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// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Bracket to mount 9 way D type to back of motor
include <conf/config.scad>
use <ribbon_clamp.scad>
wall = 2;
connector = DCONN15;
motor = extruder_motor(extruder);
screw_length = extruder_d_screw_length(extruder);
pcb = true;
idc = true;
thickness = 2.4;
lid_thickness = 2.4;
front_thickness = wall + No2_pilot_radius + washer_diameter(M2p5_washer) / 2 + 1;
slot_width = d_slot_length(connector);
slot_height = 11;
face_height = 13;
flange_clearance = 0.2;
flange_width = d_flange_length(connector) + 2 * flange_clearance;
flange_height = d_flange_width(connector) + flange_clearance;
flange_thickness = d_flange_thickness(connector) + flange_clearance;
overlap = 5; // how much it overlaps the side of the motor
length = overlap + thickness + (pcb && squeeze ? 14 : 20);
height = slot_height / 2 + face_height / 2 + thickness;
d_width = flange_width + 2 * wall;
nut_slot = nut_thickness(M3_nut) + 0.3;
lug_depth = nut_slot + 3 * wall;
lug_width = 2 * nut_flat_radius(M3_nut) + wall;
lug_height = thickness + slot_height / 2 + M3_nut_radius;
screw_x = length - wall - No2_pilot_radius;
screw_y = (d_width + slot_width) / 4;
pitch = d_width + 2 * nut_flat_radius(M3_nut) + eta;
cable_guide_width = 20;
cable_guide_thickness = 4;
cable_screw = M3_cap_screw;
shell_front = front_thickness;
shell_length = shell_front + 12 + ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw);
shell_screw_x = shell_length - wall - No2_pilot_radius;
pcb_width = 24.13;
pcb_length = 33.02;
pcb_offset = 3 * 1.27;
nut_x = length + flange_thickness + wall -lug_depth + wall;
function d_motor_bracket_offset() = NEMA_holes(motor)[0] + screw_head_radius(M3_cap_screw) + d_width / 2 + lug_width;
m_width = NEMA_width(motor) + 2 * thickness;
// Lid to retain connector and nuts
module d_motor_bracket_lid_stl(nuts = true) {
lid_width = front_thickness + flange_thickness + wall;
nut_cover_width = d_width + 2 * lug_width;
nut_cover_height = height + lid_thickness - lug_height - flange_clearance;
nut_cover_depth = lug_depth;
difference() {
union() {
if(nuts) {
translate([length - front_thickness + lid_width - nut_cover_depth / 2, 0, 0])
rounded_rectangle([nut_cover_depth, nut_cover_width, nut_cover_height], 2, center = false);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([screw_x, side * screw_y, 0])
cylinder(r = washer_diameter(M2p5_washer) / 2 + 2, h = lid_thickness);
translate([length - front_thickness + lid_width / 2, 0, 0])
rounded_rectangle([lid_width, d_width, lid_thickness], 2, center = false);
translate([length - nut_cover_depth, -d_width / 2 - flange_clearance, lid_thickness - eta])
cube([nut_cover_depth * 2, d_width + 2 * flange_clearance, 10]);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([screw_x, side * screw_y, 0])
rotate([0, 0, -side * 360 / 20])
poly_cylinder(r = No2_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
module d_shell_lid_stl() d_motor_bracket_lid_stl(nuts = false);
// Attaches to the motor
module d_motor_bracket_stl(motor_mount = true) {
offset = motor_mount ? (m_width - d_width) / 2 + d_motor_bracket_offset() : 0;
overlap = motor_mount ? overlap : 0;
mouth = pitch + 2 * M3_clearance_radius + layer_height / 2;
translate([0, -offset - d_width / 2, 0]) difference() {
union() {
linear_extrude(height = thickness, convexity = 5) // base
polygon(points = [ [0, 0],
[overlap + thickness, 0],
[overlap + thickness, offset + eta],
[length - eta, offset + eta],
[length - eta, offset + d_width],
[overlap, offset + d_width],
[overlap, m_width],
[0, m_width],
translate([overlap, 0, eta]) // motor wall
cube([thickness, d_width + offset, height]);
for(y = [0, m_width - thickness]) // buttresses
translate([overlap + eta, y, thickness - eta])
rotate([90, 0, 180])
right_triangle(width = overlap, height = height - thickness, h = thickness, center = false);
difference() {
union() {
// connector wall
translate([length - front_thickness, offset, eta])
