// // Mendel90 // // GNU GPL v2 // nop.head@gmail.com // hydraraptor.blogspot.com // // main assembly // include use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use include X = 0 * X_travel / 2; // - limit_switch_offset; Y = 0 * Y_travel / 2; // - limit_switch_offset; Z = 0.5 * Z_travel; // // X axis // X_bar_length = motor_end - idler_end + 2 * x_end_bar_length(); module x_axis_assembly(show_extruder) { X_belt_gap = x_carriage_belt_gap() - 15; assembly("x_axis_assembly"); for(side = [-1,1]) translate([(idler_end + motor_end) / 2 + eta, side * x_bar_spacing() / 2, Z + Z0]) rotate([0,90,0]) rod(X_bar_dia, X_bar_length); translate([-X + X_origin, 0, Z + Z0 + x_carriage_offset()]) rotate([180, 0, 180]) x_carriage_assembly(show_extruder); color(belt_color) translate([0, x_belt_offset(), Z + Z0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) render() union() { difference() { twisted_belt(X_belt, idler_end + x_idler_offset(), 0, ball_bearing_diameter(X_idler_bearing) / 2, motor_end - x_motor_offset(), 0, pulley_ir(pulley_type), X_belt_gap - x_belt_loop_length()); translate([-X + X_origin - nozzle_x_offset() + (x_carriage_belt_gap() - X_belt_gap) / 2, pulley_inner_radius + belt_thickness(X_belt) / 2, 0]) cube([X_belt_gap, belt_thickness(X_belt) * 3, belt_width(X_belt) * 2], center = true); } } end("x_axis_assembly"); } // // X motor with wiring // module x_motor_assembly() { assembly("x_motor_assembly"); z_cable_extra = 100; z_cable_travel = (Z_travel + (ribbon_clamp_z - (Z_travel + Z0 + x_end_ribbon_clamp_z()))) * 2; pmax = [-X_travel / 2 + X_origin - motor_end, 0, x_carriage_offset()] + extruder_connector_offset(); mirror([1,0,0]) x_end_assembly(true); if(!exploded) translate([-x_motor_offset(), gantry_setback - sheet_thickness(frame) / 2 + ribbon_clamp_slot_depth() - cable_strip_thickness, ribbon_clamp_z - (Z + Z0) + ribbon_clamp_width(frame_screw) / 2]) rotate([0, -90, 180]) cable_strip( x_end_ways, z_cable_strip_depth, z_cable_travel, Z + Z0 + x_end_ribbon_clamp_z() - ribbon_clamp_z, z_cable_extra ); elliptical_cable_strip( extruder_ways, x_end_extruder_ribbon_clamp_offset(), [-X + X_origin - motor_end, 0, x_carriage_offset()] + extruder_connector_offset(), pmax ); translate([-X + X_origin - motor_end + cable_strip_thickness, - ribbon_clamp_width(M3_cap_screw), x_carriage_offset()] + extruder_connector_offset()) rotate([-90, 180, 0]) d_shell_assembly(NEMA17); ribbon_cable(x_end_ways, 10 // Width of D type + 12 // To back of shell + elliptical_cable_strip_length(x_end_extruder_ribbon_clamp_offset(), pmax) + 68 // Across the X motor bracket + cable_strip_length(z_cable_strip_depth, z_cable_travel, z_cable_extra) + 5 // Through the slot + 180 // Down back of gantry + 90 // Across to Melzi + 5); // Strip end("x_motor_assembly"); } // // Z axis // Z_motor_length = NEMA_length(Z_motor); Z_bar_length = height - Z_motor_length - base_clearance; module z_end(motor_end) { Z_screw_length = Z0 + Z_travel + x_end_height() + axis_end_clearance - (Z_motor_length + NEMA_shaft_length(Z_motor) + z_coupling_gap()); if(!motor_end && bottom_limit_switch) translate([-z_bar_offset(), gantry_setback, Z0 - x_end_thickness() / 2]) z_limit_switch_assembly(); translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, Z_motor_length]) { z_motor_assembly(gantry_setback, motor_end); translate([0, 0, NEMA_shaft_length(Z_motor) + z_coupling_gap() + Z_screw_length / 2]) { studding(d = Z_screw_dia, l = Z_screw_length); translate([0, 0, -Z_screw_length / 2 + z_coupling_length() / 2 - 1]) render() z_screw_pointer_stl(); } // // lead nut // translate([0, 0, Z + Z0 + x_end_z_nut_z() + nut_thickness(Z_nut) - Z_motor_length]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) nut(Z_nut, brass = true); translate([z_bar_offset(), 0, Z_bar_length / 2]) rod(Z_bar_dia, Z_bar_length); translate([z_bar_offset(), gantry_setback, Z_bar_length - bar_clamp_depth / 2]) { rotate([90,motor_end ? 