mirror of https://github.com/nophead/Mendel90.git synced 2025-03-11 06:09:52 +01:00
Chris Palmer ef0406dc29 Fixed some assembly views so they work for Huxley.
Idler lever added to Huxley extruder.
Extruders now virtual.
views.py now allows camera to be specified using $vpt, $vpr and $vpd.
make_machine.py now does the accessories as well.
2016-01-13 10:11:55 +00:00

668 lines
29 KiB

// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Ends of the X axis
include <conf/config.scad>
use <x-carriage.scad>
use <pulley.scad>
use <ribbon_clamp.scad>
bwall = 2.3;
bearing_dia = Z_bearings[1];
bearing_width = bearing_dia + 2 * bwall;
bearing_depth = bearing_width / 2 + 1;
bearing_length = Z_bearings[0];
shelf_thickness = 2;
shelf_clearance = 0.5;
bearing_height = max( min(65, 2.8 * bearing_length), 2 * (bearing_length + shelf_clearance) + 3 * shelf_thickness);
shelves = [ shelf_thickness / 2,
shelf_thickness + bearing_length + shelf_clearance + shelf_thickness / 2,
bearing_height - shelf_thickness / 2,
bearing_height - (shelf_thickness + bearing_length + shelf_clearance + shelf_thickness / 2) ];
module z_linear_bearings(motor_end) {
rod_dia = Z_bearings[2];
opening = bearing_dia / 7;
shelf_depth = bearing_depth - (rod_dia / 2 + 1);
union() {
//main vertical block
translate([-bearing_depth / 2, 0, bearing_height / 2])
cube([bearing_depth, bearing_width, bearing_height], center = true);
cylinder(h = bearing_height, r = bearing_width / 2);
//hole for bearings
translate([0, 0, -1])
cylinder(h = bearing_height + 2, r = bearing_dia / 2);
//entry cut out
translate([10 * sqrt(2) - opening, 0, bearing_height / 2])
rotate([0, 0, 45])
cube([20, 20, bearing_height + 1], center = true);
// shelves
for(y = shelves)
translate([-bearing_depth + shelf_depth / 2 + eta, 0, y])
cube([shelf_depth, bearing_width, shelf_thickness], center = true);
wall = thick_wall; // 4mm on Mendel and Sturdy, 3mm on Huxley
web = 3;
corner_rad = 3;
clamp_wall = 0.5 + washer_diameter(M3_washer) / 2 + M3_clearance_radius;
width = x_bar_spacing() + X_bar_dia + 2 * clamp_wall;
back = -ceil(z_bar_offset() + Z_nut_radius + wall);
front = -(Z_bar_dia / 2 + 1);
length = front - back;
thickness = X_bar_dia + 2 * wall;
clamp_hole_inset = clamp_wall;
clamp_height = thickness / 2 - 0.4;
clamp_width = X_bar_dia + 2 * clamp_wall;
nut_flat_radius = nut_radius * cos(30);
bar_y = x_bar_spacing() / 2;
belt_edge = -x_carriage_width() / 2 - X_carriage_clearance;
function x_belt_offset() = belt_edge - belt_width(X_belt) / 2;
idler_stack = 2 * ball_bearing_width(BB624) + 2 * (washer_thickness(M4_washer) + washer_thickness(M5_penny_washer));
idler_front = min(belt_edge - belt_width(X_belt) / 2 + idler_stack / 2, -bar_y - X_bar_dia / 2 - clamp_wall);
idler_screw_length = 45;
idler_depth = idler_screw_length - idler_stack - 1;
idler_back = idler_front + idler_depth;
idler_min_offset = max(M4_nut_radius + 0.5, 4 / 2 + wall);
idler_max_offset = M4_nut_radius + wall;
idler_width = ceil((squeeze ? idler_min_offset : idler_max_offset) + M4_nut_radius + wall);
idler_offset = squeeze ? idler_min_offset : idler_width / 2;
motor_washers = X_motor == NEMA14 ? 5 : 3;
mbracket_thickness = 4;
motor_angle = 45;
motor_w = ceil(min(max(sin(motor_angle) + cos(motor_angle)) * NEMA_width(X_motor), NEMA_radius(X_motor) * 2) + 1);
mbracket_width = motor_w + 2 * mbracket_thickness;
mbracket_height = thickness / 2 + NEMA_radius(X_motor) + mbracket_thickness + 0.5;
mbracket_front = belt_edge + 14;
