// // NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018 // nop.head@gmail.com // hydraraptor.blogspot.com // // This file is part of NopSCADlib. // // NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib. // If not, see . // // //! PCBs and perfboard with optional components. The shape can be a rectangle with optionally rounded corners or a polygon for odd shapes like Arduino. // panel_clearance = 0.2; include <../core.scad> include include include use use <7_segment.scad> use <../utils/rounded_cylinder.scad> use <../utils/dogbones.scad> use <../utils/thread.scad> use <../utils/tube.scad> use <../utils/pcb_utils.scad> use use use use use use use include use function pcb_name(type) = type[1]; //! Description function pcb_length(type) = type[2]; //! Length function pcb_width(type) = type[3]; //! Width function pcb_thickness(type) = type[4]; //! Thickness function pcb_radius(type) = type[5]; //! Corner radius function pcb_hole_d(type) = type[6]; //! Mounting hole diameter function pcb_land_d(type) = type[7]; //! Pad around mounting hole function pcb_colour(type) = type[8]; //! Colour of the substrate function pcb_parts_on_bom(type) = type[9]; //! True if the parts should be separate BOM items function pcb_holes(type) = type[10]; //! List of hole positions function pcb_components(type) = type[11]; //! List of components function pcb_accessories(type) = type[12]; //! List of accessories to go on the BOM, SD cards, USB cables, etc. function pcb_grid(type) = type[13]; //! Grid origin if a perfboard function pcb_polygon(type) = type[14]; //! Optional outline polygon for odd shaped boards function pcb_screw(type, cap = hs_cap) = Len(type[15]) ? type[15] : find_screw(cap, screw_smaller_than(pcb_hole_d(type))); //! Mounting screw type function pcb_size(type) = [pcb_length(type), pcb_width(type), pcb_thickness(type)]; //! Length, width and thickness in a vector function pcb(name, desc, size, corner_r = 0, hole_d = 0, land_d = 0, colour = "green", parts_on_bom = false, holes = [], components = [], accessories = [], grid = undef, polygon = undef, screw = undef) = //! Constructor [name, desc, size.x, size.y, size.z, corner_r, hole_d, land_d, colour, parts_on_bom, holes, components, accessories, grid, polygon, screw ]; function pcb_component(type, name, index = 0) = //! Return the component specified by name and index [for(component = pcb_components(type)) if(component[3] == name) component][index]; function pcb_grid_pos(type, x, y, z = 0, i = 0) = //! Returns a pcb grid position let(grid = pcb_grid(type)) [-pcb_size(type).x / 2 + grid[i] + x * (is_undef(grid[i + 5]) ? 2.54 : grid[i + 5]), -pcb_size(type).y / 2 + grid[i + 1] + y * (is_undef(grid[i + 6]) ? 2.54 : grid[i + 6]), pcb_size(type).z + z]; module pcb_grid(type, x, y, z = 0, i = 0) //! Positions children at specified grid position translate(pcb_grid_pos(type, x, y, z, i)) children(); // allows negative ordinates to represent offsets from the far edge function pcb_coord(type, p) = let(l = pcb_length(type), w = pcb_width(type)) //! Convert offsets from the edge to coordinates relative to the centre [(p.x >= 0 ? p.x : l + p.x) - l / 2, (p.y >= 0 ? p.y : w + p.y) - w / 2]; module pcb_hole_positions(type, all = true) { // Position children at the hole positions, including holes not used for screws holes = pcb_holes(type); for($i = [0 : 1 : len(holes) - 1]) { hole = holes[$i]; if(len(hole) == 2 || all) translate(pcb_coord(type, hole)) children(); } } module pcb_screw_positions(type) //! Positions children at the mounting hole positions pcb_hole_positions(type, false) children(); module chip(length, width, thickness, colour, cutout = false) //! Draw a coloured cube to represent a chip, or other rectangular component, or cylinder if width is zero if(!cutout) color(colour) if(width) translate_z(thickness / 2) cube([length, width, thickness], center = true); else cylinder(d = length, h = thickness); module usb_A_tongue() { l = 9; w = 12; h = 2; color("white") translate([-1, 0 , h / 2]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) hull() { linear_extrude(l - 2) square([w, h], center = true); linear_extrude(l) square([w - 1, h - 1], center = true); } } module usb_vAx1(cutout = false) { //! Draw a vertical USB type A single socket h = 5.8; w = 13.8; translate([0, h / 2, w / 2]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) usb_A(h = h, v_flange_l = 0, bar = 0, cutout = cutout, l = 14, h_flange_l = 0, flange_t = 0.3, w = w); } module usb_Ax1(cutout = false) { //! Draw USB