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synced 2025-01-17 12:58:16 +01:00
JHead now attached by three screws and washers. New extruder breakout PCB. Lots of instruction manual improvements from user feedback.
164 lines
5.6 KiB
164 lines
5.6 KiB
// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// D-connectors
DCONN9 = [30.81, [18, 16.92], 24.99, [9.26, 8.38], 12.55, 10.72, 6.693, 1.12, 9];
DCONN15 = [39.14, [26.25, 25.25], 33.32, [9.26, 8.38], 12.55, 10.72, 6.693, 1.12, 15];
DCONN25 = [53.04, [40, 38.96], 47.04, [9.26, 8.38], 12.55, 10.72, 6.693, 1.12, 25];
function d_flange_length(type) = type[0];
function d_hole_pitch(type) = type[2];
function d_flange_width(type) = type[4];
function d_flange_thickness(type) = type[7];
function d_mate_distance(type) = 8.5;
function d_pcb_offset(type) = type[5] - type[6] + 2;
function d_slot_length(type) = type[1][0] + 3; // slot to clear the back
module d_pillar(type) {
vitamin("DP0000: D-type connect pillar");
rad = 5.37 / 2;
height = 4.5;
screw = 2.5;
screw_length = 8;
color(d_pillar_color) render() translate([0,0, d_flange_thickness(type)]) difference() {
union() {
cylinder(r = rad, h = height, $fn = 6);
translate([0,0, - screw_length + eta])
cylinder(r = screw / 2, h = screw_length);
cylinder(r = screw / 2, h = height);
module d_plug(type, socket = false, pcb = false, idc = false) {
hole_r = 3.05 / 2;
dwall = 0.5;
flange_length = d_flange_length(type);
d_length = socket ? type[1][1] : type[1][0];
hole_pitch = d_hole_pitch(type);
d_width = socket ? type[3][1] : type[3][0];
flange_width = d_flange_width(type);
d_height = type[6];
back_height = type[5] - d_height;
pins = type[8];
vitamin(str("DTYPESI", pins, ": ", pins," way D IDC socket"));
vitamin(str("DTYPES", pins, ": ", pins," way D socket"));
vitamin(str("DTYPEPP", pins, ": ", pins," way D PCB mount plug"));
vitamin(str("DTYPEP", pins, ": ", pins," way D plug"));
module D(length, width, rad) {
d = width / 2 - rad;
offset = d * sin(10);
hull() {
translate([-length / 2 + rad - offset, width / 2 - rad])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
translate([-length / 2 + rad + offset, -width / 2 + rad])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
translate([length / 2 - rad + offset, width / 2 - rad])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
translate([length / 2 - rad - offset, -width / 2 + rad])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
// Shell
color(d_plug_shell_color) render() difference() {
union() {
rounded_rectangle([flange_length, flange_width, d_flange_thickness(type)], 2, center = false);
linear_extrude(height = d_height, convexity = 5)
difference() {
D(d_length, d_width, 2.5);
D(d_length - 2 * dwall, d_width - 2 * dwall, 2.5 - dwall);
linear_extrude(height = back_height, convexity = 5)
D(type[1][0] + 2 * dwall, type[3][0] + 2 * dwall, 2.5 + dwall);
for(end = [-1, 1])
translate([end * hole_pitch / 2, 0, 0])
cylinder(r = hole_r, h = 10, center = true);
// Insulator
color(d_plug_insulator_color) render() {
translate([0,0, d_flange_thickness(type) + eta])
rotate([0, 180, 0])
linear_extrude(height = back_height + 1 + d_flange_thickness(type), convexity = 5)
D(d_length - dwall, d_width - dwall, 2.5 - dwall/2);
linear_extrude(height = d_height - eta, convexity = 5)
difference() {
D(d_length - dwall, d_width - dwall, 2.5 - dwall/2);
for(i = [1 : pins])
translate([(i - (pins + 1) / 2) * 2.77 / 2, (i % 2 - 0.5) * 2.84, 0])
circle(r = 0.7);
if(idc) {
translate([0, 0, -2.4 / 2])
cube([((pins + 1) / 2) * 2.77 + 6, flange_width, 2.4], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -14.4 / 2])
cube([pins * 1.27 + 7.29, flange_width, 14.4], center = true);
// Pins
render() for(i = [1 : pins])
translate([(i - (pins + 1) / 2) * 2.77 / 2, (i % 2 - 0.5) * 2.84, 0]) {
union() {
translate([0,0, - 0.5])
cylinder(r = 0.5, h = d_height);
if(pcb) // pcb pin
rotate([180, 0, 0]) {
cylinder(r = 0.75 / 2, h = back_height + 1 + 4.5);
cylinder(r = 0.75, h = back_height + 1 + 1);
else // solder bucket
rotate([180, 0, 0])
difference() {
cylinder(r = 1, h = 8);
cylinder(r = 0.45, h = 9);
translate([0, (i % 2 - 0.5) * -4, 8])
rotate([45, 0, 0])
cube(3, center = true);
module d_socket(connector, pcb = false, idc = false) d_plug(connector, true, pcb = pcb, idc = idc);