mirror of https://github.com/nophead/NopSCADlib.git synced 2025-01-17 05:28:14 +01:00
Chris Palmer c99ed98a64 Can now have right angle pin headers on PCBs.
Fixed bugs right angle pin headers with rows not equal to two.
Added more tests for pin headers.
2020-09-11 00:20:28 +01:00

282 lines
12 KiB

// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Pin headers and sockets, etc.
include <../utils/core/core.scad>
use <../utils/dogbones.scad>
panel_clearance = 0.2;
function hdr_pitch(type) = type[1]; //! Header pitch
function hdr_pin_length(type) = type[2]; //! Header pin length
function hdr_pin_below(type) = type[3]; //! Header pin length underneath
function hdr_pin_width(type) = type[4]; //! Header pin size
function hdr_pin_colour(type) = type[5]; //! Header pin colour
function hdr_base_colour(type) = type[6]; //! Header insulator colour
function hdr_socket_depth(type) = type[7]; //! Socket depth for female housing
module pin(type, length = undef) { //! Draw a header pin
w = hdr_pin_width(type);
l = length == undef ? hdr_pin_length(type) : length;
chamfer = w / 2;
translate_z(l / 2 -hdr_pin_below(type))
hull() {
cube([w, w, l - 2 * chamfer], center = true);
cube([w - chamfer, w - chamfer, l], center = true);
module pin_header(type, cols = 1, rows = 1, smt = false, right_angle = false, cutout = false, colour) { //! Draw pin header
pitch = hdr_pitch(type);
base_colour = colour ? colour : hdr_base_colour(type);
h = pitch;
ra_offset = 2.4;
width = pitch * rows;
dogbone_rectangle([cols * pitch + 2 * panel_clearance, rows * pitch + 2 * panel_clearance, 100], center = false);
else {
vitamin(str("pin_header(", type[0], ", ", cols, ", ", rows,
arg(smt, false, "smt"), arg(right_angle, false, "right_angle"), "): Pin header ", cols, " x ", rows, right_angle ? " right_angle" : ""));
translate_z(smt ? 3.5 - h : 0) {
for(x = [0 : cols - 1], y = [0 : rows - 1]) {
// Vertical part of the pin
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2)])
pin(type, hdr_pin_below(type) + (y + 0.5) * pitch);
if(right_angle) {
w = hdr_pin_width(type);
// Horizontal part of the pin
rotate([-90, 0, 180])
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), -pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2) - width / 2, hdr_pin_below(type) - (y - (rows - 1) / 2) * pitch])
pin(type, hdr_pin_length(type) - hdr_pin_below(type) + ra_offset + pitch / 2 + (y - 0.5) * pitch);
// corner
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2) - w / 2, pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2) + width / 2 - w / 2])
rotate([0, -90, 0])
rotate_extrude(angle = 90, $fn = 32)
translate([0, -w / 2])
// Insulator
translate([0, right_angle ? -ra_offset - (rows - 1) * pitch / 2 : 0, right_angle ? width / 2 : 0])
rotate([right_angle ? 90 : 0, 0, 0])
for(x = [0 : cols - 1], y = [0 : rows - 1])
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2), pitch / 2])
hull() {
chamfer = pitch / 4;
square([pitch + eps, pitch - chamfer], center = true);
square([pitch - chamfer, pitch + eps], center = true);
module box_header(type, cols = 1, rows = 1, smt = false, cutout = false) { //! Draw box header
pitch = hdr_pitch(type);
w = cols * pitch + 7.62;
l = rows * pitch + 3.52;
h = 8.7;
base = h - 6.4;
dogbone_rectangle([cols * pitch + 2 * panel_clearance, rows * pitch + 2 * panel_clearance, 100], center = false);
else {
vitamin(str("box_header(", type[0], ", ", cols, ", ", rows, arg(smt, false, "smt"), "): Box header ", cols, " x ", rows));
translate_z(smt ? 3.5 - h : 0) {
for(x = [0 : cols - 1], y = [0 : rows - 1])
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2), 0])
pin(type, hdr_pin_length(type) - pitch + base);
color(hdr_base_colour(type)) {
square([w, l], center = true);
difference() {
square([w, l], center = true);
square([w - 2.4, l - 2.4], center = true);
translate([0, -l / 2])
square([4.5, 4.5], center = true);
module idc_transition(type, cols = 5, skip = [], cutout = false) { //! Draw IDC transition header
rows = 2;
pitch = hdr_pitch(type);
height = 7.4;
width = 6;
length = cols * pitch + 5.08;
else {
vitamin(str("idc_transition(", type[0], ", ", cols, "): IDC transition header ", cols, " x ", rows));
