Chris Palmer
Added the cardboard heat sheild.
Tweaked the X belt length and the cable strip length.
Now generates PDF versions of the sheets using Inkscape.
2012-04-01 14:08:44 +01:00
Chris Palmer
Changed the render camera placing heuristic to take into account the image is wider than it is tall.
Updated all the images.
2012-03-24 19:24:29 +00:00
Chris Palmer
Improved Wades extruder:
Front moved back to allow for deeper hobbed bolts.
Added upper support web and reduced the lower one to one layer.
Added clamp option for experimental Mendel90 hot end.
Added composite STL.
2012-03-22 16:24:42 +00:00
Chris Palmer
cb20fb1020 modifeid to work on Windows and handle the composite STLs in the printed directory.
Added renders for mendel version.
2012-03-17 19:06:59 +00:00
Chris Palmer
Renamed the plates directory "printed" and now copies the un-aggragated STLs rather than moving them.
Added .gitignore
2012-03-16 09:47:28 +00:00
Chris Palmer
Now combines some STLs into single files and puts all the ones that need printing the the plates directory.
Added hash bangs for Linux users.
2012-03-16 00:31:47 +00:00
Chris Palmer
Changed wades hot end size to 16mm standard. It was set to 12, whoops.
2012-03-14 23:11:50 +00:00
Chris Palmer
Added Mendel szied variant files
2012-03-12 01:41:01 +00:00