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synced 2025-01-16 20:38:15 +01:00
Tweaks to the huxley extruder. Now shows hot end filament diameter on the BOM. Moved huxley spool holder back to give more room for lighting. Updated README.md. Added huxley to command line usage messages.
146 lines
5.7 KiB
146 lines
5.7 KiB
// Mendel90
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
include <../conf/config.scad>
MK4_heater = [ 12.76, 15.88, 8.22, (15.88 / 2 - 4.5), (12.76 / 2 - 0.5 - 2.5 / 2), (-15.88 / 2 + 5), 9.5, 3];
MK5_heater = [ 12.76, 12.76, 8.22, (12.76 / 2 - 3.75), (12.76 / 2 - 0.5 - 2.5 / 2), (-12.76 / 2 + 4), 8, 2];
function heater_width(type) = type[0];
function heater_length(type) = type[1];
function heater_height(type) = type[2];
function resistor_x(type) = type[3];
function thermistor_y(type) = type[4];
function nozzle_x(type) = type[5];
function nozzle_cone(type) = type[6];
function nozzle_cone_length(type) = type[7];
barrel_tap_dia = 5;
barrel_dia = 6;
insulator_dia = 12;
module heater_block(type, resistor, thermistor) {
color("gold") render(convexity = 10) difference() {
cube([heater_length(type), heater_width(type), heater_height(type)], center = true);
translate([-heater_length(type) / 2, thermistor_y(type), 0]) // hole for thermistor
rotate([0, 90, 0])
cylinder(r = resistor_hole(thermistor) / 2, h = 2 * resistor_length(thermistor), center = true);
translate([resistor_x(type), 0, 0]) // hole for resistor
rotate([90, 0, 0])
cylinder(r = resistor_hole(resistor) / 2, h = heater_width(type) + 1, center = true);
translate([nozzle_x(type), 0, 0])
cylinder(r = barrel_tap_dia / 2, h = heater_height(type) + 1, center = true);
module jhead_hot_end(type, filament, exploded = exploded) {
resistor = RIE1212UB5C5R6;
thermistor = Epcos;
heater = type == JHeadMk4 ? MK4_heater : MK5_heater;
insulator_length = hot_end_insulator_length(type);
inset = hot_end_inset(type);
length = hot_end_total_length(type) - hot_end_bodge(type);
barrel_length = length - insulator_length;
cone_length = nozzle_cone_length(heater);
cone_end = 1;
cone_start = nozzle_cone(heater);
bundle = 3.2;
tape_width = 25;
tape_overlap = 10;
tape_thickness = 0.8;
vitamin(str(hot_end_part(type)," ",filament,"mm"));
vitamin("ST25110: 110mm x 25mm self amalgamating silicone tape");
// silcone tape
translate([0, max(hot_end_insulator_diameter(type) / 2, heater_length(heater) / 2 - nozzle_x(heater)),
-tape_width + tape_overlap + inset - insulator_length])
cube([110, tape_thickness, tape_width]);
hull() {
translate([0, 0, + inset - insulator_length])
cylinder(r = hot_end_insulator_diameter(type) / 2 + 2 * tape_thickness, h = tape_overlap);
translate([0, -nozzle_x(heater), inset - length + cone_length + 1 + heater_height(heater) / 2 + eta])
cube([heater_width(heater) + 4 * tape_thickness,
heater_length(heater) + 4 * tape_thickness, heater_height(heater)], center = true);
// insulator
translate([0, 0, inset - insulator_length])
color(hot_end_insulator_colour(type)) render(convexity = 10)
difference() {
cylinder(r = hot_end_insulator_diameter(type) / 2, h = insulator_length);
cylinder(r = 3.2 / 2, h = insulator_length * 2 + 1, center = true);
translate([0, 0, insulator_length - hot_end_inset(type) - hot_end_groove(type) / 2])
tube(ir = hot_end_groove_dia(type) / 2, or = 17 / 2, h = hot_end_groove(type));
// nozzle
translate([0, 0, inset - length + cone_length])
color("gold") render(convexity = 10) union() {
cylinder(r = cone_start / 2, h = barrel_length - cone_length);
translate([0, 0, -cone_length + eta])
cylinder(r1 = cone_end / 2, r = cone_start / 2, h = cone_length);
// Zip tie and heatshrink
rotate([0, 0, 10]) {
scale([1, (bundle + hot_end_insulator_diameter(type)) / hot_end_insulator_diameter(type)])
translate([0, -bundle / 2, -7])
rotate([0, 0, -110])
ziptie(small_ziptie, hot_end_insulator_diameter(type) / 2);
translate([0, -hot_end_insulator_diameter(type) / 2 - bundle / 2, 20])
scale([0.7, bundle / 6.4])
difference() {
tubing(HSHRNK64, 60);
translate([0, 0, 20])
cube([10, 10, 60], center = true);
wire("Red PTFE", 16, 170);
wire("Red PTFE", 16, 170);
// heater block
rotate([0, 0, 90])
translate([-nozzle_x(heater), 0, inset - length + heater_height(heater) / 2 + cone_length + 1]) {
heater_block(heater, resistor, thermistor);
intersection() {
group() {
translate([resistor_x(heater), -exploded * 15, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
sleeved_resistor(resistor, PTFE20, bare = - 10, on_bom = false, exploded = exploded);
translate([-heater_length(heater) / 2 + resistor_length(thermistor) / 2 - exploded * 10, thermistor_y(heater), 0])
rotate([90, 0, -90])
sleeved_resistor(thermistor, PTFE07, on_bom = false, heatshrink = HSHRNK16, exploded = exploded);
cube(1, true); // hide the wires when not exploded