type A single socket usb_A(h = 6.5, v_flange_l = 4.5, bar = 0, cutout = cutout); } module usb_Ax2(cutout = false) { //! Draw USB type A dual socket usb_A(h = 15.6, v_flange_l = 12.15, bar = 3.4, cutout = cutout); } module usb_A(h, v_flange_l, bar, cutout, l=17, h_flange_l = 11, flange_t = 0.4, w = 13.25) { h_flange_h = 0.8; v_flange_h = 1; socket_h = (h - 2 * flange_t - bar) / 2; translate_z(h / 2) if(cutout) rotate([90, 0, 90]) rounded_rectangle([w + 2 * v_flange_h + 2 * panel_clearance, h + 2 * h_flange_h + 2 * panel_clearance, 100], r = cnc_bit_r); else { color("silver") rotate([0, 90, 0]) { linear_extrude(l, center = true) difference() { square([h, w], center = true); for(s = [-1, 1]) translate([s * (bar / 2 + socket_h / 2), 0]) square([socket_h, w - 2 * flange_t], center = true); } translate_z(-l / 2 + 0.5) cube([h, w, 1], center = true); translate_z(l / 2 - flange_t) linear_extrude(flange_t) difference() { union() { if(h_flange_l) square([h + 2 * h_flange_h, h_flange_l], center = true); if(v_flange_l) square([v_flange_l, w + 2 * v_flange_h], center = true); } square([h - eps, w - eps], center = true); } } for(z = bar ? [-1, 1] : [0]) translate_z(z * (bar / 2 + socket_h / 2)) translate([l - 17, 0]) usb_A_tongue(); } } module molex_usb_Ax2(cutout) { //! Draw Molex dual USB A connector suitable for perf board w = 15.9; h = 16.6; l = 17; pin_l = 2.8; clearance = 0.2; tag_l = 4.4; tag_r = 0.5; tag_w = 1.5; tag_t = 0.3; tag_p = 5.65; if(cutout) translate([0, -w / 2 - clearance, -clearance]) cube([100, w + 2 * clearance, h + 2 * clearance]); else { color(silver) translate([-l / 2, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) translate([-w / 2, 0]) { cube([w, h, l - 9]); linear_extrude(l) difference() { square([w, h]); for(z = [-1, 1]) translate([w / 2, h / 2 + z * 8.5 / 2]) square([12.6, 5.08], center = true); } } for(z = [-1, 1]) translate_z(h / 2 + z * 8.5 / 2) usb_A_tongue(); color(silver) rotate(-90) { for(x = [-1.5 : 1 : 1.5], y = [0.5 : 1 : 1.5]) translate([inch(x / 10), -l / 2 + inch(y / 10)]) { hull() { cube([0.6, 0.3, 2 * pin_l - 2], center = true); cube([0.4, 0.3, 2 * pin_l], center = true); } solder(); } for(side = [-1, 1], end = [0, 1]) translate([side * w / 2, -l / 2 + tag_w / 2 + end * tag_p]) rotate(-side * 90) hull() { translate([0, tag_l - tag_r]) cylinder(r = tag_r, h = tag_t); translate([-tag_w / 2, 0]) cube([tag_w, eps, tag_t]); } } } } module molex_usb_Ax1(cutout) { //! Draw Molex USB A connector suitable for perf board w = 15.3; h = 7.7; l = 14.5; pin_l = 2.8; clearance = 0.2; tag_l = 4.4; tag_r = 0.5; tag_w = 1.5; tag_t = 0.3; if(cutout) translate([0, -w / 2 - clearance, -clearance]) cube([100, w + 2 * clearance, h + 2 * clearance]); else { color(silver) translate([-l / 2, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) translate([-w / 2, 0]) { cube([w, h, l - 9]); linear_extrude(l) difference() { square([w, h]); translate([w / 2, h / 2]) square([12.6, 5.08], center = true); } } translate([-1.5, 0, h / 2]) usb_A_tongue(); color(silver) rotate(-90) { for(x = [-1.5 : 1 : 1.5]) translate([inch(x / 10), - l / 2 + inch(0.05)]) { hull() { cube([0.6, 0.3, 2 * pin_l - 2], center = true); cube([0.4, 0.3, 2 * pin_l], center = true); } solder(); } for(side = [-1, 1]) translate([side * w / 2, -l / 2 + 4.2]) rotate(-side * 90) hull() { translate([0, tag_l - tag_r]) cylinder(r = tag_r, h = tag_t); translate([-tag_w / 2, 0]) cube([tag_w, eps, tag_t]); } } } } module rj45(cutout = false) { //! Draw RJ45 Ethernet connector l = 21; w = 16; h = 13.5; plug_h = 6.8; plug_w = 12; plug_z = 4; tab_z = 0.8; tab_w = 4; translate_z(h / 2) if(cutout) rotate([90, 0, 90]) dogbone_rectangle([w + 2 * panel_clearance, h + 2 * panel_clearance, 100], center = false); else { rotate([0, 90, 0]) { mouth = plug_z + plug_h - tab_z; color("silver") { linear_extrude(l, center = true) difference() { square([h, w], center = true); translate([h / 2 - tab_z - mouth / 2, 0]) square([mouth + 0.1, plug_w + 0.1], center = true); } translate_z(-l / 2) cube([h, w, eps], center = true); } color(grey(30)) { linear_extrude(l - 0.2, center = true) difference() { square([h - 0.1, w - 0.1], center = true); translate([h / 2 - plug_z - plug_h / 2, 0]) square([plug_h, plug_w - 0.1], center = true); translate([h / 2 - tab_z - plug_h / 2, 0]) square([plug_h, tab_w], center = true); } translate_z(-l / 2 + 1) cube([h - 0.1, w - 0.1, 0.1], center = true); } } } } module jack(cutout = false) { //! Draw 3.5mm jack l = 12; w = 7; h = 6; d = 6; ch = 2.5; translate_z(h / 2) if(cutout) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(d = d + 2 * panel_clearance, h = 100); else color(grey(20)) rotate([0, 90, 0]) { linear_extrude(l / 2) difference() { square([h, w], center = true); circle(d = 3.5); } tube(or = d / 2, ir = 3.5 / 2, h = l / 2 + ch, center = false); translate_z(-l / 4) cube([h, w, l / 2], center = true); } } module buzzer(height, diameter, colour) { //! Draw PCB buzzer with specified height, diameter and colour color (colour) tube(or = diameter / 2, ir = height > 5 ? 