PCB text can now specify a colour.
Added SOT23_6, TSOT23_8 and CAP1210 SMD packages.
Added ESP-201 Wifi Module PCB.
Added ESP12F Wifi module.
Added tiny_buck converter PCB.
Made 2p54joiner a bit longer.
Fixed SOIC gullwing shape.
Added Wifi antennas.
Added Yunpen filtered IEC mains inlet.
Added power jack socket.
Added right angle option for LEDs.
Added gear_motors.
Added 686ZZ and 696ZZ ball bearings.
Added two larger box section tubes.
Added right angle option to square_buttons. Doesn't draw the frame yet.
Added multiwatt11 package for L6203.
Added ONS9143A 13A mains socket.
Added radial electrolytic capacitors.
Added LDE10_20B PSU module.
Added screw_tearsink() to make horizontal countersunk holes.
Can now have solid tracks on veroboard.
Added veroboard_base() module to make an STL for a base with spacers.
Corrected M6 spring washer thickness.
Can now specify the height of a solder meniscus.
slot() now has a center option.
Added button_6mm_7 with a taller button.
Added default fa, fs and fn constants used for drawing vitamins.
These can be set via $default_fa and $default_fs that can also be set
E2020t and E4040t thinner extrusions added to work with the brackets.
Extrusions can now have recessed channels, round or square centre sections and holes.
Fixed the shape of extrusion centre section spars.
T-nuts now have 45 degree chamfers instead of a fixed 1mm minimum thickness.