cube([front_thickness + flange_thickness + wall, d_width, height]);
// nut lugs
translate([length + flange_thickness + wall - lug_depth / 2, offset + d_width / 2, 0])
rounded_rectangle([lug_depth, d_width + 2 * lug_width, lug_height], r = 2, center = false);
// d side walls
for(y = [0, d_width - thickness])
translate([overlap, y + offset, eta])
cube([length - overlap, thickness, height]);
translate([length, offset + (d_width - flange_width) / 2, thickness + slot_height / 2 - flange_height / 2])
cube([flange_thickness, flange_width, 20]); // slot for flange
translate([10, d_width / 2 - slot_width / 2 + offset, thickness + eta * 2]) //slot for connector body
cube([30, slot_width, 20]);
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([nut_x + nut_slot / 2, d_width / 2 - side * pitch / 2 + offset, thickness + slot_height / 2]) //connector screws
rotate([90, 0, 90]) {
nut_trap(0, M3_nut_radius, nut_slot / 2, true);
translate([0, 5, 0])
cube([nut_flat_radius(M3_nut) * 2, 10, nut_slot], center = true);
teardrop_plus(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
translate([screw_x, d_width / 2 - side * screw_y + offset, height + lid_thickness]) // lid screws holes
poly_cylinder(r = No2_pilot_radius, h = 12 * 2, center = true);
for(y = NEMA_holes(motor)) // motor screws
for(z = NEMA_holes(motor))
translate([overlap - 1, m_width / 2 + y, NEMA_width(motor) / 2 + thickness + z])
teardrop_plus(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = thickness + 2, center = false);
// Attaches connector to ribbon cable and plastic strip
function d_motor_connector_offset() = [
NEMA_width(motor) / 2 + thickness - cable_guide_thickness + ribbon_clamp_slot_depth(),
-NEMA_length(motor) + overlap - length - d_mate_distance(connector) - shell_length + ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw),
module d_shell_stl() {
mouth = pitch + 2 * screw_clearance_radius(cable_screw) + layer_height / 2;
rad = ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw) / 2;
clamp_pitch = ribbon_clamp_pitch(extruder_ways, cable_screw);
front = shell_front + flange_thickness + wall;
translate([0, - d_width / 2, 0]) union() {
difference() {
union() {
// screw lugs
translate([shell_length + flange_thickness + wall - front / 2, d_width / 2, 0])
rounded_rectangle([front, d_width + 2 * lug_width,
thickness + slot_height / 2 + washer_diameter(M3_washer) / 2 + 1], r = 2, center = false);
translate([shell_length + flange_thickness + wall - front / 2, d_width / 2, eta]) // connector wall
rounded_rectangle([front, d_width, height], r = 2, center = false);
linear_extrude(height = cable_guide_thickness, convexity = 5)
hull() {
for(side = [-1,1])
translate([rad, d_width / 2 + side * clamp_pitch / 2])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
translate([shell_length - shell_front, 0])
square([1, d_width]);
translate([shell_length,(d_width - flange_width) / 2, thickness + slot_height / 2 - flange_height / 2])
cube([flange_thickness, flange_width, 20]); // slot for flange
translate([rad * 2, d_width / 2 - slot_width / 2 , thickness - eta]) //slot for connector body
cube([30, slot_width, 20]);
translate([rad * 2, d_width / 2 - slot_width / 2 , thickness + slot_height / 2 - flange_height / 2])
cube([shell_length - rad * 2 + eta, slot_width, flange_height]); //slot for idc connector body
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([nut_x + nut_slot / 2, d_width / 2 - side * pitch / 2, thickness + slot_height / 2]) //connector screws
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop_plus(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
translate([shell_screw_x, d_width / 2 - side * screw_y, height + lid_thickness]) // lid screws holes
poly_cylinder(r = No2_pilot_radius, h = 12 * 2, center = true);
// cable slot
translate([ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw) / 2, d_width / 2, cable_guide_thickness - ribbon_clamp_slot_depth() + 5])