mbracket_depth = NEMA_length(X_motor) + motor_washers * washer_thickness(M3_washer) + 2 * mbracket_thickness;
mbracket_centre = mbracket_front + mbracket_depth / 2 - mbracket_thickness;
nut_shelf = bearing_height -thickness / 2 - wall - nut_trap_depth(Z_nut);
switch_op_x = Z_bearings[1] / 2 + 3; // switch operates 2mm before carriage hits the bearing
switch_op_z = x_carriage_offset() - 2; // hit the edge of the carriage
sbracket_top = switch_op_z + 12;
sbracket_height = sbracket_top + thickness / 2;
sbracket_depth = switch_op_x - 3 - front;
sbracket_thickness = bar_y - bearing_width / 2 - (squeeze ? 0 : (X_bar_dia / 2) * sin(45) + 1.5) - microswitch_thickness();
sbracket_y = -bearing_width / 2 - 1 - sbracket_thickness / 2;
function x_motor_offset() = back - mbracket_thickness - motor_w / 2;
function x_motor_overhang() = back - mbracket_width + (squeeze ? mbracket_thickness : 0);
function x_idler_offset() = back - idler_offset;
function x_idler_overhang() = x_idler_offset() - washer_diameter(M5_penny_washer) / 2;
function x_end_bar_length() = -back;
function x_end_height() = bearing_height - thickness / 2;
function x_end_thickness() = thickness;
function x_motor_height() = mbracket_height - thickness / 2;
function x_end_clearance() = switch_op_x;
function x_end_z_nut_z() = nut_shelf;
function x_end_length() = length;
ribbon_screw = M3_cap_screw;
ribbon_nut = screw_nut(ribbon_screw);
ribbon_nut_trap_depth = nut_trap_depth(ribbon_nut);
ribbon_pillar_thickness = wall + ribbon_nut_trap_depth;
ribbon_pillar_depth = ribbon_pillar_thickness;
ribbon_pillar_width = nut_radius(ribbon_nut) * 2 + 2 * web + 0.5;
ribbon_pillar_height = ribbon_clamp_length(extruder_ways, ribbon_screw);
ribbon_clamp_x = back - mbracket_thickness + eta;
ribbon_clamp_y = -bearing_width / 2 - ribbon_pillar_width / 2 + web - eta;
ribbon_clamp_z = max(mbracket_height + ribbon_pillar_height / 2 - thickness / 2,
bearing_height - ribbon_clamp_length(extruder_ways, ribbon_screw) / 2 - thickness / 2);
ribbon_pillar_top = ribbon_clamp_z + ribbon_pillar_height / 2;
function x_end_ribbon_clamp_y() = mbracket_front + NEMA_length(X_motor) + ribbon_bracket_thickness();
function x_end_ribbon_clamp_z() = NEMA_hole_pitch(X_motor) / sqrt(2);
function x_end_extruder_ribbon_clamp_offset() = [-ribbon_clamp_x, ribbon_clamp_y + ribbon_clamp_width(ribbon_screw) / 2, ribbon_clamp_z];
module x_end_clamp_stl() {
difference() {
hull() {
for(end = [-1, 1], side = [-1,1])
translate([end * (length / 2 - corner_rad), side * (clamp_width / 2 - corner_rad), 0])
if(side < 0)
translate([0, 0, clamp_height / 2])
cube([2 * corner_rad, 2 * corner_rad, clamp_height], center = true);
cylinder(r = corner_rad, h = clamp_height);
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop_plus(r = X_bar_dia / 2, h = length + 1, center = true);
for(end = [-1, 1]) {
for(side = [-1,1])
translate([end * (length / 2 - clamp_hole_inset), side * (X_bar_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius), 0])
poly_cylinder(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
translate([end * (length / 2 - clamp_hole_inset), 0, thickness / 2])
cube([M3_clearance_radius * 2 - eta, X_bar_dia + M3_clearance_radius * 2, X_bar_dia * 0.8], center = true);
function ribbon_bracket_counterbore() = squeeze ? round_to_layer(screw_head_height(M3_cap_screw))
: washer_thickness(M3_washer) + screw_head_height(M3_cap_screw) + 0.5;
function ribbon_bracket_thickness() = ribbon_bracket_counterbore() + (squeeze ? 1.6 : 2.4);