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(width, center = true, convexity = cols * rows)
difference() {
translate([0, height / 2])
square([length, height], center = true);
for(i = [0 : cols * rows - 1])
translate([pitch / 2 * (i - (cols * rows - 1) / 2), height / 2])
circle(d = pitch / 2 + eps);
slot = pitch / 3;
translate([0, height / 2 - pitch / 4 + slot / 2])
square([cols * pitch, slot], center = true);
for(x = [0 : cols - 1], y = [0 : rows -1])
if(!in(skip, x))
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2), 0])
pin(type, 5);
module pin_socket(type, cols = 1, rows = 1, right_angle = false, height = 0, smt = false, cutout = false, colour) { //! Draw pin socket
pitch = hdr_pitch(type);
length = pitch * cols + 0.5;
width = pitch * rows - 0.08;
depth = height ? height : hdr_socket_depth(type);
base_colour = colour ? colour : hdr_base_colour(type);
ra_offset = 1.5;
else {
vitamin(str("pin_socket(", type[0], ", ", cols, ", ", rows, arg(right_angle, false, "right_angle"), arg(height, 0, "height"), arg(smt, false, "smt"),
"): Pin socket ", cols, " x ", rows, right_angle ? " right_angle" : ""));
translate([0, right_angle ? -ra_offset - (rows - 1) * pitch / 2 : 0, right_angle ? width / 2 : 0])
rotate([right_angle ? 90 : 0, 0, 0])
translate_z(depth / 2)
linear_extrude(depth, center = true)
difference() {
square([length, width], center = true);
for(x = [0 : cols - 1], y = [0 : rows -1])
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2)])
square(hdr_pin_width(type), center = true);
for(x = [0 : cols - 1], y = [0 : rows -1]) {
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2), 0])
pin(type, hdr_pin_below(type) + (y + 0.5) * pitch);
if(right_angle) {
rotate([-90, 0, 180])
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), -pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2) - width / 2, hdr_pin_below(type) - (y - (rows - 1) / 2) * pitch])
pin(type, hdr_pin_below(type) + (y - 0.5) * pitch);
w = hdr_pin_width(type);
translate([pitch * (x - (cols - 1) / 2), pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2) - w / 2, pitch * (y - (rows - 1) / 2) + width / 2 - w / 2])
rotate([0, -90, 0])
rotate_extrude(angle = 90, $fn = 32)
translate([0, -w / 2])
module jst_xh_header(type, pin_count, right_angle = false, colour = false, pin_colour = false) { //! Draw JST XH connector
colour = colour ? colour : hdr_base_colour(type);
pin_colour = pin_colour ? pin_colour : hdr_pin_colour(type);
sizeY = 5.75;
pitch = hdr_pitch(type);
module jst_xh_socket(type, pin_count) {
socketSizeZ = hdr_socket_depth(type);
pinOffsetX = 2.45;
sizeY = 5.75;
wallThickness = 0.8;
size = [pinOffsetX * 2 + (pin_count - 1) * pitch, sizeY, socketSizeZ];
translate([-size[0] / 2, -size[1] / 2, 0]) {
// the base
cube([size[0], size[1], wallThickness]);
// the three full sides
translate([0, size[1] - wallThickness, 0])
cube([size[0], wallThickness, size[2]]);
cube([wallThickness, size[1], size[2]]);
translate([size[0] - wallThickness, 0, 0])
cube([wallThickness, size[1], size[2]]);
// the sides with cutouts
cube([size[0], wallThickness, 2]);
cutoutWidth = 1;
cutoutOffset = pinOffsetX - cutoutWidth / 2;
cube([cutoutOffset, wallThickness, size[2]]);
translate([size[0] - cutoutOffset, 0, 0])
cube([cutoutOffset, wallThickness, size[2]]);
cube([cutoutOffset, wallThickness, size[2]]);
translate([size[0]-cutoutOffset, 0, 0])
cube([cutoutOffset, wallThickness, size[2]]);
translate([cutoutOffset + cutoutWidth, 0, 0])
cube([size[0] - 2 * (cutoutWidth + cutoutOffset), wallThickness, size[2]]);
} // end module
translate([0, -1, sizeY / 2])
rotate([-90, 0, 180])
jst_xh_socket(type, pin_count);
jst_xh_socket(type, pin_count);
for(x = [0 : pin_count - 1]) {
pinWidth = hdr_pin_width(type);
verticalPinLength = right_angle ? hdr_pin_below(type) + sizeY / 2 : hdr_pin_length(type);
translate([pitch * (x - (pin_count - 1) / 2), 0, 0]) {
pin(type, verticalPinLength);
if(right_angle) {
translate([0, -pinWidth / 2, sizeY / 2 - pinWidth / 2])
rotate([0, -90, 0])
rotate_extrude(angle = 90, $fn = 32)
translate([0, -pinWidth / 2])
translate([0, -sizeY / 2 - 3 * pinWidth / 4, sizeY / 2])
pin(type, hdr_pin_length(type) - hdr_pin_below(type));