1 : 0.75, h = height, center = false); color("white") cylinder(d = 2, h = max(height - 3 , 0.5)); } function hdmi_depth(type) = type[2]; //! Front to back depth function hdmi_width1(type) = type[3]; //! Inside width at the top function hdmi_width2(type) = type[4]; //! Inside width at the bottom function hdmi_height1(type) = type[5]; //! Inside height at the sides function hdmi_height2(type) = type[6]; //! Inside height in the middle function hdmi_height(type) = type[7]; //! Outside height above the PCB function hdmi_thickness(type) = type[8]; //! Wall thickness of the metal hdmi_full = [ "hdmi_full", "HDMI socket", 12, 14, 10, 3, 4.5, 6.5, 0.5 ]; hdmi_mini = [ "hdmi_mini", "Mini HDMI socket", 7.5, 10.5, 8.3, 1.28, 2.5, 3.2, 0.35 ]; hdmi_micro = [ "hdmi_micro", "Micro HDMI socket", 8.5, 5.9, 4.43, 1.4, 2.3, 3, 0.3 ]; module hdmi(type, cutout = false) { //! Draw HDMI socket vitamin(str("hdmi(", type[0], "): ", type[1])); l = hdmi_depth(type); iw1 = hdmi_width1(type); iw2 = hdmi_width2(type); ih1 = hdmi_height1(type); ih2 = hdmi_height2(type); h = hdmi_height(type); t = hdmi_thickness(type); module D() { hull() { translate([-iw1 / 2, h - t - ih1]) square([iw1, ih1]); translate([-iw2 / 2, h - t - ih2]) square([iw2, ih2]); } } if(cutout) rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(100) offset(t + panel_clearance) D(); else color("silver") rotate([90, 0, 90]) { linear_extrude(l, center = true) difference() { offset(t) D(); D(); } translate_z(-l / 2) linear_extrude(1) offset(t) D(); } } module usb_uA(cutout = false) { //! Draw USB micro A connector l = 6; iw1 = 7; iw2 = 5.7; ih1 = 1; ih2 = 1.85; h = 2.65; t = 0.4; flange_h = 3; flange_w = 8; module D() { hull() { translate([-iw1 / 2, h - t - ih1]) square([iw1, ih1]); translate([-iw2 / 2, h - t - ih2]) square([iw2, ih2]); } } if(cutout) rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(100) offset((flange_h - ih2) / 2 + 2 * panel_clearance) D(); else color("silver") rotate([90, 0, 90]) { linear_extrude(l, center = true) difference() { offset(t) D(); D(); } translate_z(-l / 2) linear_extrude(1) offset(t) D(); translate_z(l / 2 - t) linear_extrude(t) difference() { union() { translate([0, h - t - ih1 / 2]) square([flange_w, ih1], center = true); translate([0, h / 2 + flange_h / 4]) square([iw1, flange_h / 2], center = true); translate([0, h / 2 - flange_h / 4]) square([iw2, flange_h / 2], center = true); } D(); } } } module usb_miniA(cutout = false) { //! Draw USB mini A connector l = 9.2; iw1 = 7.0; iw2 = 6.0; ih1 = 1.05; ih2 = 1.0; h = 4.0; t = 0.4; module D() { hull() { translate([-iw1 / 2, h - t - ih1]) square([iw1, ih1]); translate([-iw2 / 2, t + ih2]) square([iw2, eps]); } translate([-iw2 / 2, t]) square([iw2, ih2]); } if(cutout) rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(100) offset(2 * panel_clearance) D(); else color("silver") rotate([90, 0, 90]) { linear_extrude(l, center = true) difference() { offset(t) D(); D(); } translate_z(-l / 2) linear_extrude(1) offset(t) D(); } } module usb_C(cutout = false) { //! Draw USB C connector l = 7.35; w = 8.94; h = 3.26; t = 0.4; flange_h = 3; flange_w = 8; module O() translate([0, h / 2]) rounded_square([w, h], h / 2 - 0.5, center = true); if(cutout) rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(100) offset(2 * panel_clearance) O(); else color("silver") rotate([90, 0, 90]) { linear_extrude(l, center = true) difference() { O(); offset(-t) O(); } translate_z(-l / 2) linear_extrude(2.51) O(); } } module usb_B(cutout = false) { //! Draw USB B connector l = 16.4; w = 12.2; h = 11; tab_w = 5.6; tab_h = 3.2; d_h = 7.78; d_w = 8.45; d_w2 = 5; d_h2 = d_h - (d_w - d_w2) / 2; module D() hull() { translate([-d_w / 2, 0]) square([d_w, d_h2]); translate([-d_w2 /2, 0]) square([d_w2, d_h]); } if(cutout) translate([50, 0, h / 2 - panel_clearance]) cube([100, w + 2 * panel_clearance, h + 2 * panel_clearance], center = true); else translate_z(h / 2) rotate([90, 0, 90]) { color("silver") { linear_extrude(l, center = true) difference() { square([w, h], center = true); translate([0, -d_h / 2]) offset(delta = 0.2) D(); } translate_z(-l / 2 + 0.1) cube([w, h, 0.2], center = true); } color("white") { linear_extrude(l - 0.4, center = true) difference() { square([w - 0.2, h - 0.2], center = true); translate([0, -d_h / 2]) difference() { D(); translate([0, d_h / 2]) square([tab_w, tab_h], center = true); } } translate_z( -(l - 0.4) / 2 + 1) cube([w - 0.2, h - 0.2, 2], center = true); } } } module barrel_jack(cutout = false) { //! Draw barrel power jack l = 13.2; w = 8.89; h = 11; bore_d = 6.3; bore_h = 6.5; bore_l = 11.8; pin_d = 2; front = 3.3; r = 0.5; contact_d = 2; contact_w = 4; inset = 1; if(cutout) ; else { color(grey(20)) rotate([0, 90, 0]) { linear_extrude(l, center = true) { difference() { translate([-h / 2, 0]) rounded_square([h, w], r); translate([-bore_h, 0]) circle(d = bore_d); translate([-h / 2 - bore_h, 0]) square([h, w], center = true); } } translate_z(l / 2 - front) linear_extrude(front) { difference() { translate([-h / 2, 0]) rounded_square([h, w], r); translate([-bore_h, 0]) circle(d = bore_d); } } translate([-bore_h, 0]) tube(or = w / 2 - 0.5, ir = bore_d / 2, h = l); translate([-bore_h, 0, -l / 2]) cylinder(d = w -1, h = l - bore_l); } color("silver") { translate([l / 2 - inset - pin_d / 2, 0, bore_h]) hull() { sphere(pin_d / 2); rotate([0, -90, 0]) cylinder(d = pin_d, h = bore_l - inset); } hull() { translate([l / 2 - inset - contact_d / 2, 0, bore_h - bore_d / 2]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d = contact_d, h = contact_w, center = true); translate([l / 2 - bore_l, 0, bore_h - bore_d / 2 + contact_d / 4]) cube([eps, contact_w, eps], center = true); } } } } module uSD(size, cutout = false) { //! Draw uSD socket min_w = 12; w = size.x - min_w; t = 0.15; if(cutout) ; else translate_z(size.z / 2) { color("silver") rotate([90, 0, 90]) { linear_extrude(size.y, center = true) difference() { square([size.x, size.z], center = true); square([size.x - 2 * t, size.z - 2 * t], center = true); } translate_z(-size.y / 2 + t / 2) cube([size.x, size.z, t], center = true); } if(w > 0) color(grey(20)) rotate([90, 0, 90]) translate_z(t) linear_extrude(size.y - t, center = true) difference() { square([size.x - 2 * t, size.z - 2 * t], center = true); translate([-size.x / 2 + min_w / 2 + 0.7, size.z / 2 - t]) square([min_w, 2.2], center = true); } } } module flex(cutout = false) { //! Draw flexistrip connector l = 20.6; w = 3; h = 5.6; top_l = 22.4; top_t = 1.1; tab_l = 13; tab_w = 1; slot_l = 16.4; slot_w = 0.7; slot_offset = 0.6; if(cutout) ; else { color(grey(30)) { translate_z(0.5) cube([l, w, 1], center = true); linear_extrude(h) difference() { square([l, w], center = true); translate([0, -w / 2 + slot_offset + slot_w / 2]) square([slot_l, slot_w], center = true); } translate_z(h - top_t) linear_extrude(top_t) difference() { union() { square([top_l, w], center = true); hull() { translate([0, -w / 2 + (w + tab_w) / 2]) square([tab_l - 1, w + tab_w], center = true); square([tab_l, w], center = true); } } translate([0, -w / 2 + slot_offset + slot_w / 2]) square([slot_l, slot_w], center = true); } } } } small_ff = [[11.8, 0.9], [17, 1.4, 1.2], [12, 1.6, 1.2], [16, 1.1, 1.2]]; large_ff = [[16, 1.25], [22, 1.5, 2.5], [16, 4.0, 2.5], [21, 0, 2.5]]; function ff_slot(type) = type[0]; //! Flat flex slot size function ff_latch(type) = type[1]; //! Flat flex latch size function ff_mid(type) = type[2]; //! Flat flex middle section size function ff_back(type) = type[3]; //! Flat flex back section size module flat_flex(type, cutout = false) { //! Draw flat flexistrip connector as used on RPI0 slot = ff_slot(type); latch = ff_latch(type); mid = ff_mid(type); back = ff_back(type); w = latch.y + mid.y + back.y; if(cutout) ; else { color(grey(30)) translate([0, w / 2 - latch.y]) rotate([90, 0, 180]) linear_extrude(latch.y) difference() { translate([-latch.x / 2, 0]) square([latch.x, latch.z]); square([slot.x, slot.y * 2], center = true); } color("ivory") { translate([-back.x / 2, -w / 2]) if(back.y) cube(back); translate([-mid.x / 2, -w / 2 + back.y]) cube(mid); } color(grey(80)) translate([-back.x / 2, -w / 2 + back.y + eps]) cube([back.x, mid.y - 2 * eps, mid.z - eps]); } } module terminal_35(ways, colour = "blue") { //! Draw 3.5mm terminal block vitamin(str("terminal_35(", ways, "): Terminal block ", ways, " way 3.5mm")); pitch = 3.5; width = ways * pitch; depth = 7; height = 8.3; chamfer_h = 3; chamfer_d = 1; box_z = 0.5; box_w = 