module x_motor_ribbon_bracket_stl(support = true) {
length = ribbon_clamp_length(x_end_ways, ribbon_screw) + 2;
rad = ribbon_clamp_width(ribbon_screw) / 2 + 1;
counterbore = ribbon_bracket_counterbore();
height = ribbon_bracket_thickness();
ridge_width = 5 * filament_width + eta; // angled same as infill so make sure whole number of filaments
ridge_offset = (NEMA_width(X_motor) - NEMA_hole_pitch(X_motor)) / 2 + ridge_width / 2;
ridge_height = 5;
difference() {
union() {
hull() {
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * (length / 2 - rad), 0, 0])
cylinder(h = height, r = rad);
for(side = [-1,1])
intersection() {
rotate([0, 0, side * 45])
translate([ridge_offset * side, 0, height - 1 + ridge_height / 2])
cube([ridge_width, 100, ridge_height + 1], center = true);
cube([length, rad * 2 - 1, 100], center = true);
// counterbored hole for motor screw
difference() {
union() {
poly_cylinder(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100, center = true);
poly_cylinder(r = (squeeze ? screw_head_radius(M3_cap_screw) : washer_diameter(M3_washer) / 2) + 0.5, h = counterbore * 2, center = true);
translate([0, 0, counterbore])
cylinder(r = 10, h = layer_height);
hole_support(M3_clearance_radius, counterbore);
// ribbon clamp holes
translate([0, 0, squeeze ? height * 2 : height])
ribbon_clamp_holes(x_end_ways, ribbon_screw)
nut_trap(screw_clearance_radius(ribbon_screw), nut_radius(ribbon_nut), ribbon_nut_trap_depth);
nut_trap_support_height = 10;
module x_idler_support_stl() {
hole_r = (Z_screw_dia + 1) / 2;
outer_r = corrected_radius(hole_r) + 2 * filament_width;
max_r = corrected_radius((Z_screw_dia + 1) / 2);
color("grey") {
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, 0])
hole_support(r = hole_r, h = bearing_height - wall, max_r = outer_r, closed = true, capped = true);
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, nut_shelf + thickness / 2])
difference() {
hull() {
nut_trap_support(r = Z_nut_radius, h = eta);
translate([0, 0, - nut_trap_support_height])
cylinder(r = outer_r - filament_width / 4 - eta, h = eta, $fn = sides(hole_r));
difference() {
hull() {
nut_trap_support(r = Z_nut_radius - 2 * filament_width, h = 2 * eta);
translate([0, 0, - nut_trap_support_height - eta])
cylinder(r = outer_r - 2 * filament_width - filament_width / 4 - eta, h = eta, $fn = sides(hole_r));
translate([0, 0, -4 * layer_height])
cylinder(r = Z_nut_radius + 1, h = 3 * layer_height);
for(side = [-1,1])
for(x = [front - clamp_hole_inset, back + clamp_hole_inset])
for(i = [-1,1])
translate([x, side * bar_y + i * (X_bar_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius), 0])
hole_support(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = M3_nut_trap_depth + eta, max_r = nut_flat_radius(M3_nut));
module x_motor_support_stl() mirror([1,0,0]) x_idler_support_stl();
module x_end_bracket(motor_end, integral_support = false){
// Slope the front of the motor bracket to clear the screws and the motor boss if possible
slope_x = sqrt(2) * min(NEMA_big_hole(X_motor), NEMA_hole_pitch(X_motor) / 2 - washer_diameter(M3_washer) / 2 - 0.8);
translate([0, 0, - thickness / 2])
// base
translate([front - length / 2, 0, 0])
rounded_rectangle([length, width, thickness], corner_rad);
// nut holder tower
difference() {
translate([front - length / 2, 0, bearing_height / 2 - thickness / 2])
cube([length, bearing_width, bearing_height], true);
translate([-bearing_depth - length / 2 - eta, 0, nut_shelf - bearing_height / 2])
