mirror of https://github.com/nophead/Mendel90.git synced 2025-01-17 04:48:15 +01:00
Chris Palmer e9b6ff5101 Z bar clamps made both the same.
Y bearing mounts made all the same and switch tab made smaller.
Manual updated to reflect those changes.
Mod to ATX short bracket to make bridges work.
Base of support structure on dust filter made thicker.
JHeadMK5 made default on sturdy and mendel variants.
Melzi and ATX PSU made default on strudt variant as well.
Fixed case error in use of ATX_PSU_brackets.
Fixed missing screw length for resistors on MDF.
2012-12-09 12:34:00 +00:00

241 lines
11 KiB

// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Rail supports
include <conf/config.scad>
include <positions.scad>
nut_trap_meat = 4; // how much plastic above the nut trap
wall = 3;
function bar_clamp_inner_rad(d) = d / 2;
function bar_clamp_outer_rad(d) = bar_clamp_inner_rad(d) + bar_clamp_band;
function bar_clamp_stem(d) = bar_clamp_inner_rad(d) + bar_clamp_outer_rad(d) + bar_clamp_tab - 2;
function bar_clamp_length(d) = bar_clamp_tab + bar_clamp_stem(d) + bar_clamp_tab;
function bar_rail_offset(d) = bar_clamp_tab + d / 2 + bar_clamp_band;
function bar_clamp_switch_y_offset() = 12;
function y_switch_x(w) = -w / 2 - bar_clamp_switch_y_offset();
function y_switch_y(d) = bar_clamp_inner_rad(d) + microswitch_thickness() / 2 + 2;
function y_switch_z(h) = h + microswitch_button_x_offset();
function bar_clamp_switch_x_offset() = y_switch_y(Y_bar_dia);
function bar_clamp_switch_z_offset() = microswitch_button_x_offset();
module bar_clamp_holes(d, yaxis) {
nut = yaxis ? base_nut : frame_nut;
nut_offset = (yaxis ? base_nut_traps : frame_nut_traps) ? -bar_clamp_tab / 2 + nut_radius(nut) + 0.5 : 0;
for(y = [bar_rail_offset(d) - bar_clamp_length(d) + 0.5 * bar_clamp_tab - nut_offset,
bar_rail_offset(d) - 0.5 * bar_clamp_tab + nut_offset])
translate([0, y, 0])
module bar_clamp(d, h, w, switch = false, yaxis = false) {
stl(str(yaxis ? "y_bar_clamp" : "z_bar_clamp", (switch && yaxis) ? "_switch" : ""));
nutty = yaxis ? base_nut_traps : frame_nut_traps;
mount_screw = yaxis ? base_screw : frame_screw;
nut_depth = nut_trap_depth(screw_nut(mount_screw));
gap = 1.5;
inner_rad = bar_clamp_inner_rad(d);
outer_rad = bar_clamp_outer_rad(d);
stem = bar_clamp_stem(d);
length = bar_clamp_length(d);
rail_offset = bar_rail_offset(d);
cavity_l = stem - 2 * wall;
cavity_h = h - nut_trap_meat - nut_trap_depth;
cavity_w = w - 2 * wall;
sbracket_length = -y_switch_x(w) + 4;
sbracket_thickness = 7;
sbracket_height = microswitch_length();
tab_height = part_base_thickness + (nutty ? nut_depth : 0);
color(clamp_color) {
translate([0, rail_offset, 0]) {
union() {
difference() {
translate([0,-length/2,0]) rotate([90,0,90]) linear_extrude(height = w, center = true, convexity = 6) {
difference() {
union() {
translate([0, tab_height / 2, 0])
square([length, tab_height], center = true); // base
translate([0, h / 2, 0])
square([stem, h], center = true); // stem
translate([(stem/2 - outer_rad), h, 0])
circle(r = outer_rad, center = true); // band
translate([-stem/2 ,h,0])
square([stem - outer_rad, outer_rad]); // band tab
translate([(stem/2 - outer_rad), h, 0])
poly_circle(r = inner_rad, center = true); // bore
translate([-rail_offset, h, 0])
square([stem, gap]); // gap
// plastic saving cavity
translate([0, -cavity_l / 2 - bar_clamp_tab - wall, cavity_h / 2 - eta])
cube([cavity_w, cavity_l, cavity_h], center = true);
// nut trap
translate([0,-length + 1.5 * bar_clamp_tab,0])
nut_trap(screw_clearance_radius, nut_radius, h - nut_trap_meat, horizontal = true);
// mounting holes
translate([0, -rail_offset, tab_height])
bar_clamp_holes(d, yaxis)
nut_trap(screw_clearance_radius(mount_screw), nut_radius(screw_nut(mount_screw)), nut_depth, true);
tearslot( h = 100, r = screw_clearance_radius(frame_screw), center = true, w = 2); // mounting screw
translate([-w / 2 - axis_end_clearance,
outer_rad + microswitch_thickness() / 2 - rail_offset,
h - outer_rad + microswitch_first_hole_x_offset()])