cube([ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw) + 1, ribbon_clamp_slot(extruder_ways), 10], center = true);
// clamp screw holes
translate([rad, d_width / 2, cable_guide_thickness / 2])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
ribbon_clamp_holes(extruder_ways, cable_screw)
poly_cylinder(r = screw_clearance_radius(cable_screw), h = 100, center = true);
module d_shell_assembly() {
translate([slot_height / 2, 0, shell_length])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
explode([0, -15, 0])
d_socket(connector, idc = idc);
translate([-thickness, 0, 0])
rotate([0, -90, 180]) {
color(d_shell_color) render() d_shell_stl();
translate([0, 0, height + lid_thickness])
explode([0, 0, 20])
translate([shell_length - length, 0, 0])
color(d_shell_lid_color) render() rotate([180, 0, 0]) d_shell_lid_stl();
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([shell_length - shell_front, side * pitch / 2, thickness + slot_height / 2]) //connector screws
rotate([90, 0, -90]) {
screw_and_washer(M3_cap_screw, 20);
translate([0, 0, -(shell_front + flange_thickness + wall) - 0.8])
explode([0, 0, -10])
O_ring(2.5, 1.6, 3);
translate([shell_screw_x, side * screw_y, height + lid_thickness])
explode([0, 0, 20])
screw_and_washer(No2_screw, 13);
translate([ribbon_clamp_width(M3_cap_screw) / 2, 0, cable_guide_thickness])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
ribbon_clamp_assembly(extruder_ways, cable_screw, 16, cable_guide_thickness, vertical = false, washer = true, nutty = true, slotted = false);
module d_motor_bracket_assembly(motor_mounted = true) {
offset = motor_mounted ? d_motor_bracket_offset() : 0;
translate(motor_mounted ? [-NEMA_width(motor) / 2 - thickness,
-NEMA_width(motor) / 2 - thickness + offset + m_width / 2,
-NEMA_length(motor) + overlap]
: [0, 0, 0]) {
rotate([0, 90, 0]) {
color(d_motor_bracket_color) render()
translate([0, 0, height + lid_thickness])
translate([length, 0, 0])
explode([0, 0, 40])
translate([-length, 0, 0])
color(d_motor_bracket_lid_color) render() rotate([180, 0, 0])
translate([slot_height / 2 + thickness, 0, -length])
rotate([180, 0, -90])
explode([0, -15, 0]) group() {
d_plug(connector, pcb = pcb);
if(pcb) {
translate([0, -pcb_length / 2 + pcb_offset, -d_pcb_offset(connector) - pcb_thickness / 2]) {
vitamin("PCB0000: Extruder connection PCB");
color("green") cube([pcb_width, pcb_length, pcb_thickness], center = true);
translate([2.5 * 1.27, -pcb_length / 2 + 8.89 - 2.54, pcb_thickness / 2])
translate([2.5 * 1.27, -pcb_length / 2 + 8.89 + 2.75 * 2.54, pcb_thickness / 2])
translate([-3.5 * 1.27, -pcb_length / 2 + 8.89 - 1.5 * 2.54, pcb_thickness / 2])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
translate([-3.5 * 1.27, -pcb_length / 2 + 8.89 + 2 * 2.54, pcb_thickness / 2])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([slot_height / 2 + thickness, pitch / 2 * side, -nut_x])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
translate([height + lid_thickness, side * screw_y, - screw_x])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
explode([0, 0, 40])
screw_and_washer(No2_screw, 13);
for(y = NEMA_holes(motor)) // motor screws
for(x = NEMA_holes(motor))
if(x < 0)
translate([x, y, -NEMA_length(motor) - thickness])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
screw_and_washer(M3_cap_screw, screw_length);
module d_motor_brackets_stl() {
translate([0, d_motor_bracket_offset() + m_width / 2, 0])
translate([12, d_motor_bracket_offset() + m_width / 2, 0])
translate([23, d_motor_bracket_offset() + m_width / 2, 0])
translate([-shell_length - flange_thickness - wall - 1, d_width / 2 + lug_width, 0])
translate([26, 4, 0])
ribbon_clamp_stl(extruder_ways, cable_screw, nutty = true, slotted = false);
module d_motor_extruder_brackets_stl() {
translate([0, d_motor_bracket_offset() + m_width / 2, 0])
translate([12, d_motor_bracket_offset() + m_width / 2, 0])
if(1) {
translate([-NEMA_width(motor) / 2,
-NEMA_length(motor) -length - d_mate_distance(connector) - shell_length + overlap + (exploded ? - 20 : 0)])