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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Various electronic components used in hot ends and heated beds.
// Resistor model for hot end
include <../core.scad>
include <tubings.scad>
include <spades.scad>
use <../utils/rounded_cylinder.scad>
use <../utils/dogbones.scad>
use <../utils/sweep.scad>
use <../utils/rounded_polygon.scad>
function resistor_length(type) = type[2]; //! Body length
function resistor_diameter(type) = type[3]; //! Body diameter
function resistor_wire_diameter(type) = type[4]; //! Wire diameter
function resistor_wire_length(type) = type[5]; //! Wire length from body
function resistor_hole(type) = type[6]; //! Hole big enough to glue it into
function resistor_colour(type) = type[7]; //! Body colour
function resistor_radial(type) = type[8]; //! Radial gives bead thermistor style body
function resistor_sleeved(type) = type[9]; //! Are the leads sleeved
splay_angle = 2; // radial lead splay angle
module resistor(type) { //! Draw specified type of resistor
length = resistor_length(type);
dia = resistor_diameter(type);
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
vitamin(str("resistor(", type[0], "): ", type[1]));
// wires
color([0.7, 0.7, 0.7])
for(side= [-1,1])
translate([side * dia / 6, 0, length / 2])
rotate([0, splay_angle * side, 0])
cylinder(r = resistor_wire_diameter(type) / 2, h = resistor_wire_length(type), center = false, $fn = fn);
cylinder(r = resistor_wire_diameter(type) / 2, h = length + 2 * resistor_wire_length(type), center = true, $fn = fn);
// Sleeving
color([0.5, 0.5, 1])
for(side= [-1, 1])
translate([side * resistor_diameter(type) / 6, 0, length / 2]) {
rotate([0, splay_angle * side, 0])
cylinder(r = resistor_wire_diameter(type) / 2 + 0.1, h = resistor_wire_length(type) - 5, center = false, $fn = fn); }
// Body
hull() {
translate_z(-length / 2 + dia / 2)
sphere(d = dia);
cylinder(d = dia / 2, h = length / 2);
for(y = [0, 1])
mirror([0, y])
rounded_corner(r = dia / 2, h = length / 2, r2 = dia / 10);
module sleeved_resistor(type, sleeving, bare = 5, heatshrink = false) { //! Draw a resistor with sleeved leads and option heatshrink
sleeving_length = resistor_wire_length(type) - bare;
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
for(side= [-1,1])
if(resistor_radial(type)) {
translate([side * resistor_diameter(type) / 6, 0, 0])
rotate([0, splay_angle * side, 0]) {
translate_z(sleeving_length / 2 + resistor_length(type) / 2 + 20 * exploded())
tubing(sleeving, sleeving_length);
translate_z(sleeving_length + resistor_length(type) / 2 + bare / 2 + 30 * exploded())
else {
translate_z(side * (resistor_length(type) + sleeving_length + 40 * exploded()) / 2)
tubing(sleeving, sleeving_length);
translate_z(side * (resistor_length(type) /2 + sleeving_length + 30 * exploded()))
function al_clad_length(type) = type[1]; //! Body length
function al_clad_width(type) = type[2]; //! Width including tabs
function al_clad_tab(type) = type[3]; //! Tab width
function al_clad_hpitch(type) = type[4]; //! Lengthways pitch between screw holes
function al_clad_vpitch(type) = type[5]; //! Widthways pitch between screw holes
function al_clad_thickness(type) = type[6]; //! Tab thickness
function al_clad_hole(type) = type[7]; //! Hole diameter
function al_clad_clearance(type) = type[8]; //! Clearance from screw hole centre to the body