90 : - 90, 0]) z_bar_clamp_assembly(Z_bar_dia, gantry_setback, bar_clamp_depth, !motor_end); } } } module z_axis_assembly() { assembly("z_axis_assembly"); translate([motor_end, 0, 0]) mirror([1,0,0]) z_end(true); translate([idler_end, 0, 0]) z_end(false); translate([motor_end, 0, Z + Z0]) x_motor_assembly(); translate([idler_end, 0, Z + Z0]) x_end_assembly(false); end("z_axis_assembly"); } // // Y axis // Y_bar_length = base_depth - 2 * base_clearance; Y_bar_length2 = Y_travel + limit_switch_offset + bearing_mount_length(Y_bearings) + 2 * bar_clamp_depth + axis_end_clearance + bar_clamp_switch_y_offset(); Y_bar_spacing = Y_carriage_width - bearing_mount_width(Y_bearings); Y_bearing_inset = bearing_mount_length(Y_bearings) / 2 + bar_clamp_depth + axis_end_clearance; Y_belt_motor_offset = 13 + belt_width(Y_belt) / 2; Y_belt_line = X_origin - ribbon_clamp_slot(bed_ways) / 2 - y_belt_anchor_width() / 2 - 5; Y_motor_end = -base_depth / 2 + y_motor_bracket_width() / 2 + base_clearance; Y_idler_end = base_depth / 2 - y_idler_offset() - base_clearance - y_idler_travel(); Y_belt_anchor_m = Y_motor_end + NEMA_width(Y_motor) / 2 + Y_travel / 2; Y_belt_anchor_i = Y_idler_end - y_idler_clearance() - Y_travel / 2; Y_belt_end = y_belt_anchor_depth() / 2 + 15; Y_belt_gap = Y_belt_anchor_i - Y_belt_anchor_m - 2 * Y_belt_end; // // supported bar // module rail(length, height, endstop) { translate([0, 0, height]) rotate([90,0,0]) rod(Y_bar_dia, length); for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([0, end * (length / 2 - bar_clamp_depth / 2), 0]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) y_bar_clamp_assembly(Y_bar_dia, height, bar_clamp_depth, endstop && end == 1); } Y2_rail_offset = (bar_clamp_switch_y_offset() - axis_end_clearance) / 2; module y_rails() { translate([-Y_bar_spacing / 2, 0, 0]) rail(Y_bar_length, Y_bar_height); rotate([0,0,180]) translate([-Y_bar_spacing / 2, Y2_rail_offset, 0]) rail(Y_bar_length2, Y_bar_height, true); } module rail_holes(length) { for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([0, end * (length / 2 - bar_clamp_depth / 2), 0]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) bar_clamp_holes(Y_bar_dia, true) base_screw_hole(); } module y_rail_holes() { translate([-Y_bar_spacing / 2, 0, 0]) rail_holes(Y_bar_length); rotate([0,0,180]) translate([-Y_bar_spacing / 2, Y2_rail_offset, 0]) rail_holes(Y_bar_length2); } module y_carriage() { difference() { sheet(Y_carriage, Y_carriage_width, Y_carriage_depth, [3,3,3,3]); translate([0, ribbon_clamp_y, 0]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) ribbon_clamp_holes(bed_ways, cap_screw) cylinder(r = screw_clearance_radius(cap_screw), h = 100, center = true); translate([0, Y_carriage_depth / 2, 0]) cube([ribbon_clamp_slot(bed_ways) + 2, ribbon_clamp_width(cap_screw), sheet_thickness(Y_carriage) + 1], center = true); translate([Y_bar_spacing / 2, 0, 0]) rotate([0,180,0]) bearing_mount_holes() cylinder(r = screw_clearance_radius(cap_screw), h = 100, center = true); for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([-Y_bar_spacing / 2, end * (Y_carriage_depth / 2 - Y_bearing_inset), 