// // NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2020 // nop.head@gmail.com // hydraraptor.blogspot.com // // This file is part of NopSCADlib. // // NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib. // If not, see . // // //! Surface mount components for PCBs. // include <../utils/core/core.scad> use <../utils/tube.scad> use <../utils/sweep.scad> use <../utils/sector.scad> function smd_led_size(type) = type[1]; //! Body length, width and height function smd_led_lens(type) = type[2]; //! Lens length width and height function smd_led_height(type) = //! Total height smd_led_size(type).z + smd_led_lens(type).z; function smd_100th(x) = //! Convert dimension to 1/100" notation let(s = str(round(x / inch(0.01)))) len(s) < 2 ? str("0", s) : s; function smd_size(size) = //! Convert size to 1/100" notation str(smd_100th(size.x), smd_100th(size.y)); module smd_led(type, colour, cutout) { //! Draw an SMD LED with specified `colour` size = smd_led_size(type); vitamin(str("smd_led(", type[0], ", ", colour, "): SMD LED ", smd_size(size), " ", colour)); lens = smd_led_lens(type); r = size.y * 0.32; $fn = 32; if(cutout) poly_drill(r = 2.85 / 2, h = 100, center = false); // For lightguide made from transparent PLA filament else { color("white") linear_extrude(size.z) difference() { square([size.x, size.y], center = true); for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([end * size.x / 2, 0]) circle(r); } color(gold) linear_extrude(size.z) intersection() { square([size.x, size.y], center = true); union() for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([end * size.x / 2, 0]) ring(or = r, ir = r / 2); } color(colour, 0.9) translate_z(size.z) hull() { cube([lens.x, lens.y, eps], center = true); slant = lens.z * tan(15); translate_z(lens.z / 2) cube([lens.x - slant, lens.y - slant, lens.z], center = true); } } } function smd_res_size(type) = type[1]; //! Body length, width and height function smd_res_end_cap(type) = type[2]; //! End cap width function smd_res_power(type) = type[3]; //! Power rating in Watts module smd_resistor(type, value) { //! Draw an SMD resistor with specified value size = smd_res_size(type); vitamin(str("smd_resistor(", type[0], ", ", value, "): SMD resistor ", smd_size(size), " ", value, " ", smd_res_power(type), "W")); t = 0.04; cap = smd_res_end_cap(type); color("white") translate_z(size.z / 2) cube([size.x - 2 * t, size.y, size.z - 2 * t], center = true); color(grey(20)) translate_z(size.z - t) cube([size.x - 2 * cap, size.y, eps], center = true); color(silver) for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([end * (size.x / 2 - cap / 2), 0, size.z / 2]) cube([cap, size.y - 2 * eps, size.z], center = true); color("white") translate_z(size.z) linear_extrude(eps) resize([(size.x - 2 * cap) * 0.75, size.y / 2]) text(value, halign = "center", valign = "center"); } function smd_cap_size(type) = type[1]; //! Body length, width function smd_cap_end_cap(type) = type[2]; //! End cap width module smd_capacitor(type, height, value = undef) { //! Draw an SMD capacitor with specified height size = smd_cap_size(type); vitamin(str("smd_capacitor(", type[0], "): SMD capacitor ", smd_size(size), !is_undef(value) ? str(" ", value) : "")); cap = smd_cap_end_cap(type); t = 0.02; color("tan") translate_z(height / 2) cube([size.x - 2 * cap, size.y - 2 * t, height - 2 * t], center = true); color(silver) for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([end * (size.x / 2 - cap / 2), 0, height / 2]) cube([cap, size.y - 2 * eps, height], center = true); } function smd_sot_size(type) = type[1]; //! Body length, width and height function smd_sot_z(type) = type[2]; //! Height above PCB surface function smd_sot_lead_z(type) = type[3]; //! Top of lead frame from top function smd_sot_lead_pitch(type) = type[4]; //! Lead pitch function smd_sot_lead_span(type) = type[5]; //! Total span of leads function smd_sot_lead_size(type) = type[6]; //! Lead width, foot depth, lead thickness function smd_sot_tab_width(type) = type[7]; //! The wide lead at the top module smd_sot(type, value) { //! Draw an SMD transistor vitamin(str("smd_sot(", type[0], "): ", type[0], " package ", value)); size = smd_sot_size(type); z0 = smd_sot_z(type); z2 = z0 + size.z; z1 = z2 - smd_sot_lead_z(type); slant = 7; //! 