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2012-03-12 01:13:07 +00:00

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// Mendel90
// GNU GPL v2
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// Fastens the bearings to the Y-carriage
// Based on a design by Jeffrey Olijar (Jolijar)
include <conf/config.scad>
wall = 2.5; // wall thickness
end_wall = 2.8;
clearance = 0.2; // end clearance
relief = 0.5; // clearance in the middle to stop the bearing rocking
ziptie_clearance = 1;
ziptie = small_ziptie;
zipslot_width = ziptie_width(ziptie) + ziptie_clearance;
zipslot_tickness = ziptie_thickness(ziptie) + ziptie_clearance;
function bearing_holder_length(bearing) = bearing[0] + 2 * (end_wall + clearance);
function bearing_holder_width(bearing) = bearing[1] + wall * 2;
function bearing_ziptie_radius(bearing) = bearing[1] / 2 + wall + eta;
module bearing_holder(bearing, bar_height, populate = false) {
bearing_length = bearing[0];
bearing_dia = bearing[1];
below = 5 * bearing_dia / 15;
height = bar_height + bearing_dia/2 - below;
offset = below + height / 2 - bearing_dia / 2;
fence = 2.5;
width = bearing_holder_width(bearing);
length = bearing_holder_length(bearing);
fence_offset = bearing_dia / 2 - fence + (fence + 1) /2;
difference() {
translate([0, 0, -offset]) // Basic shape
cube(size = [width, length, height], center = true);
rotate([90,0,0]) {
cylinder(h = length + 1, r = bearing_dia / 2, center=true); // Bearing Cutout
cylinder(h = length / 2, r = bearing_dia / 2 + relief, center=true);// releave the center so does not rock
tube(h = zipslot_width, ir = bearing_dia / 2 + wall,
or = bearing_dia / 2 + wall + zipslot_tickness, fn=64); // ziptie slot
translate([0, (length - end_wall)/ 2, -fence_offset]) cube(size = [width,end_wall,fence + 1], center = true); // Blocks at the end to keep the bearing from sliding out
translate([0, -(length - end_wall)/ 2, -fence_offset]) cube(size = [width,end_wall,fence + 1], center = true);
bearing_holder(LM8UU, 20);