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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Fixing block to mount two sheets at right angles using threaded inserts.
//! Defaults to M3 but other screw sizes can be specified provided they have inserts defined.
//! See [butt_box](#Butt_box) for an example of usage.
//! Note that the block with its inserts is defined as a sub assembly, but its fasteners get added to the parent assembly.
include <../core.scad>
include <../vitamins/screws.scad>
include <../vitamins/inserts.scad>
use <../utils/maths.scad>
def_screw = M3_cap_screw;
wall = 2.5;
function fixing_block_screw() = def_screw; //! Default screw type
function fixing_block_width(screw = def_screw) = 4 * wall + 3 * insert_outer_d(screw_insert(screw)); //! Width given screw size
function fixing_block_depth(screw = def_screw) = //! Depth given screw size
let(insert = screw_insert(screw))
max(insert_length(insert) + wall, insert_outer_d(insert) + 2 * wall);
function fixing_block_height(screw = def_screw) = fixing_block_depth(screw); //! Height given screw size, same as depth
function fixing_block_h_hole(screw = def_screw) = translate(fixing_block_depth(screw) / 2) * rotate([90, 0, 0]); //! Returns transform to position the horizontal screw
function fixing_block_v_holes(screw = def_screw) = //! Returns a list of transforms to position the vertical screws
let(pitch = 2 * insert_outer_d(screw_insert(screw)) + 2 * wall, offset = fixing_block_depth(screw) / 2)
[for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([end * pitch / 2, offset]) * rotate([180, 0, 0])];
function fixing_block_holes(screw) = concat([fixing_block_h_hole(screw)], fixing_block_v_holes(screw)); //! Returns a list of transforms to position all the screws
module fixing_block_h_hole(screw = def_screw) //! Position children on the horizontal hole
module fixing_block_v_holes(screw = def_screw) //! Position children on the vertical holes
for(p = fixing_block_v_holes(screw))
module fixing_block_holes(screw = def_screw) //! Position children on all the holes
for(p = fixing_block_holes(screw))
module fixing_block_h_hole_2D(screw = def_screw) //! Position 2D child on the horizontal hole
translate([0, fixing_block_depth(screw) / 2])
module fixing_block(screw = def_screw) { //! Generate the STL
stl(str("fixing_block_M", screw_radius(screw) * 20));
r = 1;
insert = screw_insert(screw);
corner_rad = insert_outer_d(insert) / 2 + wall;
fb_width = fixing_block_width(screw);
fb_height = fixing_block_height(screw);
fb_depth = fixing_block_depth(screw);
difference() {
union() {
linear_extrude(height = fb_height, convexity = 5)
difference() {
hull() {
for(side = [-1, 1]) {
translate([side * (fb_width / 2 - corner_rad), fb_depth - corner_rad])
translate([side * (fb_width / 2 - r), r])
insert_hole(insert, 10, true);
module fixing_block_assembly(screw = def_screw) pose([55, 180, 25], [0, 4.8, 4.8]) //! Printed part with the inserts inserted
assembly(str("fixing_block_M", 20 * screw_radius(screw))) {
rotate([0, 180, 0])
color(pp1_colour) render() fixing_block(screw);
insert = screw_insert(screw);
module fastened_fixing_block_assembly(thickness, screw = def_screw, screw2 = undef, thickness2 = undef) { //! Assembly with fasteners in place
module fb_screw(screw, thickness) {
washer = screw_washer(screw);
insert = screw_insert(screw);
screw_length = screw_longer_than(2 * washer_thickness(washer) + thickness + insert_length(insert));
screw_and_washer(screw, screw_length, true);
no_pose() fixing_block_assembly(screw);
fb_screw(screw, thickness2 ? thickness2 : thickness);
fb_screw(screw2 ? screw2 : screw, thickness);
module fixing_block_M20_stl() fixing_block(M2_cap_screw);
module fixing_block_M25_stl() fixing_block(M2p5_cap_screw);
module fixing_block_M30_stl() fixing_block(M3_cap_screw);
module fixing_block_M40_stl() fixing_block(M4_cap_screw);
//! 1. Lay the blocks out with the two larger holes facing upwards.
//! 1. Place two M2 inserts into the two vertical holes of each block and push them home with a soldering iron with a conical bit heated to 200&deg;C.
//! When removing the iron it helps to twist it a little anti-clockwise to release it from the thread.
//! 1. Lay the blocks on their backs and insert a third insert the same way.
module fixing_block_M20_assembly() fixing_block_assembly(M2_cap_screw);
//! 1. Lay the blocks out with the two larger holes facing upwards.
//! 1. Place two M2.5 inserts into the two vertical holes of each block and push them home with a soldering iron with a conical bit heated to 200&deg;C.
//! When removing the iron it helps to twist it a little anti-clockwise to release it from the thread.
//! 1. Lay the blocks on their backs and insert a third insert the same way.
module fixing_block_M25_assembly() fixing_block_assembly(M2p5_cap_screw);
//! 1. Lay the blocks out with the two larger holes facing upwards.
//! 1. Place two M3 inserts into the two vertical holes of each block and push them home with a soldering iron with a conical bit heated to 200&deg;C.
//! When removing the iron it helps to twist it a little anti-clockwise to release it from the thread.
//! 1. Lay the blocks on their backs and insert a third insert the same way.
module fixing_block_M30_assembly() fixing_block_assembly(M3_cap_screw);
//! 1. Lay the blocks out with the two larger holes facing upwards.
//! 1. Place two M4 inserts into the two vertical holes of each block and push them home with a soldering iron with a conical bit heated to 200&deg;C.
//! When removing the iron it helps to twist it a little anti-clockwise to release it from the thread.
//! 1. Lay the blocks on their backs and insert a third insert the same way.
module fixing_block_M40_assembly() fixing_block_assembly(M4_cap_screw);