rounded_rectangle([length, bearing_width - 2 * web, bearing_height], 2);
// limit switch bracket
difference() {
union() {
translate([front - eta, sbracket_y, - thickness / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height = sbracket_thickness, center = true)
[0, 0],
[sbracket_depth, sbracket_height - microswitch_length() + 2],
[sbracket_depth, sbracket_height],
[-web, sbracket_height],
[-web, thickness - eta]
translate([front - web, sbracket_y, thickness / 2 - 1])
cube([web, -bearing_width / 2 - sbracket_y + 1, sbracket_height - thickness + 1]);
translate([switch_op_x, sbracket_y + sbracket_thickness / 2 + microswitch_thickness() / 2, switch_op_z])
rotate([0, -90, -90])
microswitch_holes(h = sbracket_thickness);
else {
// idler end
difference() {
screw_angle = atan2(M4_clearance_radius - 3.9 / 2, idler_depth);
union() {
translate([back - idler_width / 2 + eta + corner_rad, idler_back - idler_depth / 2, 0])
rounded_rectangle([idler_width + 2 * corner_rad, idler_depth, thickness], r = corner_rad, center = true);
translate([back, idler_back, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 90])
fillet(h = thickness, r = idler_width / 2);
translate([back - idler_width / 2, -bar_y, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop(r = X_bar_dia / 2 + 0.5, h = 100, center = true);
translate([x_idler_offset(), idler_back, 0])
rotate([90, 0, -screw_angle])
nut_trap(M4_clearance_radius, M4_nut_radius, M4_nut_trap_depth);
// Cut out for bearing holder
translate([0, 0, bearing_height / 2 - thickness / 2])
cube([bearing_depth * 2 -eta, bearing_width - 1, bearing_height + 2], center = true);
// Hole for z leadscrew
difference() {
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, - thickness / 2])
nut_trap((Z_screw_dia + 1) / 2, Z_nut_radius, nut_shelf + thickness / 2 + nut_trap_depth(Z_nut), supported = integral_support);
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, nut_shelf])
cylinder(r = Z_nut_radius + 1, h = 2 * layer_height, center = true);
translate([-z_bar_offset(), 0, -thickness / 2 - 1])
cylinder(r = Z_nut_radius + 1, h = thickness + 2, $fn = 6);
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
// Holes for x_bars
translate([front - length / 2, bar_y * side, 0]) {
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop_plus(r = X_bar_dia / 2, h = length + 1, center = true);
// Remove clamp tops
translate([back + (length + 1) / 2 - 0.5, side * (bar_y - X_bar_dia / 2 - clamp_wall - 0.5 + 50), bearing_height / 2])
cube([length + 1, 100, bearing_height], center = true);
// Clamp nut traps
for(x = [front - clamp_hole_inset, back + clamp_hole_inset]) {
for(i = [-1,1])
translate([x, side * bar_y + i * (X_bar_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius), -thickness / 2])
nut_trap(M3_clearance_radius, M3_nut_radius, M3_nut_trap_depth, supported = integral_support);
translate([x, side * bar_y, 0])
cube([M3_clearance_radius * 2 - eta, X_bar_dia + M3_clearance_radius * 2, X_bar_dia * 0.8], center = true);
if(motor_end) {
difference() {
union() {
// Motor bracket
translate([back - mbracket_width / 2 + eta, mbracket_centre, mbracket_height / 2 - thickness / 2]) {
difference() {
cube([mbracket_width, mbracket_depth, mbracket_height], center = true); // outside
translate([0, 0, -mbracket_thickness])
cube([mbracket_width - 2 * mbracket_thickness, // inside
mbracket_depth - 2 * mbracket_thickness, mbracket_height], center = true);
