mirror of https://github.com/nophead/Mendel90.git synced 2025-01-17 12:58:16 +01:00
Chris Palmer 9345a5b85a Added rounded corners to some parts to make them easier to print.
Filled some gaps in the X ends to make them faster to print.
D motor bracket lid now one piece again, as PCB now clears it.
Calibration object now includes horizontal nut traps.
Add c14n_stl.py to canonicalise the STL files.
Corrected PLA sample diameter.
Removed feed tube connector, works fine without it.
Removed tube jig as not required in the kit.
Manual updated with new part renders.
2013-03-24 18:48:03 +00:00

382 lines
16 KiB

// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Bracket to mount 9 way D type to back of motor
include <conf/config.scad>
use <ribbon_clamp.scad>
connector = DCONN15;
pcb = true;
idc = true;
thickness = 2.4;
lid_thickness = 2.4;
wall = 2;
front_thickness = wall + No2_pilot_radius + washer_diameter(M2p5_washer) / 2 + 1;
slot_width = d_slot_length(connector);
slot_height = 11;
face_height = 13;
flange_clearance = 0.2;
flange_width = d_flange_length(connector) + 2 * flange_clearance;
flange_height = d_flange_width(connector) + flange_clearance;
flange_thickness = d_flange_thickness(connector) + flange_clearance;
overlap = 5; // how much it overlaps the side of the motor
//length = overlap + thickness + (pcb ? 14 : 20);
length = overlap + thickness + 20;
height = slot_height / 2 + face_height / 2 + thickness;
d_width = flange_width + 2 * wall;
nut_slot = nut_thickness(M3_nut) + 0.3;
lug_depth = nut_slot + 3 * wall;
lug_width = 2 * nut_flat_radius(M3_nut) + wall;
lug_height = thickness + slot_height / 2 + M3_nut_radius;
screw_x = length - wall - No2_pilot_radius;
screw_y = (d_width + slot_width) / 4;
pitch = d_width + 2 * nut_flat_radius(M3_nut);
cable_guide_width = 20;
cable_guide_thickness = 4;
cable_screw = M3_cap_screw;
shell_front = front_thickness;
shell_length = shell_front + 12 + ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw);
shell_screw_x = shell_length - wall - No2_pilot_radius;
pcb_width = 24.13;
pcb_length = 33.02;
pcb_offset = 3 * 1.27;
nut_x = length + flange_thickness + wall -lug_depth + wall;
function d_motor_bracket_offset(motor) = NEMA_holes(motor)[0] + screw_head_radius(M3_cap_screw) + d_width / 2 + lug_width;
// Lid to retain connector and nuts
module d_motor_bracket_lid_stl(motor = NEMA17, nuts = true) {
lid_width = front_thickness + flange_thickness + wall;
nut_cover_width = d_width + 2 * lug_width;
nut_cover_height = height + lid_thickness - lug_height - flange_clearance;
nut_cover_depth = lug_depth;
difference() {
union() {
if(nuts) {
translate([length - front_thickness + lid_width - nut_cover_depth / 2, 0, 0])
rounded_rectangle([nut_cover_depth, nut_cover_width, nut_cover_height], 2, center = false);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([screw_x, side * screw_y, 0])
cylinder(r = washer_diameter(M2p5_washer) / 2 + 2, h = lid_thickness);
translate([length - front_thickness + lid_width / 2, 0, 0])
rounded_rectangle([lid_width, d_width, lid_thickness], 2, center = false);
translate([length - nut_cover_depth, -d_width / 2 - flange_clearance, lid_thickness - eta])
cube([nut_cover_depth * 2, d_width + 2 * flange_clearance, 10]);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([screw_x, side * screw_y, 0])
rotate([0, 0, -side * 360 / 20])
poly_cylinder(r = No2_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
module d_shell_lid_stl() d_motor_bracket_lid_stl(motor = NEMA17, nuts = false);
// Attaches to the motor
module d_motor_bracket_stl(motor = NEMA17) {
m_width = NEMA_width(motor) + 2 * thickness;
offset = d_motor_bracket_offset(motor) + (m_width - d_width) / 2;
mouth = pitch + 2 * M3_clearance_radius + layer_height / 2;
difference() {
union() {
linear_extrude(height = thickness, convexity = 5) // base
polygon(points = [ [0, 0],
[overlap, 0],
[overlap, offset],
[length - eta, offset],
[length - eta, offset + d_width],
[overlap, offset + d_width],
[overlap, m_width],
[0, m_width],
translate([overlap , 0, eta]) // motor wall
