mirror of https://github.com/nophead/NopSCADlib.git synced 2025-02-19 23:55:05 +01:00
Chris 74293b6c22 Added axial diodes, radial transistors, discs and modules.
Verboard and perboard components get solder menisci added automatically.
Radial leads now made by bezier curves rather than straights and arcs.
2023-07-28 10:39:07 +01:00

211 lines
8.5 KiB

// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2020
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
include <../core.scad>
include <../vitamins/microswitches.scad>
include <../vitamins/d_connectors.scad>
include <../vitamins/leds.scad>
include <../vitamins/axials.scad>
include <../vitamins/radials.scad>
include <../vitamins/smds.scad>
include <../vitamins/7_segments.scad>
include <../vitamins/potentiometers.scad>
use <../vitamins/pcb.scad>
gt_5x17 = ["gt_5x17", 5, 10, 17, 5, 11, 0.4, 9, 2,1.5, 1, 3, 6, 0.5, 0, 0, 0];
gt_5x11 = ["gt_5x11", 5, 8, 11, 5, 7, 0.4, 7, 1.5,1.5, 1,2.5, 6, 0.5, 0, 0, 0];
TMC2130HeatSinkColor = "DeepSkyBlue";
TMC2130 = ["TMC2130", "TMC2130",
20, 14, 1.6, 0, 3, 0, "white", false, [],
[ 10, 1, 0, "-2p54header", 8, 1 ,undef, "blue" ],
[ 10, 13, 0, "-2p54header", 8, 1],
[ 12, 7, 0, "-chip", 6, 4, 1, grey(20) ],
// mock up a heat sink
[ 10, 7, 0, "block", 9, 9, 2, TMC2130HeatSinkColor ],
[ 10, 11, 0, "block", 9, 1, 11, TMC2130HeatSinkColor ],
[ 10, 9, 0, "block", 9, 1, 11, TMC2130HeatSinkColor ],
[ 10, 7, 0, "block", 9, 1, 11, TMC2130HeatSinkColor ],
[ 10, 5, 0, "block", 9, 1, 11, TMC2130HeatSinkColor ],
[ 10, 3, 0, "block", 9, 1, 11, TMC2130HeatSinkColor ],
test_pcb = ["test_pcb", "Test PCB",
100, 250, 1.6, // length, width, thickness
3, // Corner radius
2.75, // Mounting hole diameter
5.5, // Pad around mounting hole
"green",// Color
true, // True if the parts should be separate BOM items
// hole offsets
[ [3, 3], [3, -3], [-3, 3], [-3, -3] ],
// components
[ 20, -5, 180, "trimpot10"],
[ 20, -15, 90, "trimpot10", true],
[ 19, 2, 90, "smd_led", LED1206, "blue"],
[ 16, 2, 90, "smd_led", LED0805, "red"],
[ 13, 2, 90, "smd_led", LED0603, "orange"],
[ 10, 2, -90, "smd_res", L2012C, "1u"],
[ 19, 6, -90, "smd_res", RES1206, "1M"],
[ 16, 6, -90, "smd_res", RES0805, "1K"],
[ 13, 6, -90, "smd_res", RES0603, "100"],
[ 10, 6, -90, "smd_res", RES0502, "10"],
[ 7, 6, -90, "smd_res", RES0402, "1"],
[ 19, 10, 90, "smd_cap", CAP1206, 1.5, "1uF"],
[ 16, 10, 90, "smd_cap", CAP0805, 1.0, "100nF"],
[ 13, 10, 90, "smd_cap", CAP0603, 0.7, "10nF"],
[ 10, 10, 90, "smd_cap", CAP0502, 0.6, "10nF"],
[ 7, 10, 90, "smd_cap", CAP0402, 0.5, "10nF"],
[ 19, 16, -90, "smd_tant", TANT_C, "107C"],
[ 13, 16, -90, "smd_tant", TANT_B, "106A"],
[ 7, 16, -90, "smd_tant", TANT_A, "105e"],
[ 32, 3, -90, "smd_diode",DO214AC, "SS34"],
[ 26, 2, -90, "smd_pot", TC33X1, "10K"],
[ 26, 6, -90, "smd_coax",U_FL_R_SMT_1],
[ 26, 10, -90, "smd_sot", SOT23, "2N7000"],
[ 28, 16, -90, "smd_sot", SOT223, "LM117"],
[ 30, 30, -90, "smd_qfp", QFP50P1200X1200X160_64N, "ATSAM4S4BA"],
[ 45, 35, 0, "2p54header", 4, 1],
[ 60, 35, 0, "2p54header", 5, 1, false, "blue" ],
[ 60, 40, 180, "2p54header", 5, 1, false, undef, true],
[ 80, 33, 0, "2p54boxhdr", 4, 2],
[ 80, 40, 0, "2p54boxhdr", 4, 2, false, true, true],
[ 45, 30, 0, "2p54socket", 4, 1, false, 0, false, "red" ],
[ 60, 30, 0, "2p54socket", 6, 1],
[ 59, 60, 180, "led", LED3mm, "red"],
[ 66, 60, 180, "led", LED5mm, "orange"],
[ 77, 60, 180, "led", LED8mm, "blue"],
[ 90, 60, 180, "led", LED10mm, "yellow"],