translate([-M3_clearance_radius - wall - 100, -50, - 50]) // truncate front
difference() {
union() {
translate([slope_x, 0, -mbracket_height / 2 + thickness / 2])
rotate([0, 45, 180]) // slope front tangential to motor boss
translate([0, 0, -50])
// big hole for motor boss
if(slope_x < sqrt(2) * NEMA_big_hole(X_motor))
translate([0, -mbracket_depth / 2, -50 / 2 - mbracket_height / 2 + thickness / 2])
vertical_tearslot(r = NEMA_big_hole(X_motor), h = 2 * mbracket_thickness + 1, l = 50, center = true);
if(slope_x < sqrt(2) * NEMA_big_hole(X_motor) && integral_support)
translate([slope_x - NEMA_big_hole(X_motor), -mbracket_depth / 2, - mbracket_height / 2 - 1]) union() {
cube([8,8,4], true);
cube([filament_width * 2, mbracket_thickness + eta, mbracket_height]);
translate([-100 - NEMA_holes(X_motor)[0] * sqrt(2) - screw_head_radius(M3_cap_screw) - wall, 0, - 50])
cube(100); // truncate back
translate([-100 + mbracket_width / 2 + 1, -mbracket_centre - bearing_width / 2 + web,
-mbracket_height / 2 + thickness - eta])
cube(100); // truncate back
translate([-M3_clearance_radius - wall - eta, -mbracket_centre - bearing_width / 2 + web + eta, mbracket_height / 2])
rotate([0, 0,-90])
right_triangle(width = -mbracket_front - bearing_width / 2 + web,
height = mbracket_width / 2 -mbracket_thickness + M3_clearance_radius + wall,
h = 2 * mbracket_thickness + 1);
// Ribbon clamp pillar
translate([ribbon_clamp_x + ribbon_pillar_thickness / 2,
ribbon_clamp_z - eta])
hull() {
ribbon_pillar_height], center = true);
translate([+ribbon_pillar_thickness / 2 + 0.5 - mbracket_thickness + eta, 0,
-(ribbon_pillar_thickness - mbracket_thickness) * 2])
cube([1, ribbon_pillar_width / 2, ribbon_pillar_height], center = true);
// Holes
translate([x_motor_offset(), 0, 0]) {
// Mounting holes
screw_offset = M3_clearance_radius - 2.9 / 2;
for(x = NEMA_holes(X_motor)) // motor screw holes
for(z = NEMA_holes(X_motor))
rotate([0, motor_angle, 0])
translate([x, 0, z])
rotate([90, -motor_angle, 0]) {
translate([-screw_offset, 0, 0])
teardrop_plus(r = M3_clearance_radius, h = 100); // front holes
translate([0, 0, -100])
teardrop_plus(r = screw_head_radius(M3_cap_screw), h = 100);// back hole
translate([ribbon_clamp_x + ribbon_pillar_thickness, ribbon_clamp_y, ribbon_clamp_z])
ribbon_clamp_holes(extruder_ways, ribbon_screw)
rotate([0, 0, 90])
nut_trap(screw_clearance_radius(ribbon_screw), nut_radius(ribbon_nut), ribbon_nut_trap_depth, true);
// Hole for switch wires
translate([back, -bearing_width / 2 - 4, thickness / 2 + 4])
rotate([90, 0, 90])
teardrop(r = 3, h = 2 * mbracket_thickness + 1, center = true);
module washer_stack(washer, n) if(n == 1) washer(washer) children(); else washer(washer) washer_stack(washer, n - 1) children();
module x_end_assembly(motor_end) {
motor_rear_screw = screw_shorter_than(NEMA_length(X_motor) + mbracket_thickness + (motor_washers + 2) * washer_thickness(M3_washer) - 8);
shift = exploded ? 2 : 0;
// RP bits
color(x_end_bracket_color) render() x_end_bracket(motor_end);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([(front + back) / 2, side * bar_y, thickness / 2])
rotate([180, 0, 90 + 90 * side])
color("red") render() x_end_clamp_stl();
// bearings
for(i = [0,2])
translate([0, 0, (shelves[i] + shelves[i+1])/2 - thickness / 2])
// bearing clamp fasteners
for(side = [-1, 1])
for(x = [front - clamp_hole_inset, back + clamp_hole_inset])
for(i = [-1,1])
translate([x, side * bar_y + i * (X_bar_dia / 2 + M3_clearance_radius), 0]) {
