type), bulldog_radius(type), gap);
translate([depth - tube - eta, 0, 0])
cube([depth, bulldog_length(type) + 1, 100], center = true);
for(side = [-1,1])
translate([bulldog_depth(type) / 2 - tube, 0, side * (gap / 2 + tube)])
tube(or = tube, ir = tube - thickness, h = bulldog_length(type));