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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2020
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Utilities for making involute gears.
//! Formulas from <https://khkgears.net/new/gear_knowledge/gear_technical_reference/involute_gear_profile.html>
//! and <https://www.tec-science.com/mechanical-power-transmission/involute-gear/calculation-of-involute-gears/>
//! ```involute_gear_profile()``` returns a polygon that can have the bore and spokes, etc, subtracted from it before linear extruding it to 3D.
//! Helical gears can be made using ```twist``` and bevel gears using ```scale``` parameters of ```linear_extrude()```.
//! Gears with less than 19 teeth (when pressure angle is 20) are profile shifted to avoid undercutting the tooth root. 7 teeth is considered
//! the practical minimum.
//! The clearance between tip and root defaults to module / 6, but can be overridden by setting the ```clearance``` parameter.
//! The origin of the rack is the left end of the pitch line and its width is below the pitch line. I.e. it does not include the addendum.
include <core/core.scad>
use <maths.scad>
function involute(r, u) = let(a = degrees(u), c = cos(a), s = sin(a)) r * [c + u * s, s - u * c]; //! Involute of circle radius r at angle u in radians
function profile_shift(z, pa) = z ? max(1 - z * sqr(sin(pa)) / 2, 0) : 0; //! Calculate profile shift for small gears
function centre_distance(m, z1, z2, pa) = //! Calculate distance between centres taking profile shift into account
let(x1 = profile_shift(z1, pa), x2 = profile_shift(z2, pa)) m * (z1/2 + z2/2 + x1 + x2);
module involute_gear_profile(m, z, pa = 20, clearance = undef, steps = 20) { //! Calculate gear profile given module, number of teeth and pressure angle
assert(z >= 7, "Gears must have at least 7 teeth.");
d = m * z; // Reference pitch circle diameter
x = profile_shift(z, pa); // Profile shift
c = is_undef(clearance) ? m / 6 : clearance; // Clearance from tip to root
base_d = d * cos(pa); // Base diameter
root_r = d / 2 + m * (x - 1) - c; // Root radius (dedendum circle radius)
tip_d = d + 2 * m * (1 + x); // Tip diameter (addendum circle diameter)
tpa = acos(base_d / tip_d); // Tip pressure angle
inva = tan(pa) - radians(pa); // Involute alpha
invaa = tan(tpa) - radians(tpa); // Involute alphaa
ta = PI / (2 * z) + 2 * x * tan(pa) / z + inva - invaa; // Tooth tip thickness angle, radians
crest_w = ta * tip_d; // Crest width
umax = sqrt(sqr(tip_d / base_d) - 1); // Max value of the involute parameter
base_r = base_d / 2;
p1 = involute(base_r, 0);
p2 = involute(base_r, umax);
dist = norm(p2 - p1); // distance between beginning and end of the involute curve
base_angle = 2 * acos((sqr(base_r) + sqr(tip_d / 2) - sqr(dist)) / base_r / tip_d) + degrees(2 * ta);
root_angle = 360 / z - base_angle;
root_circle_r = base_r * sin(root_angle / 2);
if(!is_undef($show_numbers) && $show_numbers) {
echo(tpa = tpa);
echo(umax = umax);
involute = [for(i = [0 : steps], u = umax * i / steps) involute(base_r, u)]; // involute for the bottom side of the tooth
truncated = [for(p = involute) if((rot2_z(-base_angle / 2) * p).y <= 0) p]; // removed any above the centreline to prevent overlap
reflection = reverse([for(p = truncated) rot2_z(base_angle) * [p.x, -p.y] ]); // reflect and rotate to make the top edge
root = reverse([for(a = [90 : 180 / steps : 270]) rot2_z(base_angle + root_angle / 2) * ([base_r, 0] + root_circle_r * [cos(a), sin(a)]) ]);
tooth = concat(truncated, reflection, root);
gear = concat([for(i = [0 : z - 1], p = tooth) rot2_z(i * 360 / z) * p]);
rotate(-base_angle / 2)
union() {
module involute_rack_profile(m, z, w, pa = 20, clearance = undef) { //! Calculate rack profile given module, number of teeth and pressure angle
p = PI * m; // Pitch
ha = m; // Addendum
hf = 1.25 * m; // Dedendum
hw = 2 * m; // Working depth
h = ha + hf; // Tooth depth
c = is_undef(clearance) ? m / 4 : clearance; // Tip root clearance
crest_w = p / 2 - 2 * ha * tan(pa); // Crest width
base_w = crest_w + 2 * hw * tan(pa); // Base width
root_w = p - base_w; // Root width
clearance_w = root_w - 2 * c * tan(pa); // Width of clearance without fillet
kx = tan(pa / 2 + 45); // Fillet ratio of radius and xoffset
pf = min(0.38 * m, kx * clearance_w / 2); // Dedendum fillet radius
x = pf / kx; // Fillet centre x offset from corner
tooth = [ [root_w / 2, -hw / 2], [p / 2 - crest_w / 2, ha], [p / 2 + crest_w / 2, ha], [p - root_w / 2, -hw / 2] ];
teeth = [for(i = [0 : z - 1], pt = tooth) [pt.x + i * p, pt.y] ];
difference() {
polygon(concat([[0, -w], [0, -hf]], teeth, [[z * p, -hf ], [z * p, -w]])); // Add the corners
for(i = [0 : z]) // Add fillets
hull() {
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([i * p + side * (clearance_w / 2 - x), -hf + pf])
translate([i * p, -hw /2 + eps / 2]) // Need to extend to fillet up to meet the root at high pressure angles
square([root_w, eps], center = true);