function al_clad_height(type) = type[9]; //! Body height
function al_clad_wire_length(type) = type[10]; //! Total length including wires
module al_clad_resistor_hole_positions(type) //! Position children at the screw holes of an aluminium clad resistor
for(end = [-1, 1])
translate([end * al_clad_hpitch(type) / 2, end * al_clad_vpitch(type) / 2, al_clad_thickness(type)])
module al_clad_resistor_holes(type, h = 100) //! Drill screw holes for an aluminium clad resistor
drill(screw_clearance_radius(al_clad_hole(type) > 3 ? M3_pan_screw : M2p5_pan_screw), h);
module al_clad_resistor(type, value, leads = true) { //! Draw an aluminium clad resistor
vitamin(str("al_clad_resistor(", type[0], ", ", value, arg(leads, true, "leads"),
"): Resistor aluminium clad ", type[0], " ", value));
length = al_clad_length(type);
width = al_clad_width(type);
height = al_clad_height(type);
tab = al_clad_tab(type);
thickness = al_clad_thickness(type);
terminal_h = 4;
terminal_t = 1;
terminal_l = 5;
body = al_clad_vpitch(type) - 2 * al_clad_clearance(type);
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
color("silver") {
rotate([90, 0, 90])
linear_extrude(length, center = true)
hull() {
translate([0, al_clad_height(type) / 2])
intersection() {
square([body, al_clad_height(type)], center = true);
circle(body / 2 - eps);
translate([0, thickness / 2])
square([body, thickness], center = true);
difference() {
for(end = [-1, 1])
translate([end * (length - tab) / 2, end * (width - width / 2) / 2])
square([tab, width / 2], center = true);
circle(d = al_clad_hole(type));
if(leads) {
translate_z(height / 2)
rotate([0, 90, 0])
cylinder(r = 1, h = al_clad_wire_length(type) - 2 * terminal_l + eps, center = true);
for(end = [-1, 1])
translate([end * (al_clad_wire_length(type) - terminal_l) / 2, 0, height / 2])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(terminal_t, center = true) difference() {
square([terminal_l, terminal_h], center = true);
circle(r = 1);
translate_z(height / 2)
rotate([0, 90, 0])
cylinder(r = leads ? 3 : height / 2 - 2, h = length + eps, center = true);
module al_clad_resistor_assembly(type, value, sleeved = true, sleeving = HSHRNK32, sleeving_length = 15) { //! Draw aluminium clad resistor with optional sleaving, positions children at the screw positions
al_clad_resistor(type, value);
for(end = [-1, 1])
translate([end * (al_clad_length(type) + sleeving_length + 0) / 2, 0, al_clad_height(type) / 2])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
scale([1.5, 0.66, 1])
tubing(sleeving, sleeving_length);
TO220_hole_y = 2.9; // Distance to hole from top of tab
function TO220_size() = [10.2, 15, 4.4]; //! Size of a TO220
function TO220_thickness() = 1.5; //! Thickness of the tab of a TO220
function TO220_lead_pos(i, l) = //! Position of ith lead end when length = l
[i * inch(0.1), -TO220_size().y + TO220_hole_y - l, 1.9];
module TO220(description, leads = 3, lead_length = 16) { //! Draw a TO220 package, use `description` to describe what it is
s = TO220_size();
inset = 1.5;
hole = 3.3;
lead_t = 0.4;
lead_w = 0.7;
lead_w2 = 1.4;
lead_l = 4.2;
body = 8;
vitamin(str("TO220(\"", description, "\"", arg(leads, 3, "leads"), "): ", description));
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
translate([0, -s.y + TO220_hole_y]) {
difference() {
translate([-s.x / 2, inset])
square([s.x, s.y - inset]);
translate([0, s.y - TO220_hole_y])