cube([thickness, d_width + offset, height]);
for(y = [0, m_width - thickness]) // buttresses
translate([overlap + eta, y, thickness - eta])
rotate([90, 0, 180])
right_triangle(width = overlap, height = height - thickness, h = thickness, center = false);
difference() {
union() {
// connector wall
translate([length - front_thickness, offset, eta])
cube([front_thickness + flange_thickness + wall, d_width, height]);
// nut lugs
translate([length + flange_thickness + wall - lug_depth / 2, offset + d_width / 2, eta])
rounded_rectangle([lug_depth, d_width + 2 * lug_width, lug_height], r = 2, center = false);
// d side walls
for(y = [0, d_width - thickness])
translate([overlap, y + offset, eta])
cube([length - overlap, thickness, height]);
translate([length, offset + (d_width - flange_width) / 2, thickness + slot_height / 2 - flange_height / 2])
cube([flange_thickness, flange_width, 20]); // slot for flange
translate([10, d_width / 2 - slot_width / 2 + offset, thickness + eta * 2]) //slot for connector body
cube([30, slot_width, 20]);
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([nut_x + nut_slot / 2, d_width / 2 - side * pitch / 2 + offset, thickness + slot_height / 2]) //connector screws
rotate([90, 0, 90]) {
nut_trap(1, M3_nut_radius, nut_slot / 2, true);
translate([0, 5, 0])
cube([nut_flat_radius(M3_nut) * 2, 10, nut_slot], center = true);
teardrop_plus(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
translate([screw_x, d_width / 2 - side * screw_y + offset, height + lid_thickness]) // lid screws holes
poly_cylinder(r = No2_pilot_radius, h = 12 * 2, center = true);
for(y = NEMA_holes(motor)) // motor screws
for(z = NEMA_holes(motor))
translate([overlap - 1, m_width / 2 + y, NEMA_width(motor) / 2 + thickness + z])
teardrop_plus(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = thickness + 2, center = false);
// Attaches connector to ribbon cable and plastic strip
function d_motor_connector_offset(motor) = [
NEMA_width(motor) / 2 + thickness - cable_guide_thickness + ribbon_clamp_slot_depth(),
-NEMA_length(motor) + overlap - length - d_mate_distance(connector) - shell_length + ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw),
module d_shell_stl() {
mouth = pitch + 2 * screw_clearance_radius(cable_screw) + layer_height / 2;
rad = ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw) / 2;
clamp_pitch = ribbon_clamp_pitch(extruder_ways, cable_screw);
front = shell_front + flange_thickness + wall;
union() {
difference() {
union() {
// screw lugs
translate([shell_length + flange_thickness + wall - front / 2, d_width / 2, eta])
rounded_rectangle([front, d_width + 2 * lug_width,
thickness + slot_height / 2 + washer_diameter(M3_washer) / 2 + 1], r = 2, center = false);
translate([shell_length + flange_thickness + wall - front / 2, d_width / 2, eta]) // connector wall
rounded_rectangle([front, d_width, height], r = 2, center = false);
linear_extrude(height = cable_guide_thickness, convexity = 5)
hull() {
for(side = [-1,1])
translate([rad, d_width / 2 + side * clamp_pitch / 2])
circle(r = rad, center = true);
translate([shell_length - shell_front, 0])
square([1, d_width]);
translate([shell_length,(d_width - flange_width) / 2, thickness + slot_height / 2 - flange_height / 2])
cube([flange_thickness, flange_width, 20]); // slot for flange
translate([rad * 2, d_width / 2 - slot_width / 2 , thickness - eta]) //slot for connector body
cube([30, slot_width, 20]);
translate([rad * 2, d_width / 2 - slot_width / 2 , thickness + slot_height / 2 - flange_height / 2])
cube([shell_length - rad * 2 + eta, slot_width, flange_height]); //slot for idc connector body
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([nut_x + nut_slot / 2, d_width / 2 - side * pitch / 2, thickness + slot_height / 2]) //connector screws
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop_plus(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
translate([shell_screw_x, d_width / 2 - side * screw_y, height + lid_thickness]) // lid screws holes
poly_cylinder(r = No2_pilot_radius, h = 12 * 2, center = true);