0]) rotate([0,180,0]) bearing_mount_holes() cylinder(r = screw_clearance_radius(cap_screw), h = 100, center = true); for(end = [[Y_belt_anchor_m, 0], [Y_belt_anchor_i, 180]]) translate([Y_belt_line - X_origin, end[0], 0]) rotate([0, 180, end[1]]) y_belt_anchor_holes() cylinder(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true); for(x = [-bed_holes[0] / 2, bed_holes[0] / 2]) for(y = [-bed_holes[1] / 2, bed_holes[1] / 2]) translate([x, y, 0]) cylinder(r = 2.5/2, h = 100, center = true); } } module y_heatshield() { layers = pillar_height(bed_pillars) / sheet_thickness(Cardboard); width = Y_carriage_width - 2 * bar_clamp_tab; for(i = [0 : layers - 1]) translate([0, 0, (sheet_thickness(Cardboard) + exploded * 50) * i]) { assign(k = ((i % 2) ? 0.9 : 1), c = sheet_colour(Cardboard)) color([c[0] * k, c[1] * k, c[2] * k, c[3]]) difference() { sheet(Cardboard, width, Y_carriage_depth); if(i == 0) { translate([Y_bar_spacing / 2, 0, 0]) rotate([0,180,0]) bearing_mount_holes() cube([10,10, 100], center = true); for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([-Y_bar_spacing / 2, end * (Y_carriage_depth / 2 - Y_bearing_inset), 0]) rotate([0,180,0]) bearing_mount_holes() cube([10, 10, 100], center = true); for(end = [[Y_belt_anchor_m, 0], [Y_belt_anchor_i, 180]]) translate([Y_belt_line - X_origin, end[0], 0]) rotate([0, 180, end[1]]) hull() y_belt_anchor_holes() cube([10, 10, 100],center =true); } if(i == layers - 1) translate([0, Y_carriage_depth / 2, 0]) cube([15, 180, 100], center = true); translate([0, Y_carriage_depth / 2, 0]) cube([ribbon_clamp_length(bed_ways, cap_screw) + 5, 70, 100], center = true); } } } module y_carriage_assembly(solid = true) { carriage_bottom = Y_carriage_height - sheet_thickness(Y_carriage) / 2; carriage_top = Y_carriage_height + sheet_thickness(Y_carriage) / 2; assembly("y_carriage_assembly"); translate([Y_bar_spacing / 2, 0, Y_bar_height]) rotate([0,180,0]) y_bearing_assembly(Y_bearing_holder_height); for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([-Y_bar_spacing / 2, end * (Y_carriage_depth / 2 - Y_bearing_inset), Y_bar_height]) rotate([0,180,0]) y_bearing_assembly(Y_bearing_holder_height); for(end = [[Y_belt_anchor_m, 0, false], [Y_belt_anchor_i, 180, true]]) translate([Y_belt_line - X_origin, end[0], carriage_bottom]) rotate([0, 180, end[1]]) y_belt_anchor_assembly(Y_belt_clamp_height, end[2]); translate([0, ribbon_clamp_y, carriage_top + ribbon_clamp_thickness()]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) color(ribbon_clamp_color) render() ribbon_clamp(bed_ways, cap_screw, nutty = true); translate([0, ribbon_clamp_y, carriage_bottom]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) ribbon_clamp_assembly(bed_ways, cap_screw, 20, sheet_thickness(Y_carriage) + ribbon_clamp_thickness(true), false, false); translate([0, 0, Y_carriage_height + eta * 2]) if(solid) y_carriage(); else %color([0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5]) y_carriage(); end("y_carriage_assembly"); } module print_bed_assembly(show_bed = true, show_heatshield = true) { assembly("print_bed_assembly"); // // Y carriage // translate([X_origin, Y + Y0, 0]) { translate([0, 0, Y_carriage_height + sheet_thickness(Y_carriage) / 2]) { if(show_bed) { bed_assembly(Y); if(show_heatshield) translate([0, 0, sheet_thickness(Cardboard) / 2]) y_heatshield(); } } translate([0, -(Y + Y0) + ribbon_clamp_y + ribbon_clamp_width(base_screw) / 2, ribbon_clamp_slot_depth() - cable_strip_thickness]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) cable_strip( bed_ways, y_cable_strip_depth, Y_travel, Y ); y_carriage_assembly(show_bed); } end("print_bed_assembly"); } module y_axis_assembly(show_bed = true, show_heatshield = true, show_carriage = true) { assembly("y_axis_assembly"); translate([X_origin, 0, 0]) y_rails(); translate([Y_belt_line, Y_motor_end, y_motor_height()]) rotate([90,0,-90]) { color(belt_color) render() difference() { twisted_belt(Y_belt, Y_motor_end - Y_idler_end, pulley_inner_radius - ball_bearing_diameter(Y_idler_bearing) / 2, ball_bearing_diameter(Y_idler_bearing) / 2, 0, 0, pulley_ir(pulley_type), Y_belt_gap); translate([-(Y_belt_anchor_i + Y_belt_anchor_m) / 2 + Y_motor_end - Y0 - Y, pulley_inner_radius + belt_thickness(Y_belt)/2, 0]) cube([Y_belt_gap, belt_thickness(Y_belt) * 2, belt_width(Y_belt) * 2], center = true); } translate([0, 0, -Y_belt_motor_offset]) y_motor_assembly(); } translate([Y_belt_line, Y_idler_end, 0]) y_idler_assembly(); if(show_carriage) print_bed_assembly(show_bed, show_heatshield); end("y_axis_assembly"); } module y_axis_screw_holes() { translate([X_origin, 0, 0]) { y_rail_holes(); translate([Y_belt_line - X_origin, Y_idler_end, 0]) y_idler_screw_hole(); translate([Y_belt_line - X_origin, Y_motor_end, y_motor_height()]) rotate([90,0,-90]) translate([0, 0, -Y_belt_motor_offset]) y_motor_bracket_holes() base_screw_hole(); } } // // List of cable clips // z_gantry_wire_height = height - base_clearance - fixing_block_width() -fixing_block_height() - base_clearance - cable_clip_extent(base_screw, endstop_wires); bed_wires_y = Y0 + Y_bar_length2 / 2 - Y2_rail_offset + cable_clip_extent(base_screw, thermistor_wires); Y_cable_clip_x = base_width / 2 - right_w - cable_clip_extent(base_screw, motor_wires); Y_front_cable_clip_y = -Y_bar_length2 / 2 + 20; Y_back_cable_clip_y = gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame) + fixing_block_height() - 5; cable_clips = [ // cable1, cable2 , position, vertical, rotation // near to the Y limit switch [endstop_wires, motor_wires, [Y_cable_clip_x, Y_front_cable_clip_y, 0], false, 0], // at the foot of the gantry [endstop_wires, motor_wires, [Y_cable_clip_x, Y_back_cable_clip_y, 0], false, 0], // bed wires [bed_wires, thermistor_wires, [20, bed_wires_y, 0], false, -90], // Z axis left [endstop_wires, fan_motor_wires, [left_stay_x + 15, gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame), z_gantry_wire_height], true, 90], // Z axis right [endstop_wires, fan_motor_wires, [right_stay_x - 15, gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame), z_gantry_wire_height], true, 90], ]; module place_cable_clips(holes = false) { for(clip = cable_clips) { translate(clip[2]) rotate([clip[3] ? -90 : 0, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 0, clip[4]]) if(holes) cable_clip_hole(clip[3], clip[0], clip[1]); else cable_clip_assembly(clip[3], clip[0], clip[1]); } } // // Frame // window_corner_rad = 5; module fixing_blocks(holes = false) { w = fixing_block_width(); h = fixing_block_height(); t = sheet_thickness(frame); assign($upper = true) { // all screws into frame translate([left_stay_x + t / 2, gantry_Y + t, stay_height - base_clearance - h - w / 2]) // top rotate([0,-90,-90]) child(); translate([right_stay_x - t / 2, gantry_Y + t, stay_height - base_clearance - h - w / 2]) // top rotate([0,90, 90]) child(); translate([left_stay_x + t / 2, gantry_Y + t, base_clearance + h + w / 2]) // front rotate([0,-90,-90]) child(); translate([right_stay_x - t / 2, gantry_Y + t, base_clearance + h + w / 2]) // front rotate([0,90, 90]) child(); } assign($upper = false) { // one screw in the base assign($rear = true) { translate([left_stay_x + t / 2, base_depth / 2 - base_clearance - w / 2, 0]) // back rotate([0, 0,-90]) child(); translate([right_stay_x - t / 2, base_depth / 2 - base_clearance - w / 2, 0]) // back rotate([0, 0, 90]) child(); } assign($rear = false) { for(x = [-base_width/2 + base_clearance + w /2, base_width/2 - base_clearance - w /2, -base_width/2 - base_clearance - w /2 + left_w, right_stay_x + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2 + w / 2 + base_clearance]) translate([x, gantry_Y + t, 0]) child(); // extra holes for bars if(holes && base_nuts) { translate([left_stay_x + t / 2, -base_depth / 2 + base_clearance + w / 2, 0]) // front rotate([0, 0,-90]) child(); translate([right_stay_x - t / 2, -base_depth / 2 + base_clearance + w / 2, 0]) // front rotate([0,0, 90]) child(); } } } } module fixing_block_holes() { fixing_blocks(holes = true) group() { fixing_block_v_hole(0) if($upper) frame_screw_hole(); else base_screw_hole(); fixing_block_h_holes(0) frame_screw_hole(); } } Y_motor_stay_hole_y = gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame) + fixing_block_height() + motor_wires_hole_radius; module frame_base() { difference() { translate([0,0, -sheet_thickness(base) / 2]) sheet(base, base_width, base_depth, [base_corners, base_corners, base_corners, base_corners]); // base fixing_block_holes(); y_axis_screw_holes(); translate([motor_end + z_bar_offset(), 0, 0]) // in case motor has second shaft cylinder(r = 4, h = 100, center = true); translate([idler_end - z_bar_offset(), 0, 0]) cylinder(r = 4, h = 100, center = true); translate([X_origin, ribbon_clamp_y,0]) ribbon_clamp_holes(bed_ways, base_screw) base_screw_hole(); if(atx_psu(psu)) translate([right_stay_x + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2, psu_y, psu_z]) rotate([0, -90, 180]) atx_screw_positions(psu, true) base_screw_hole(); place_cable_clips(true); // // Holes for wires to run underneath // if(base_nuts) { // Y motor translate([Y_belt_line + Y_belt_motor_offset + NEMA_length(Y_motor) - 5, Y_motor_end, 0]) wire_hole(motor_wires_hole_radius); translate([Y_cable_clip_x + cable_clip_offset(base_screw, motor_wires), Y_motor_stay_hole_y, 0]) wire_hole(motor_wires_hole_radius); // Y limit translate([X_origin + Y_bar_spacing / 2 + bar_rail_offset(Y_bar_dia) - bar_clamp_tab / 2, Y_front_cable_clip_y - 5, 0]) wire_hole(endstop_wires_hole_radius); translate([Y_cable_clip_x - cable_clip_offset(base_screw, endstop_wires), Y_motor_stay_hole_y + motor_wires_hole_radius + hole_edge_clearance + endstop_wires_hole_radius, 0]) wire_hole(endstop_wires_hole_radius); } } } module frame_gantry() { difference() { translate([0, gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2, height / 2]) rotate([90,0,0]) if(single_piece_frame) difference() { sheet(frame, base_width, height, [frame_corners, frame_corners, 0, 0]); // vertical plane translate([X_origin, -gantry_thickness, 0]) rounded_rectangle([window_width, height, sheet_thickness(frame) + 1], r = window_corner_rad, center = true); } else { translate([-base_width / 2 + left_w / 2, 0, 0]) sheet(frame, left_w, height, [frame_corners, 0, 0, 0]); // left side translate([ base_width / 2 - right_w / 2, 0, 0]) sheet(frame, right_w, height, [0, frame_corners, 0, 0]); // right side translate([0, height / 2 - gantry_thickness / 2, -sheet_thickness(frame)]) sheet(frame, base_width, gantry_thickness, [frame_corners, frame_corners, 0, 0]); // top } fixing_block_holes(); // // Z bar clamps // for(end = [idler_end, motor_end]) translate([end, gantry_Y, height - base_clearance - bar_clamp_depth / 2]) rotate([0, 90, 90]) bar_clamp_holes(Z_bar_dia, false) frame_screw_hole(); // // Z motor bracket holes // for(side = [idler_end - z_bar_offset(), motor_end + z_bar_offset()]) translate([side, 0, Z_motor_length]) z_motor_bracket_holes(gantry_setback); // // Z limit switch holes // translate([idler_end -z_bar_offset(), gantry_Y, Z0 - x_end_thickness() / 2]) z_limit_screw_positions() frame_screw_hole(); // // X ribbon clamp // translate([motor_end - x_motor_offset(), gantry_Y, ribbon_clamp_z]) { ribbon_clamp_holes(x_end_ways, frame_screw) rotate([90, 0, 0]) frame_screw_hole(); if(cnc_sheets) translate([0, 0, ribbon_clamp_width(frame_screw) / 2 + 5]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) slot(r = 2.5 / 2, l = ribbon_clamp_slot(x_end_ways), h = 100, center = true); } // // PSU bracket hole // if(atx_psu(psu)) translate([right_stay_x + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2, psu_y, psu_z]) rotate([0, -90, 180]) atx_screw_positions(psu, false) frame_screw_hole(); // // Wiring holes // translate([idler_end - bar_rail_offset(Z_bar_dia) + 0.5 * bar_clamp_tab, gantry_Y, height - base_clearance - bar_clamp_depth - endstop_wires_hole_radius - base_clearance]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) wire_hole(endstop_wires_hole_radius); // Z top endstop translate([-base_width / 2 + base_clearance + fixing_block_width() + base_clearance + motor_wires_hole_radius, gantry_Y, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) wire_hole_or_slot(motor_wires_hole_radius); // Z lhs motor translate([max(motor_end + bar_rail_offset(Z_bar_dia), base_width / 2 - right_w + fixing_block_width() + 2 * base_clearance + motor_wires_hole_radius), gantry_Y, fixing_block_height() + motor_wires_hole_radius + base_clearance]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) wire_hole(motor_wires_hole_radius); // Z rhs motor translate([idler_end - bar_rail_offset(Z_bar_dia), gantry_Y, Z_motor_length + z_motor_bracket_height() + endstop_wires_hole_radius]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) wire_hole(endstop_wires_hole_radius); // bottom limit switch place_cable_clips(true); } } module frame_stay(left, bodge = 0) { x = left ? left_stay_x : right_stay_x; difference() { translate([x, gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame) + stay_depth / 2, stay_height / 2]) rotate([90,0,90]) sheet(frame, stay_depth, stay_height, [0, frame_corners, 0, 0]); fixing_block_holes(); spool_holder_holes(); if(left) translate([x + (sheet_thickness(frame) + fan_depth(case_fan)) / 2, fan_y, fan_z]) rotate([0,90,0]) scale([1 + bodge, 1 + bodge, 1]) fan_holes(case_fan); // scale prevents OpenCSG z buffer artifacts else { // // Electronics mounting holes // translate([x, controller_y, controller_z]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) controller_screw_positions(controller) cylinder(r = frame_nuts ? M3_clearance_radius : M3_tap_radius, h = 100, center = true); translate([x, psu_y, psu_z]) if(atx_psu(psu)) rotate([0, -90, 180]) { atx_screw_positions(psu) frame_screw_hole(); atx_resistor_holes(psu); } else rotate([0, 90, 0]) psu_screw_positions(psu) cylinder(r = psu_screw_hole_radius(psu), h = 100, center = true); // // Wiring holes // translate([x, Y_motor_stay_hole_y, 0]) { rotate([90, 0, 90]) wire_hole_or_slot(motor_wires_hole_radius); // Y motor wires at bottom translate([0, motor_wires_hole_radius + hole_edge_clearance + endstop_wires_hole_radius, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) wire_hole_or_slot(endstop_wires_hole_radius); // Y endstop wires at bottom } translate([x, bed_wires_y + cable_clip_offset(base_screw, bed_wires), 0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) wire_hole_or_slot(bed_wires_hole_radius); // Bed wires at bottom translate([x, bed_wires_y - cable_clip_offset(base_screw, thermistor_wires),0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) wire_hole_or_slot(thermistor_wires_hole_radius); // Bed thermistor wires } translate([x, gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame), z_gantry_wire_height]) { translate([0, 0, cable_clip_offset(frame_screw, endstop_wires)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) wire_hole_or_slot(endstop_wires_hole_radius); // Z endstop wires translate([0, 0, -cable_clip_offset(frame_screw, fan_motor_wires)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) wire_hole_or_slot(fan_motor_wires_hole_radius); // Z motor wires } } } module bed_fan_assembly(show_fan = false) { assembly("bed_fan_assembly"); translate([left_stay_x, fan_y, fan_z]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) { translate([0, 0, -(sheet_thickness(frame) + fan_depth(case_fan)) / 2]) fan_assembly(case_fan, sheet_thickness(frame) + fan_guard_thickness(), include_fan || show_fan); translate([0, 0, sheet_thickness(frame) / 2]) color(fan_guard_color) render() fan_guard(case_fan); } end("bed_fan_assembly"); } module electronics_assembly() { assembly("electronics_assembly"); translate([right_stay_x + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2, controller_y, controller_z]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) { controller_screw_positions(controller) pcb_spacer_assembly(); translate([0, 0, pcb_spacer_height()]) controller(controller); } end("electronics_assembly"); } module psu_assembly() { thickness = sheet_thickness(frame) + washer_thickness(M3_washer) * 2; psu_screw = screw_longer_than(thickness + 2); if(psu_screw > thickness + 5 && psu_screw_from_back(psu)) echo("psu_screw too long"); assembly("psu_assembly"); translate([right_stay_x + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2, psu_y, psu_z]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) { psu_screw_positions(psu) group() { if(psu_screw_from_back(psu)) translate([0, 0, -sheet_thickness(frame)]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) screw_and_washer(psu_screw_type(psu), psu_screw, true); else screw_and_washer(frame_screw, frame_screw_length, true); } if(atx_psu(psu)) rotate([0, 0, 180]) atx_bracket_assembly(); else if(psu_width(psu)) // not external PSU translate([-psu_length(psu) / 2, psu_width(psu) / 2, 0]) mains_inlet_assembly(); if(exploded) %color([0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5]) psu(psu); else psu(psu); } end("psu_assembly"); } module frame_assembly(show_gantry = true) { assembly("frame_assembly"); translate([motor_end - x_motor_offset(), gantry_Y, ribbon_clamp_z]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) { if(frame_nuts) ribbon_clamp_assembly(x_end_ways, frame_screw, frame_screw_length, sheet_thickness(frame), false, true, nutty = true); else ribbon_clamp_assembly(x_end_ways, frame_screw, frame_screw_length); } translate([X_origin, ribbon_clamp_y,0]) { if(base_nuts) ribbon_clamp_assembly(bed_ways, base_screw, base_screw_length, sheet_thickness(base), false, true, nutty = true); else ribbon_clamp_assembly(bed_ways, base_screw, base_screw_length); } place_cable_clips(); frame_base(); if(base_nuts) { for(side = [ left_stay_x + fixing_block_height() / 2 + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2, right_stay_x - fixing_block_height() / 2 - sheet_thickness(frame) / 2]) explode([0, 0, -15]) translate([side, 0, -sheet_thickness(base)]) tube_assembly(); } if(show_gantry) { fixing_blocks() fixing_block_assembly($upper, $rear); frame_stay(true, eta); frame_stay(false); frame_gantry(); } end("frame_assembly"); } module machine_assembly(show_bed = true, show_heatshield = true, show_spool = true) { assembly("machine_assembly"); translate([0,0, sheet_thickness(base)]) { bed_fan_assembly(); electronics_assembly(); psu_assembly(); if(show_spool) spool_assembly(left_stay_x, right_stay_x); translate([0, Y0, 0]) { x_axis_assembly(true); z_axis_assembly(); } y_axis_assembly(show_bed, show_heatshield); // // Draw the possibly transparent bits last // frame_assembly(true); } end("machine_assembly"); } machine_assembly(true); //y_heatshield(); //frame_assembly(show_spool = false); //y_axis_assembly(true); //z_axis_assembly(); //x_axis_assembly(false); module frame_all() projection(cut = true) { translate([0,0, gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2]) rotate([-90, 0, 0]) frame_gantry(); translate([X_origin, height - gantry_thickness - Y_carriage_depth / 2 -1, 0]) y_carriage(); translate([0, -base_depth / 2 - 2, sheet_thickness(base) / 2]) frame_base(); translate([-base_width / 2 - 2 + gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame), 0, left_stay_x]) rotate([0, 90, 90]) frame_stay(true); translate([ base_width / 2 + 2 + stay_depth + gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame), 0, right_stay_x]) rotate([0, 90, 90]) frame_stay(false); } module frame_base_dxf() projection(cut = true) translate([0,0, sheet_thickness(base) / 2]) frame_base(); module frame_left_dxf() projection(cut = true) translate([0, -gantry_Y - sheet_thickness(frame), left_stay_x]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) frame_stay(true); module frame_right_dxf() projection(cut = true) mirror([0,1,0]) translate([0,-gantry_Y - sheet_thickness(frame), right_stay_x]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) frame_stay(false); module y_carriage_dxf() projection(cut = true) y_carriage(); module y_heatshield_dxf() projection(cut = true) y_heatshield(); module frame_gantry_dxf(drill = !cnc_sheets) { corner_rad = window_corner_rad; projection(cut = true) translate([0,0, gantry_Y + sheet_thickness(frame) / 2]) rotate([-90, 0, 0]) frame_gantry(); if(drill) for(side = [-1, 1]) translate([X_origin + side * (window_width / 2 - corner_rad), height - gantry_thickness - corner_rad]) circle(corner_rad - eta); } module frame_gantry_and_y_carriage_dxf() { top = height - gantry_thickness; bottom = Y_carriage_depth; gap = cnc_tool_dia * 2 + 1; h = floor(top - bottom - 2 * gap); w = floor(window_width - 2 * gap); frame_gantry_dxf(false); translate([X_origin, Y_carriage_depth / 2]) y_carriage_dxf(); if(h > 20) *translate([X_origin, (top + bottom) / 2]) square([w, h], center = true); // make the offcut a rectangle } module frame_stays_dxf() { frame_left_dxf(); translate([0, -4]) frame_right_dxf(); } total_height = height + sheet_thickness(base) + (base_nuts ? tube_height(AL_square_tube) : 0); spool_height = total_height - height + spool_z + spool_diameter(spool) / 2; echo("Width: ", base_width, " Depth: ", base_depth, " Height: ", total_height, " Spool Height:", spool_height); echo("X bar: ", X_bar_length, " Y Bar 1: ", Y_bar_length, " Y Bar 2: ", Y_bar_length2, " Z Bar: ", Z_bar_length);