// // NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018 // nop.head@gmail.com // hydraraptor.blogspot.com // // This file is part of NopSCADlib. // // NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib. // If not, see . // include <../utils/core/core.scad> use <../vitamins/rod.scad> include <../vitamins/sheets.scad> module positions() for(i = [1 : 10]) { translate([(i * i + i) / 2 + 3 * i , 8]) let($r = i / 2) children(); let(d = i + 0.5) translate([(d * d + d) / 2 + 3 * d, 19]) let($r = d / 2) children(); } module polyhole_stl() { stl("polyhole"); linear_extrude(3, center = true) difference() { square([100, 27]); positions() poly_circle(r = $r); } } module alt_polyhole_stl() { holes = [2.5, 2, 1.5]; n = len(holes); size = [n * 10, 10, 10]; difference() { translate([-size.x / n / 2, $preview ? 0 : -size.y / 2]) cube($preview ? [size.x, size.y / 2, size.z] : size); for(i = [0 : n - 1]) translate([i * 10, 0]) if(i % 2) translate_z(size.z) poly_cylinder(r = holes[i] / 2, h = 2 * size.z, center = true, twist = i + 1); else poly_cylinder(r = holes[i] / 2, h = size.z, center = false, twist = i + 1); } } module polyholes() { stl_colour(pp1_colour) polyhole_stl(); positions() rod(d = 2 * $r, l = 8 * $r + 5); // // Alternating polyholes // translate([30, -40]) render_manifold() alt_polyhole_stl(); // // Poly rings // ir = 3 / 2; cir = corrected_radius(ir); sizes = [1.5, 2, 3, 4]; for(i = [0 : len(sizes) - 1]) translate([i * 10, -10]) { stl_colour(pp1_colour) poly_tube(ir = ir, or = cir + sizes[i] * extrusion_width, h = 1); rod(2 * ir, 3); } // // Drill and slot // sheet = Steel06; translate([10, -30]) render_2D_sheet(sheet) difference() { sheet_2D(sheet, 20, 20, 1); translate([0, 5]) slot(1.5, 6, 0); translate([0, -5]) drill(2, 0); } } if($preview) polyholes(); else { polyhole_stl(); translate([50, -20]) alt_polyhole_stl(); }