7 degree body draft angle pitch = smd_sot_lead_pitch(type); span = smd_sot_lead_span(type); leads = floor(size.x / pitch) + 1; ls = smd_sot_lead_size(type); r = ls.z; gullwing = rounded_path([[0, 0, ls.z / 2], [0, ls.y - ls.z, ls.z / 2], r, [0, ls.y -ls.z + z1 - ls.z, z1 - ls.z / 2], r, [0, span / 2, z1 - ls.z / 2]], $fn = 32); color(grey(20)) hull() for(z = [z0, z1, z2], inset = abs(z - z1) * tan(slant)) translate_z(z) cube([size.x - 2 * inset, size.y - 2 * inset, eps], center = true); color(silver) { for(i = [0 : leads - 1]) translate([i * pitch - size.x / 2 + (size.x - (leads - 1) * pitch) / 2, -span / 2]) sweep(gullwing, rectangle_points(ls.x, ls.z)); rotate(180) translate([0, -span / 2]) sweep(gullwing, rectangle_points(smd_sot_tab_width(type), ls.z)); } color("white") translate_z(z0 + size.z) linear_extrude(eps) resize([size.x - 4 * (z2 - z1) * tan(slant), size.y / 2]) text(value, halign = "center", valign = "center"); } function smd_soic_size(type) = type[1]; //! Body length, width and height function smd_soic_z(type) = type[2]; //! Height above PCB surface function smd_soic_lead_z(type) = type[3]; //! Top of lead frame from top function smd_soic_lead_pitch(type) = type[4]; //! Lead pitch function smd_soic_lead_span(type) = type[5]; //! Total span of leads function smd_soic_lead_size(type) = type[6]; //! Lead width, foot depth, lead thickness module smd_soic(type, value) { //! Draw an SMD SOIC vitamin(str("smd_soic(", type[0], "): ", type[0], " package ", value)); size = smd_soic_size(type); z0 = smd_soic_z(type); z2 = z0 + size.z; z1 = z2 - smd_soic_lead_z(type); slant = 5; //! 5 degree body draft angle pitch = smd_soic_lead_pitch(type); span = (smd_soic_lead_span(type) / 2); leads = floor(size.x / pitch) + 1; ls = smd_soic_lead_size(type); r = ls.z; gullwing = rounded_path([[0, 0, ls.z / 2], [0, ls.y - ls.z, ls.z / 2], r, [0, ls.y -ls.z + z1 - ls.z, z1 - ls.z / 2], r, [0, span / 2, z1 - ls.z / 2]], $fn = 32); color(grey(20)) hull() for(z = [z0, z1, z2], inset = abs(z - z1) * tan(slant)) translate_z(z) cube([size.x - 2 * inset, size.y - 2 * inset, eps], center = true); color(silver) { for(i = [0 : leads - 1]) { translate([i * pitch - size.x / 2 + (size.x - (leads - 1) * pitch) / 2, -span]) sweep(gullwing, rectangle_points(ls.x, ls.z)); rotate(180) translate([0, -span / 2]) translate([i * pitch - size.x / 2 + (size.x - (leads - 1) * pitch) / 2, -span / 2]) sweep(gullwing, rectangle_points(ls.x, ls.z)); } } color("white") translate_z(z0 + size.z) linear_extrude(eps) resize([size.x * 0.9, size.y / 2]) text(value, halign = "center", valign = "center"); } function smd_diode_size(type) = type[1]; //! Body length, width and height function smd_diode_z(type) = type[2]; //! Height above PCB surface function smd_diode_lead_z(type) = type[3]; //! Top of lead frame from top function smd_diode_leads(type) = type[4]; //! Lead extent in x, width, thickness and gap module smd_diode(type, value) { //! Draw an SMD diode vitamin(str("smd_diode(", type[0], "): ", type[0], " package ", value)); slant = 5; //! 5 degree body draft angle size = smd_diode_size(type); z0 = smd_diode_z(type); z2 = z0 + size.z; z1 = z2 - smd_diode_lead_z(type); stripe = size.x / 5; leads = smd_diode_leads(type); gap = leads[3]; gap2 = gap - leads.z * 2; color(grey(20)) difference() { hull() for(z = [z0, z1, z2], inset = abs(z - z1) * tan(slant)) translate_z(z) cube([size.x - 2 * inset, size.y - 2 * inset, eps], center = true); for(side = [-1, 1]) translate([side * (size.x / 2 - (size.x - gap2) / 4), 0, eps]) cube([(size.x - gap2) / 2, size.y, 3 * leads.z], center = true); } color("white") translate([-stripe / 2, 0, z2]) linear_extrude(eps) resize([0.9 * (size.x - stripe), size.y / 2]) text(value, halign = "center", valign = "center"); color(grey(90)) { inset = (z2 - z1) * tan(slant); translate([size.x / 2 - stripe, -size.y / 2 + inset, z2]) cube([stripe - inset, size.y - 2 * inset, eps]); } color(silver) translate_z(z1 / 2) rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(leads.y, center = true, convexity = 3) let($fn = 32) difference() { rounded_square([leads.x, z1], 2 * leads.z); rounded_square([leads.x - 2 * leads.z, z1 - 2 * leads.z], leads.z); translate([0, - z1 / 2]) square([gap, leads.z * 2 + eps], center = true); } } function smd_inductor_size(type) = type[1]; //! Body length, width and height function