rotate([0, 90, 90])
*translate([0,-50,-1]) cube([100,100,100]); // cross section for debug
if(switch && yaxis) { // switch bracket
difference() {
union() {
translate([w / 2 -sbracket_length,
y_switch_y(d) + microswitch_thickness() / 2 - rail_offset,
y_switch_z(h) - microswitch_button_x_offset() - microswitch_length() / 2])
cube([sbracket_length, sbracket_thickness, sbracket_height]);
translate([w / 2 - eta - sbracket_thickness,
y_switch_y(d) - microswitch_thickness() / 2 - rail_offset +0.5,
y_switch_z(h) - microswitch_button_x_offset() - microswitch_length() / 2])
y_switch_y(d) - outer_rad + microswitch_thickness() / 2 + 1,
h - (y_switch_z(h) - microswitch_button_x_offset() - microswitch_length() / 2)]);
translate([y_switch_x(w), y_switch_y(d) - rail_offset, y_switch_z(h)])
mirror([0,1,0]) rotate([0, 90, 90])
translate([0, - 0.5 * bar_clamp_tab - 0.5,0]) // screwdriver access
teardrop(h = 100, r = 3, center = true, truncate = false);
module bar_clamp_assembly(d, h, w, switch = false, yaxis = true) {
inner_rad = bar_clamp_inner_rad(d);
outer_rad = bar_clamp_outer_rad(d);
length = bar_clamp_length(d);
rail_offset = bar_rail_offset(d);
color(clamp_color) render() bar_clamp(d, h, w, switch, yaxis);
// screw and washer for clamp
translate([0, rail_offset - length + 1.5 * bar_clamp_tab, h + inner_rad + bar_clamp_band])
screw_and_washer(cap_screw, screw_longer_than(outer_rad + nut_trap_meat + washer_thickness(washer) + nut_thickness(nut, true)));
// Captive nut
translate([0, rail_offset - length + 1.5 * bar_clamp_tab, h - nut_trap_meat])
rotate([180, 0, 90])
nut(nut, true);
// mounting screws and washers
bar_clamp_holes(d, yaxis)
translate([0, 0, part_base_thickness])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
// limit switch
translate([y_switch_x(w), y_switch_y(d), y_switch_z(h)])
mirror([0,1,0]) rotate([0, 90, 90]) {
screw_and_washer(No2_screw, 13);
translate([-w / 2 - limit_switch_offset,
outer_rad + microswitch_thickness() / 2,
h - outer_rad + microswitch_first_hole_x_offset()])
rotate([0, 90, 90]) {
screw_and_washer(No2_screw, 13);
module y_bar_clamp_assembly(d, h, w, switch = false) {
bar_clamp_assembly(d, h, w, switch, yaxis = true);
module z_bar_clamp_assembly(d, h, w, switch = false) {
bar_clamp_assembly(d, h, w, switch, yaxis = false);
//bar_clamp(Z_bar_dia, gantry_setback, bar_clamp_depth, true);
module y_bar_clamp_stl() translate([0,0,bar_clamp_depth/2]) rotate([0,90,0]) bar_clamp(Y_bar_dia, Y_bar_height, bar_clamp_depth, false, true);
module y_bar_clamp_switch_stl() translate([0,0,bar_clamp_depth/2]) rotate([0,90,0]) bar_clamp(Y_bar_dia, Y_bar_height, bar_clamp_depth, true, true);
module z_bar_clamp_stl() translate([0,0,bar_clamp_depth/2]) rotate([0,90,0]) bar_clamp(Z_bar_dia, gantry_setback, bar_clamp_depth, false, false);
module z_bar_clamp_switch_stl() translate([0,0,bar_clamp_depth/2]) rotate([0,90,0]) bar_clamp(Z_bar_dia, gantry_setback, bar_clamp_depth, true, false);
module bar_clamps_stl() {
y2 = bar_clamp_length(Z_bar_dia) - bar_clamp_tab + 2;
y3 = y2 + bar_clamp_length(Y_bar_dia) - bar_clamp_tab + 2;
rotate([0, 0, 180]) z_bar_clamp_switch_stl();
translate([2, -2 * bar_rail_offset(Z_bar_dia) + bar_clamp_length(Z_bar_dia), 0]) z_bar_clamp_stl();
translate([-10, y2, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) y_bar_clamp_switch_stl();
translate([12, y2 -2 * bar_rail_offset(Y_bar_dia) + bar_clamp_length(Y_bar_dia), 0]) y_bar_clamp_stl();
translate([0, y3, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) y_bar_clamp_stl();
translate([2, y3 -2 * bar_rail_offset(Y_bar_dia) + bar_clamp_length(Y_bar_dia), 0]) y_bar_clamp_stl();
else {
z_bar_clamp_assembly(Z_bar_dia, gantry_setback, bar_clamp_depth, true);
//bar_clamp(Z_bar_dia, gantry_setback, bar_clamp_depth, true, false);
//translate([30, 0, 0]) y_bar_clamp_assembly(Y_bar_dia, Y_bar_height, bar_clamp_depth, true);
//translate([30, 0, 0]) bar_clamp(Y_bar_dia, Y_bar_height, bar_clamp_depth, true, true);