circle(d = hole);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * s.x / 2, 0])
square([inset * 2, body * 2], center = true);
translate([-s.x / 2, 0, eps])
cube([s.x, body, s.z]);
for(i = [-1 : 1])
if(i || leads == 3) {
translate(TO220_lead_pos(i, lead_length / 2))
cube([lead_w, lead_length, lead_t], center = true);
translate(TO220_lead_pos(i, lead_l / 2))
cube([lead_w2, lead_l, lead_t], center = true);
function TO247_size() = [15.7, 20.82, 4.82, 5.58, 2.5, 3.8]; //! Body dimensions of a T247, hole offset, lead height and lead wide length
module TO247(description, lead_length = 20) { //! Draw a TO247 package, use `description` to describe what it is
size = TO247_size();
hole_y = size[3];
lead_height = size[4];
lead_l = size[5];
metal = [12.81, 13.08, 1.5];
metal_y_offset = 1.35;
hole = 3.5;
metal_hole = 6.85;
lead_t = 0.61;
lead_w2 = 2.5;
lead_w = 1.25;
lead_pitch = 5.56;
vitamin(str("TO247(\"", description, "\"): ", description));
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
module body_shape()
difference() {
translate([-size.x / 2, 0])
square([size.x, size.y]);
translate([0, size.y - hole_y])
circle(d = hole);
translate([0, -size.y + hole_y]) {
color("silver") {
difference() {
translate([-metal.x / 2, size.y - metal.y - metal_y_offset])
square([metal.x, metal.y]);
translate([0, size.y - hole_y])
circle(d = metal_hole);
intersection() {
for(i = [-1 : 1]) {
length = is_list(lead_length) ? lead_length[i + 1] : lead_length;
translate([lead_pitch * i, -length / 2, lead_height])
square([lead_w, length], center = true);
translate([lead_pitch * i, -lead_l / 2, lead_height])
square([lead_w2, lead_l], center = true);
square([2 * lead_pitch + lead_w, 100], center = true);
translate_z(eps) {
linear_extrude(metal.z - 2 * eps)
difference() {
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * size.x / 2, size.y - hole_y])
circle(d = 5);
module multiwatt11(part_no, tail = 3) { //! Draw a MULTIWATT11 package
A = 5; // Body thickness, name from datasheet
B = 2.65; // Lead offset from heatsink face
C = 1.6; // Metal tab thickness
D = 1; // Straight section of leads before bend
E = (0.49 + 0.55) / 2; // Lead thickness
F = (0.88 + 0.95) / 2; // Lead width
G = 1.7; // Lead pitch
H = 20; // Body width
L2 = (17.4 +18.1) / 2; // Height of hole above the PCB
L3 = 17.5; // Height from base to tab
L4 = 10.7; // height of plastic part
L7 = (2.65 + 2.9) / 2; // Distance of hole from the top
M = 4.3; // Back leads from heatsink
M1 = 5.08; // Back leass to front leads
S = (1.9 + 2.6) / 2; // Chamfer
Dia = (3.65 + 3.85) / 2;// Hole diameter
inset = 1; // Metal inset from plastic
draft = 7; // 7 degree body draft angle
leads = 11; // Number of leads
h = L2 + L7; // Total height above PCB
z = h - L3; // Height of base above PCB
dimple_d = 2.7; // Half round dimples in the sides
tab_h = L3 - L4;
tan = tan(draft);
lead_r = E;
vitamin(str("multiwatt11(\"", part_no, "\"): MULTIWATT11 ", part_no));
rotate([90, 0, 0]) {
color(silver) {
union() {
translate([-H / 2 + inset, z + inset + 0.2])
square([H - 2 * inset, L4]);
difference() {
hull() {
translate([-H / 2, z + L4])
square([H, tab_h - S]);
translate([-H / 2 + S, z + L4])
square([H - 2 * S, tab_h]);
translate([0, h - L7])
circle(d = Dia);
$fs = fs;
$fa = fa;
M2 = M + M1;
front_path = [for(p = rounded_polygon([
[-B, z, 0],
[-B - lead_r, z - D, lead_r],
[-M2 + lead_r, h - L7 - L2, -lead_r],