2.88; box_h = 4.1; wire_z = 2; wire_d = 2; pin_l = 4.2; pin_d = 0.9; module single() { screw_r = 1; color(colour) { rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(pitch, center = true) polygon(points = [ [ depth / 2, 0], [ depth / 2, box_z], [-depth / 2 + 1, box_z], [-depth / 2 + 1, box_z + box_h], [ depth / 2, box_z + box_h], [ depth / 2, height - chamfer_h], [ depth / 2 - chamfer_d, height], [ -screw_r - eps, height], [ -screw_r - eps, box_z + box_h], [ screw_r + eps, box_z + box_h], [ screw_r + eps, height], [-depth / 2, height], [-depth / 2, 0], ]); linear_extrude(box_z + box_h) difference() { square([depth, pitch], center = true); translate([1, 0]) square([depth, box_w], center = true); } translate_z(box_z + box_h) linear_extrude(height - box_z - box_h) difference() { square([2 * screw_r + 0.1, pitch], center = true); circle(screw_r); } } color("silver") { screw_z = box_z + box_h; translate_z(screw_z) { cylinder(r = screw_r, h = height - screw_z - 1); // screw linear_extrude(height - screw_z - 0.5) difference() { circle(1); square([4, 0.5], center = true); // screw slot square([0.5, 1.7], center = true); // second screw slot } } translate_z(box_z - pin_l) cylinder(d = pin_d, h = pin_l + box_z, $fn = fn); // pin solder(pin_d / 2); translate_z(box_z + box_h / 2) // terminal rotate([0, -90, 0]) { linear_extrude(depth - 2, center = true) difference() { square([box_h, box_w], center = true); translate([wire_z - box_z - box_h / 2, 0]) circle(d = wire_d); } translate_z(depth / 2 - 1.5) cube([box_h, box_w, 1], center = true); } } } for(i = [0: ways -1]) translate([0, i * pitch - width / 2 + pitch / 2]) single(); } module molex_254_housing(ways) { //! Draw a Molex KK housing vitamin(str("molex_254_housing(", ways, "): Molex KK housing ", ways, " way")); pitch = 2.54; width = ways * pitch + 0.6; depth = 4.9; height = 12.8; header_depth = 6.35; tab = [1.73, 0.96, 2.15]; color("white") translate([(header_depth - depth) / 2, 0]) { linear_extrude(height) square([depth, width], center = true); for(side = [-1, 1]) translate([-depth / 2 - tab.x / 2, side * (pitch / 2 - tab.y / 4) * ways, tab.z / 2]) cube(tab, center = true); } } module molex_254(ways, right_angle = 0, skip = undef) { //! Draw molex KK header, set `right_angle` to 1 for normal right angle version or -1 for inverted right angle version. vitamin(str("molex_254(", ways, arg(right_angle, 0, "right_angle"), arg(skip, undef, "skip"), "): Molex KK header ", ways, " way", right_angle ? " right angle" : "")); pitch = 2.54; width = ways * pitch - 0.1; depth = 6.35; height = 8.15; base = 3.18; back = 1; below = 3.3; above = 9; pin_w = 0.64; r = 1; a = right_angle ? depth / 2 - r : above; ra_offset = 2.2; color("white") translate(right_angle ? [-ra_offset, 0, depth / 2] : [ 0, 0, 0]) rotate(right_angle ? right_angle > 0 ? [180, 90, 0] : [0, -90, 0] : [ 0, 0, 0]) { union() { translate([ -depth / 2, -width / 2,]) cube([depth, width, base]); w = width - pitch; translate([- depth / 2, -w / 2]) cube([back, w, height]); } if(show_plugs) translate_z(base + 0.1) molex_254_housing(ways); } color("silver") for(i = [0 : ways -1]) if(is_undef(skip) || !in(skip, i)) translate([0, i * pitch - width / 2 + pitch / 2]) { chamfer = pin_w / 2; l1 = a + below; translate_z(l1 / 2 - below) hull() { cube([pin_w, pin_w, l1 - 2 * chamfer], center = true); cube([pin_w - chamfer, pin_w - chamfer, l1], center = true); } solder(); l = above + ra_offset - r; if(right_angle) { translate([-l / 2 - r, 0, depth / 2]) hull() { cube([l - 2 * chamfer, pin_w, pin_w], center = true); cube([l, pin_w - chamfer, pin_w - chamfer], center = true); } translate([-r - pin_w / 2, 0, a - pin_w / 2]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) rotate_extrude(angle = 90) translate([r + pin_w / 2, 0]) square(pin_w, true); } } } module vero_pin(cropped = false) { //! Draw a vero pin vitamin("vero_pin(): Vero board pin"); l = cropped ? 