smd_inductor_z(type) = type[2]; //! Height above PCB surface function smd_inductor_lead_z(type) = type[3]; //! Top of lead frame from top function smd_inductor_leads(type) = type[4]; //! Lead extent in x, width, thickness and gap function smd_inductor_colour(type) = type[5]; //! Body colour module smd_inductor(type, value) { //! Draw an SMD inductor vitamin(str("smd_inductor(", type[0], "): ", type[0], " package ", value)); size = smd_inductor_size(type); z0 = smd_inductor_z(type); z1 = smd_inductor_lead_z(type); z2 = z0 + size.z; leads = smd_inductor_leads(type); gap = leads[3]; gap2 = gap - leads.z * 2; color(smd_inductor_colour(type)) difference() { translate_z(z0) rounded_rectangle(size, 0.5); for(side = [-1, 1]) translate([side * (size.x / 2 - (size.x - gap2) / 4), 0, eps]) cube([(size.x - gap2) / 2, leads.y + 2 * leads.z, 3 * leads.z], center = true); } color("white") translate_z(z2) linear_extrude(eps) resize([0.9 * size.x, size.y / 2]) text(value, halign = "center", valign = "center"); color(silver) translate_z(z1 / 2) rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(leads.y, center = true, convexity = 3) let($fn = 32) difference() { rounded_square([leads.x, z1], 2 * leads.z); rounded_square([leads.x - 2 * leads.z, z1 - 2 * leads.z], leads.z); translate([0, - z1 / 2]) square([gap, leads.z * 2 + eps], center = true); } } function smd_pot_size(type) = type[1]; //! Base length, width and height function smd_pot_contacts(type) = type[2]; //! Contacts width, depth, pitch and width, depth, gap for center contact function smd_pot_wiper(type) = type[3]; //! Wiper diameter, offset, thickness, height, d1, d2, d3, d4 function smd_pot_cross(type) = type[4]; //! Cross head slot for screwdriver function smd_pot_flat(type) = type[5]; //! Flat at the back of the wiper module smd_pot(type, value) { //! Draw an SMD pot vitamin(str("smd_pot(", type[0], "): ", type[0], " package ", value)); size = smd_pot_size(type); contacts = smd_pot_contacts(type); contacts_pitch = contacts[2]; centre_contact_w = contacts[3]; centre_contact_d = contacts[4]; centre_contact_gap = contacts[5]; wiper = smd_pot_wiper(type); wiper_r1 = wiper.x / 2; // outer radius wiper_y = wiper.y; wiper_t = wiper.z; wiper_h = wiper[3]; wiper_r2 = wiper[4] / 2; // inner radius at the top wiper_r3 = wiper[5] / 2; // inner radius at the bottom wiper_r4 = wiper[6] / 2; // outer radius of rivet wiper_r5 = wiper[7] / 2; // inner radius of rivet cross = smd_pot_cross(type); flat = smd_pot_flat(type); track_or = size.x * 0.48; track_ir = track_or * 0.6; color(grey(90)) translate_z(size.z / 2) cube(size, center = true); color(silver) { for(side = [-1, 1]) translate([side * contacts_pitch, -size.y / 2 + contacts.y / 2, size.z / 2]) cube([contacts.x, contacts.y, size.z] + 2 * eps * [1,1,1], center = true); translate([0, size.y / 2 - centre_contact_d / 2, size.z / 2]) render() difference() { cube([centre_contact_w, centre_contact_d + 2 * eps, size.z + 2 * eps], center = true); translate_z(size.z / 2) cube([centre_contact_gap, centre_contact_d + 4 * eps, 2 * eps], center = true); } slope_angle = atan((wiper_h - size.z - wiper_t) / (wiper_r2 - wiper_r3)); dx = wiper_t / tan(90 - slope_angle / 2); translate([0, wiper_y]) { render() difference() { rotate_extrude() { polygon([ [wiper_r5, size.z + wiper_t], [wiper_r3, size.z + wiper_t], [wiper_r2, wiper_h], [wiper_r1, wiper_h], [wiper_r1, wiper_h - wiper_t], [wiper_r2 + dx, wiper_h - wiper_t], [wiper_r3 + dx, size.z], [wiper_r5, size.z], ]); r = (wiper_r4 - wiper_r5) / 2; translate([wiper_r5 + r, size.z + wiper_t]) circle(r, $fn = 16); } translate_z(size.z + wiper_t) linear_extrude(wiper_h - size.z - wiper_t) difference() { union() { square(cross, center = true); rotate(90) square(cross, center = true); } circle(wiper_r4 + eps); } } translate([0, -(wiper_r1 + cross.x / 2) / 2, wiper_h - wiper_t / 2]) cube([flat, wiper_r1 - cross.x / 2, wiper_t], center = true); } } color("black") translate([0, wiper.y, size.z]) linear_extrude(eps) { difference() { sector(track_or, -270 / 2 + 90, 270 / 2 + 90); circle(track_ir); } track_w = track_or - track_ir; track_l = wiper.y - track_ir / sqrt(2) + size.y / 2 - contacts.y; for(side = [-1, 1]) translate([side * (track_ir / sqrt(2) + track_w / 2), -wiper.y -size.y / 2 + track_l / 2 + contacts.y]) square([track_w, track_l], center = true); } }