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synced 2025-01-17 21:48:43 +01:00
PCB text can now specify a colour. Added SOT23_6, TSOT23_8 and CAP1210 SMD packages. Added ESP-201 Wifi Module PCB. Added ESP12F Wifi module. Added tiny_buck converter PCB. Made 2p54joiner a bit longer. Fixed SOIC gullwing shape. Added Wifi antennas. Added Yunpen filtered IEC mains inlet. Added power jack socket. Added right angle option for LEDs. Added gear_motors. Added 686ZZ and 696ZZ ball bearings. Added two larger box section tubes. Added right angle option to square_buttons. Doesn't draw the frame yet. Added multiwatt11 package for L6203. Added ONS9143A 13A mains socket. Added radial electrolytic capacitors. Added LDE10_20B PSU module. Added screw_tearsink() to make horizontal countersunk holes. Can now have solid tracks on veroboard. Added veroboard_base() module to make an STL for a base with spacers. Corrected M6 spring washer thickness. Can now specify the height of a solder meniscus. slot() now has a center option. Added button_6mm_7 with a taller button. Added default fa, fs and fn constants used for drawing vitamins. These can be set via $default_fa and $default_fs that can also be set by environment variables: NOPSCADLIB_DEFAULT_FA and NOPSCADLIB_DEFAULT_FS.
251 lines
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251 lines
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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2021
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Potentiometers and rotary encoders
include <../utils/core/core.scad>
use <../utils/rounded_cylinder.scad>
use <../utils/round.scad>
use <../utils/thread.scad>
pot_nut_t = 2;
pot_proud = 0.3;
spigot_r = 0.5;
tab = [3.2, 0.5];
function pot_body(type) = type[1]; //! Body diameter or width & depth, height and corner radius
function pot_face(type) = type[2]; //! Faceplate rib width, plate depth and plate height
function pot_wafer(type) = type[3]; //! Width, diameter and thickness of the track wafer plus true if curved
function pot_gangs(type) = type[4]; //! Number of gangs for mult-gang pot
function pot_thread_d(type) = type[5]; //! Nomininal thread diameter
function pot_thread_p(type) = type[6]; //! Thread pitch
function pot_thread_h(type) = type[7]; //! Height of threaded part
function pot_boss_d(type) = type[8]; //! Boss diameter
function pot_boss_h(type) = type[9]; //! Boss height
function pot_spigot(type) = type[10]; //! Spigot width, length and height above the boss
function pot_spigot_x(type) = type[11]; //! Spigot offset from the shaft centre
function pot_shaft(type) = type[12]; //! Diameter, flat diameter, length and flat/slot length and colour. If flat diameter is less than the radius then it is a slot width
function pot_neck(type) = type[13]; //! Diameter and length of the shaft neck
function pot_nut(type) = type[14]; //! Across flat diameter and thickness of the nut
function pot_washer(type) = type[15]; //! Outside diameter and thickness of the washer
function pot_size(type) = let(d = pot_body(type)) len(d) > 3 ? [d.x , d.y, d.z] : [d.x, d.x, d.y]; //! Get pot body dimensions
function pot_z(type, washer = true) = pot_thread_h(type) - pot_nut(type)[1] - pot_proud - (washer ? pot_washer(type)[1] : 0); //! Ideal distance behind panel surface to get the nut and washer on comfortably
function pot_spigot_r(type) = let(sp = pot_spigot(type)) sp.x > 2 * spigot_r ? spigot_r : 0;
module pot_nut(type, washer = true) { //! Draw the nut for a potentiometer and possibly a washer
nut = pot_nut(type);
washer = washer ? pot_washer(type) : false;