7.5 : 10; d = 1.03; spline_d = 1.23; spline_h = 1.3; collar_d = 1.72; collar_h = 0.65; above = 3.6; splines = 6; spline_w = 0.3; color(silver) { translate_z(-l + above + collar_h) cylinder(d = d, h = l, $fn = fn); cylinder(d = collar_d, h = collar_h); for(i = [0 : splines - 1]) rotate(360 * i / splines) translate([d / 2, 0, -spline_h]) rounded_rectangle([spline_d - d, spline_w, spline_h], spline_w / 4, center = false); } solder(d / 2); } module standoff(h, d, h2, d2) { //! Draw a standoff color("white") { cylinder(d = d, h = h); hull() { translate_z(-(h2 - h) / 2 + d2 / 2) sphere(d = d2); translate_z(h +(h2 - h) / 2 - d2 / 2) sphere(d = d2); } } } module trimpot10(vertical, cutout = false) { //! Draw a ten turn trimpot l = 10; w = 9.5; h = 4.8; foot_w = 1; foot_h = 0.5; screw_h = 1.5; screw_d = 2.25; slot_w = 0.6; slot_h = 0.8; module screw_pos() translate([-w / 2 + screw_d / 2, -l / 2, h - screw_d / 2]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) children(); translate(vertical ? [0, -h / 2, l / 2] : [0, 0]) rotate([vertical ? -90 : 0, 0, 0]) { if(cutout) screw_pos() poly_drill(r = (screw_d + 1) / 2, h = 100, center = false); else color("#2CA1FD") { translate([0, -foot_h / 2, foot_h / 2 + h / 2]) cube([w, l - foot_h, h - foot_h], center = true); for(x = [-1, 1], y = [-1, 1]) translate([x * (w - foot_w) / 2, y * (l - foot_w) / 2, h / 2]) cube([foot_w, foot_w, h], center = true); } color(brass) screw_pos() { cylinder(d = screw_d, h = screw_h - slot_h); linear_extrude(screw_h) difference() { circle(d = screw_d); square([slot_w, screw_d + 1], center = true); } } } } module block(size, colour, makes_cutout, cutouts, r = 0, rtop = 0) //! Draw a coloured cube to represent a random PCB component if(cutouts) { if(makes_cutout) translate([-50, 0, size.z / 2 - panel_clearance]) cube([100, size.y + 2 * panel_clearance, size.z + 2 * panel_clearance], center = true); } else color(colour) let($fs = fs, $fa = fa) if(rtop) rounded_top_rectangle(size, r, rtop); else rounded_rectangle(size, r); module pcb_component(comp, cutouts = false, angle = undef) { //! Draw pcb component from description function show(comp, part) = (comp[3] == part || comp[3] == str("-",part)) && (!cutouts || angle == undef || angle == comp.z); function param(n, default = 0) = len(comp) > n && !is_undef(comp[n]) ? comp[n] : default; rotate(comp.z) { // Components that have a cutout parameter go in this section if(show(comp, "2p54header")) let($show_plugs = show_plugs && param(9, true)) pin_header(2p54header, comp[4], comp[5], param(6, false), param(8, false), cutouts, colour = param(7, undef)); if(show(comp, "2p54joiner")) pin_header(2p54joiner, comp[4], comp[5], param(6, false), param(8, false), cutouts, colour = param(7, undef)); if(show(comp, "2p54boxhdr")) let($show_plugs = show_plugs && param(7, true)) box_header(2p54header, comp[4], comp[5], param(6, false), cutouts, param(8, false)); if(show(comp, "2p54socket")) pin_socket(2p54header, comp[4], comp[5], param(6, false), param(7, 0), param(8, false), cutouts, param(9, undef)); if(show(comp, "chip")) chip(comp[4], comp[5], comp[6], param(7, grey(30)), cutouts); if(show(comp, "rj45")) rj45(cutouts); if(show(comp, "usb_A")) usb_Ax1(cutouts); if(show(comp, "usb_vAx1")) usb_vAx1(cutouts); if(show(comp, "usb_Ax1")) usb_Ax1(cutouts); if(show(comp, "usb_Ax2")) usb_Ax2(cutouts); if(show(comp, "usb_uA")) usb_uA(cutouts); if(show(comp, "usb_miniA")) usb_miniA(cutouts); if(show(comp, "usb_B")) usb_B(cutouts); if(show(comp, "usb_C")) usb_C(cutouts); if(show(comp, "jack")) jack(cutouts); if(show(comp, "barrel_jack")) barrel_jack(cutouts); if(show(comp, "hdmi")) hdmi(hdmi_full, cutouts); if(show(comp, "mini_hdmi")) hdmi(hdmi_mini, cutouts); if(show(comp, "micro_hdmi")) hdmi(hdmi_micro, cutouts); if(show(comp, "flex")) flex(cutouts); if(show(comp, "flat_flex")) flat_flex(param(4, false) ? large_ff : small_ff, cutouts); if(show(comp, "uSD")) uSD(comp[4], cutouts); if(show(comp, "trimpot10")) trimpot10(param(4, false), cutouts); if(show(comp, "molex_usb_Ax2")) molex_usb_Ax2(cutouts); if(show(comp, "molex_usb_Ax1")) molex_usb_Ax1(cutouts); if(show(comp, "smd_led")) smd_led(comp[4], comp[5], cutouts); if(show(comp, "7seg")) let(z = param(6, 0)) translate_z(z) 7_segment_digits(comp[4], comp[5], pin_length = z + 3, cutout = cutouts); if(show(comp, "block")) block(size = [comp[4], comp[5], comp[6]], colour = comp[7], makes_cutout = param(8), r = param(9, 0), rtop = param(10, 0)); if(!cutouts) { // Components that don't have a cutout parameter go in this section if(show(comp, "button")) square_button(comp[4], param(6, "yellow"), param(5, false)); if(show(comp, "button_6mm")) square_button(button_6mm); if(show(comp, "button_4p5mm")) square_button(button_4p5mm); if(show(comp, "microswitch")) translate_z(microswitch_thickness(comp[4])/2) microswitch(comp[4]); if(show(comp, "pcb")) translate_z(comp[4]) pcb(comp[5]); if(show(comp, "standoff")) standoff(comp[4], comp[5], comp[6], comp[7]); if(show(comp, "term254")) green_terminal(gt_2p54,comp[4], comp[5], param(6,"lime")); if(show(comp, "gterm")) green_terminal(comp[4], comp[5], comp[6], param(7,"lime")); if(show(comp, "gterm35")) green_terminal(gt_3p5, comp[4], comp[5], param(6,"lime")); if(show(comp, "gterm508")) green_terminal(gt_5p08, comp[4], comp[5], param(6,"lime")); if(show(comp, "gterm635")) green_terminal(gt_6p35, comp[4], comp[5], param(6,"lime")); if(show(comp, "term35")) terminal_35(comp[4], param(5,"blue")); if(show(comp, "transition")) idc_transition(2p54header, comp[4], comp[5]); if(show(comp, "led")) let(z = param(6, 0)) translate_z(z + eps) led(comp[4], comp[5], 2.6 + z, param(7, 0)); if(show(comp, "pdip")) pdip(comp[4], comp[5], param(6, false), param(7, inch(0.3))); if(show(comp, "ax_res")) ax_res(comp[4], comp[5], param(6, 5), param(7, 0)); if(show(comp, "ax_diode")) ax_diode(type = comp[4], value = comp[5], pitch = param(6, 0)); if(show(comp, "rd_xtal")) rd_xtal(type = comp[4], value = param(5, undef), z = param(6, 0), pitch = param(7, undef)); // type, value, z, forced pitch if(show(comp, "rd_electrolytic")) rd_electrolytic(type = comp[4], value = param(5, undef), z = param(6, 0), pitch = param(7, undef)); // type, value, z, forced pitch if(show(comp, "rd_disc")) rd_disc(type = comp[4], value = param(5, undef), z = param(6, 0), pitch = param(7, inch(0.2))); // type, value, z, forced pitch if(show(comp, "rd_module")) rd_module(type = comp[4], value = comp[5]); if(show(comp, "rd_transistor")) rd_transistor(type = comp[4], value = comp[5], lead_positions = param(6, undef), z = param(7, 5), kind = param(8,"Transistor")); // type, value, lead positions, z, kind if(show(comp, "link")) wire_link(l = comp[4], h = param(5, 1), d = param(6, 0.8), tail = param(7, 3), sleeve = param(8, false)); if(show(comp, "D_plug")) translate_z(d_pcb_offset(comp[4])) d_plug(comp[4], pcb = true); if(show(comp, "molex_hdr")) molex_254(comp[4], param(5, 0), param(6, undef)); if(show(comp, "jst_xh")) jst_xh_header(jst_xh_header, comp[4], param(5, false), param(6, false), param(7, undef)); if(show(comp, "jst_ph")) jst_xh_header(jst_ph_header, comp[4], param(5, false), param(6, false), param(7, undef)); if(show(comp, "jst_zh")) jst_xh_header(jst_zh_header, comp[4], param(5, false), param(6, false), param(7, undef)); if(show(comp, "potentiometer")) let(pot = param(4, BTT_encoder)) translate_z(pot_size(pot).z) vflip() potentiometer(pot, shaft_length = param(5, undef)); if(show(comp, "buzzer")) buzzer(param(4, 9), param(5, 12), param(6, grey(20))); if(show(comp, "smd_res")) smd_resistor(comp[4], comp[5]); if(show(comp, "smd_cap")) smd_capacitor(comp[4], comp[5], param(6, undef)); if(show(comp, "smd_tant")) smd_tant(comp[4], param(5, undef)); if(show(comp, "smd_sot")) smd_sot(comp[4], comp[5]); if(show(comp, "smd_soic")) smd_soic(comp[4], comp[5]); if(show(comp, "smd_diode")) smd_diode(comp[4], comp[5]); if(show(comp, "smd_inductor")) smd_inductor(comp[4], comp[5]); if(show(comp, "smd_pot")) smd_pot(comp[4], comp[5]); if(show(comp, "smd_coax")) smd_coax(comp[4]); if(show(comp, "smd_qfp")) smd_qfp(comp[4], comp[5]); if(show(comp, "vero_pin")) vero_pin(param(4, false)); if(show(comp, "terminal")) terminal_block(comp[5], comp[4]); if(show(comp, "multiwatt11")) multiwatt11(comp[4], param(5, 3)); if(show(comp, "text")) color(param(8, "white")) linear_extrude(0.04) resize([comp[4], comp[5]], auto = true) text(comp[6], font = param(7, "Liberation Mono"), valign = "center", halign = "center"); } } } function pcb_component_position(type, name, index = 0) = //! Return x y position of specified component [for(comp = pcb_components(type), p = [pcb_coord(type, [comp.x, comp.y])]) if(comp[3] == name) [p.x, p.y]][index]; module pcb_component_position(type, name) { //! Position child at the specified component position for(comp = pcb_components(type)) { p = pcb_coord(type, [comp.x, comp.y]); if(comp[3][0] == "-") { if(comp[3] == str("-", name)) translate([p.x, p.y]) vflip() children(); } else if(comp[3] == name) translate([p.x, p.y, pcb_thickness(type)]) children(); } } module pcb_components(type, cutouts = false, angle = undef) { //! Draw list of PCB components on the PCB not_on_bom(pcb_parts_on_bom(type)) for(comp = pcb_components(type)) { p = pcb_coord(type, [comp.x, comp.y]); if(comp[3][0] == "-") translate([p.x, p.y]) vflip() pcb_component(comp, cutouts, angle); else translate([p.x, p.y, pcb_thickness(type)]) pcb_component(comp, cutouts, angle); } } module pcb_grid_components(type, components, cutouts = false, angle = undef) //! Draw list of components on the PCB grid for perf board let($solder = pcb_solder(type)) for(comp = components) { p = pcb_grid_pos(type, comp.x, comp.y); if(comp[3][0] == "-") translate([p.x, p.y]) vflip() pcb_component(comp, cutouts, angle); else translate([p.x, p.y, pcb_thickness(type)]) pcb_component(comp, cutouts, angle); } module pcb_cutouts(type, angle = undef) //! Make cut outs to clear components on a PCB pcb_components(type, true, angle); module pcb_grid_positions(type) { grid = pcb_grid(type); for(i = [0 : 7 : len(grid) - 1]) { x0 = grid[i]; y0 = grid[i + 1]; cols = is_undef(grid[i + 2]) ? round((pcb_length(type) - 2 * x0) / inch(0.1)) : grid[i + 2] - 1; rows = is_undef(grid[i + 3]) ? round((pcb_width(type) - 2 * y0) / inch(0.1)) : grid[i + 3] - 1; for(x = [0 : cols], y = [0 : rows]) pcb_grid(type, x, y, i = i) children(); } } plating = 0.1; function pcb_solder(type) = [1, 0, pcb_thickness(type) + plating]; module pcb(type) { //! Draw specified PCB grid = pcb_grid(type); t = pcb_thickness(type); w = pcb_width(type); l = pcb_length(type); $fs = fs; $fa = fa; module pcb_shape() if(Len(pcb_polygon(type))) polygon(pcb_polygon(type)); else rounded_square([l, w], r = pcb_radius(type)); if(pcb_name(type)) vitamin(str("pcb(", type[0], "): ", pcb_name(type))); for(part = pcb_accessories(type)) vitamin(part); color(pcb_colour(type)) linear_extrude(t) difference() { pcb_shape(); pcb_hole_positions(type) offset(eps) circle4n(d = pcb_hole_d(type)); if(Len(grid)) pcb_grid_positions(type) circle(d = 1 + eps); } land = pcb_land_d(type); land_r = Len(land) > 2 ? land[2] : 0; hole = pcb_hole_d(type); color(Len(land) > 3 ? land[3] : silver) translate_z(t / 2) linear_extrude(t + 2 * plating, center = true) difference() { intersection() { pcb_hole_positions(type) if(is_list(land)) { p = pcb_holes(type)[$i]; // If edge SMT pad then make it rectangular to overlap without gaps edge = abs(p.x) < eps || abs(p.x - l) < eps || abs(p.y) < eps || abs(p.y - w) < eps; rounded_square([land.x, land.y], edge ? 0 : land_r); } else circle(d = max(land, 1)); offset(eps) pcb_shape(); // Handle half holes on the edge of PCBs such as ESP8266 } pcb_hole_positions(type) circle4n(d = hole); } fr4 = pcb_colour(type) != "sienna"; pcb_colour = pcb_colour(type); plating_colour = is_undef(grid[4]) ? ((pcb_colour == "green" || pcb_colour == "#2140BE") ? silver : pcb_colour == "sienna" ? copper : gold) : grid[4]; color(plating_colour) translate_z(-plating) linear_extrude(fr4 ? t + 2 * plating : plating) if(Len(grid)) { pcb_grid_positions(type) difference() { circle(d = 2); circle(d = 1); } if(fr4 && len(grid) < 3 && pcb_holes(type)) { // oval lands at the ends screw_x = pcb_coord(type, pcb_holes(type)[0]).x; both_ends = len(pcb_holes(type)) > 2; y0 = pcb_grid(type).y; rows = round((pcb_width(type) - 2 * y0) / inch(0.1)); for(end = both_ends ? [-1, 1] : [1], y = [1 : rows - 1]) translate([end * screw_x, y0 + y * inch(0.1) - pcb_width(type) / 2]) hull() for(x = [-1, 1]) translate([x * 1.6 / 2, 0]) circle(d = 2); } } let($solder = is_undef($solder) ? undef : pcb_solder(type)) // Handle PCB sub assembly on perfoard pcb_components(type); } module pcb_spacer(screw, height, wall = 1.8, taper = 0) { //! Generate STL for PCB spacer stl(str("pcb_spacer", round(screw_radius(screw) * 20), round(height * 10), taper ? str("_", taper) : "")); ir = screw_clearance_radius(screw); or = corrected_radius(ir) + wall; if(height > taper) linear_extrude(height - taper) poly_ring(or, ir); if(taper) linear_extrude(height) poly_ring(ir + 2 * extrusion_width, ir); } module pcb_base(type, height, thickness, wall = 2) { //! Generate STL for a base with PCB spacers screw = pcb_screw(type); ir = screw_clearance_radius(screw); or = corrected_radius(ir) + wall; union() { linear_extrude(thickness) difference() { hull() pcb_screw_positions(type) poly_ring(or, ir); pcb_screw_positions(type) poly_circle(ir); } linear_extrude(height) pcb_screw_positions(type) poly_ring(or, ir); } } module pcb_assembly(type, height, thickness) { //! Draw PCB assembly with spaces and fasteners in place translate_z(height) pcb(type); screw = pcb_screw(type); if(!is_undef(screw)) { screw_length = screw_length(screw, height + thickness + pcb_thickness(type), 1, nyloc = true); taper = screw_smaller_than(pcb_hole_d(type)) > 2 * screw_radius(screw); // Arduino? pcb_screw_positions(type) { translate_z(height + pcb_thickness(type)) screw(screw, screw_length); stl_colour(pp1_colour) if(taper) pcb_spacer(screw, height, taper = 2); else pcb_spacer(screw, height); translate_z(-thickness) vflip() nut_and_washer(screw_nut(screw), true); } } }