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synced 2025-02-06 06:28:28 +01:00
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// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Couples the leadscrews to the motor
include <conf/config.scad>
actual_dia = [ undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 4.82, 5.65, undef, 7.8]; // measured, doesn't match standard thread data
studding_dia = actual_dia[Z_screw_dia];
shaft_dia = 7.75; // includes tubing
squeeze_shaft = 0.5; // how much holes undersized
holeR = M3_clearance_radius;
nutR = M3_nut_radius;
nutH = M3_nut_trap_depth;
wall = 2;
gap = 2;
holeX = 7.5;
holeY2 = studding_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius;
holeY1 = shaft_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius;
nut_flat_radius = M3_nut_radius * cos(30);
width = 2 * (max(holeY2, holeY1) + nut_flat_radius + wall);
length = 22 + 2 * thick_wall;
tubing_length = (length - gap) / 2 + 2;
function z_coupling_length() = length;
function z_coupling_gap() = gap;
depth = squeeze ? 7 : 8;
centre_line = depth / 2;
rad = M3_nut_radius + wall;
module z_coupling_stl(){
translate([0, 0, depth / 2]) union() {
linear_extrude(height = depth, center = true)
hull() {
[ length / 2, shaft_dia / 2 + 1],
[ length / 2, -shaft_dia / 2 - 1],
[-length / 2, -studding_dia / 2 - 1],
[-length / 2, studding_dia / 2 + 1]
translate([holeX, holeY1])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
translate([holeX, -holeY1])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
translate([-holeX, holeY2])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
translate([-holeX, -holeY2])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
//nut holes
translate([ holeX, -holeY1, - depth / 2]) rotate([0,0, 30]) cylinder(h = nutH * 2, r=nutR, $fn=6, center=true);
translate([-holeX, holeY2, - depth / 2]) rotate([0,0,-30]) cylinder(h = nutH * 2, r=nutR, $fn=6, center=true);
//shaft groves
translate([-gap / 2, 0, centre_line]) rotate([0,-90,0]) cylinder(h = length, r = (studding_dia - squeeze_shaft) / 2);
translate([ gap / 2, 0, centre_line]) rotate([0, 90,0]) cylinder(h = length, r = (shaft_dia - squeeze_shaft) / 2);
//screw holes
for(y = [-1, 1]) {
translate([ holeX, y * holeY1, -10]) rotate([0,0, y * 360/28]) poly_cylinder(h = 20, r=holeR);
translate([-holeX, y * holeY2, -10]) rotate([0,0, y * 360/28]) poly_cylinder(h = 20, r=holeR);
//slots to prevent screw holes beading into the shaft holes
translate([holeX, 0, centre_line])
cube([2 * holeR, 2 * holeY1, shaft_dia], center = true);
translate([-holeX, 0, centre_line])
cube([2 * holeR, 2 * holeY2, studding_dia], center = true);
// bridge
translate([ holeX, -holeY1, nutH - depth / 2]) cylinder(h = 0.4, r=nutR+0.1, center=true);
translate([-holeX, holeY2, nutH - depth / 2]) cylinder(h = 0.4, r=nutR+0.1, center=true);
module z_coupler_assembly() {
screw_length = screw_longer_than(depth * 2 + washer_thickness(M3_washer) - nutH + nut_thickness(M3_nut, true));
for(side = [-1, 1])
explode([10 * side, 0, 0])
translate([(centre_line + 0.05) * side, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 90 * side + 90]) {
color(z_coupling_color) render() translate([0, 0, -depth/2]) z_coupling_stl();
for(pos = [[holeX, holeY1], [-holeX, -holeY2]])
translate([pos[0], pos[1], -depth/2])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
screw_and_washer(M3_cap_screw, screw_length);
for(pos = [[holeX, -holeY1], [-holeX, holeY2]])
translate([pos[0], pos[1], -depth/2 + nutH])
rotate([180, 0, 30])
nut(M3_nut, true);
translate([0, 0, -tubing_length / 2 - gap / 2])
tubing(NEOP85, tubing_length, NEMA_shaft_dia(Z_motor));