[ 10, 35, 180, "rj45"],
[ 7, 50, 180, "usb_vAx1"],
[ 8, 65, 180, "usb_A"],
[ 8, 105, 180, "usb_Ax2"],
[ 7, 85, 180, "molex_usb_Ax1"],
[ 8.5,125, 180, "molex_usb_Ax2"],
[ 3, 138, 180, "usb_uA"],
[ 4.6,148, 180, "usb_miniA"],
[ 3.7,158, 180, "usb_C"],
[ 8, 170, 180, "usb_B"],
[ 6, 184, 180, "uSD", [12, 11.5, 1.4]],
[ 8, 196, 180, "jack"],
[ 6, 206, 180, "barrel_jack"],
[ 5, 220, 180, "hdmi"],
[ 3, 235, 180, "mini_hdmi"],
[ 38, 190, -90, "text", 25, 4, "Silkscreen", "Liberation Sans:style=Bold"],
[ 25, 200, 0, "buzzer", 4.5, 8.5],
[ 25, 218, 0, "buzzer"],
[ 45, 1, 0, "link", inch(0.4), 0.75, undef, undef, [1.5, "red"]], // Sleeved link
[ 45, 3, 0, "link", inch(0.4)], // Flat link
[ 45, 6, 0, "ax_diode", DO_41, "1N4007"],
[ 45, 10, 0, "ax_diode", DO_35, "1N4148"],
[ 45, 14, 0, "ax_res", res1_8, 1000],
[ 45, 18, 0, "ax_res", res1_4, 10000],
[ 45, 22, 0, "ax_res", res1_2, 100000],
[ 35, 22, 0, "vero_pin"],
[ 35, 17, 0, "vero_pin", true],
[ 35, 8, 180, "rd_transistor", TO92, "78L05", undef, undef, "Regulator"],
[ 35, 13, 180, "rd_transistor", E_LINE, "ZTX853"],
[ 35, 3, 0, "link", 0, 5], // Vertical wire
[ 60, 3, 0, "link", inch(0.2), inch(0.4)], // Raised link
[ 60, 6, 0, "ax_diode", DO_41, "1N4007", inch(0.1)],
[ 60, 10, 0, "ax_diode", DO_35, "1N4148", inch(0.1)],
[ 60, 14, 0, "ax_res", res1_8, 1000000, 1, inch(0.1)],
[ 60, 18, 0, "ax_res", res1_4, 100, 2, inch(0.1)],
[ 60, 22, 0, "ax_res", res1_2, 10, 10, inch(0.2)],
[ 33, 110, -90, "rd_xtal", HC49, "4MHz" ],
[ 28, 110, -90, "rd_xtal", HC49_4H, "10MHz" ],
[ 28, 102, -90, "rd_xtal", C_002RX, "60KHz", 3, inch(0.1) ],
[ 30, 130,-90, "rd_xtal", ACT1100, "40MHz", 0.5 ],
[ 30, 150,-90, "rd_xtal", ACT1700, "80MHz", 0.5 ],
[ 77, 15, -90, "flex"],
[ 95, 15, -90, "flat_flex"],
[ 87, 15, -90, "flat_flex", true],
[ 47, 55, 0, "molex_hdr", 2],
[ 51, 48, 0, "molex_hdr", 2, 1],
[ 51, 41, 0, "molex_hdr", 2, -1],
[ 45, 65, 0, "jst_xh", 2],
[ 54, 65, 0, "jst_ph", 2],
[ 61, 65, 0, "jst_zh", 2],
[ 50, 75, 180, "term254", 3],
[ 63, 75, 180, "term254", 3, undef, grey(20)],
[ 75, 75, 180, "gterm508",2, undef, "blue"],
[ 50, 90, 180, "gterm35", 4, [1,2]],
[ 63, 90, 180, "gterm35", 4, [1,2], "red"],
[ 75, 90, 180, "gterm", gt_5x11, 3],
[ 90, 90, 180, "gterm", gt_5x17, 3, [1], "red"],
[ 55, 110, 180, "gterm635", 2],
[ 75, 110, 180, "gterm635", 2, undef, "blue"],
[ 90, 110, 180, "gterm", gt_5x17, 2, undef, grey(20)],
[ 50, 130, 180, "term35", 4],
[ 70, 130, 180, "term35", 3, "lime"],
[ 50, 150, 0, "transition", 5],
[ 50, 160, 0, "block", 10, 5, 8, "orange"],
[ 45, 170, 0, "button_6mm"],
[ 55, 170, 0, "button_4p5mm"],
[ 50, 185, 0, "microswitch", small_microswitch],
[ 52, 200, 0, "pcb", 11, TMC2130 ],
[ 80, 210, 0, "pdip", 24, "27C32", true, inch(0.6) ],
[ 80, 180, 0, "pdip", 8, "NE555" ],
[ 71, 180, 0, "smd_inductor", IND2525, "4R7"],
[ 87, 166, -90, "smd_soic", SOIC18, "PIC18F88"],
[ 78, 166, -90, "smd_soic", SOIC14, "74HC00"],
[ 71, 166, -90, "smd_soic", SOIC16, "ICL323"],
[ 64, 166, -90, "smd_soic", SOIC8, "M34063"],
[ 70, 150, 0, "chip", 10, 5, 1, grey(20)],
[90, 140, -90, "relay", HF33F, "012-HSL-3F"],
[ 52, 206, 0, "2p54socket", 8, 1 ],
[ 52, 194, 0, "2p54socket", 8, 1, false, 0, false, "red" ],
[ 50, 220, 0, "standoff", 5, 4.5, 12.5, 2.54],
[ 50, 240, 0, "potentiometer"],
[ 75, 240, 0, "potentiometer", KY_040_encoder, 8],
[ 30, 85, -90, "7seg", WT5011BSR, 2],
[ 30, 55, -90, "D_plug", DCONN9],
// accessories
let($show_threads = true, $solder = pcb_solder(test_pcb))