[-M2, h - L7 - L2 - tail, 0],
])) [0, p.y, -p.x]];
back_path = [for(p = rounded_polygon([
[-B, z, 0],
[-B - lead_r, z - D, lead_r],
[-M + lead_r, h - L7 - L2, -lead_r],
[-M, h - L7 - L2 - tail, 0],
])) [0, p.y, -p.x]];
profile = rectangle_points(F, E);
for(i = [0 : leads - 1])
translate([(i - (leads - 1) / 2) * G, 0, -E / 2])
sweep((i % 2) ? back_path : front_path, profile);
difference() {
s = B * tan;
s2 = (A - B) * tan;
hull() {
translate([-H / 2 - C * tan, z + s, eps])
cube([H + 2 * C * tan, L4 - s, eps]);
translate([-H / 2, z, B])
cube([H, eps, eps]);
translate([-H / 2 + s2, z + s2, A - eps])
cube([H - 2 * s2, L4 - (A - C) * tan, eps]);
for(side = [-1,1])
translate([side * (H / 2 + s2), z + 4.5, C - eps])
cylinder(d = dimple_d, h = A - C + 2 * eps);
translate([0, z + L4 / 2, A])
resize([H * 0.7, 0], auto = true)
text(part_no, halign = "center", valign = "center");
panel_USBA_pitch = 30;
module panel_USBA_hole_positions() //! Place children at hole positions
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * panel_USBA_pitch / 2, 0])
module panel_USBA_holes(h = 100) { //! Make holes for USBA connector
corner_clearance = 2 * cnc_bit_r * (1 - 1 / sqrt(2));
width = 5.5 + corner_clearance;
length = 13 + corner_clearance;
extrude_if(h) union() {
rounded_square([length, width], r = cnc_bit_r);
drill(M3_clearance_radius, 0);
module panel_USBA() { //! Draw a panel mount USBA connector
vitamin("panel_USBA(): Socket USB A panel mount");
width = 12;
length = 40;
length2 = 22;
thickness = 5.5;
height = 33;
height2 = 27;
lead_dia = 10;
r1 = 1.5;
r2 = 5;
height3 = 9.5;
length3 = 17.5;
l = 17;
w = 13.3;
h = 5.7;
flange_t = 0.4;
h_flange_h = 0.8;
h_flange_l = 11.2;
v_flange_h = 0.8;
v_flange_l = 3.8;
tongue_w = 10;
tongue_t = 1.3;
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
vflip() {
color("dimgrey") {
difference() {
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * (length / 2 - width / 2), 0])
circle(d = width);
square([length3, width + 1], center = true);
cylinder(d = lead_dia, h = height - height2);
hull() {
dx = (length2 / 2 - r2);
dy = (width / 2 - r1);
rounded_rectangle([length2, width, 1], r = r1);
translate([-dx, -dy, height2 - r2])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rounded_cylinder(r = r2, r2 = r1, h = r1);
translate([dx, -dy, height2 - r2])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rounded_cylinder(r = r2, r2 = r1, h = r1);
translate([-dx, dy, height2 - r2])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
rounded_cylinder(r = r2, r2 = r1, h = r1);
translate([dx, dy, height2 - r2])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
rounded_cylinder(r = r2, r2 = r1, h = r1);
linear_extrude(l - height3)
difference() {
rounded_square([length2, width], r = r1);
square([w - flange_t, h - flange_t], center = true);
difference() {
rounded_square([length2, width], r = r1);
square([length3, width + 1], center = true);
*cube([12, 4.5, 32], center = true);
color("silver") {
difference() {
square([w, h], center = true);
square([w - 2 * flange_t, h - 2 * flange_t], center = true);
translate_z(l - flange_t / 2)
cube([w, h, flange_t], center = true);
difference() {
union() {
square([h_flange_l, h + 2 * h_flange_h], center = true);
square([w + 2 * v_flange_h, v_flange_l], center = true);
square([w - 2 * flange_t, h - 2 * flange_t], center = true);
