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// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Not actually a part of Mendel90. This allows the Mendle90 x-axis to be used on a Prusa
include <conf/config.scad>
use <z-coupling.scad>
corner_rad = 5;
clamp_rad = 0;
end_wall = 2;
thickness = 4;
length = ceil(NEMA_width(Z_motor));
height = 2 * thickness + X_bar_dia;
bar_y = 58.5 / 2;
width = 2 * bar_y;
big_hole = NEMA_big_hole(Z_motor);
clamp_height = 12;
clamp_thickness = bar_clamp_band;
clamp_screw_clearance = 2;
clamp_length = Z_bar_dia / 2 + bar_clamp_tab - 2 + clamp_rad;
gap = 1.5;
clamp_width = Z_bar_dia + 2 * clamp_thickness;
clamp_x = z_bar_offset() + clamp_length - bar_clamp_tab / 2;
function z_bar_offset() = round(NEMA_width(Z_motor)) / 2;
module z_motor_bracket_stl() {
difference() {
union() {
// main body
difference() {
translate([0, 0, clamp_height / 2])
cube([length, width, clamp_height], center = true);
translate([0, 0, clamp_height / 2 + thickness])
cube([length - 2 * end_wall, width, clamp_height], center = true);
// Bar holders
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([0, bar_y * side, height / 2]) {
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop(r = height / 2, h = length, center = true);
rotate([-90, 0, 90])
teardrop(r = height / 2, h = length, center = true);
// bar clamp
translate([z_bar_offset() + clamp_length / 2 - eta, 0, clamp_height / 2 + eta])
cube([clamp_length, clamp_width, clamp_height], center = true);
translate([z_bar_offset(), 0, clamp_height / 2 + eta])
cylinder(h = clamp_height, r = Z_bar_dia/2 + clamp_thickness, center = true);
// Holes for bars
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([0, bar_y * side, height / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop(r = M8_clearance_radius, h = length + 1, center = true, truncate = true);
// motor holes
poly_cylinder(r = big_hole, h = thickness * 2 + 1, center = true); // hole for stepper locating boss
for(x = NEMA_holes(Z_motor)) // motor screw holes
for(y = NEMA_holes(Z_motor))
poly_cylinder(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 2 * thickness + 1, center = true);
// bar clamp
translate([z_bar_offset() + clamp_length / 2, 0, 0]) // clamp slot
cube([clamp_length, gap, clamp_height * 2 + 1], center = true);
translate([clamp_x, Z_bar_dia / 2 + clamp_thickness, clamp_height / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
nut_trap(screw_clearance_radius, nut_radius, nut_trap_depth, horizontal = true); // clamp screw
translate([z_bar_offset(), 0, 0])
poly_cylinder(r = Z_bar_dia / 2, h = clamp_height * 2 + 1, center = true); // hole for z rod
module z_motor_assembly() {
color([0,1,0]) render() z_motor_bracket_stl();
// Clamp screw and washer
translate([clamp_x, -clamp_width / 2, clamp_height / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
screw_and_washer(cap_screw, 16);
// Clamp nyloc
translate([clamp_x, clamp_width / 2 - nut_trap_depth, clamp_height / 2])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
nut(nut, true);
// Motor and screws
translate([0,0, thickness])
// The coupling assembly
translate([0, 0, NEMA_shaft_length(Z_motor) + 1])