nut_z = washer ? washer[1] : 0;
thread_d = pot_thread_d(type);
vflip() explode(23, explode_children = true) {
difference() {
circle(d = washer.x);
circle(d = thread_d);
serations = washer[3];
for(i = [1 : serations])
rotate(i * 360 / serations)
translate([thread_d / 2, 0])
square([(washer.x - thread_d) / 2, PI * thread_d / (2 * serations)], center = true);
translate_z(nut_z + exploded() * 10) {
difference() {
circle(d = nut.x / cos(30), $fn = 6);
circle(d = thread_d);
if(show_threads && exploded())
female_metric_thread(thread_d, pot_thread_p(type), nut[1], center = false, colour = nut[2]);
module potentiometer(type, thickness = 3, shaft_length = undef, value = false) {//! Draw a potentiometer with nut spaced by specified thickness
bh = pot_boss_h(type);
s = pot_size(type);
face = pot_face(type);
wafer = pot_wafer(type);
wafer_z = wafer? wafer.z : 0;
round = len(pot_body(type)) < 4;
dia_cast_colour = grey(60);
thread_d = pot_thread_d(type);
thread_h = pot_thread_h(type);
shaft = pot_shaft(type);
vitamin(str("potentiometer(", type[0], "): ", slice(type[0], start = -8) != "_encoder" ? "Potentiometer " : "", value ? value : type[0]));
$fa = fa; $fs = fs;
color(dia_cast_colour) {
// Boss
cylinder(d = pot_boss_d(type), h = bh);
if(face) {
if(face.x) {
square([face.x, face.y], center = true);
difference() {
square([face.x, face.y], center = true);
square([face.x - 2 * face.z, s.x], center = true);
translate_z(bh - face.z)
intersection() {
circle(d = s.x - eps);
difference() {
square([s.x + eps, face.y], center = true);
square([face.x - 2 * face.z, s.x], center = true);
// spigot
x = pot_spigot_x(type);
sp = pot_spigot(type);
translate([x, 0, bh])
rounded_rectangle(sp + [0, 0, bh], pot_spigot_r(type));
// thread
male_metric_thread(thread_d, pot_thread_p(type), thread_h, center = false, bot = 0, colour = dia_cast_colour);
cylinder(d = thread_d, h = pot_thread_h(type));
d = pot_body(type);
fz = face ? face.z : 0;
gap = face ? face.z + tab[1] : 0;
total_h = s.z - bh;
gangs = pot_gangs(type);
gang_h = (total_h - (gangs - 1) * gap) / gangs;
pitch = gang_h + gap;
for(i = [0 : gangs - 1])
translate_z(bh + i * pitch) {
// Wafer that carries the track and contacts
color("sienna") {
linear_extrude(wafer.z) round(wafer[3] ? 1 : 0) {
circle(d = s.x - eps);
rounded_square([s.x, s.y], d[3]);
intersection() {
translate([0, -s.y / 2])
square([wafer.x, (wafer.y - s.y) * 2], center = true);
circle(wafer.y - s.y / 2);
square(100, center = true);
color(silver) {
// Body
rounded_cylinder(r = s.x / 2, r2 = d[2], h = gang_h - wafer_z);
rounded_rectangle([s.x, s.y, gang_h - wafer_z], d[3]);
// Make tabs that hold the face on
if(face) {
translate_z(-tab[1] - fz)
linear_extrude(face.z + tab[1] + wafer_z)
intersection() {
circle(d = s.x);
for(x = [-1, 1], y = [-1, 1], a = y * 90 + 90 + x * 30)
translate([s.x / 2, 0])
slot(r = tab.x / 2, l = (s.x - pot_boss_d(type)) / 2 - tab.x / 2, h = 0);
// Face plate between sections
if(face && i) {
intersection() {
circle(d = s.x - eps);
square([s.x + eps, face.y], center = true);
cylinder(d = shaft.x, h = gap);
// Shaft
translate_z(-thread_h) vflip() {
shaft_z = is_undef(shaft_length) ? shaft.z : min(shaft_length, shaft.z);
flat_h = shaft[3] - (shaft.z - shaft_z);
plain = shaft_z - flat_h;
neck = pot_neck(type);
neck_h = neck[1];
cylinder(d = neck.x, h = neck_h);
if(plain - neck_h > 0)
cylinder(d = shaft.x, h = plain - neck_h);
difference() {
circle(d = shaft.x);
if(shaft.y > shaft.x / 2)
translate([0, shaft.x / 2])
square([shaft.x, 2 * (shaft.x - shaft.y)], center = true);
square([shaft.y, shaft.x + 1], center = true);