translate([0, h / 2 - 1 - tongue_t / 2, l / 2])
cube([tongue_w, tongue_t, l], center = true);
function tc_length(type) = type[1]; //! Across the lugs
function tc_width(type) = type[2]; //! Width of lugs
function tc_thickness(type) = type[3]; //! Metal thickness
function tc_hole_dia(type) = type[4]; //! Screw hole diameter
function tc_hole_pitch(type) = type[5]; //! Screw hole pitch
function tc_body_length(type) = type[6]; //! Plastic body length
function tc_body_width(type) = type[7]; //! Plastic body width
function tc_body_height(type) = type[8]; //! Plastic body height
function tc_body_inset(type) = type[9]; //! How far metal is inset into the plastic body
function tc_spade_height(type) = type[10]; //! Terminal spade height measured from base
function tc_spade_pitch(type) = type[11]; //! Terminal spade pitch
module thermal_cutout_hole_positions(type) //! Place children at hole positions
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * tc_hole_pitch(type) / 2, 0])
module thermal_cutout(type) { //! Draw specified thermal cutout
vitamin(str("thermal_cutout(", type[0], "): Thermal cutout ", type[0]));
w = tc_width(type);
t = tc_thickness(type);
h = tc_body_height(type);
bw = tc_body_width(type);
bl = tc_body_length(type);
spade = spade6p4;
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
color("silver") {
difference() {
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side *(tc_length(type) - w) / 2, 0])
circle(d = w);
circle(d = tc_hole_dia(type));
body_inset = tc_body_inset(type);
translate_z((h - body_inset) / 2)
cube([bl - 2 * body_inset, bw + 2 * eps, h - body_inset], center = true);
translate_z(h / 2 + eps)
cube([bl, bw, h], center = true);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * tc_spade_pitch(type) / 2, 0, h])
spade(spade, tc_spade_height(type) - h);
function fack2spm_bezel_size() = [19.2, 35.5, 2.6, 2]; //! FACK2SPM Bezel dimensions
module fack2spm_hole_positions() //! Place children at the FACK2SPM mounting hole positions
for(end = [-1, 1])
translate([0, end * 28.96 / 2])
function fack2spm_screw() = M3_dome_screw; //! Screw type for FACK2SPM
module fack2spm_holes(h = 0) { //! Cut the holes for a FACK2SPM
drill(screw_clearance_radius(fack2spm_screw()), h);
dogbone_rectangle([17.15, 22.86, h]);
module fack2spm() { //! Draw a FACK2SPM Cat5E RJ45 shielded panel mount coupler
vitamin("tuk_fack2spm(): TUK FACK2SPM Cat5E RJ45 shielded panel mount coupler");
bezel = fack2spm_bezel_size();
body = [16.8, 22.8, 9.8];
socket = [14.5, 16.1, 29.6];
y_offset = -(19.45 - 16.3) / 2;
plug = [12, 6.8, 10];
plug_y = y_offset - socket.y / 2 + 4 + plug.y / 2;
tab1 = [4, 3];
tab2 = [6.3, 1.6];
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
module socket()
translate([0, y_offset])
square([socket.x, socket.y], center = true);
color("silver") {
difference() {
rounded_square([bezel.x, bezel.y], bezel[3]);
circle(d = 3.15);
translate_z(bezel.z - body.z)
linear_extrude(body.z - eps)
difference() {
square([body.x, body.y], center = true);
translate_z(bezel.z - socket.z)
linear_extrude(socket.z - 0.1)
difference() {
offset(-0.1) socket();
translate([0, plug_y]) {
square([plug.x, plug.y], center = true);
translate([0, -plug.y / 2]) {
square([tab1.x, 2 * tab1.y], center = true);
square([tab2.x, 2 * tab2.y], center = true);
translate([0, plug_y, -socket.z / 2])
cube([plug.x, plug.y, socket.z - 2 * plug.z], center = true);