translate([0, 0, - thickness / 2 + M3_nut_trap_depth])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
nut(M3_nut, true);
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2])
screw_longer_than(thickness + washer_thickness(M3_washer) + nut_thickness(M3_nut, true) - nut_trap_depth(M3_nut)));
if(motor_end) {
translate([x_motor_offset(), mbracket_front + eta, 0]) {
rotate([90, motor_angle - 90, 0]) {
translate([0,0, mbracket_thickness])
rotate([0, 0, -90])
NEMA_screws(X_motor, 2);
rotate([0, 0, -180]) translate(NEMA_holes(X_motor)) translate([0, 0, -NEMA_length(X_motor)])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
washer_stack(M3_washer, motor_washers) screw(M3_cap_screw, motor_rear_screw);
translate([0, 0, 5])
// Heatshrink for motor connections
for(i = [-1.5 : 1.5])
translate([i * 5, NEMA_width(X_motor) / 2 + 2, -NEMA_length(X_motor) / 2])
translate([switch_op_x, sbracket_y - sbracket_thickness / 2 - microswitch_thickness() / 2, switch_op_z])
rotate([0, -90, -90]) {
translate([0,0, -(microswitch_thickness())])
screw_and_washer(No2_screw, 13);
// ribbon clamps
translate([x_motor_offset(), x_end_ribbon_clamp_y(), x_end_ribbon_clamp_z()]) {
rotate([90, 0, 0]) {
color(x_end_bracket_color) render() x_motor_ribbon_bracket_stl(false);
translate([0, 0, ribbon_bracket_counterbore() - exploded * 7])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
screw(M3_cap_screw, motor_rear_screw);
screw_and_washer(M3_cap_screw, motor_rear_screw);
explode([0, 8, 0])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
ribbon_clamp_assembly(x_end_ways, M3_cap_screw, 16, ribbon_bracket_thickness() - M3_nut_trap_depth);
ribbon_clamp_assembly(x_end_ways, M3_hex_screw, 16, ribbon_bracket_thickness(), hex = true, washer = true);
translate([ribbon_clamp_x, ribbon_clamp_y, ribbon_clamp_z])
rotate([-90, 90, 90])
ribbon_clamp_assembly(extruder_ways, ribbon_screw, 16, wall, true);
else {
translate([x_idler_offset(), idler_front - idler_stack / 2 - shift * 4, 0]) {
for(i = [-1, 1]) {
translate([0, (ball_bearing_width(X_idler_bearing) / 2 + shift) * i, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
translate([0, (ball_bearing_width(X_idler_bearing) + shift * 2) * i, 0])
rotate([-i * 90, 0, 0])
translate([0, ((ball_bearing_width(X_idler_bearing) + washer_thickness(M4_washer)) + shift * 3) * i, 0])
rotate([-i * 90, 0, 0])
translate([0,-ball_bearing_width(X_idler_bearing) - washer_thickness(M4_washer) - washer_thickness(M5_penny_washer),0])
screw(M4_cap_screw, idler_screw_length);
translate([x_idler_offset(), idler_back - M4_nut_trap_depth, 0])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
nut(M4_nut, true);
module x_motor_bracket_stl(integral_support = true)
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2]) mirror ([1,0,0]) x_end_bracket(true, integral_support);
module x_idler_bracket_stl(integral_support = true)
translate([0, 0, thickness / 2])
x_end_bracket(false, integral_support);
module x_ends_stl() {
translate([-bearing_width / 4, bearing_width / 2, 0])
module facing_pair(dir = 1) {
translate([-dir * bearing_width / 4, dir * bearing_width / 2, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
module x_motor_bracket_x2_stl() facing_pair() x_motor_bracket_stl(false);
module x_motor_support_x2_stl() facing_pair() x_motor_support_stl();
module x_idler_bracket_x2_stl() facing_pair(-1) x_idler_bracket_stl(false);
module x_idler_support_x2_stl() facing_pair(-1) x_idler_support_stl();
mirror ([1,0,0]) x_end_assembly(true);