// cable slot
translate([ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw) / 2, d_width / 2, cable_guide_thickness - ribbon_clamp_slot_depth() + 5])
cube([ribbon_clamp_width(cable_screw) + 1, ribbon_clamp_slot(extruder_ways), 10], center = true);
// clamp screw holes
translate([rad, d_width / 2, cable_guide_thickness / 2])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
ribbon_clamp_holes(extruder_ways, cable_screw)
poly_cylinder(r = screw_clearance_radius(cable_screw), h = 100, center = true);
module d_shell_assembly(motor) {
translate([slot_height / 2, 0, shell_length])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
explode([0, -15, 0])
d_socket(connector, idc = idc);
translate([-thickness, d_width / 2, 0])
rotate([0, -90, 180]) {
color(d_shell_color) render() d_shell_stl();
translate([0, d_width / 2, height + lid_thickness])
explode([0, 0, 20])
translate([shell_length - length, 0, 0])
color(d_shell_lid_color) render() rotate([180, 0, 0]) d_shell_lid_stl(motor);
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([shell_length - shell_front, d_width / 2 - side * pitch / 2, thickness + slot_height / 2]) //connector screws
rotate([90, 0, -90]) {
screw_and_washer(M3_cap_screw, 20);
translate([0, 0, -(shell_front + flange_thickness + wall) - 0.8])
explode([0, 0, -10])
O_ring(2.5, 1.6, 3);
translate([shell_screw_x, d_width / 2 - side * screw_y, height + lid_thickness])
explode([0, 0, 20])
screw_and_washer(No2_screw, 13);
translate([ribbon_clamp_width(M3_cap_screw) / 2, d_width / 2, cable_guide_thickness])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
ribbon_clamp_assembly(extruder_ways, cable_screw, 16, cable_guide_thickness, vertical = false, washer = true, nutty = true, slotted = false);
module d_motor_bracket_assembly(motor) {
rotate([0, 90, 0])
translate([NEMA_length(NEMA17) - overlap, -NEMA_width(NEMA17) / 2 - thickness, -NEMA_width(NEMA17) / 2 - thickness]) {
color(d_motor_bracket_color) render() d_motor_bracket_stl(NEMA17);
translate([0, NEMA_width(NEMA17) / 2 + d_motor_bracket_offset(NEMA17) + thickness, height + lid_thickness])
translate([length, 0, 0])
explode([0, 0, 40])
translate([-length, 0, 0])
color(d_motor_bracket_lid_color) render() rotate([180, 0, 0]) d_motor_bracket_lid_stl(motor);
translate([-NEMA_width(motor) / 2 + slot_height / 2, d_motor_bracket_offset(motor), -NEMA_length(motor) + overlap]) {
translate([0, 0, -length])
rotate([180, 0, -90])
explode([0, -15, 0]) group() {
d_plug(connector, pcb = pcb);
if(pcb) {
translate([0, -pcb_length / 2 + pcb_offset, -d_pcb_offset(connector) - pcb_thickness / 2]) {
vitamin("PCB0000: Extruder connection PCB");
color("green") cube([pcb_width, pcb_length, pcb_thickness], center = true);
translate([2.5 * 1.27, -pcb_length / 2 + 8.89 - 2.54, pcb_thickness / 2])
translate([2.5 * 1.27, -pcb_length / 2 + 8.89 + 2.75 * 2.54, pcb_thickness / 2])
translate([-3.5 * 1.27, -pcb_length / 2 + 8.89 - 1.5 * 2.54, pcb_thickness / 2])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
translate([-3.5 * 1.27, -pcb_length / 2 + 8.89 + 2 * 2.54, pcb_thickness / 2])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([0, pitch / 2 * side, -nut_x])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
translate([height - slot_height / 2 - thickness + lid_thickness, side * screw_y, - screw_x])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
explode([0, 0, 40])
screw_and_washer(No2_screw, 13);
for(y = NEMA_holes(motor)) // motor screws
for(x = NEMA_holes(motor))
if(x < 0)
translate([x, y, -NEMA_length(motor) - thickness])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
screw_and_washer(M3_cap_screw, 45);
module d_motor_brackets_stl() {
translate([12, 40, 0])
translate([23, 40, 0])
translate([-33, 8, 0])
translate([26, 5, 0]) {
ribbon_clamp_stl(extruder_ways, cable_screw, nutty = true, slotted = false);
ribbon_clamp_support(extruder_ways, cable_screw);
if(01) {
translate([-NEMA_width(NEMA17) / 2,
-NEMA_length(NEMA17) -length - d_mate_distance(connector) - shell_length + overlap + (exploded ? - 20 : 0)])